Profesionālā maģistra studiju programma

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia
Department of Tertiary Education
Centre for evaluation of quality of tertiary education


Name of the Higher education institution – School of Business Administration Turiba

Legal address and telephone of the Higher education institution – Graudu iela 68, Riga, LV-1058, tel.: 67622551

Registration No. of the Higher education institution – 3343800213

Name of the study programme – Doctoral study programme “Communication Management”

Study programme code – 51321

Enrolment requirements – Academic or Professional Master’s degree in humanitarian or social sciences

Scope of the programme – 144 CP (216 ECTS)

Duration of the programme – 3.6 years

Form of studies – Full–time studies

Final examination Defence of doctoral thesis

Degree and professional qualification awarded – social science doctor (Dr. sc. soc.) in communication science

Place of implementation of the programmeSchool of Business Administration Turiba, Graudu iela 68, Riga, Latvia

Person authorized for completing accreditation formalities – Assoc. Prof. Ainārs Dimants, Director of the study programme

A. Dimants (signature)

Resolution of the Senate of School of Business Administration Turiba (28.03.2007) on approval of the study programme

Study programme under accreditation

Copy of licence (issued on 05.06.2007) for the School of Business Administration Turiba’s doctoral study programme “Communication Management” (51321)

Resolution of the Senate of School of Business Administration Turiba (29.04.2009) on approval of the self-evaluation report on the study programme and the person authorized for accreditation of the study programme

Self-evaluation report on the study programme

Approved by

School of Business Administration Turiba

Sitting of the Senate 29.04.2009,

Minutes No. 4

School of Business Administration Turiba

Faculty of Public Relations
Self-evaluation report
Doctoral study programme "Communication Management"
Academic year 2008/2009

Director of the programme

Ainārs Dimants, Assoc. Prof., Dr. phil.



1.1. Study programme goals and tasks 10

1.2. Study programme tasks: 10

1.3. Enrolment requirements 11

1.4. Study programme content (mandatory and elective part) 11

1.5. Study programme organisation, study programme plan compliance to structural unit’s goals and tasks 12


1.6. Forms of Study 13

1.7. Evaluation system 13

1.8. Examination forms and procedure 14

1.9. Form of examinations 16

1.10. Quality management 16


1.11. Scientific activity and research work of academic personnel 23


1.12. Structural units involved in the implementation of the programme 35

1.13. Support personnel involved in the implementation of the programme 35

1.14. Financial condition 36

1.15. Material technical base 37

1.16. Library 38



1.17. Strengths: 43

1.18. Weaknesses: 44

1.19. Opportunities: 44

1.20. Threats: 45

1.21. Development tasks: 45

List of literature 65

Content of the study course 73

1.23. SĒRIJA D 101

1.24. nR.<0000> 101

Jānis Bērziņš 102

School of Business Administration Turība 108

68 Graudu str., Rīga, Latvia, LV-1058 108

1.25. Transcript 109

Meaning 109


School’s of Business Administration Turiba (SBAT) Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" concepts arise as answers to the questions on which kind of doctoral studies best correspond to SBAT and in particular the Faculty of Public Relations, where programmes are implemented to meet the profile and strategy, potentials, academic research needs, labour market demands, scientific field and education classification.

The core content of SBAT, Faculty of Public Relations implemented Bachelor's programme and Postgraduate Programme in PR (for the respective professional qualifications of PR managers and Head of PR Structural Unit) that are accredited for a maximum term (six years) is mutual integration of PR/communication and management, where communication is understood as a key management function, the role and significance of which is growing in modern-day business and society and consequently needs to integrated in all organisations and societies at all levels. Unfortunately the opposite is true in practice to a great extent – there is a structural detachment that leads to disfunctionality between management and communication and in academic research to artificial restrictions that hinder the introduction of novelty i.e. new research horizons in practice. It is no wonder that in international practice Postgraduate Programmes in Communication Management exist in prestigious establishments such as Munich Technical University Germany), and Baltic Film and Media School, Tallinn (Estonia).

The main innovative profile and basic idea of Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" is to implement a productive interdisciplinary approach and combine Communication Science studies, first of all with Management Science studies. This approach has been highly evaluated by independent experts proven by the written references received during the design stage of the programme from Dzintris Kolāts, executive director of Latvian Association of Press Publishers, Dr. phil. Aija Priedīte, director of State Agency for Latvian language learning, Georgij Počepcov, Professor in Communication Science, Head of Marketing Department of International Solomon University (Ukraine, Kiev) and Andris Straumanis, lecturer at Department of Journalism of the University of Wisconsin – River Falls, USA.

The employment opportunities for alumni of the programme have been highly evaluated and the accreditation of the programme has been strongly supported in written references from Latvian Association of PR Professionals, Latvian Advertising Association, Oskars Zīds, Rector of University of Liepaja, and Dace Jamonte, Chairperson of regional radio station Kurzemes Radio.

Doctoral study programmes in Communication Science worldwide have an interdisciplinary approach especially in connection with social sciences integrating sociology, economics psychology, political science and law in the programmes. SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" is focused or narrowly specialised in Management Science at the same time basic emphasis is on Communication Science which carries 50% of the total credit points awarded in the study programme for study courses as well as the design of doctoral thesis in Communication Science

Consequently, a wide and in-depth acquisition of basic knowledge in Communication Science is achieved in accordance to the Latvian Science Council approved Scientific degree standards, i.e. Sociology or Social science PhD. (Dr. sc. soc.) in Communication Science with significant acquisition of knowledge in the relative field of Management Science, which make the programme different and distinct in Latvia as the Doctoral study programme "Communication Science" implemented by the University of Latvia has a comparatively larger emphasis on library sciences.

Communication Science consists of two sub branches in the list of Latvian Science branches and sub branches approved by the Latvian Science Council: library science and mass communication theory. Annotation: “Mass Communication Theory is a branch of science that researches problems of formation, transmission and perception of content in different mass communication forms (journalism, advertising, relations with the society etc.).” On the other hand business administration, social management, education management are sub branches of Management Science according to the list. In accordance to the Ministry of Education and Science approved classification of education: 321 – journalism and communication, which is under 32 – information and communication science, 345 – management and administration, which is under 34 – commerce and administration, both however are listed under 3 – social sciences, commerce and law.

It is to be stressed that this situation in fact does not just reflect a formal problem. The most important problem is that Communication Science and Management Science are not sufficiently mutually integrated in present doctoral study programmes, although demand for such integration is dictated by commerce and consequently economic development trends worldwide. On the one hand Communication Managers clearly understand that success in business and economic issues in communication is not possible without profound in depth knowledge of commercial activity and economics. On the other hand other executives increasingly understand that successful organisational management is not possible without professional internal and external communication. Therefore, an interdisciplinary approach has to be implemented not just in multilevel studies but also in the research field, which is undoubtedly the task of a doctoral student.

Therefore, the programme is based on agreements (as of 5th March 2007) of cooperation with Riga Stradins University (refer appendix) on the implementation of the programme. This cooperation foresees the involvement of academic personnel of the PhD level in Communication Science in Latvia, apart from those involved in the University of Latvia doctoral study programme, and also foresees the formation of a joint promotional (doctoral theses) council. The confirmation of the existing and planned cooperation by the Vice Rector for Research of Riga Stradins University Iveta Ozolanta can be seen in the appendix. The programme inbvolves also internationally recognised doctors and professors from Finland and Switzerland in the field of Communication Science, taking into consideration the lack of Communication Science doctors in Latvia, both as full time as well as part time staff.

In order to strengthen the academic capacity of the study programme Dr. Jaakko Lehtonen (refer SBAT Personnel department report in the appendix), Professor emeritus in Organisational Communication and Public Relations from University of Jyväskylä (Finland), has been elected as Communication Theory Professor at the department of Communication Science of SBAT alongside the director of the programme, Associate Professor in Mass Communication Theory, Ainārs Dimants. Dr. Jaakko Lehtonen will give the programme all his experience in developing and organising the Doctoral study programme in Communication Science at his previous university and he has also been elected as a member of programme council in accordance to SBAT doctoral study regulations (together with programme director Ainārs Dimants and Dean of the Faculty of Public Relations Andris Pētersons).

The programme academic staff consists of an ever increasingly proportion of academic personnel elected at SBAT and thereby reflects the academic progress of the institution. The study course “Strategic Issues Management and Communication Management Models” designed and started by visiting professor Gundar J. King (Gundars Ķeniņš-Kings) shall be taught by assistant professors from SBAT Ieva Kalve and Andris Pētersons during the second year of implementation of this doctoral studies programme. On the other hand the study course “Foreign Languages” shall be taught by assistant professor Dr. Ineta Luka who was recently awarded her doctoral degree and therefore all the academic personnel involved in the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" have a doctoral degree (refer Table 2).

7 students were enrolled in the first year of studies in the academic year (2007/2008) out of which 4 have without sabbaticals gone on to the second year of studies. In the second academic year 2008/2009 3 students altogether were enrolled during intakes in both semesters. The total number of students in the programme is 10. The average mark of students for both study years is – 8.5.

The doctoral theses topics and scientific advisors for the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" (approved by Department of Communication Science sitting on 09.01.2008, 15.01.2008, 17.09.2008 and 14.04.2009.):
Lelde Caune – “Communication models in Latvian enterprises and their relation to work effectivity” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. sc. inf. Sergejs Kruks)
Renāte Cāne – “Tramsformation of communicative functions of Latvian cinema” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. phil. Ainārs Dimants)
Jolanta Derkevica-Pilskunga – “Juridical aspects in the communication on the Latvian organizations risk and crisis processes” (scientific advisor: Prof., Dr. phil. Jaakko Lehtonen)
Indra Kaniņa-Šlitke – “Communication as a state administration instrument in EU member state convergence processes” (scientific advisor: Prof., Dr. sc. soc. Brigita Zepa)
Dace Mence – “Corporate citizenship in Latvia – marketing communication instrument or participation of the enterprise in citizenship development” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. phil. Ivars Bērziņš)
Kārlis Miezis – “Effectiveness of social marketing communication in Latvia” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. art. Deniss Hanovs)
Inga Pūre – “Public Relations as a higher education institution’s competitiveness factor in Latvia” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. oec. Jānis Ēriks Niedrītis)
Valdis Tilgalis – “Consumer approved interactive advertising messages” (scientific advisor: Prof., Dr. phil. Jaakko Lehtonen)
As mentioned the SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" is compared to University of Latvia Doctoral study programme "Communication Science" and the Doctoral study programme of the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), in particular, in the branch of Organisational Communication and Public Relations. The director of the programme, Dr. Ainārs Dimants, while on a Fulbright scholarship visit to the University of Georgia, USA during the 1st semester of the academic year 2008/2009 studied the doctoral study programme in mass communication of the university, in particular, in the branch of Public Relations, and the widely known Annual Surveys of Doctoral Programs in Communications on all US doctoral study programmes in Communication Science, done by the University of Georgia.

The SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" has been compared in depth with Doctoral study programme in Communication Science of the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano (Switzerland), and Doctoral study programme in Mass Communication of Indiana University – Bloomington (USA) and Doctoral study programme in Media and Communication of the University of Tartu (Estonia), as they are higher education programmes similar in content implemented by leading communication study institutions of prestigious universities (refer Table 1).

Table 1. Comparison of study programmes of the same level implemented in other countries

Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano

Indiana University – Bloomington

University of Tartu


Communication Science

Mass Communication

Media and Communication

Degree awarded

PhD. in Communication Science (Dr. com. sc.)

Philosophy Doctor in Mass Communication

Philosophy Doctor in Media and Communications

Enrolment requirements

1) Master’s Degree in Communication Science or Communication Science related humanitarian, economic, social or technical branch;

2) Italian and English language proficiency;

3) Must submit doctoral thesis topic and written consent of scientific advisor

1) Master’s Degree from an accredited institution;

2) Excellent marks in core subjects;

3) High Scores in Graduate Record Examination General Test (not earlier than 5 years)

1) Master’s Degree in Journalism or other related social or humanitarian sciences

2) Estonian and English Language proficiency

Programme goals

1) educate highly competent researchers in different Communication Science fields;

2) provide valuable education also to communication practitioners who do not wish to pursue a academic career;

3) programme core is doctoral thesis in compliance with internationally recognised academic research standards

1) provide strong basics for teaching and academic career;

2) implement interdisciplinary studies;

3) study the Foundation Core in media studies, communication theory, teaching and research methodology

Form and Duration of studies

Full time studies – usually 3 years but it is possible to finish studies earlier or later

Full time studies – no definite study duration

Full-time studies – usually 4 years

Credit Points acquired

1) not defined;

2) knowledge in Communication Science basics can be extended in master level courses or individual courses during the first study year according to the scientific advisor’s recommendations

90 US credit points out of which 30 CP can be transferred from post graduate programmes

160 CP (240 ECTS)

Individual Research and Doctoral theses

1) application for individual scientific research theme drafted during the first year of studies;

2) doctoral study courses for research and oriented towards research plan design are obligatory;

3) the last year of studies is fully dedicated to the doctoral thesis

1) doctoral thesis is not more than 15 CP;

2) oral final exam mainly defence of the dissertation;

3) obligatory to study 5 mass communication methods and scientific research methodology courses (15 CP)

Doctoral thesis 120 CP (180 ECTS)

Acquisition of pedagogical skills

Not foreseen

Obligatory to undergo study courses on Mass Communication teaching at college level (3 CP)

Pedagogical practice in lower level higher education Communication Study programmes may give 8 CP (12 ECTS)

Comparison of study courses with SBAT

1) similar proportion of obligatory research preparatory courses and doctoral thesis in the programme that includes regular and obligatory theoretical seminars with scientific advisor and participation of management in discussing advising and supervising the doctoral thesis;

2) similar stress on interdisciplinary studies and development of different Communication Science branches;

3) Difference is the absence of Communication Science and Management Science basic courses in the obligatory part

1) similar study courses that are similar in content both in the mandatory part (communication research and teaching), as well as elective part (communication and culture; media rights; political communication; media professionalism etc.);

2) similar stress on interdisciplinary studies and development of different Communication Science branches related to business, sociology, psychology, law, international relations etc.;

3) Difference is that programme focuses, in particular, in the elective part on different mass media communication aspects (media ethics, media history etc.), and not on public relations as a management function

1) similar proportion of mandatory and elective courses in the programme;

2) similar proportion and scope of obligatory Communication Science and research methodology (8 CP) courses and doctoral thesis in the programme, that includes obligatory and regular attendance of theoretical seminars

(together with exam 14 CP);

3) similar orientation towards interdisciplinary social scientific research and participation in implementation of lower level Communication Science programmes;

4) Difference is larger sociological and media proportion in the programme content compared to Management Science and public relations in SBAT programme

Distribution of study courses in blocks

1) expansion of basic knowledge in the first year in Communication Science and drafting of application for individual scientific research theme;

2) Parallel obligatory preparatory courses in research and design of individual research work;

3) compilation of doctoral thesis during the third year

1) mandatory part (18 – 24 CP);

2) restricted elective part (focus on 2 study disciplines, 21 – 27 CP each);

3) elective part (12 CP)

1) obligatory lectures and seminars (12 CP);

2) elective courses (10 CP)

Analysing SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" and Doctoral study programme in Communication Science of the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano (Switzerland) it can be concluded that in accordance to continental European traditions, e.g. German university traditions, Lugano university’s programme is fully orientated towards qualitative individual doctoral thesis as the final result of doctoral studies. For example no acquisition of pedagogical skills are foreseen and Communication Science basic courses are not included in the mandatory part and are to be mastered at the master’s level and the scope of the programme in credit points is not clearly defined. However the interdisciplinary approach of both programmes, its duration, goal of providing valuable education also to Communication practitioners who do not wish to pursue academic careers, requirements for doctoral students to prepare and carry out research work incl. knowledge of English as well as forms of control and management, in particular, regular attendance of theoretical seminars with the participation of scientific advisor and programme management is very similar.

Analysing SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" and Doctoral study programme in “Mass Communication” of Indiana University – Bloomington (USA) it can be concluded that in accordance to American university traditions the drafting of doctoral thesis plays a relatively small role and greater emphasis is laid on the acquisition of research methodologies and different forms of study control for example qualification exams before the defence of the doctoral thesis (similar to promotion examination). However, the distribution of the study courses in the programme in the mandatory and elective part and the orientation towards interdisciplinary studies, which in case of Indiana University is towards journalism and not towards public relations and related fields as their programme is specially designed for acquisition of mass communication, pedagogical skills and languages, is considerably similar.

Analysing SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" and Doctoral study programme in “Media and Communication” of the University of Tartu (Estonia), it can be concluded that this programme in terms of structure and duration is the most similar among all those reviewed. Both are similar in the amount of credit acquired for compilation of doctoral thesis and both are orientated towards interdisciplinary approach with acquisition of social science research and pedagogical skills. The precondition of English as a second language is also common. However SBAT has allocated twice the amount of credit points for study courses, which makes it similar to American doctoral studies model towards which most of continental European universities are orienting nowadays. There is also a difference that along with doctoral theoretical seminars, the University of Tartu has doctoral exam as a form of control before the defence of doctoral thesis. The programme is oriented more towards the acquisition of sociology as well as media because the programme is mainly in media and communication. BAT programme in contrast has additional focus or specialisation in Management Science and such study courses are included in the mandatory part as well as offered in the wide choice of elective study courses.


  1. The SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" is in accordance with internationally and Latvian recognised scientific branches and education classification. At the same time it is an innovative Communication Science study programme that with its Management Science specialisation corresponds to the understanding of public relations/communication as a management function and with its strong academic potential can attain a distinct profile in the research field and labour market.

  2. Comparing SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" with similar programmes in Latvian, European, European Union and US universities it can be concluded that the scope and method of implementation of the programmes are similar. Therefore SBAT programme provides equal education and research level compared to Latvian, European, European Union and US universities.

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