Sa hofsake 2003-2006

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SFR 701


SA HOFSAKE 2003-2006
S v VOLKMAN 2005 (2) SACR 402 (C)
S v BERGH 2006 (2) SACR 225 (N)
S v ZONDANI 2005 (2) SACR 304 (CkH)
S v FLANAGAN 2003 (2) SACR 98 (E)

S v M 2006 (1) SACR 67 (SCA)
S v M 2006 (1) SACR 135 (SCA)
S v LEBOYA 2006 (1) SACR 341 (T)
S v GAGU AND ANOTHER 2006 (1) SACR 547 (SCA)
S v CHAUKE AND ANOTHER 2006 (2) SACR 117 (W)
S v JABANI 2006 (2) SACR 171 (NC)
S v ZUMA 2006 (2) SACR 191 (W) *
S v SIKHIPHA 2006 (2) SACR 439 (SCA)
S v MVAMVU 2005 (1) SACR 54 (SCA)
S v GENTLE 2005 (1) SACR 420 (SCA)
S v MOIPOLAI 2005 (1) SACR 580 (BD)
S v NCHECHE 2005 (2) SACR 386 (W) *
S v MULLER AND OTHERS 2005 (2) SACR 451 (C)
S v JONES 2004 (1) SACR 420 (C)
S v G 2004 (2) SACR 296 (W)
S v SWART 2004 (2) SACR 370 (SCA)
S v MVELASE 2004 (2) SACR 531 (W)


Geen sake ná 2003

Geen sake
Geen sake
Geen sake
Louw, R. S v Eadie: the end of the road for the defence of provocation? South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 16, Iss 2, p. 200-206, 2003


Looks at the outcome of S v Eadie 2002(1)SACR 663(SCA). Discusses criminal liability and provocation as a defence.

Snyman, C.R. The tension between legal theory and policy considerations in the general principles of criminal law. Acta Juridica p. 1-22, 2003


Considers some of the most important points of tension between legal theory and policy considerations within the framework of the general principles of SA criminal law.

Schulze, H.

Law reports: criminal law. De Rebus Iss 413, p. 38, July, 2002


Looks at the outcome of S v Eadie 2002(3)SA 719(SCA) in which criminal capacity, road rage and automatism received attention.

Meintjies Van der Walt, L. Making a muddle into a mess? The amendment of section 78 of the Criminal Procedure Act. South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 15, Iss 2, p. 242-249, 2002 ISSN: 1011-8527


Discusses the amendment of section 78 of Act 51 of 1977. Looks at the distinction between sane automatism, pathological incapacity and non pathological incapacity.

Reddi, M. Recent cases: general principles. South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 15, Iss 2, p. 250-252, 2002 ISSN: 1011-8527


Looks at two cases on general criminal law principles as published in the 2002(1) volume of the ""South African Criminal Law Reports"".

Le Roux, J. Strafregtelike aanspreeklikheid en die verweer van tydelike nie-patologiese ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid. Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg Vol. 65, Iss 3, p. 478-481, 2002


Looks at criminal liability and non pathological criminal incapacity as discussed in S v Eadie 2001(1)SACR 172(K).

Reddi, M. General principles of liability. South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 14, Iss 1, p.90-91, 2001 ISSN: 1011-8527


Discusses criminal liability in the case of murder where the accused claimed tohave no recollection of the shooting itself.

Reddi, M. Recent cases: general principles. South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 14, Iss 2, p.241-243, 2001 ISSN: 1011-8527


Looks at different defences in the case of murder.

Hoctor, S. Road rage and reasoning about responsibility. South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 14, Iss 2, p.195-205, 2001 ISSN: 1011-8527


Considers the relationship of road rage to the principles of criminal liability in the case of S v Eadie.

Louw, R. S v Eadie: road rage, incapacity and legal confusion. South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 14, Iss 2, p.206-216, 2001 ISSN: 1011-8527


Indicates how the judgment in S v Eadie adds to the present confusion and uncertainty about the true meaning of rage, incapacity and automatism.

Carstens, P.A. The defense of non-pathological incapacity with reference to the battered wife who kills her abusive husband. South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 13, Iss 2, p.180-189, 2000 ISSN: 1011-8527


Evaluates the validity and the applicability of non-pathological incapacity as a defence where battered wives were accused of murdering their abusive husbands.

Le Roux, J. Strafregtelike aanspreeklikheid en die verweer van nie-patologiese oftewel gesonde outomatisme. De Jure Vol. 33, Iss 1, p.190-193, 2000


Discusses criminal liability and the possible plea of automatism.

Domestic Violence
Wells, H.; Polders, L. Anti-gay hate crimes in South Africa: prevalence, reporting practices, and experiences of the police. Agenda Iss 67, 20-28, 2006 ISSN: 1013-0950


Analyses the results of a research study to investigate anti gay hate crimes, reporting practices and experiences of the police in Gauteng.

Naidoo, K. Justice at a snail's pace: the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act (Act 116 of 1998) at the Johannesburg Family Court. Acta Criminologica Vol. 19, Iss 1, 77-88, 2006 ISSN: 1012-8093


Focuses on the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act at the Johannesburg Family Court for the period March to December 2004. Examines a sample of case files.

Bassadien, S.; Hochfeld, T. Across the public/private boundary: contextualising domestic violence in South Africa. Agenda Iss 66, p. 4-15, 2005


Questions the assumption that women's experiences of domestic violence are private and thus a secret which fundamentally shapes intellectual and service responses.

Kwaramba, A. Advocacy-focused interventions for policy development and implementation. Agenda Iss 66, p. 64-66, 2005


Interview with Alice Kwaramba, Assistant Programme Officer of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, in which she explains the society's perspectives on gender based violence.

Balan, A. Another woman. Agenda Iss 64, p. 154-158, 2005


The author dedicates this story to the fond memory of her niece who was brutally murdered by her ex-boyfriend in June 1999. Demonstrates the failure of the criminal justice system.

Manyaapelo, N. Born to suffer. Agenda Iss 66, p. 110-116, 2005


The author, who is serving a long prison sentence for killing her husband when she could stand his abuse no longer, describes the regret and the pain of her decisions.

Haffejee, S.; Vetten, L.; Greyling, M. Exploring violence in the lives of women and girls incarcerated at three prisons in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Agenda Iss 66, p. 40-47, 2005


Explores the history of sexual abuse of women offenders in Gauteng prisons both during childhood and adulthood. Indicates the link between such sexual violence and subsequent engagement in unlawful activities.

Naidu, E.; Mkhize, N. Gender-based violence: the lesbian and gay experience. Agenda Iss 66, p. 34-38, 2005


Addresses the much ignored and overlooked issue of gender based violence in same sex relationships.

Nisha, N. The Indian family: too sacrosanct to touch?: Indian women's movement and civil society's responses to incest abuse. Agenda Iss 66, p. 67-73, 2005


Explains why voices of incest abuse survivors are often not heard by women's and other civil society organizations in India.

Liebovitch, S. Is the Domestic Violence Act open to abuse? Children First! Vol. 9, Iss 61, p. 25-26, May-jun, 2005 ISSN: 0951-693X


Looks at the misuse of the Domestic Violence Act in divorce proceedings. Questions why it is that an act, which was propagated to protect the rights of children, can ultimately be used against them.

Schulze, H. Law reports: damages. De Rebus Iss 448, p. 31, Nov, 2005 ISSN: 0250-0329


Looks at the outcome of 2005 5 SA 130 C in which the validity of a final protection order is discussed.

Doolan, K. Missing piece in the puzzle: the health sector's role in implementing the DV. SA crime quarterly Iss 12, p. 9-12, Jun, 2005


Reports that successful implementation of the Domestic Violence Act is impeded by the absence of specific duties and responsibilities for health sector personnel. Considers the role that the health sector could play. Comments on the standardisation of domestic violence screening, guidelines and the development of an abuse management protocol for effective implementation of the Act.

Smythe, D.; Artz, L. Money matters: structural problems with implementing the DVA. Agenda Iss 66, p. 24-33, 2005


Focuses on the impact of women's structured dependency and adverse socioeconomic contexts in precipitating economic abuse and the decisions of domestic violence victims to withdraw cases.

Smythe, D. Moving beyond 30 years of Anglo-American rape law reforms: legal representation for victims of sexual offences. South African Journal of Criminal Justice Vol.18, Iss 2, p. 167-186, 2005 ISSN: 1011-8527


Discusses sexual offences in South Africa, and the particularly brutal nature ofthese attacks, with a focus on crimes of violence against women.

Bennett, J. An old rag: South African research on GBV and debates on cultures and rights. Agenda. Special focus. Gender, culture and rights p. 24-35, 2005


Reviews South African research which explores gender based violence from within the framework of the rights versus culture debate.

Altbeker, A. Policing domestic violence: the enthusiasm gap. SA crime quarterly Iss 12, p. 13-18, Jun, 2005


Maintains that the Domestic Violence Act is poorly understood and badly implemented. Explains how a typical incident is dealt with. Highlights the limitations under which policing operates. Concludes that these limitations combined with the sheer volume of cases, affect the way in which ordinary officers handle these incidents.

Barkhuizen, M.; Pretorius, R. Professional women as victims of emotional abuse within marriage or cohabitating relationships: a victimological study. Acta Criminologica Vol.18, Iss 1, p. 10-20, 2005


Analyses the results of a research study to determine the experiences of professional women who were victims of emotional abuse within marriage or a cohabitating relationship.

Cutler, C.

Protecting the abused or potential for abuse? A procedural analysis of the Domestic Violence Act. Responsa Meridiana p. 45-70, 2005 ISSN: 0486-5588


Gives a procedural analysis of the Domestic Violence Act.

Moult, K. Providing a sense of justice: informal mechanisms for dealing with domestic violence. SA crime quarterly Iss 12, p. 19-24, Jun, 2005


Reports that informal justice systems are used by many women for dealing with domestic abuse. Maintains that their services more closely meet the needs of women than the criminal justice system. Indicates that they focus on mediation and resolution rather than arrest and punishment.

Hargovan, H. Restorative justice and domestic violence: some exploratory thoughts. Agenda Iss 66, p. 48-56, 2005


Examines the appropriateness of restorative interventions in domestic violence cases.

Ajayi, M.; Olotuah, A. Violations of women's property rights within the family. Agenda Iss 66, p. 58-63, 2005


Focuses on different forms of violation of property rights against women among ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Kruger, H.B. Addressing domestic violence: to what extent does the law provide effective measures? Journal for Juridical Science Vol. 29, Iss 1, p. 152-173, June, 2004 ISSN: 0258-252X


Examines the current legal remedies and protection available to victims of domestic violence.

Artz, L. Better safe than sorry: Magistrates' views on the Domestic Violence Act. SA crime quarterly Iss 7, p. 1-8, Mar, 2004


Explores the role of magistrates with regard to the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act. Highlights shortcomings of the Act. Shows that most take a 'better safe, than sorry' approach in granting particular conditions in protection orders. Concludes that the general sentiment is that it makes more sense to have an all- inclusive protection order than one that will be subject tovariation at a later stage. Makes recommendations.

Fieggen, A.G.; Wiemann, M.; Brown, C.; Van As, A.B.; Swingler, G.H.; Peter, J.C. Inhuman shields - children caught in the crossfire of domestic violence. South African Medical Journal Vol. 94, Iss 4, p. 293-296, Apr, 2004 ISSN: 0038-2469


Presents a retrospective chart review of children presenting to the Red Cross Hospital's trauma unit with a diagnosis of non-accidental head injury over a 3 year period.

Bekker, J.C.; Van Zyl, G.J.; Wakeford, E. Legal remedies available to an aggrieved parent: observations on the parental alienation syndrome in custody and access litigation. Child abuse research in South Africa Vol. 5, Iss 1, p. 26-33, Apr, 2004


Deals with the custody battle and the impact it may have on children. Focuses on the parental alienation syndrome and legal remedies available to the aggrieved parent. Suggests that an inquisitional system of justice be adopted, Highlights the benefits of joint custody.

Moothoo-Padayachie, N. Lesbian violence explored. Agenda Iss 60, p. 81-86, 2004


Explores lesbian violence in the South African context. Argues that society renders lesbians and their experience of violence invisible.

Smythe, D. Missed opportunities: confiscation of weapons in domestic violence cases. SA crime quarterly Iss 10, p. 19-26, Dec, 2004


Part in a series on the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act. Focuses on the use of weapons in incidents of domestic violence as reflected in applications for protection orders at three Western Cape jurisdictions. Discusses the provisions of the Firearms Control Act and the Domestic Violence Acts with reference to the confiscation of weapons in domestic violence cases. Illustrates with statistics and tables.

Schoeman, H. Regverdiging vir 'n multigenerasiebenadering tot geweld teenoor vroue. Acta academica. Supplementum. Contemporary empowerment approaches in social work Iss 1, p. 1-31, 2004


Applies Bowen's multigenerational approach to family functioning in an analysis of violence against women in cohabiting and marital relationships.

Rakoczy, S. Religion and violence: the suffering of women. Agenda Iss 61, p. 29-35, 2004


Discusses the insidious links between patriarchy, violence and Christianity. Focuses on their effects on women as seen through the prevalence of domestic violence in South Africa.

Hesselink-Louw, A.M. South African law and child prostitution: an overview. Stellenbosch Law Review Vol. 15, Iss 2, p. 352-368, 2004 ISSN: 1016-4359


Looks at child prostitution and how certain laws have to be adjusted in order to combat child prostitution in SA.

Artz, L. Tough choices: difficulties facing magistrates in applying protection orders. SA crime quarterly Iss 8, p. 25-30, Jun, 2004


The second in a series of articles on the Domestic Violence Act, which considers some of the most difficult issues that magistrates must decide on. Focuses on prohibiting abusers from entering the common home, emergency monetary relief and contact orders with children. Includes recommendations regarding the child (as an applicant for a protection order) and in terms of the placement of children.

Nicholson, C. When wives kill their husbands. De Rebus Iss 435, p. 27-30, Aug, 2004 ISSN: 0250-0329


Looks at domestic violence and the abuse of wives as reasons why wives kill their husbands. Looks at the outcome of Ferreira v State (unreported).

Singh, D. Intimate abuse: a study of repeat and multiple victimisation. Acta Criminologica Vol.16, Iss 4, p. 34-51, 2003


Analyses the results of a research study to determine the attitudes and responses to intimate assault and domestic violence among the academic staff of Technikon Southern Africa.

Padayachee, A.; Singh, D. Intimate violence and substance (ab)use: the correlative relationship. Acta Criminologica Vol. 16, Iss 1, p. 108-114, 2003


Analyses the results of a research study to determine whether there is a correlative link between domestic violence and alcohol and substance abuse.

Title: Domestic Violence and the Human Rights Act 1998: A New Means of Legal Intervention? Personal Author: Choudhry, Shazia; Herring, Jonathan Journal Name: Public Law Source: Public Law (Winter 2006) p. 752-84

Publication Year: 2006

Statute Jurisdiction: Great Britain

Title: Family violence report

Personal Author: Spencer, Pauline; D'Arcy, Marg; McCormack, Fiona

Journal Name: Law Institute Journal

Source: Law Institute Journal v. 80 no. 10 (October 2006) p. 10

Publication Year: 2006

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Victoria (Australia)

Title: Time for change

Personal Author: Carr, Joanna

Journal Name: Alternative Law Journal

Source: Alternative Law Journal v. 31 no. 3 (September 2006) p. 167-8

Publication Year: 2006

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Victoria (Australia)

Title: The End of Domestic Violence

Personal Author: Reece, Helen

Journal Name: The Modern Law Review

Source: The Modern Law Review v. 69 no. 5 (September 2006) p. 770-91

Publication Year: 2006

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Great Britain; Family relationships

Title: The emperor's new clothes: Court and justice initiatives to address family violence

Personal Author: Holder, Robyn

Journal Name: Journal of Judicial Administration

Source: Journal of Judicial Administration v. 16 no. 1 (August 2006) p. 30-47

Publication Year: 2006

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Enforcement issue/Australian Capital Territory (Australia); Family courts/Australian Capital Territory (Australia); Therapeutic jurisprudence

Title: Global Digest

Personal Author: Roberts, A. J.; Phil, M.

Journal Name: The Criminal Law Review

Source: The Criminal Law Review (January 2006) p. 90-2

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Victoria (Australia); Detention of persons/Victoria (Australia); Adverse inferences/Canada; Self-incrimination/Canada
Title: Sentencing for manslaughter by provocation revisited

Journal Name: The Criminal Law Review

Source: The Criminal Law Review (July 2005) p. 509-10

Publication Year: 2005

Subject(s): Provocation/Great Britain; Manslaughter/Great Britain; Domestic violence; Mandatory minimum sentences/Great Britain

Title: The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004

Journal Name: The Criminal Law Review

Source: The Criminal Law Review (February 2005) p. 83-4

Publication Year: 2005

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Great Britain; Domestic relations law reform/Great Britain; Sentencing reform/Great Britain

Title: Domestic violence and minoritisation: Legal and policy barriers facing minoritized women leaving violent relationships

Personal Author: Burman, Erica; Chantler, Khatidja

Journal Name: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry

Source: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry v. 28 no. 1 (January/February 2005) p. 59-74

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Great Britain; Race discrimination/Great Britain; Refugees/Great Britain; Immigration and emigration/Great Britain; Culture

Title: Compensating the Harms of Sexual and Domestic Violence: Tort Law, Insurance and the Role of the State

Personal Author: Brown, Craig; Randall, Melanie

Journal Name: Queen's Law Journal

Source: Queen's Law Journal v. 30 no. 1 (Fall 2004) p. 311-47

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Victim compensation/Canada; Sex crimes/Victim compensation/Canada; Liability insurance/Canada; Public finance/Canada

Abstract: In Canada, the measurable health-related social and economic costs to society of domestic and sexual violence are estimated to exceed over $1.5 billion a year. Most victims of such violence are not adequately compensated by the current legal regime. In this paper, the authors draw parallels between the societal costs of domestic and sexual violence and of workplace and automobile accidents. In both of the latter environments, the government has intervened to create statutorily governed schemes that ensure adequate victim compensation. The same reasons that drove reform for industrial and automobile accidents--the high cost of tort litigation, restrictions on claims, low rate of actual compensation and the acceptance of social responsibility--should now be applied to the widespread problem of domestic and sexual violence. The authors argue that a publicly funded system is the only viable solution. The authors explore the (im)possibility of private insurance. Neither the no-fault automobile insurance model nor the workers' compensation model is workable due to differences in the nature of harm and the relationship between tortfeasor and victim. Extending existing liability insurance is also unworkable as most policies contain exclusion clauses that prevent coverage for harms caused intentionally. Clearly, the best approach to compensate victims is a substantially enhanced public compensation scheme. As a starting point, the authors suggest combatting the current problems with Ontario's Criminal Injuries Compensation Program--such as underfunding and low awareness. They also argue in favour of establishing a clear compensation rationale for the program. The purpose of the new publicly funded program should be anchored in an attempt to acknowledge, through compensation, the need for solace; and the current approach of attempting to put a cost on individual pain and suffering of claimants should be abandoned. As a potential source of funds, the authors point to the ongoing budgetary surpluses of the Victims' Justice Fund, which they argue is currently not being used effectively. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Title: Gay Male Pornography and Sexual Violence: A Sex Equality Perspective on Gay Male Rape and Partner Abuse

Personal Author: Kendall, Christopher N.

Journal Name: McGill Law Journal

Source: McGill Law Journal v. 49 no. 4 (October 2004) p. 877-923

Subject(s): Male rape/Canada; Obscenity; Domestic violence

Document Type: Feature Article

Abstract: The author critiques the uneven application of the sex equality test for pornographic harm advocated by many of the interveners in Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium. Contesting the interrelated claims that (1) homosexual pornography does not result in the perpetuation of the same kinds of harms documented in relation to heterosexual pornography; and (2) homosexual pornography is central to gay male identity and liberation, the author argues that the differential treatment of hetero- and homosexual pornography is not only legally untenable, but also dangerous given the high incidence of domestic violence and rape within the gay male community. Arguing in support of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Little Sisters, the author contends that insufficient attention has been paid to the specific content of the gay male pornographic materials at issue in this litigation. In particular, he argues that both hetero- and homosexual pornography depend on similar sexist gender hierarchies, reify a conception of normalized sexuality valorizing violence, degradation, and non-mutuality, and, therefore, can be understood to encourage harmful sexual practices in those who consume these materials. In forwarding this argument, the author engages in an extensive description and critical analysis of the gay male pornographic exhibits at issue in the Little Sisters litigation and demonstrates that these materials operate according to a sexual logic comparable to that observed and denounced in respect of heterosexual pornography. L'auteur critique ce qu'il considere etre une application inegale du test du dommage cause par la pornographie invoque par plusieurs des intervenants dans l'arret Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium. L'auteur remet en question les affirmations inter-reliees selon lesquelles (1) la pornographie homosexuelle ne perpetue pas des torts semblables a ceux observes en relation avec la pornographie heterosexuelle; et (2) la pornographie homosexuelle se trouve au coeur de l'identite et de la liberation gaies masculines. L'auteur soutient que la difference de traitement entre les pornographies heterosexuelle et homosexuelle est non seulement juridiquement intenable, mais de surcroit dangereuse au vu de l'incidence importante de la violence domestique et du viol dans la communaute gaie masculine. L'argument de l'auteur se veut en faveur de la decision de la Cour supreme du Canada dans Little Sisters. Celui-ci soutient que trop peu d'attention a ete devolue au contenu specifique des elements de pornographie gaie masculine en l'espece. II soutient en particulier que les pornographies heterosexuelle et homosexuelle reposent toutes deux sur une hierarchie des sexes discriminatoire et reifient une conception de la sexualite normalisee promouvant la violence, la degradation et l'absence de mutualite. Selon l'auteur, on peut donc en conclure que les deux types de pornographie encouragent chez ceux qui en consomment des pratiques sexuelles destructrices. Dans la presentation de son argument, l'auteur se consacre a une description extensive et a une analyse critique des elements de preuve presentes dans l'affaire Little Sisters et explique en quoi ces documents de pornographie gaie masculine fonctionnent selon une logique comparable a celle observee et denoncee en matiere de pornographie heterosexuelle. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Title: U v U: the High Court on relocation

Personal Author: Behrens, Juliet

Journal Name: Melbourne University Law Review

Source: Melbourne University Law Review v. 27 no. 2 (August 2003) p. 572-89

Subject(s): Parental relocation/Australia; Domestic violence/Australia; Feminist jurisprudence

Title: Responding to Victim Withdrawal in Domestic Violence Prosecutions

Personal Author: Ellison, Louise

Journal Name: The Criminal Law Review

Source: The Criminal Law Review (2003 $1continue) p. 760-72

Subject(s): Domestic violence/California; Domestic violence/Great Britain; Crime victims; Prior consistent statements; Human rights/European Union countries; Criminal law/Comparative law

Title: Sentencing Domestic Homicide Upon Provocation: Still 'Getting Away with Murder'

Personal Author: Burton, Mandy

Journal Name: Feminist Legal Studies

Source: Feminist Legal Studies v. 11 no. 3 (2003) p. 279-89

Subject(s): Sentencing reform/Great Britain; Domestic violence/Great Britain; Homicide/Great Britain

Title: Manslaughter-manslaughter by reason of provocation-manslaughter of spouse or partner-whether current level of sentences adequate

Personal Author: Thomas, D. A.

Journal Name: The Criminal Law Review

Source: The Criminal Law Review (2003 $continue) p. 414-17

Subject(s): Manslaughter/Great Britain; Provocation/Great Britain; Domestic violence/Great Britain; Sentencing/Enhancement/Great Britain

Title: Violence against women in the home: kaleidoscopes on a collision course?

Personal Author: Easteal, Patricia

Journal Name: Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal

Source: Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal v. 3 no. 2 (2003) p. 250-73

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Australia

Title: Criminalising Breaches of Civil Orders for Protection from Domestic Violence

Personal Author: Burton, Mandy

Journal Name: The Criminal Law Review

Source: The Criminal Law Review (2003 $continue) p. 301-13

Subject(s): Domestic violence/Great Britain; Domestic violence/Australia; Restraining orders/Great Britain; Restraining orders/Australia; Criminal law/Comparative law

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