Includes two datasets based on different regional boundaries:
(1) Labour Force Regions - ABS Statistical Regions (6 in S.A.).
Maps, data and charts: working age population; employment (full-time and part-time) by industry and occupation; unemployment; labour force participation; teenage unemployment.
(2) Employment Service Areas - DEEWR boundaries (14 in S.A.).
Maps, data and charts: unemployment; Job Network and Centrelink populations (by age and by duration); and Job Network Quarterly Referrals.
Monthly Centrelink and DEEWR working age payments data at National, Centrelink Area and Centrelink CSC levels. Monthly updates on: payment information (NSA, YAL, DSP, PPP, PPS); potential participants; JSA; registration types; job seeker characteristics; connections with the Job Network; and job placements by payment types.
S.A. monthly report on the ABS Labour Force Survey. Includes: employment and unemployment trends; national and State comparison; DEEWR Skilled Vacancy Index; ANZ Job Advertisement Series; and selected key S.A. economic indicators.
Monthly data covering the six ABS Statistical Regions in South Australia. Includes: employed; unemployed; unemployment rate; participation rate; and full-time teenage unemployment rate.
Small Area Labour Markets presents estimates of the number of unemployed persons and unemployment rates for approximately 1,350 Statistical Local Areas across Australia. It also provides estimates of the main labour market aggregates for the 19 DEEWR labour market regions.
The quarterly Australian Regional Labour Markets publication presents statistics on employment, unemployment, the unemployment rate and the participation rate by ABS labour force region. The data are also presented by State/Territory and metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas.