45 (10), 625-633
Melski, J.W., Caplan, L.R., Mohr, J.P., Geer, D.E. and Bleich, H.L. (1989), Modeling the Diagnosis of Stroke at 2 Hospitals. M D Computing, 6 (3), 157-163
[Anon]. (1985), Semt-Piel Stick Launches Long Stroke Pc Series. Marine Engineering Log, 90 (2), 43-&
[Anon]. (1985), Man-B and W Expands Its Mc 2 Stroke Range. Marine Engineering Log, 90 (4), 87-&
Lin, Z.P. and Jiang, X.X. (1990), Computer Modeling of Open Punching Processes. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 14 1111-1116.
Abstract: In this paper, computer modelling of open punching processes of a cylindrical block is described. First, the deformation flow pattern in the workpiece is determined on an experimental basis because the plastic flow is unsteady, and then the mathematical model of the forming process is constructed by means of an upper bound approach. The computer modelling is accomplished by using an IBM PC/XT microcomputer. For any forging made by an open punching process, the computer, using the initial data and input parameters, can quickly and exactly plot the deformed configuration and the load-stroke curves
Kinsner, W. and Yan, Y. (1990), A Model of the Carotid Vascular System with Stenosis at the Carotid Bifurcation. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 14 582-585.
Abstract: Stroke is one of the major diseases leading to human death and may be caused by arterial stenosis, possibly combined with arterial spasm. Carotid stenosis can be detected through ocular pulse caused by the blood flow in the choroid which, in turn, is influenced by the blood flow in the carotid vascular system (CVS). This paper presents a mathematical model of the stenosis, usually located at the carotid bifurcation into the external and internal carotid arteries. The model is based on experimental data from in vitro studies. The stenosis is modelled as a nonlinear resistive element, causing a pressure drop in the blood flow over a local constriction. Such a pressure change affects the spectral contents of peripheral pressure waveforms, particularily the ocular blood pressure (OBP) waveform. The dynamics of the CVS with stenosis is determined by the haemodynamic and geometric properties of the stenosis. Computer implementation and simulation of the composite model shows how the OBP waveform dynamics is affected by the level of the stenosis. These unique results are being used in our research on a method for early detection of stroke, glaucoma, and elevated intracranial pressure
Hall, C. and Swartz, C. (1981), The Effect of Handicap Stroke Location on Best-Ball Golf Scores. Mathematical Modelling, 2 (3), 161-167
Hall, C. and Swartz, C. (1981), The Effect of Handicap Stroke Location on Golf Matches. Mathematical Modelling, 2 (3), 153-159
Garraway, W.M., Whisnant, J.P. and Drury, I. (1983), The Continuing Decline in the Incidence of Stroke. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 58 (8), 520-523
Whisnant, J.P., Sundt, T.M. and Fode, N.C. (1985), Long-Term Mortality and Stroke Morbidity After Superficial Temporal Artery-Middle Cerebral-Artery Bypass Operation. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 60 (4), 241-246
Dexter, D.D., Whisnant, J.P., Connolly, D.C. and Ofallon, W.M. (1987), The Association of Stroke and Coronary Heart-Disease - A Population Study. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 62 (12), 1077-1083
Atkinson, J.L.D., Sundt, T.M., Kazmier, F.J., Bowie, E.J.W. and Whisnant, J.P. (1988), Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis in Ischemic Stroke. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 63 (4), 353-361
Bukhovskii, G.I. (1983), Device for Checking the Dimensions of Holes in Sleeves for Long-Stroke Hydraulic Cylinders. Measurement Techniques Ussr, 26 (8), 630-632
Borisyuk, L.V. (1990), Photoelectric Device for Stroke Induction in the Control of Dials and Coded Disks. Measurement Techniques Ussr, 33 (6), 555-558
Keywords: NEW-YORK
Siuru, B. (1990), 2-Stroke Engines - Cleaner and Meaner. Mechanical Engineering, 112 (6), 66-69
Riggs, J.E. (1990), Longitudinal Gompertzian Analysis of Stroke Mortality in the United-States, 1951-1986 - Declining Stroke Mortality Is the Natural Consequence of Competitive Deterministic Mortality Dynamics. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 55 (3), 235-243
Keywords: AGE/SEP
Jarlov, A. and Larsen, B. (1981), Stroke Volumes and Ventricular Volumes Determined from Indicator Dilution Curves .1. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 19 (4), 457-460
Jarlov, A. and Larsen, B. (1981), Stroke Volumes and Ventricular Volumes Determined from Indicator Dilution Curves .2. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 19 (4), 461-469
Mizrahi, J., Solzi, P., Ring, H. and Nisell, R. (1989), Postural Stability in Stroke Patients - Vectorial Expression of Asymmetry, Sway Activity and Relative Sequence of Reactive Forces. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 27 (2), 181-190
Patterson, R.P., Wang, L., Raza, B. and Wood, K. (1990), Mapping the Cardiogenic Impedance Signal on the Thoracic Surface. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 28 (3), 212-216.
Abstract: The cardiogenic impedance signal from band electrodes placed in the traditional position around the neck and lower thorax was studied by mapping the location of the signal on the sternum using 10 cm strip electrodes in eight male subjects. The band current electrodes on the neck and waist were replaced with 10 cm strip electrodes on the forehead and 10 cm below the xiphisternal joint, respectively, with only small changes in the dZ/dt peak amplitude and Z(o). Similarly, using a strip voltage pickup electrode at the level of the xiphisternal joint resulted in very small changes in the waveform. The amplitude of dZ/dt measured between the xiphisternal joint and points along the sternum remains small until approximately 10 cm below the suprasternal notch, after which it increased linearly to the top of the neck. An average of 17 per cent and 24 per cent of the dZ/dt signal and 24 per cent and 22 per cent of the Z(o) signal for supine and standing, respectively, occurs above the suprasternal notch. Replacing the current electrodes with strip electrodes on the forehead and waist caused only small changes in the signal. The position of the neck strip electrode is more critical
Nadeau, S.E. (1989), Stroke. Medical Clinics of North America, 73 (6), 1351-1369
Marangos, P.J. (1990), Adenosinergic Approaches to Stroke Therapeutics. Medical Hypotheses, 32 (1), 45-49
Keywords: SCOTLAND
Hier, D.B., Atkinson, G.D., Perline, R., Hill, H., Evans, M., Desai, B., Mccormick, W.C. and Caplan, L.R. (1986), Can A Patient Database Help Build A Stroke Diagnostic Expert System. Medical Informatics, 11 (1), 75-81
Yamaoka, K., Hayashi, C. and Terao, H. (1988), Capability of Questionnaire of Social and Psychological-Factors to Predict Coronary Heart-Disease and Stroke. Medical Informatics, 13 (3), 171-185
Christie, D. (1981), Prevalence of Stroke and Its Sequelae. Medical Journal of Australia, 2 (4), 182-184
Berkovic, S.F., Bladin, P.F. and Darby, D.G. (1984), Metabolic Disorders Presenting As Stroke. Medical Journal of Australia, 140 (7), 421-424
Shah, S.K. and Bain, C. (1989), Admissions, Patterns of Utilization and Disposition of Cases of Acute Stroke in Brisbane Hospitals. Medical Journal of Australia, 150 (5), 256-260
Chambers, B.R., Merory, J.R. and Smidt, V. (1989), Doppler Diagnosis in Cases of Acute Stroke. Medical Journal of Australia, 150 (7), 382-384
Alroomi, K.A., Heller, R.F. and Wlodarczyk, J. (1990), Hypertension Control and the Risk of Myocardial-Infarction and Stroke - A Population-Based Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 153 (10), 595-603
Katrak, P.H. (1990), Shoulder Shrug - A Prognostic Sign for Recovery of Hand Movement After Stroke. Medical Journal of Australia, 152 (6), 297-301
Lee, R.P., Bishop, G.F. and Ashton, C.M. (1990), Severe Heat-Stroke in An Experienced Athlete. Medical Journal of Australia, 153 (2), 100-104
[Anon]. (1981), Treatment of Heat-Stroke. Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics, 23 (17), 76
[Anon]. (1989), Aspirin for Prevention of Myocardial-Infarction and Stroke. Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics, 31 (799), 77-80
Spinelli, J.C. and Valentinuzzi, M.E. (1983), Stroke Volume in the Dog - Measurements by the Impedance Technique and Thermodilution. Medical Progress Through Technology, 10 (1), 45-53
Schaldach, M. and Hutten, H. (1990), A Physiological Approach to Different Concepts of Rate Adaptive Cardiac Pacing. Medical Progress Through Technology, 16 (4), 235-246.
Abstract: Physiological aspects of rate adaptive pacing are dealt with in the context of the cardiovascular control loop with the cardiac output as the controlling quantity and mean arterial blood pressure as the controlled quantity. Different methods proposed or clinically investigated are analyzed with respect to cardiovascular control mechanisms. To qualify as physiologic, the sensor-driven pacing rate must respond to disturbance variables similarly as the sinus node. To achieve this, the feedback signals, which control the cardiac output and are summarized as the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the heart, are prime candidates as input signals for rate control in the presence of chronotropic insufficiency. Since only sympathetic tone can serve to increase contractility and thereby stroke volume and cardiac output in the absence of rate support, its meaningful measurement is the key for physiological sensor-driven rate control. PEP clinically has proved to be a measure of contractility, which represents sympathetic tone as it affects central hemodynamics. PEP- controlled pacing rate adaptation therefore enables restoration of a closed-loop pacing system utilizing those components of the physiological system that are still functioning
Abad, F.J.F., Pellus, A.E.M., Soria, F.J.C., Rubi, J.A.G., Martinez, A.C. and Abel, J.L. (1984), Multiorgan Failure Due to Heat-Stroke - Pathological and Clinical-Study. Medicina Clinica, 83 (15), 615-619
Montalban, J., Ordi, J., Barquinero, J., Davalos, A., Alijotas, J., Codina, A. and Vilardell, M. (1988), Lupus Anticoagulant and Stroke. Medicina Clinica, 90 (7), 280-282
Jimenezmejias, M.E., Diaz, M.M., Villalonga, J., Tienda, E.B., Pardo, F.L., Pineda, J.A. and Delapuente, M.A.G. (1990), Classical Heat-Stroke in Spain - Analysis of A Series of 78 Cases. Medicina Clinica, 94 (13), 481-486
Hart, G.R., Anderson, R.J., Crumpler, C.P., Shulkin, A., Reed, G. and Knochel, J.P. (1982), Epidemic Classical Heat-Stroke - Clinical Characteristics and Course of 28 Patients. Medicine, 61 (3), 189-197
Swaine, I. and Reilly, T. (1983), The Freely-Chosen Swimming Stroke Rate in A Maximal Swim and on A Biokinetic Swim Bench. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 15 (5), 370-375
Craig, A.B., Skehan, P.L., Pawelczyk, J.A. and Boomer, W.L. (1985), Velocity, Stroke Rate, and Distance Per Stroke During Elite Swimming Competition. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 17 (6), 625-634
Shapiro, Y. and Seidman, D.S. (1990), Field and Clinical Observations of Exertional Heat-Stroke Patients. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 22 (1), 6-14
Keywords: EXERCISE
Horing, E. and Wienbeck, M. (1990), Temporal Arteritis Including Necrosis of the Scalp and Tongue and Brain-Stem-Stroke. Medizinische Klinik, 85 159-&
Bergholz, P. (1985), Effects of Rehabilitation on the Circulatory-System After Stroke. Medizinische Welt, 36 (45), 1443-1449
Staedt, U., Schwarz, M. and Heene, D.L. (1986), Hemodilution Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke - Hemorrheological Parameters Before and During Infusion of 10- Percent Dex 40 and 10-Percent Hes 200/0,5 .1. Medizinische Welt, 37 (20), 660-663
Staedt, U., Schwarz, M., Bayerl, J.R., Tornow, K. and Heene, D.L. (1986), Hemodilution Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke - Neurological Scores and Hemorrheological Parameters Before and After 10 Days Treatment with 10-Percent Dex 40 and 10-Percent Hes 200/0,5(Ii). Medizinische Welt, 37 (21), 695-699
Stober, T., Huber, G. and Bader, W. (1987), Cardioembolic Stroke. Medizinische Welt, 38 (12), 374-378
Busse, O. (1987), Modern Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects in Cerebrovascular Stroke. Medizinische Welt, 38 (34-35), 1134-1141
Wessely, P., Woberbingol, C., Koch, G. and Zeiler, K. (1989), Headache - A Risk Factor for Cerebral Stroke in Younger Adults. Medizinische Welt, 40 (30-31), 871-875
Dalbianco, P. (1989), Clinical Metabolic Examination of Stroke Patients. Medizinische Welt, 40 (41), 1158-1160
Muck, A.O., Muck, S. and Heinrich, F. (1989), Venous Thromboembolic Complications in Patients with Recent Ischemic Stroke .1. Risk-Factors of Thrombosis. Medizinische Welt, 40 (25-26), 763-769
Muck, A.O., Muck, S. and Heinrich, F. (1989), Venous Thromboembolic Complications in Patients with Recent Ischemic Stroke .2. Prophylaxis with Low-Dose Heparin. Medizinische Welt, 40 (29), 843-848
Savage, D.D., Mcgee, D.L. and Oster, G. (1987), Reduction of Hypertension-Associated Heart-Disease and Stroke Among Black-Americans - Past Experience and New Perspectives on Targeting Resources. Milbank Quarterly, 65 297-321
Jardon, O.M. (1982), Physiologic Stress, Heat-Stroke, Malignant Hyperthermia - A Perspective. Military Medicine, 147 (1), 8-14
Cole, R.D. (1983), Heat-Stroke During Training with Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protective Clothing - Case-Report. Military Medicine, 148 (7), 624-625
Alhadramy, M.S. and Ali, F. (1989), Catecholamines in Heat-Stroke. Military Medicine, 154 (5), 263-264
Barthel, H.J. (1990), Exertion-Induced Heat-Stroke in A Military Setting. Military Medicine, 155 (3), 116-119
Provinciali, L., Marchesi, G.F., Signorino, M. and Pasquini, U. (1982), Influence of Risk-Factors on the Site and Development of Stroke. Minerva Medica, 73 (40), 2717-2722
Moran, A. and Macdonald, J. (1985), 8 Cases of Childhood Stroke. Minnesota Medicine, 68 (9), 675-677
Ludwig, J.R., Foy, J.J., Elliott, S.G. and Mclaughlin, C.S. (1982), Synthesis of Specific Identified, Phosphorylated, Heat-Shock, and Heat-Stroke Proteins Through the Cell-Cycle of Saccharomyces-Cerevisiae. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2 (2), 117-126
Schneider, R.R., Steingart, R., Jurado, R., Meller, J. and Teichholz, L.E. (1982), Pulsed Echo Doppler Measures of Cardiac Stroke Volume in Man. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, 49 (5), 391-396
Mitchinson, M.J. (1982), The Hypotensive Stroke. Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 52
[Anon]. (1982), Prostaglandins with An Important Clinical Future - Prostacyclin in Cases of Stroke. Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 124 (45), A16-&
Krejci, K., Luther, M., Beltle, M. and Kramann, B. (1984), Resuscitation Following Lightning-Stroke (Case-Report). Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 126 (3), 63-64
Schropp, W.W. and Borck, V. (1984), Ischemic Stroke and Idiopathic Hyper-Aldosteronism. Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift , 126 (36), 1033-1036
Leutiger, H., Ostermann, K., Illinger, H., Karl, F., Radebold, H., Schmidt, R., Sprungostermann, B., Vonungernsternberg, A. and Weimann, G. (1985), Occupational and Speech-Therapy in Stroke Patients. Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 127 (20), 519-521
Weimann, G., Illinger, H., Leutiger, H., Ostermann, K., Radebold, H., Sprungostermann, B. and Vonungernsternberg, A. (1985), Physical Therapy in Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients with Stroke. Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 127 (20), 515-518
Peck, R.M. (1983), The Stroke of Genius. National Wildlife, 21 (2), 41-47
Hale, L.C. and Baginski, M.E. (1987), Current to the Ionosphere Following A Lightning-Stroke. Nature, 329 (6142), 814-816
[Anon]. (1984), Mitsubishi Joins Sulzer and Man-B-And-W with A New Long-Stroke Diesel-Engine. Naval Architect, (APR), E144
[Anon]. (1985), B-And-W Extends 2-Stroke Engine Range. Naval Architect, (APR), E169
Woodyard, D. (1986), Long Stroke Medium Speed Developments. Naval Architect, E277-&
Woodyard, D. (1987), A New Longer Stroke 400-Mm Bore Engine from Man B-And-W. Naval Architect, E209-E210
[Anon]. (1989), Japanese Owners Prefer 4-Stroke Hybrids. Naval Architect, 349-&
[Anon]. (1990), Large 2-Stroke Dual Fuel Engines. Naval Architect, E270-&
Kaps, M., Busse, O. and Hofmann, O. (1983), Circadian Variation in the Frequency of Stroke. Nervenarzt, 54 (12), 655-657
Kessler, C., Berlit, P., Reuther, R. and Carls, C. (1984), Immunohistochemical Examination of Temporal Arteria Specimen of Stroke Patients. Nervenarzt, 55 (8), 413-418
Tschinkel, M., Ladurner, G., Hollasek, A., Schreyer, H. and Lechner, H. (1985), Hyperlipemia and Angiographic Findings in Patients with Stroke. Nervenarzt, 56 (2), 94-97
Weissenborn, K., Peters, J., Heinze, H.J. and Becker, H. (1986), Stroke and Polyradiculitis Resulting from Attempted-Suicide with Disulfiram. Nervenarzt, 57 (3), 159-162
Ladurner, G. and Pritz, W. (1987), The Prevalence of Stroke in the County of Salzburg. Nervenarzt, 58 (1), 19-21
Kollegger, H., Schmoliner, R., Dalbianco, P., Oder, W., Zeiler, K. and Deecke, L. (1988), Mitral-Valve Prolapse - Risk Factor for Stroke in the Young. Nervenarzt, 59 (11), 629-635
Haberl, R.L. (1989), Do Anti-Hypertensive Drugs Differ in Their Efficacy for Stroke Prevention. Nervenarzt, 60 (9), 580-582
Weiller, C., Herges, R.M., Ringelstein, E.B. and Poeck, K. (1989), Pathogenesis of Stroke in Patients with Normal Doppler Sonography. Nervenarzt, 60 (3), 149-153
Brainin, M. (1990), Etiologic Classification of Stroke - Findings from A Prospective Stroke Registry. Nervenarzt, 61 (12), 719-724
Schneider, E. (1987), Stroke Rehabilitation. Nervenheilkunde, 6 (3), 90-95
Haass, A. (1989), Treatment of Acute Stroke. Nervenheilkunde, 8 (1), 35-45
Biller, J., Jones, M.P., Bruno, A., Adams, H.P. and Banwart, K. (1988), Seasonal-Variation of Stroke - Does It Exist. Neuroepidemiology, 7 (2), 89-98
Barer, D.H., Ebrahim, S.B. and Mitchell, J.R.A. (1988), The Pragmatic Approach to Stroke Trial Design - Stroke Register, Pilot Trial, Assessment of Neurological Then Functional Outcome. Neuroepidemiology, 7 (1), 1-12
Giroud, M., Beuriat, P., Vion, P., Dathis, P.H., Dusserre, L. and Dumas, R. (1989), Stroke in A French Prospective Population Study. Neuroepidemiology, 8 (2), 97-104
Ogunniyi, A., Chandra, V. and Schoenberg, B.S. (1989), Conditions Associated at Death with Specific Types of Completed Stroke in Patients with and Without Hypertension - A Case- Control Study. Neuroepidemiology, 8 (1), 24-31
Li, S.C., Wang, C.C., Fu, Y.G., Cheng, X.M., Feng, E.J., Wang, W.J., Shu, Q., Yang, Q.D., Chen, S.M., Su, Q.G., Gai, X.L., Li, Z.S. and Schoenberg, B.S. (1990), Risk-Factors for Stroke in Rural-Areas of the Peoples-Republic- Of-China - Results of A Case-Control Study. Neuroepidemiology, 9 (2), 57-67
Woo, J. and Lau, E.M.C. (1990), Risk-Factors Predisposing to Stroke in An Elderly Chinese Population - A Longitudinal-Study. Neuroepidemiology, 9 (3), 131-134
Woo, J., Lau, E., Kay, R., Lam, C.W.K., Cheung, C.K., Swaminathan, R. and Nicholls, M.G. (1990), A Case Control Study of Some Hematological and Biochemical Variables in Acute Stroke and Their Prognostic Value. Neuroepidemiology, 9 (6), 315-320.
Abstract: Hematocrit, total white cell and platelet counts, plasma urea and creatinine concentrations were estimated in 291 patients (mean age 70 +/- 12 years) admitted consecutively over a 6- month period to a district general hospital with acute stroke. Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio was also determined in a subgroup of patients during a follow-up visit 3 months after ictus. Results were compared with those from age- and sex- matched community controls. Total white cell count was elevated in all types of stroke compared with values from control subjects. Platelet count, plasma urea and creatinine concentrations were higher and the plasma albumin/globulin ratio was lower among patients with ischemic stroke. Elevated total white cell count, urea and creatinine, which were of prognostic significance, were found to be associated with the severity of stroke as indicated by the Glasgow coma score, and did not have any independent prognostic value. Elevated hematocrit was not shown to be a risk factor and did not have any prognostic significance. A low plasma albumin/globulin ratio, an index of plasma viscosity, was a possible risk factor for ischemic strokes. Urinary albumin/creatinine ratios in the highest quintile increased the risk of stroke 13-fold
Golden, G.S. (1985), Stroke Syndromes in Childhood. Neurologic Clinics, 3 (1), 59-75
Reding, M.J. and Mcdowell, F. (1987), Stroke Rehabilitation. Neurologic Clinics, 5 (4), 601-630
Shuman, R.M. (1990), The Molecular-Biology of Occlusive Stroke in Childhood. Neurologic Clinics, 8 (3), 553-570
Levine, D.N. and Finklestein, S. (1982), Delayed Psychosis After Right Temporoparietal Stroke Or Trauma - Relation to Epilepsy. Neurology, 32 (3), 267-273
Faden, A.I., Hallenbeck, J.M. and Brown, C.Q. (1982), Treatment of Experimental Stroke - Comparison of Naloxone and Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone. Neurology, 32 (10), 1083-1087
Hier, D.B., Mondlock, J. and Caplan, L.R. (1983), Behavioral Abnormalities After Right-Hemisphere Stroke. Neurology, 33 (3), 337-344
Hier, D.B., Mondlock, J. and Caplan, L.R. (1983), Recovery of Behavioral Abnormalities After Right-Hemisphere Stroke. Neurology, 33 (3), 345-350
Davis, S.M., Ackerman, R.H., Correia, J.A., Alpert, N.M., Chang, J., Buonanno, F., Kelley, R.E., Rosner, B. and Taveras, J.M. (1983), Cerebral Blood-Flow and Cerebrovascular Co2 Reactivity in Stroke-Age Normal Controls. Neurology,
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