Request for Proposals (rfp)

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Request for Proposals (RFP)

NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Training Fellowship Awards, 2018

Proposal Deadline:

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 (12:00) U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Table of Contents






Evaluation Criteria 7


A.Proposal Submission 8

B.CRDF Global Policies and Applicant Resources 8

C.Proposal Formatting 8

D.Proposal Elements (required unless otherwise noted) 9






Program Focus

To expand research capacity of early-stage investigators1 in countries collaborating with the United States through bilateral HIV research programs.

Eligible Applicant(s)

Early-stage investigators from Brazil, China, India, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America.

Eligible Countries for Application

Brazil, China, India, Russia, South Africa, and the United States of America.

Ineligible Applicant(s)

Individuals who serve as Principal Investigators (PI) on an NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR)-supported HIV collaborative research award through one of the NIH bilateral programs are not eligible to apply. Please refer to Section II for list of ongoing bilateral programs.

Competition Opens

Monday, April 2, 2018 (23:00) U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Submission Portal Opens

Monday, April 30, 2018 (23:00) U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Submission Deadline

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 (12:00) U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Announcement of Results

August, 2018.

Eligible Research Scope

Short-term training pertaining to HIV research aligned with high-priority topic areas, as defined by the following NIH Notice (NOT):

Project Duration

Up to 3 months.

Award Amounts

Each up to $25,000 United States Dollars (USD) for up to 3 months of short-term training support.

Competition RFP and Proposal Forms

A Word version of program details and template forms is available for download at:

How to Apply

All proposals must be submitted through the Electronic Proposal Submission (EPS) website: 

E-mail attachments and hard copies will not be accepted. For more information and instructions please refer to Section VI

Program Point of Contact

Sheila Ribeiro, CRDF Global,


CRDF Global is accepting proposals from early-stage investigators working in the field of HIV research for the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Training Fellowship Awards, 2018. This initiative is funded by CRDF Global [utilizing funds provided by OAR through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)]. The fellowship program aims to promote the training and inclusion of early-stage scientists in HIV-related collaborative research. It represents the first round of a research training program, building upon ongoing collaborations in HIV research that are co-funded by OAR/NIH and its counterpart funding agencies in countries participating in the NIH bilateral collaborative research programs over the past ten years, specifically:

  • Indo-U.S. Joint Program on HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention Research (2007)

  • U.S.-China Program for Biomedical Collaborative Research (2011)

  • U.S.-Russia Collaborative Research Partnership on the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS (2012)

  • U.S.-South Africa Program for Collaborative Biomedical Research (2015)

  • U.S.-Brazil Biomedical Collaborative Research Program (2015)

NIH’s mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability. Discoveries have led to new ways to treat, diagnose, and prevent illness. NIH plays a key role in the expansion of biomedical knowledge. NIH-funded research leads to tens of thousands of new scientific findings every year. These fundamental advances and technological developments expand our understanding of health and living systems, and form the building blocks required for translational and clinical advances to occur. NIH also fosters the generation of new knowledge within the scientific community by supporting training within the research workforce. For more information visit
OAR coordinates the scientific, budgetary, legislative, and policy elements of HIV research across the nearly 27 Institutes and Centers of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). As HIV crosses nearly every area of clinical medicine and basic scientific investigation, the response to the HIV pandemic requires a multi-Institute, transdisciplinary, global research strategy. OAR provides scientific coordination and management of this NIH research portfolio, which represents the largest and most significant public investment in HIV/AIDS research globally. For more information visit
A number of NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) have co-funded and/or administered HIV-related awards under the bilateral collaborative research programs referenced above:

  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

  • National Cancer Institute (NCI)

  • Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

  • National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)

  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

  • Fogarty International Center (FIC)

CRDF Global is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants, technical resources, training, and services. CRDF Global’s Research Partnerships (RP) competitions enable cross-border collaboration and the strengthening of international research through the implementation of peer-reviewed research grant competitions. Research partnerships open avenues for new research directions and foster new collaborative opportunities for U.S. and non-U.S. scientists. For more information visit


The purpose of the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Training Fellowship Awards, 2018 is to expand capacity in HIV research through participation in short-term research training opportunities for early-stage investigators affiliated with institutions engaged in the bilateral collaborative research programs, which include HIV-related research co-funded by OAR and the counterpart funding agencies in Brazil, China, India, Russia, and South Africa. Investigators from these countries and the U.S. are invited to apply for funding for research training projects, focused on priority areas of HIV research listed below:

  • Reduce HIV incidence

  • Develop next generation HIV therapies

  • Research toward HIV cure

  • Address HIV-associated comorbidities, coinfections, and complications

  • Cross-cutting research (including basic research, behavioral and social science research, research in health disparities, information dissemination)

It is expected that the scope of the application will focus on questions of direct relevance to the country of origin and will target the global effort to end the HIV epidemic and improve the health and well-being of people living with HIV. The application will also contribute to the collaborative research partnerships between the U.S. investigators and institutions and their foreign counterparts. Training opportunities that aim to develop competence and skills in one or more of the following areas across the HIV research continuum are of particular interest to OAR:

  • Study design

  • Protocol development

  • Community-based participatory research

  • Clinical trials design and execution

  • Ethical and regulatory aspects of clinical research

  • Collection and management of research data, biostatistics

  • Population-based research

  • Dissemination/implementation research

  • Translating research results into policy

  • Specialized cutting-edge technology or techniques

The primary goals and expected outcomes will benefit both the U.S. and foreign partner institutions, specifically:

  • Expanded capacity in HIV research through participation in short-term research training opportunities

  • Mentored career development of early-stage investigators by mid-career and senior investigators

  • Bi-directional knowledge-sharing and exchange of trainees and mentors

  • Transfer of innovative technology and technical skills

  • Expanded networks for developing collaborations in HIV research

Eight to ten fellowship awards, each up to $25,000 USD, will be made in support of attending and/or conducting short-term training programs (up to 3 months). Each proposal must have a budget submitted clearly outlining all expected costs, in accordance with U.S. government grant regulations. The budget may not exceed $25,000 USD. Awards cannot be used to fund research activity, but engagement in research, as part of the proposed training, is encouraged. See Section VII for Allowable Costs.

CRDF Global will address all program-related inquiries and serve as the point of contact for the RFP and communicate all results to applicants. CRDF Global will receive full proposals from applicants and will coordinate a technical review of proposals. Following these reviews, the program sponsors will collectively determine meritorious proposals to receive awards administered through CRDF Global.


Individuals who serve as Principal Investigators (PI) on an NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR)-supported HIV collaborative research award through one of the NIH bilateral programs are not eligible to apply. Please refer to Section II for a list of ongoing bilateral collaborative research programs.

All proposals must meet each of the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Applicants must be U.S. or foreign nationals from Brazil, China, India, Russia, and South Africa.

  1. All activity must be completed by September 30, 2019.

  1. Applicants financially supported through this award must be employed at an institution that has engaged (prior or active) in one of the bilateral collaborative research programs (referenced in Section II), which include HIV-related research co-funded by OAR and its counterpart funding agency in the respective foreign country. Each applicant must:

  • Have completed a Ph.D., M.D., or other equivalent graduate or professional degree within the past 10 years.

  • Demonstrate scientific capacity and relevant research experience.

  1. For applicants attending training: The applicant must identify a mid-career or senior (i.e. non-early-stage) investigator in the foreign partner institution who will serve as mentor to the applicant and/or host the training. The mentor may offer his/her own institute’s facilities and equipment to conduct the training. The mentor should also be able to assist the applicant in planning the short-term visit in the host country.

For applicants conducting training: The applicant must identify a mid-career or senior (i.e. non-early-stage) investigator in the foreign partner institution. The foreign partner institute’s facilities and equipment may be used for carrying out the research training, as well as facilitating the applicant’s short-term visit to the country.

  1. The applicant must submit a letter of support with the application from the host/mentor at the foreign partner institution.

  1. Each proposal’s training focus must target one or more of the priority areas of HIV research listed in Section III.

  1. The proposal narrative must include a training and mentorship plan that identifies:

    • The scientific and administrative skills of the early-stage investigator(s) that will be developed.

  • The milestones that the early-stage investigator(s) will meet to prove development of scientific and administrative skills.

  • An evaluation strategy to assess the early-career researcher’s progress towards achieving the scientific and administrative skills, including the level of skills developed.

  1. Each applicant may submit only one proposal for this competition. Individuals serving as PIs on prior or active bilateral collaborative research programs related to HIV are NOT permitted to serve as mentors on more than one submitted proposal.

  1. Funds must be used to cover only travel/living expenses and training costs, including registration fees for training courses. The institution hosting the training is expected to provide a sufficient level of in-kind support (i.e. cost-sharing) to facilitate the trainer/trainee’s visit, but limited funds (not to exceed $5,000 USD) may be requested by the institution hosting the training to cover costs that directly support the identified training (e.g. reagents, instrumentation, venue and A/V costs, training supplies, etc.). These funds must be included in the applicant’s budget and referenced in the host/mentor’s letter of support.

  1. Budget allocation must total 100% and may not exceed $25,000 USD.

  1. Applicants may identify scientists employed by the U.S. Federal government (e.g. NIH) as mentors for the training; however the U.S. PI and affiliated Federal agency are not permitted to receive funding under this Award Program. In such cases, all award funds would support the foreign applicant only. See Section VII for more information.

CRDF Global reserves the right to restrict the participation of any individual or institution in its programs. CRDF Global complies with all U.S. laws and regulations pertaining to export control and the participation of foreign nationals or institutions in its activities. It is the policy of CRDF Global not to conduct any transactions with U.S. restricted entities without appropriate authorization from the U.S. Government.

For research ideas that require resources not provided by this program or in areas outside the scope of this program, interested applicants are encouraged to review other NIH and CRDF Global funding opportunities. Specific funding opportunities are available at:

    • NIH:

    • CRDF Global:


All proposals and information contained therein will remain confidential prior to the award and will be screened for eligibility and completeness upon receipt by CRDF Global. Proposals will be reviewed by a CRDF Global panel of external scientific reviewers, including subject matter experts approved by the program sponsors, to determine the merit of each proposal. The panel will rank proposals by the evaluation criteria, assign an overall rating to each proposal, and make funding recommendations to CRDF Global. The selection of finalists will be made by a joint decision between CRDF Global and the program sponsors.

CRDF Global will announce awards via e-mail by August, 2018. All awards are subject to the availability of funding from program sponsors. All decisions by CRDF Global and the program sponsors are final.

Evaluation Criteria

Reviewers will use the evaluation criteria described below to make funding recommendations to the program sponsors.

  1. Training and Mentoring Plan: Does the proposed activity include the provision of career-enhancing opportunities, the sharing of equipment and resources and/or technology transfer among all institutions involved? How well do the individual elements of the proposed training plan meet the overall goals of the career development goals of the early-stage investigator?

  1. Quality and Feasibility of the Proposed Training: Considering the proposed methodology, resources, personnel, and timeline, how well do the individual elements of the proposed activity fit with the overall training goals? How practical is the proposed training? What is the experience and role of the participating mentor/faculty?

  1. Institutional Capacity and Collaborative Benefits: Is there a good match between the expertise of the investigator-mentor relative to the applicant’s training needs? Are the host institutional resources (both technical and in-kind) available and adequate? Is there evidence that the project will have long-term positive impact on the research environment and capacity of both countries, and be of mutual benefit to the partnership?

  1. Proposed Training Impact: What is the probability that the activity will result in new knowledge to improve biomedical or behavioral HIV research?

  1. Sustainability Potential: How will success be determined? What follow-on activities will be carried out after the training to ensure the recipient’s continued success?

  1. Clarity and Completeness of the Application: Does the application clearly answer all questions and provide all information necessary for evaluation? Are all forms completed and signed (as needed)? Is the Institute Letter of Support (LOS) included?


Only applications submitted according to the submission instructions, follow the required formatting, and include all of the required elements listed below will be considered responsive and reviewed.

  1. Proposal Submission

All applications must be submitted electronically through CRDF Global’s Electronic Proposal Submission (EPS) site, no later than Wednesday, May 30, 2018 (12:00) U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST). 

Proposal application materials submitted to CRDF Global must be prepared in English and compiled in the following separate document files for submission to the EPS. Acceptable file formats are MS Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

Proposals should be submitted only once. After the electronic submission process, applicants will receive a confirmation message from CRDF Global. Proposals submitted via e-mail or mail will be marked ineligible.

The EPS site does not allow you to save partial submissions. Applicants must have all documents ready before beginning submission process.


  1. The applicant must submit the completed proposal document including all applicable proposal elements specified in Section VI.

  2. All Curriculum Vitae (CV) including that of applicant, mentor, trainer(s) and any other training personnel involved (as applicable), compiled into a single document.

CRDF Global reserves the right to request additional supporting documentation as required by CRDF Global and/or the program sponsors. This may include, but is not limited to, training materials and personal documentation (such as copies of valid passports, visas, bank information, etc.) that might be needed for award administration, in compliance with U.S. government regulations.

CRDF Global reserves the right to restrict the participation of any individual or institution in its programs. CRDF Global complies with all U.S. laws and regulations pertaining to export control and the participation of foreign nationals or institutions in its activities. It is the policy of CRDF Global not to conduct any transactions with U.S. restricted entities without appropriate authorization from the U.S. Government.

  1. CRDF Global Policies and Applicant Resources

Before writing the proposal applicants should review all documents and policies on the CRDF Global Applicant Resources page.

  1. Proposal Formatting

  • Typed

  • One-inch margins on ALL sides

  • Single-spaced

  • Font size of no less than Arial 10pt (Times New Roman 10pt font is not acceptable)*

*A font size of less than 10 points may be used for mathematical formulas or equations, figure, table or diagram captions and when using a Symbol font to insert Greek letters or special characters. PIs are cautioned, however, that the text must still be readable.
  1. Proposal Elements (required unless otherwise noted)

Detailed information for all necessary elements of a proposal is listed below. Appendices may not be included. Any proposal submitted without ALL required information, including signatures and forms, may be disqualified and removed from the competition. Applicants are encouraged to carefully review proposals prior to submission to ensure accuracy and completeness. Decisions by CRDF Global and the program sponsors are final and cannot be appealed.

Applicants are required to follow instructions and use the electronic forms and templates downloadable as a Word Document on CRDF Global website:


The following sections must be compiled into a single proposal document with pages numbered consecutively, and submitted to both CRDF Global and ICMR portal sites.

A.1.Cover Sheet

One per proposal including:

  • Basic information about the training

  • Information about the Applicant, including name, current designation, and contact details.

  • Information about the Applicant’s Institute Leadership Representative (individual who would be responsible for negotiating contractual and financial terms in the case of an award.)

  • Information about the Trainer/Mentor, including name, current designation, and contact details.

  • Information about the Trainer/Mentor’s Institute Leadership Representative (individual who would be responsible for negotiating contractual and financial terms in the case of an award.)

Applicants must enter this information again during CRDF Global’s EPS submission process.

Note: CRDF Global requires that the applicant and trainer/mentor, as well as their respective leadership representatives, sign Form A.1. Please include a scanned copy of the signed document.

A.2: Proposal Narrative

2 pages maximum. Applicants are advised that the narrative must be self-contained, and that URLs providing information related to the training should not be used.

The following must be described in the Proposal Narrative:

  • The approach, objectives, milestones, and measurements of success that will be used. Milestones are defined as concrete activities that allow the grantee to achieve the overall objectives described and reflect realistic accomplishments that can be documented and verified.

  • A clearly defined training timeline, noting all milestones.

  • How the individual and combined competencies of the participants will enable the training to be carried out, and what relevant prior work has been carried out by trainers.

  • A summary of the objectives of the training and mentorship plans.

  • Evaluation of pre-/post-training knowledge of trainee(s).

  • The anticipated results/expected outcome of the training and how they address the evaluation criteria listed in Section V.

  • Required infrastructure (e.g., reagents, instrumentation, venue and A/V costs, training supplies, etc.) that will be utilized in the identified training, along with justification.

  • All proposed travel (international and domestic) to be funded under the project must be described in terms of its purpose and duration.

  • If applicable, a brief description of how training will contribute to the achievement of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals.

  • Any linkage to other relevant projects (ad-hoc, task force or collaborative).

Note: Patentable ideas, trade secrets, privileged or confidential commercial or financial information, disclosure of which may harm the proposer, should be included in the proposals only when such information is necessary to convey an understanding of the proposed project. Such information must be clearly marked in the proposal and appropriately labeled as: "The following is (proprietary or confidential) information that (name of proposing organization) requests not be released to persons outside of CRDF Global, except for purposes of review and evaluation."

A.3. Proposal Budget

Budget should cover the entire award period. Convert all amounts to USD. Applicants should refer to “Allowable Costs” in Section VII.

A.4. Budget Narrative

One for each application explaining all budget items in the corresponding Proposal Budget.

A.5. Letter of Support

One letter from the institution hosting the training is required on institution letterhead, and signed by the institution leadership. It should briefly describe the training program and any cost-sharing that will occur. The letter should also include any request for limited funds (not to exceed $5,000 USD) to cover costs that directly support the identified training, as described in Section IV.


The maximum total award is up to $25,000 U.S. Dollars (USD) disbursed over a period not to exceed 3 months. Budget allocation percentages must total 100%. In the case of an award, a project budget may be subject to revision by CRDF Global.

In accordance with the provisions of US government regulation 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements For Federal Awards, non-federal entities that expend federal awards of $750,000.00 or more in a year, during the non-federal entity’s fiscal year must have a single or program-specific audit conducted for that year.

CRDF Global will distribute support to the awardee as a cost-reimbursable grant with payment schedule tied to milestones. Limited/partial advanced funding may be provided for travel or living expenses under some circumstances. CRDF Global will work with individual grant recipients/host institutions to alleviate any financial resource constraints that may arise from the cost-reimbursable policy.

Applicants should refer to the instructions below for submitting all documentation necessary to execute grants:

  1. Milestone Plan. The Proposal Narrative should identify and describe specific milestones that will be reached during training. CRDF Global staff and external scientific reviewers will evaluate the plan to ensure that milestones are directly relevant to program objectives; can be delivered in accordance with the timeline; and can be supported by appropriate documentation. This milestone plan will be used to develop payment plan, upon award selection.

  1. Budget. Applicants must also submit a line-item project budget using the form provided in Appendix A. If selected for an award, CRDF Global staff may request additional information or supporting documentation before finalizing an award agreement.

  • Budget items should be clearly listed individually – items listed generally as “supplies” or “services” will NOT be accepted.

  • Each line item should be calculated based on actual costs – you should include receipts, quotes, or website links to support calculations in the budget narrative.

  • Justification/support for training and travel costs should be provided in the budget narrative.

Research activity will not be supported through this program. Labor costs will not be covered by this program.

This program will only cover the following limited expenses:

  • Travel expenses of trainee, trainer, and/or mentor as described below.

  • Trainee and/or trainer stipend to cover basic living expenses as described below.

  • Costs related to research training (e.g., fees for special courses/trainings, registration fees for relevant conferences).

  • Limited funds (not to exceed $5,000 USD) may be requested by the institution hosting the training to cover costs that directly support the identified training (e.g. reagents, instrumentation, venue and A/V costs, training supplies, etc.). These must be described in the required Letter of Support.

The following cost guidelines should be used in preparing the travel portion of the budget:

    1. International Transportation. Travelers will need to comply with the provisions of the Fly America Act. For more information, please refer to Fly America Guidelines. Travel arrangements will be made by CRDF Global.

    2. Travel Allowances. Applicants should refer to the following travel allowance guidelines when preparing their travel budget:

  • For travel in the U.S: .

  • For non-U.S. travel:

Health insurance is mandatory for all travel under CRDF Global awards and should be included in the budget in addition to the travel allowance. Visa fees are allowable expenses and may be included in the budget. It is important to provide a justification and a description of the travel plans within the Budget Narrative.

Institutions hosting training(s) may request Indirect Costs (IDCs) if they have a Negotiated Indirect Cost Rates Agreement (NICRA). If an institute requests Indirect Costs (IDCs) at their NICRA rate, documentation for these rates must be provided in the budget narrative.


Awardees from this competition will be expected to adhere to CRDF Global award agreement terms and:

  • Submit one final report, including a summary of major achievements.

  • Submit invoices and applicable financial back-up for all project expenses to CRDF Global.


For information on CRDF Global’s award administration policies, please review the following links:

  • Information for Applicants:

  • Information for Awardees:


For further information about this program, please contact:

Ms. Sheila Ribeiro

Program Manager, CRDF Global




Title of Training

Length of Training (Months)

Start Date

End Date

Address of Training



Name (First, Middle, Last)


Institution Name

Institution Address

Institution Type

 University/Academic  Research Institution  Government

 Non-profit Other_______________________________________



Highest Degree Earned

Year of Award


Name (First, Middle, Last)





Applicant Signature


Institute Leadership Signature




Name (First, Middle, Last)


Institution Name

Institution Address

Institution Type

 University/Academic  Research Institution  Government

 Non-profit Other_______________________________________



Highest Degree Earned

Year of Award


Name (First, Middle, Last)





Mentor/Trainer Signature


Institute Leadership Signature



Narrative should not exceed 2 pages. Text should be Arial font size 10 within 1-inch margins


For “Allowable Costs” please refer to Section VII

Convert all amounts to United States Dollars (USD). Total Project Cost must not exceed $25,000 USD

Equipment, Supplies, & Services (ESS)

Item (Add rows if necessary.)


Unit Cost







Travel & Training (T&T) Totals only, describe purpose and per person costs in detail in Budget Narrative. 


Domestic Transportation 

Domestic Per Diem

International Transportation

International Living Allowance/Per Diem

Other Travel Expenses (e.g. visa fees, conference registration fees, etc.)



Institutional Support (IS)

NICRA approved rate only. Documentation should be provided with budget narrative.



Describe in detail in Budget Narrative


Describe in detail in Budget Narrative


Describe and justify the expenses included in each line item, e.g. the purpose and duration of each travel, the number of travelers, destinations, and how costs were determined. If a line item doesn’t apply to your budget, please insert N/A for “not applicable” in the space provided.

Equipment, Supplies and Services (ESS)

List and justify in detail, requested equipment items with a value over $1,000, and all equipment, supplies and services with per unit costs. Explain the necessity of the ESS to the project, and how these items will be used in the proposal.

Travel & Training (T&T)

Explain the need for travel - how the travel will benefit the project’s aims - and your calculations of travel costs for domestic and foreign travel. Break down by airfare, hotel, per diem, etc.

Institutional Support (IS)

Calculate an allowance for institutional costs of % of the total individual team direct expenses. NICRA rate only.

E.g. Total Team Budget ÷ (1+ IS%) = Direct Costs maximum.

Modified Direct Total Costs + Institutional Support = Total Maximum Requested.


1 An early-stage investigator is a scientist who is early in his or her research career (within 10 years of having completed a Ph.D., M.D. or other equivalent graduate or professional degree).

CRDF Global – NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Training Fellowship Awards, 2018

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