Quettaparma Quenyanna

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NAIL (noun) taxë (the kind of nail used to fasten something); NAIL (of the finger) nyelet, pl. nyelexiTAK, PE15:75


NAME (noun) essë (pl. essi is attested, but see below concerning #esser as a possible alternative pl. form. Note: the word essë was also used in the sense "person as a whole", body and soul.) AFTER-NAME epessë (i.e., "a nickname – mostly given as a title of admiration or honour"); MOTHER-NAME (OF INSIGHT) #amilessë (tercenya) (i.e. names given by Elvish mothers to their children, indicating some dominant feature of the nature of the child as perceived by its mother. Only pl amilessi tercenyë is attested.) NAME OF INSIGHT #essë tercenya (i.e., the same as "mother-name"; only pl essi tercenyë is attested); GIVEN (OR ADDED) NAME anessë (pl anessi is attested. This term includes both "after-names" and "mother-names".) NAME-MAKING Essecarmë (an Eldarin seremony in which the father of a child announces its name), NAME-CHOOSING Essecilmë (an Eldarin seremony in which a person chooses a name according to his or her personal lámatyávë or sound-taste); SELF-NAME #cilmessë (only pl. cilmessi is attested, said to mean more literally "names of personal choice": #cilmë "choice" + essi "names". PM:339 explains that "some among the exiles gave themselves names, as disguises or in reference to their own deeds and personal history: such names were called kilmessi 'self-names'.") PLACE NAME #nómessë (isolated from the gen. pl. form nómesseron, "of place-names", VT42:17. This word suggests that the plural of essë can be esser as well as essi). –ES/LotR:1157/MR:216, UT:266, MR:217, 214, VT42:17

NAME (verb) esta- –ES, VT45:12

NARRATIVE quenta (story, history) –KWET/VT39:16


NARROW náha, arca, lenwa (long and thin, straight) NARROW NECK yatta (isthmus); NARROW PATH axa; NARROW PROMONTORY nehtë (spear-head, gore, wedge. Note: a homophone means "honeycomb”) –PE17:166, AK, LT2:341, YAK, UT:282


NASTY úra (evil) (Note: a homophone means "large") –VT43:24

NATION nórë,nor (land, country, dwelling-place, native land, family) –LT1:272

NATIVE LAND nórë,nor (land, country, dwelling-place, nation, family) –LT1:272

NATURE ëa (universe). This term "was not held to include [illegible word: souls?] and spirits" –VT39:20

NAUSEA quámë (“q”) (sickness). NAUSEOUS, see SICK. –QL:76

NAZGÛL Úlairi (Ring-wraiths) (pl; sg #Úlairë?) –Silm:362, 417

NEAR har, harëLT1:253

NECESSITY #sangië (isolated from sangiessemman "in our necessities") –VT43:21, 44:8

NECK yat (yaht-); NARROW NECK yatta (isthmus) –YAK

NECKLACE firinga (carnanet) –LT2:346, GL:36

NECTAR míruvórë (mead, drink of the Valar) –Nam, RGEO:66, LT1:260

NEED (noun) maurëMBAW

NEIGHBOUR armaro, asambar, asambaro. The dual form attat is translated "2 fathers or neighbours" in one text. –VT48:20

NEPTUNE Nénar (or less probably Luinil; it is not known for certain which of the two is Neptune and which is Uranus) –Basic Quenya:24, Silm:55

NET natsë (web) –NAT

NEW vinya (cf. Vinyamar "New Dwelling", Vinyalondë "New Haven"), sinya, céva (fresh). NEW MOON ceuran-, NEW SUN AFTER SOLSTICE ceuranar. Early "Qenya" also has: NEW LIFE laito, laisi (vigour, youth) –Silm:425, UT:471, SIN, VT48:7, LT1:267

NEXT (adv.) entoArct (Note: "next" as adjective, as in "the next time", can be paraphrased as hilyala "following".)

NICKNAME ("mostly given as a title of admiration or honour") epessë (after-name) –UT:266

NIGHT lómë, ("Night, night-time, [shades of night]", in LT1:255 glossed "dusk, gloom, darkness"; according to SD:415, lómë has the stem-form lómi-), Fui, Hui ("Night" – but in LT1:253, hui is glossed "fog, dark, murk, night"), ("night, a night"), mórë (blackness, dark – obsoleting mori in LT1:260). In Valinorean usage, lómë "has no evil connotations; it is a word of peace and beauty and has none of the associations of fear and groping that, say, 'dark' has to us. For the evil sense I [sc. Tolkien's character Lowdham] do not know the [Quenya] word". For "night" in the "evil sense", mórë seems to be the best candidate. Yet lómë evidently developed darker connotations among the Exiles, for when crying auta i lómë "the night is passing" before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Noldor used the word metaphorically to refer to the rule of Morgoth. DOOR OF NIGHT, see DOOR. –DO3, PHUY, SD:306, Silm:229

NIGHTINGALE lómelindë (pl lómelindi is attested; Etym also has morilindë), tindómerel ("daughter of twilight", a kenning of or a poetic name for the nightingale; the Sindarin equivalent is tinúviel. Tolkien changed the meaning of the final element from "daughter" to "child", see SEL-D-.) –DO3, Silm:64, MOR, TIN/Silm:422, 438

NINE nertë (Tolkien abandoned the "Qenya" form olma, mentioned in LT1:258). For the syntax of numerals, see THREE. NINTH nertëa. For the use of nettë ("sister") to denote the ninth digit in children's play, see FOURTH FINGER. Fraction ONE NINTH neresta, nesta, nersat –NÉTER, VT48:6,

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