Sylvie Ollitrault
CI 86- “ Humanitarian Aid and Women’s Rights: the case of Afghanistan ”. Third Pan-European International Relations Conference and Joint Meeting with the International Studies Association, Panel The politics of humanitarian aid, Vienne, 16-19 septembre 1998.
CI 87- “ Action Locale Ecologiste et Législation Européenne : La Pratique du “ Agir Localement, Penser Globalement ” Mobilisations Ecologistes et Contre-Mobilisations des chasseurs en France et en Grande Bretagne ” communication au colloque “ Action Collective et Intégration Européenne ”, Maison Française, Nuffield College Oxford, 30-31 octobre 1998.
CI 88- “ Edith Cresson, l’image brisée ”. Colloque Femmes d’images, images de femmes, Mouscron (Belgique), 5 décembre 1998.
CI 89- “ The WIDF/la FIDF, a new transnational Women’s Movement in a Globalization Context ”, in workshop : “ Women’s Movements and Internationalization : the “ Third Wave ” in the context of Democratic Institutions, ECPR-Joint Sessions Mannheim (Allemagne) 26-31 mars 1999.
CI 90- “ The Europeanisation of Repertoires of Political Action ”, The Transnationalisation of Social Movements : the example of the NGOs (environment, Human rights, Humanitarian), Séminaire “ Political Movement ”, dir : Chris Rootes, Department of sociology, Darwin College, Kent University, (Grande- Bretagne), 9 Février 2000.
CI 91- “ Les politiciens, victimes de la violence médiatique : désordre du privé et ordre public ”, communication au colloque “ La violence : représentations et ritualisation ”, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), 24-26 février 2000.
CI 92- “ NGOs and the transnationalisation of the Protests : New Forms of Collective Action ” séminaire “ International Relations ”, dir. Mervyn Frost, Rutherford College, Kent University, 1er mars 2000.
CI 93- “ Pro-hunting protests in France and Great Britain : a popular revolt against the call to ‘think globally’ ”, Communication aux 28th Joint Sessions de l’ECPR, Workshop 6, Copenhague, 14-19 avril 2000.
CI 94- “Give voice: the opinion campaigns of Humanitarian NGOs”, in SS 29/ Johanna Siméant, Wolf Dieter Eberwein, Sylvie Lemasson. “ International Humanitarian NGOs : Cross-pressures between interest advocacy and policy implementation / Les ONG humanitaires internationales : les tensions entre l’énoncé des intérêts et l’application des politiques ”, AISP/IPSAQuébec, 1-5 août 2000.
Romain Pasquier
CI 95- “From Identity to Collective Action. Building Political Capacity in French Regions ”, International Studies Association (ISA), 42nd Annual Convention, Chicago, 20-24 février 2001.
CI 96- “Decentralization and New Territorial Policies in France and Spain ”, Communication aux Joint Sessions de l’ECPR, Workshop 21 “ Local Autonomy and Local Democracy : Exploring the Link ”, Grenoble, 6-11 avril 2001.
CI 97- “ Europeanization and New Regional Coalitions. A Comparison France/Spain ”, XXII Conferenza Italian Di Scienze Regionali, Venise, 10-12 octobre 2001.
CI 98- “ Regionalist Mobilizations and Territorial Governance in France ”, Workshop on European Governance, 1st Meeting programme, Trento, 27-28 juin 2002.
Cécile Péchu
CI 99- “ African immigration in France and claims for housing ”. ECPR, Joint Sessions of Mannheim, Workshop 15, 27-31 mars 1999.
CI 100- “Urban Social Movements : History and Critique of a Concept”, Paper to be presented at the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Regional and Urban Development (RC #21), Conference “Social Inequality, Redistributive Justice and the City”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 15-17, 2001, Session 3, Urban Social Movements.
CI 101- “ Right to Housing Militant Generations (in France) and the Autonomization of a Militant Field ”, European Consortium for Political Research, 1ère Conférence, Panel 9/section 9, Canterbury, 6-9 septembre 2001.
Gilles Pinson
CI 102- “ Urban projects : a new economic regionalism. The case of Marseille ”, Communication aux Joint Sessions de l'European Consortium for political Research, Mannheim (All.), 26-31 mars 1999.
CI 103- “ Governare la governance. Piano strategico e ricostruzione di una capacità politica a Torino ”, Communication au colloque “ Dal government alla governance nella regolazione locale : quale forma di piano ? ”, Dipartimento di Analisi Economica e Sociale del Territorio Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, 25/26 settembre 2000.
CI 104- (avec Francesca Gelli), “Federalization Process, Participation and Democracy in Italy. The Examples of the Veneto Region Constitutional Chart and of the City of Turin New Urban Policies ”, Communication aux Joint Sessions de l’ECPR, Worshop 21 “ Local Autonomy and Local Democracy : Exploring the Link ”, Grenoble, 6-11 avril 2001.
Jean-François Polo
CI 105- “ From the French cultural exception to the European cultural exception : the construction of the French model of audiovisual policy ”, The Society for the Study of French History Sixteenth Annual Conference, Université de Newcastle, 4-6 avril 2002, 14 p.
CI 106- “ La politique audiovisuelle française au défi de la mondialisation ”, communication au 12ème colloque international de la Revue Politiques et Management Public sur “ L’action publique face à la mondialisation ”, Paris, ENA, 14-15 novembre 2002.
Hélène Reigner
CI 107- "The transformations of Local Government in France: Towards a Model of Co-administration between Local Authorities and State Field Services? ”. ECPR Joint Sessions of Worshops, Workshop 1: “ Politicians, Bureaucrats and Institutional Reform ”, Manheim, 26-31 mars 1999.
Gildas Renou
CI 108- “ ‘Social Movements’ or ‘Red Left’. Construction of a New Collective Actor in the French Political Space ”. Communication présentée aux 28th Joint Sessions de l’ECPR (European Consortium of Political Research), Workshop n°8 “ Alternative and Green Parties ”, Copenhague (Danemark), 14-19 avril 2000.
Jean-Luc Richard
CI 109- “ Sociological and Political History of Debatted Concepts in French Demographic Ethnic Studies : ‘French of Old Stade’ and ‘Assimilation’ ”. Communication à la European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, 12-15 avril 2000, Vrije Universiteit.
CI 110 - “ Des enquêtes par sondage aux estimations macro-sociales à partir de données individuelles. Quelques apports sur le corps électoral français à l’élection présidentielle de 1995 ”, communication au second colloque francophone sur les sondages, Bruxelles, 22-23 juin 2000.
CI 111- “ Towards a Common Conception of Immigrant People and ‘Ethnic Minorities’ ? ”, communication au second séminaire organisé par le CRAP(E) sur “ Les ‘minorités ethniques’ et l’Union européenne. Politiques publiques et identités ” (Programme CNRS “ L’identité européenne en question ”), Florence, Institut universitaire européen, 17 et 18 janvier 2002
Roselyne Ringoot
CI 112- “ L’information perpétuelle. Les constructions temporelles dans l’Internet local ”, communication au 70e Congrès de l’ACFAS, “ Pratiques novatrices en information. Stratégies des médias et identité professionnelle des journalistes ”, Université Laval (Québec), 13-17 mai 2002.
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