Recommendation 8 – Indexation
8.1 All FOI fees and charges should be adjusted every two years to match any change over that period in the Consumer Price Index, by rounding the fee or charge to the nearest multiple of $5.00.
The FOI Act and Charges Regulations do not include an indexation mechanism for adjusting charges from time to time to match changes in the CPI. As a consequence, FOI charges have not increased since 1986, even though the CPI has risen over that period.
The proposal is that FOI fees and charges be reviewed every two years to be adjusted in line with CPI changes (most likely an increase). To retain simplicity in the charges framework a change will occur only if rounding the charge to the nearest multiple of $5 would result in a change.
Other issues Timeframes for responding to an agency decision
Recommendation 9 – Responding to an agency decision
An applicant should be required to respond within 30 days after receiving a notice under s 29(8), advising of a decision to reject wholly or partly the applicant’s contention that a charge should not be reduced or not imposed. The applicant’s response should agree to pay the charge, seek internal review of the agency’s decision or withdraw the FOI request.
If an applicant fails to respond within 30 days (or such further period allowed by an agency) the FOI request should be deemed to be withdrawn.
Separately from this review, agencies have raised concern about the lack of any provision in the Act that requires an applicant to take action within a set timeframe once their contention of charges has been decided under s 29(4) and a notice issued under s 29(8). This can leave an FOI request in abeyance for an extended period. By contrast, an applicant must respond to an initial charges estimate within 30 days, or the request is deemed to be withdrawn (s 29(1)(f),(g)).
Recommendation 9 proposes that a similar approach apply to notices issued under s 29(8) advising of an agency’s decision on a contention of charges. If the applicant does not respond within 30 days or such further period allowed by the agency the FOI request is deemed to be withdrawn.
AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal
AAT Regulations Administrative Appeals Tribunal Regulations 1976
ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
ACT Australian Capital Territory
AIC Act Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010
ALRC Australian Law Reform Commission
APS Australian Public Service
ARC Administrative Review Council
CAALAS Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service Inc
Charges Regulations Freedom of Information (Charges) Regulations 1982
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CPI Consumer Price Index
DAFF Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
DCCEE Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
DoD Department of Defence
DEEWR Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
DoFD Department of Finance and Deregulation
DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
DoHA Department of Health and Ageing
DHS Department of Human Services
DIAC Department of Immigration and Citizenship
DRET Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
DPMC Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
FCA Federal Court of Australia
FOI Act Freedom of Information Act 1982
FOI Commissioner Freedom of Information Commissioner
GIPA Act Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW)
IAC Information Advisory Committee
IC review Information Commissioner review
IDC Interdepartmental committee
Information Commissioner Australian Information Commissioner
IPS Information Publication Scheme
NSW New South Wales
NT Northern Territory
NWRN National Welfare Rights Network
OAIC Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
PIAC Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Qld Queensland
reg regulation
s, ss section(s)
SA South Australia
SES Senior Executive Service
Tas Tasmania
UK United Kingdom
US United States
Vic Victoria
WA Western Australia
Appendix A: Consultation questions as set out in Part 6 of the Discussion Paper The role of fees and charges in the FOI Act -
What is the role of fees and charges in the FOI Act?
Do charges deter reasonable requests for access to information?
Application fees General questions -
Is it appropriate that the FOI Act does not impose an application fee for making:
an FOI request?
an FOI request for personal information?
an application for internal review of an access refusal decision?
an application for Information Commissioner review of an access refusal or access grant decision?
If you support FOI application fees, what level of fee should be imposed? Should it be subject to annual or biennial increase?
For applicants -
Would application fees for FOI requests deter you from making an application?
Would fees for internal review or Information Commissioner review deter you from seeking review of an access refusal or access grant decision?
For agencies -
What effect has the abolition of application fees had on FOI requests to your agency?
What effect has the abolition of fees had on applications for internal review in your agency?
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