Sample B2B versus B2C

Henry Ford – Lean Manufacturing

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Henry Ford – Lean Manufacturing

Henry Ford hated waste. His ambition was to produce the most efficient production line for making his Model T cars. He thought about the process flow; beginning with raw materials and finishing with a happy customer driving a new car.
In Michigan, USA in 1913, Henry Ford created a moving, assembly line to produce cars. Every worker had a different job and the cars moved through the factory past each workstation. Mr. Ford had an office on the second floor so he could watch the whole line. If he saw that a part of the line was too slow or workers had to move too quickly, he would change the system until it was more efficient.
His techniques included standardisation, paying good wages and reducing waste. Henry Ford is considered the “Father of Lean Manufacturing”.
Toyota is the largest car manufacturer in the world today, and the Toyota Production System (TPS) is based on the original ideas of Henry Ford.

Dave Thomas: Fast Food Giant

Rex David Thomas was born in 1932 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. He died at the age of 69 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 2002.
Thomas was adopted when he was a baby and as an adult, he was a well-known advocate for adoption. He founded the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption which is a nonprofit charity that helps find permanent homes for children in foster care in the United States and Canada.
Dave Thomas dropped out of school to work at a restaurant when he was 15 years of age. He calls it the biggest mistake of his life but in 1993 he obtained his GED. He became an advocate for education and founded the Dave Thomas Education Center in Coconut Creek, Florida. The center offers GED classes to young adults.
His biggest achievement was founding the Wendy’s fast food chain that specializes in hamburgers. He was also the chief executive officer. He appeared in more than 800 television commercials for Wendy’s from 1989 to 2002.

Ferruccio Lamborghini: Italian Industrialist

Ferruccio Lamborghini was born in Italy in 1916. His parents were grape farmers. Rather than taking an interest in farming, Ferruccio took an interest in the farming machinery. This led him to create Automobili Lamborghini and become a maker of high-end sports cars.
Prior to sports cars, Lamborghini was in the business of tractor manufacturing. After that, he opened an oil burner factory and then he was involved in the business of producing air conditioning equipment.
In the late 1970s, Lamborghini sold many of his interests in the companies and retired in Umbria where he took an interest in winemaking.
Lamborghini had a fascination with bull fighting. His astrological sign is Taurus so he adopted the raging bull as the emblem for his auto company.

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