Sample B2B versus B2C

Henry Ford: Ford Motor Company

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Henry Ford: Ford Motor Company

Henry Ford was born in 1863 and died at the age of 84 in 1947. He founded the Ford Motor Company and developed the assembly line technique for mass production. He is responsible for making the automobile accessible to the average American. It went from being an expensive car for the upper-class to an item owned by middle-class Americans. This had a great impact on the 20th century.
Henry Ford became one of the richest and best-known people of his time. The term “Fordism” was created to describe the mass production of inexpensive goods while providing higher wages for the workers. His work resulted in many technical and business innovations during his time. The franchise system put dealerships for automobiles all through North America and in major cities on six continents.
When he passed away, Ford left most of his money to the Ford Foundation and made sure that it would be permanently controlled by family.

Henry John Heinz: Adding the Condiments

Henry John Heinz was born in 1844 and lived until 1919. When he was 25 years old, he cofounded a horseradish concern in Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania. The business was not a success but the next one – expanding into tomato ketchup and other condiments – brought him his fortune. The company became known as H.J. Heinz Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
H.J Heinz Company was founded by Henry, his brother John, and their cousin, Frederick. In 1888, Henry Heinz bought out the others to become the sole owner. In 1896, the company sold over 60 products and the slogan for the company became “57 Varieties.” Heinz said the slogan was because his lucky number is 5 and that of his wife is 7.
The company was incorporated in 1905 and Heinz was the president from that day and for the rest of his life. Heinz died in Pittsburgh at the age of 74. At that time, his company had more than 20 food processing plants and owned many seed farms and container factories.

Leonard Lee: The Tool Man

Leonard Lee was the founder of Lee Valley Tools, a Canadian company. He was born in Wadena, Saskatchewan in 1938 and passed away in 2016. He was raised in a log cabin that did not have electricity or running water.
Leonard Lee earned a diploma in civil engineering and a Bachelor of Economics. For 16 years, he worked for the federal government as a topographical surveyor, member of the Canadian Foreign Service, and as a civil servant in the Department of Industry.
He founded Lee Valley Tools in 1978. The company was a mail-order company for woodworking and gardening tools. It has grown into a multimillion-dollar company. During his career, he also founded Veritas Tools, Algrove Publishing, and Canica Designs. Canica Designs is a medical/surgical instrument company located in Ontario, Canada.

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