Proposal for dbt builder programme

A. Proposed Interdisciplinary research groups in emerging areas of life sciences (not exceeding 3)

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19. A. Proposed Interdisciplinary research groups in emerging areas of life sciences (not exceeding 3)


Research group in emerging area

Name group leader

Participating department(s) in each research group

Additional faculty positions proposed If any (pl. indicate No. level and scale)

Support fellowships Ph.D/M.Sc/ PDF (pl. indicate No. level and scale


Animal Cell/Tissue culture and Regenerative biology


Zoology, Biotechnology, Animal biotechnology, Bioinformatcs

Assistant Professor-1





Viral Diagnostics

Prof.D.V.R.Sai Gopal

Virology, Microbiology

Assistant Professor-1





Medicinal plants and Biodiversity


Botany, Zoology

Assistant Professor-1





Bioactive Molecules /Compounds


Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Pharmacy

Assistant Professor-1




Note : Scale per month- Assistant Professor- Rs.48,000/-, JRF-Rs.16,000+HRA, SRF-Rs. 18,000+HRA, Project Assistant-Rs.12,000/-







Assist. Prof. 26,000/- 6000/- band 4 persons











RA. 22,000/- 10% HRA

4 persons











SRF. 18,000/- 10% HRA

4 persons











JRF.16,000/- 10%HRA

4 persons











Technical asst.

8000/- consolidated

12 persons












12 MONTHS in Rs.







Asst.Prof. pay details with the following - average DA 17%, increment 3%, with academic pay band Rs. 6,000 first three years, Rs.7,000 for another two years.

Research Associate pay details with the following- Rs.22,000 with 10%HRA for two years and 23,000 with 10% HRA for other three years.

Senior Research Fellow pay details with the following- Rs.18,000 with 10%HRA for two years and Rs.20,000 with 10% HRA for other three years.

Junior Research Fellow pay details with the following –Rs.16,000 with 10% HRA for two years and Rs.18,000 with 10% HRA for other three years.

Assistant Professors: The following faculty are required to teach M.Sc., Stem cell biology course under interdescplinary approach.

Asst. Prof.1: Ph.D., in Zoology/Biotechnology/Animal biotechnology/Bio-informatics with research experience, related publications with impact factor. UGC/CSIR -NET/AP-SET qualified candidates are preferable. Basic PG qualification in the concerned subject is essential. Desirable qualifications in the related subjects.

Asst.Prof.2: Ph.D., in Virology/Microbiology with research experience, related publications with impact factor. UGC/CSIR -NET/AP-SET qualified candidates are preferable. Basic PG qualification in the concerned subject is essential. Desirable qualifications in the related subjects

Asst.Prof.3: Ph.D., in Botany/Zoology with research experience, related publications with impact factor. UGC/CSIR -NET/AP-SET qualified candidates are preferable. Basic PG qualification in the concerned subject is essential. Desirable qualifications in the related subjects

Asst.Prof.4: Ph.D., in Biochemistry/Bioinformatics/Pharmacy with research experience, related publications with impact factor. UGC/CSIR -NET/AP-SET qualified candidates are preferable. Basic PG qualification in the concerned subject is essential. Desirable qualifications in the related subjects


RA-1: Ph.D., in Zoology/Biotechnology/Animal Biotechnology, research experience in Animal cell culture/stem cells/cell lines maintenance/ molecular biology/ stem cell research /toxicology/neurobiology/genetics / Bioinformatics published work in indexed journals with impact factor is essential.

RA-2: Ph.D. in Virology/Microbiology/Veterinary Science Virology/microbiology/MD in Microbiology research experience in characterization, diagnostics of various viral diseases , cultivation of viruses in cell lines, purification of viruses/molecular virology published work in indexed journals with impact factor is essential.

RA-3: Ph.D., in Botany/Agricultural sciences/plant sciences/ with research experience in Phytomedicine, Biodiversity, Conservation, Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Molecular Plant Physiology, Applied Plant Pathology published work in indexed journals with impact factor is essential.

RA-4: Ph.D., in Biochemistry/Pharmacy/Immunology/Bioinformatics with research experience in Cancer Biology, Diabetes, Medicinal plants, Fermentation, Photosynthesis/ bioinformatics published work in indexed journals with impact factor is essential.


SRF-1: M.Sc., Zoology/Biotechnology/Animal biotechnology/Bioinformatics with first class with two years of research experience published work in indexed journals with impact factor will be preferable.

SRF-2: M.Sc., Virology/Microbiology with first class with two years of research experience published work in indexed journals with impact factor will be preferable.

SRF-3: M.Sc., Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Sciences/Life sciences with two years of research experience published work in indexed journals with impact factor will be preferable.

SRF-4: M.Sc., Biochemistry/M.Pharmacy/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics with two years of research experience published work in indexed journals with impact factor will be preferable


JRF-1: M.Sc., Zoology/Biotechnology/Animal biotechnology/Bioinformatics with first class and UGC/CSIR/NET/SET qualified preferable.

JRF-2: M.Sc., Virology/Microbiology with first class and UGC/CSIR/NET/SET qualified preferable.

JRF-3: M.Sc., Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Sciences/Life Science with first class and UGC/ CSIR/ NET/SET qualified preferable.

JRF-4: M.Sc., Biochemistry/M.Pharmacy/Biotechnology with first class and UGC/CSIR/NET/SET qualified preferable.

B. Brief Bio-Data of each Research Group leaders along with his bio-data (in running text not exceeding 200 words):

Research group leaders:

Group 1. Prof.M.Bhaskar, Department of Zoology, SVUniversity, Tirupati.

Group 2. Prof.D.V.R.Sai Gopal, Department of Virology, SVUnivesity, Tirupati.

Group 3. Prof. N.Yasodamma, Department of Botany, SVUniversity, Tirupati.

Group 4. Prof.K.Thyagaraju, Department of Biochemistry, SVUniversity, Tirupati.

C. Brief technical programme of each Research Group in running text not exceeding 300 words) covering rationale, objectives, deliverables

Technical programme:

Group 1. Prof. M.Bhaskar, Department of Zoology, SVUniversity, Tirupati.

a. Rationale:

The department of Zoology has made its identity in the frontier areas of Life Sciences and now it has developed into a full-fledged centre of teaching and research in modern biology. This department is conducting work in the areas of bioactive molecules isolated from various medicinal plants and their role in diabetes and reproductive problems. This department is also working in the area of environmental biotechnology (toxicity) and aquaculture biotechnology (promote shell-fish culture). At present, research activities in the department of Zoology encompasses fundamental and applied research, including molecular modeling, gene manipulation, development of diagnostics and vaccines. Further, the department of Zoology started Animal Biotechnology course to promote research in toxicology and regenerative medicine focusing stem cells. Based on the significance research work conducted in department of Zoology and strong expertise available in basic (physiological aspects) and advanced (molecular aspects) research, the following objectives are selected and proposed in this programme.

b. Objectives:

1. To isolate and characterize the bioactive molecules in vitro from selected plant and animal sources and also to determine their functional efficacy using in silico strategies

2. To determine the functional aspects of characterized bioactive molecules using in vitro experiments such as antibiotic, antibacterial and anti-inflamatory tests and also to study the molecular aspects of bioactive candidates using gene expression strategies.

3. To develop strategies for the industrial production of characterized and functionally analyzed bioactive molecules

4. To develop stem cells from selected animal models and also to evaluate their role in normal and experimental conditions in vivo and in vitro.

5. To elucidate strategies that includes bioengineered scaffolds to grow new tissues from stem cells.
c. Deliverables:

The outcome of the above proposed objectives include twofold. Firstly, novel therapeutic candidates are isolated and characterized using high throughput screening strategies. The characterized bioactive molecules are further analyzed for their functional efficacy using antibacterial, antibiotic and anti-inflamatory properties. Finally, strategies developed to produce characterized and functionally analyzed therapeutic candidate at large scale industrially might be used to treat human health problems. The outcome of second objective majorly focused on regenerative medicine. Stem cells are often produced from bone marrow and many ethical issues limited the stem cell production. Therefore, the objective(s) (4 and 5) proposed in the present program addresses this issue. The major goal of this objective is to develop stem cells from tissues of selected animal models. The isolated stem cells are therapeutically tested in normal and experimental conditions in vivo and in vitro to understand their regenerative efficacy. Finally, the proposed objectives lead to establish the absolute best animal models, using both small and large animal models of disease, for the testing of new stem cell-related therapies.
Group 2. Prof.D.V.R.Sai Gopal, Department of Virology, SVUnivesity, Tirupati.

a. Rationale:

The Virology Department was established in 1987, whis is offering PG and Ph.D., programmes in Virology. This is the first Department in the country offering M.Sc., Virology course with interdisciplinary approach (microbial, plant, animal and human viruses). The Department has made commendable progress through inter-departmental and inter-institutional collaboration at local, National and International levels. The Virology department is the first department is being offered the semester system in the university. This department has also intiated M.Sc., Biotechnology (1998), M.Sc., Microbiology (2000) and M.Sc., Industrial Microbiology (2010) courses. The main research activities of the Virology department are epidemiology, characterization and development of diagnostics for economically important microbial, plant, animal and human viruses. Strengthening of research in animal and human virology areas, studies on molecular Interactions of microorganisms, microbial production of secondary metabolites, anticancer studies, characterization of Cyanophages, enrichment of microbial biodiversity, etiology of unknown microbial diseases and integrated management of virus diseases of agricultural crops. Continuous efforts are on to obtain grants from external funding agencies like UGC, DBT, DST, DRDO, ICMR, CSIR etc.

b. Objectives:

  1. Development of low cost protein and nucleic-acid virus based diagnostics for detection of plant, animal and human viruses.

  2. Developing chimeric virus-like particle (VLP) based diagnostics for economically important animal and human viruses.

  3. Expressing virus proteins in heterologous systems like E.coli and yeast and their molecular characterization

  4. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of virus based nanomaterials encapsidation and improving their delivery using genetic engineering and bioconjugation technologies.

  5. In-vitro antiviral studies of various biomolecules (synthetic and non-synthetic) and nanomaterials of various types which are commercially important.

c. Deliverables:

The department is providing services to the society sucah are identification of diseased samples Viral diseases Plant, animals, Human, indexing of diseased samples thorough immune and molecular based diagnostics, repository of Polyclonal and recombinant antibodies of certain plant, animal and Human viruses to cater the needs of the scientist and extension community, testing of seeds and tissue culture raised plant for free of pathogens , culturing of animal and human viruses in cell cultures, assessment of Microbial population in the agricultural, Medical and Industrial. (Microbial Quality Control Programme), human resource development in the leading areas of Virology and Microbiology and studies on Antiviral properties of Natural, Organic and Synthetic compounds. The Virology department has involved in the deliverables related to the extension activities such as establishing virus diagnostic and microbial technology transfer centers, organization of training, refresher courses and awareness programmes, participation in public health educational programmes HIV/AIDS, Chikungunya, Dengue, Japanese encephalitis, pulse polio, to develop University, Community and Industry linkages, the established technology will be transfer from lab to community and industry. The future plans of the Virlogy department are to establish Viral Diagnostics Centre (VDC), to devlop networking research projects with national and international instiutes, linkage with Industries to commercialize the research output from the department, development of virus resistance transgenic crops, commercialization of the virus free plants from the welfare of the farmers, make MOUs with national, international institutes and research centers and finally the resource mobilization through consultancy, self-finance programmes etc.,

Group 3. Prof. N.Yasodamma, Department of Botany, SVUniversity, Tirupati.

a. Rationale:

Phytomedicine: The department of Botany is now focusing mainly on the screening of herbal medicines through pharmacognostical studies to prove their therapeutic efficiency in a systematic and scientific manner. Studies on the toxic effects of herbal drugs and their biological activities testing on animal models to prove the crude drug efficiency in support of herbal remedies. Development of herbal drug bioactive components/secondary metabolites through biotechnological methods (In-vitro) callus culture, hairy root culture methods and bioreactor applications. Isolation, characterization and identification of single bioactive compounds of herbal drugs through NMM, IR methods.

Taxonomy, Systematics and Conservation: Floristic studies, enumeration, documentation and distributional studies of various taxa along the Sri Venkateswara National Park (protected area) a rich biodiversity zone. Assessment of rare and endangered flora as per IUCN Red list categories along the Eastern Ghats. Studies on certain endemic and rare taxa both in-vivo and in-situ conservation methods. Data documentation on ethnomedicinal formulations of different ethnic groups along S.V. National Park and also in the districts of A.P., for the revitalization of traditional herbal medicine. Screening of medicinal plants for nano particles, (Silver) their synthesis, characterization studies and their pathogenic effects. Identification of wild relatives of crop species along Seshachalam Hill ranges in S.V National park area, Erramalai hills and Nallamalai hills of Eastern Ghats for the development of potential cultivar varieties. Studies on ecological parameters of certain rare species in relation to their distributional aspects to improve and conserve their habitat quality for conservation aspects.

Pathology and Microbiology: Studies on biopesticides and different Biofertilizers for effective pest management and high yields. Production of nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacterial biomass from the waste waters. Isolation and molecular characterization of indigenous endophytes exploitation for enhancing the protection of Botanical immuno modulators in the selected medicinal plants. Effect of α-radiation and accumulation of Immunomodulators and β- amylase synthase gene expression on endophytic and non endophytic fungi on the callus cultures of selected medicinal plants. Studies on the effect of endophytic fungi against Candida tropicularis.

Physiology: Studies on the effect of CaCl2 in moderate doses in the amelioration of the salinity stress on crop plants.
b. Objectives:

  1. Pharmacognostic studies of indigenous medicinal plants of Rayalaseema region, Antidiabetic and phytochemical studies of Syzygium alternifolium. Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of Phyllanthus species, phytochemistry and antimicrobial studies of Aeschynomene species, Macroptilium and Acacia caesia, Sebastian chamaelea, Pittosporum floribundum and Pterolobium hexapetalum on some medicinal plants. Phytochemistry and antimicrobial studies of some medicinal plants; phytochemical, anthelmintic and phenotypic variations of Drimia indica a bulbous medicinal plant.

  2. Studies on floristic enumeration of Ardhagiri Hills a sacred groove of Chittoor District, exploration of wild ornamental species of YSR Kadapa District, A.P. Studies on Floristic Diversity of S.V.Zoological Park, Grass flora of Rayalaseema Region.

  3. In-vivo conservation of Cycas beddomei an endangered gymnosperm of Seshachalam Hills. In-vivo conservation of Curcuma neilgherrensis wild relative of Curcuma longa cultivated spice crop from S.V. National Park. In-vitro propagation of some economically important ornamental species with simple household culture medium, medicinal plants like Dysophyllum myosaroides, Glochidon velutinum, Boswellia ovalifoliolata, Bacopa monnerei.

  4. Studies on heavy metals impact on seed germination of important pulses, rice, Arachis cultivars and on Pongamia pinnata; Effect of heavy metal pollutants on pollen germination; Effect of amended calcium chloride effect on Coriandrum sativum.

  5. Studies on reproduction biology of epiphyte Taxillus tomentosus and on Terminalia species, Rhynchosia beddomei, Shorea roxburghii, Thespesia papulnea, Plumbago zeylanica and Psoralea corollifolia. Studies on biogenesis of silver nano particles isolation, characterization of secondary metabolites from Svensonia hyderabadensis, Boswellia ovalifoliolata, Shorea roxburghii, Thespesia populnea, Plumbago zeylanica and Psoralea corollifolia.

  6. studies on Panama wilt on banana, phyllosphere fungal diseases on Arachis hypogeae in chittoor district, blast disease of rice, red rot disease of Sorghum; effect of aromatic and medicinal plant extracts on soil micro organisms.

c. Deliverables:

The objective of the research serves the purpose to mankind directly and indirectly by various means. Pharmacognostic studies of herbal drugs can be applicable in the drug industry of Ayurveda, siddha, Unani, homeopathy and other natural product drugs identification, check for adulteration and to know herbals the purity and quality of drugs. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical studies of medicinal plants are helpful in the identification of active bioconstituents of therapeutic value may be useful in the pharmaceutical industries for natural compound drug designing. Evaluation of biological activities of various herbal formulations, crude drug extracts, isolated secondary metabolites enlightens the action of drug on the site of action and their physiology leads for the identification of new drugs on the present day alarming chronic diseases like diarrhoea, hepatoprotective activity, arthritis, inflammations, neurological disorders, diabetes, diarrhoeal problems, skin diseases, ulcers etc.,

Data documentation on the floristic studies along the Eastern Ghats and on the sacred grooves and ethnomedicinal plants, herbal formulations is useful for the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable cultivation of threatened and endemic species for future generations. Conservation of in-situ and in-vivo conditions of threatened species, wild relatives of crops, and in-vitro development of protocols for the production of rare species. Conservation through artificial seeds (Cryopreservation) plays an important role in agriculture, pharmaceutical industry and biodiversity conservation.

Studies on plant pathology, pest management by biological pesticides, and crop management by Biofertilizers are an insight for the traditional agricultural practices. Studies on the role of endophytic fungi on medicinal plant and the role of microbial associates on different waste waters around Tirumala and Tirupati areas. Studies on the drought resistance amelioration methods in Arachis, pulses, and on rice crops is also an important research in the areas for farmer friendly suggestions.

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