Say: He Is the One God: God the Eternal, the Uncaused Cause of all being

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The Lord of the worlds!

With Love You Created love!

The Most Loving, You Give us love and delight!

You Are the Source of Infinite Mercy!

The Most Merciful of those who show mercy!

The Absolute Sovereign of souls!

Verily endeared to me is Your Praise!

You Are Worthy of all Praise!

I am unable to praise You as it is due!

You Are as You Praise Yourself!

Alone You Know Yourself properly!

Alone You Praise Yourself properly!

Praised and Exalted Be You!

My hope, my fear and my love is for You!

I turn myself and hold fast to You!

I open my hands and my heart to You!

Knowing that I shall not be expelled, I appeal to You!

Knowing that You Are Ever Oft-Forgiving, I implore Your Forgiveness!

From my shame I throw a curtain on my face!

As a repenting servant I ask You for Your Grace!


I am like a bird with a broken wing.

A bird that can neither fly nor migrate.

Like a dream left halfway.

I cannot pass the precipice and peak.

The fear envelops me that I may not reach.

My arms and wings broken, my heart rended into thousand pieces!

You Cure every wound and You Gather anything made into pieces!

My existence is witness to Your Existence!

My existence is witness to Your Mercy and Grace!


O Al-Wadûd!

You are the Loving and the Loved One.

You Are Full of Love, You Are the Source of Love!

We love our being created by You, and You Create when You Love!

Give us of those Infinite Treasures of Yours!

Include us into that Flood of Love of Yours: Love us, please!

You Cause to love whomever You Like: Make us love, please!

You Make those whom You Love pleased with Paradise: Make us therewith pleased!


Truly, You Are the Creator, whereof the mirror is the whole universe.

Truly, You Are the One, everything that exists is witness of Your Oneness.

We believe: One and Unique Is the Creator.

We know: created in pairs is the creation.

All is in need of You, You Are Free from all needs.

You Are Al-Ahad, Al-Wâhid, As-Samad.


Glorifies You every atom in a substance.

Remembers You every living creature that breathes.

Thinks about You every creature whom You entrusted with intelligence,

You Are the One Who Hears, Informs and Makes everything sense.

Those aware of value and worth offer thanks to You,

Those who regard the existence as Blessing praise You.


Unto You Alone do we turn for aid, and You Alone do we worship.

We seek Your refuge, shelter, support, saying Ya ALLÂH.

We seek refuge with You from devil, saying A’ûzu BILLÂH.

We begin every work with You, saying BISMILLÂH.

When You Give a Blessing, we offer thanks to You.

Either You Give or Take, we say ALHAMDULLILLÂH.

When filled with admiration, we say MASHA’ALLÂH.

When feeling regret, we say AstaghfIrullÂh.

When rejoicing, we say ALLÂHu Akbar

When feeling sorry, we say Innâ lILLÂH

When feeling bored, we say FA-SubhÂnALLÂH

When cursing, we say QÂTALAHUMALLÂH

When winning a victory, we say NASRUN MINALLÂH

When earning sustenance, we say AR-RIZQU‘ALALLÂH

When wishing for a thing, we say Inshâ’ALLÂH

When accomplishing a work, we say BIIDHNILLÂH

When facing difficulty, LÂ-HAWLÂ WA-LÂ QUWWATA ILLA BILLÂH

When giving a promise, we say WALLÂH and BILLÂH.


I am a servant and You Are ALLÂH.

I am the requesting one and You Are the Granting One.

I am the thirsty one and You Are the Giver of water.

I am in need and You Are the Satisfier of all needs.

I do not suffice myself but You Are the Self-Sufficient Master

I do not know myself but You Know me better than myself.

I am not fully conscious of myself but You Are Closer to me than my neck-vein.

A servant requests in a way suiting him and You Grant in a way suiting ALLÂH.

My state is my plea and my position is to invoke.

What do I have without You and what is my worry if I am with You?


Opportunities never finish for the one who has Faith.

Part not from Faith and the Qur’ân!

The Light does not reach him who is deprived of the Qur’ân.

Make of those who awaken to Your Book, not of those who fabricate against Your Book!

Make us pleased with the Qur’ân and make the Qur’ân pleased with us!

Make the Qur’ân a witness on the Day of Recompense, not a complainer!

Open the Qur’ân to us, open us to the Qur’ân!

Sprinkle with our hands the Divine Revelation on the waterless hearts!

In the desert of time mankind needs this water, Ya Rabbi!


Let not our faith melt like snow in our problems’ hand!

Let our problems melt like snow in the hand of our faith.

Makes us not horses under the worldly goods.

Makes the worldly goods Buraqs under us!

Let not our possessions become our owner!

Make pure and white our minds, love and faces!

In the crucible of trial Make us strong as ore, not slag!

Put on us a burden that we have strength to bear!

Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear!

We seek refuge in Your Grace from Your Displeasure, O ALLÂH!

We flee from You Torment to Your Mercy, O ALLÂH!

We fear You and seek refuge with You, O ALLÂH!

We seek refuge with none but You Alone, O ALLÂH!


Make me not of those who deceive!

Let me not be deceived by those who deceive about You, O ALLÂH!

Let not the devil beautify our actions!

Allow not our action which the devil beautifies!

Give me the repentance of Adam, the resistance of Prophet Nûh!

Give me the faith of Prophet Ibrâhîm, the submission of Prophet Ismâ’îl!

Give me the acumen of Prophet Ya’qûb, the chastity of Prophet Yûsuf!

Give me the bravery of Prophet Mûsâ, the faithfulness of Prophet Hârûn!

Give me the voice of Prophet Dawûd, the effort of Prophet Sulaimân!

Give me the patience of Prophet Ayyûb, the wisdom of Luqmân!

Give me the service of Prophet Zakariyâ, the testimony Prophet Yahyâ!

Give me the dedication of Maryam, the purity of Prophet ‘Îsâ!

Give me the love of Prophet Muhammad!


Show me the truth of things!

Grant me the obedience to the Truth, the capacity to rebel against superstition!

Make the Concern of Your Religion my concern, Take my private concerns!

Make me so attached to this dear Concern as to search no remedy!

Let me experience those glorious pains!

Leave not my will without blessing, my knowledge without wisdom, O ALLÂH!

Leave not my faith without effort, my loyalty without support, O ALLÂH!

Leave not powerless my character, my morals without kindness, O ALLÂH!

Leave not my life without love, my Hereafter without Paradise, O ALLÂH!

Let not my faith be captured in my reason’s hands!

Let not my reason be disgraced in my feelings’ hands!

Let not my feelings become despicable in my lust’s hand!


I seek refuge with You,

From the eye that does not weep, from the self that does not ache,

From the face that does not blush.

I seek refuge with You,

From polytheism, from disbelief and disbelievers in Your Oneness,

From the ignorant, from the heedless, from the disbelievers,

From the wealth obtained through unlawful means.

From the undeserved fame.

I seek refuge with You,

From cowardice, diffidence and jealousy.

I seek refuge with You,

From envy, corruption, slackness and discord,

From sin and transgression.

I seek refuge with You,

From slander and from treachery,

From miserliness and vindictiveness.


Do not burn me in the fire that my conceit burns!

Do not make me a slave to my inner self; make my inner self a slave to You!

Leave me not to myself even for an instant!

You Are Sufficient for me, I am not sufficient for me.

Teach me what I do not know; Show me what I do not see!

I cannot know unless You Teach, I cannot see unless show.

Give rest to my soul, light to my eyes, strength to my knees!

When You Say “Be!” it happens, it cannot happen unless You Say “Be!”

Give life to my spirit and spirit to my life, Command to my heart!

I am stretching out my hands to You, Take my hands!

Please, please, Leave me not to myself!

You Are Sufficient for me, I am not sufficient for me!

O ALLÂH, Leave not my hands!


Forsake us not!

Hold our hands!



1 Halil b. Ahmad al-Farâhîdî (100-175 h.); Kitabu’l-‘Ayn, tah: Dr. Mahdi al-Mahzûmî-Dr. Ibrahîm as-Samarrâî, Dâru’r-Rashîd, Bagdad-1980; IV, 86-91.

2 al-Itqân fî ‘Ulûmi’l-Qur’ân; Abdurrahman Jalaluddin as-Suyûtî (died 911), Mustafa Bâbî al-Halabî mat., Cairo, 1370/1952; II, 158.

3 al-Mu’jamu’l-Mufahras li alfâzi’l-Qur’ân; M. Fuâd ‘Abdulbâqî, Dâru’l-Hadîs, Cairo, 1988.

4 About the word “ALLÂH” see Ferrâ (Ma’ani’l-Qur’an) and Ahfash.

5 Zarkashî, Badruddin (745-794); Ma’nâ lâilâha illALLÂH, tah: Ali Muhyiddin Ali, Daru’l-‘Itisâm, Cairo, 1405/1985; p.81.

6 Abû Dâwud (died 275), Sunan, tah: M. M. Abdulhamid, D. Fikr; I, 259, V. 87.

7 Tabari (died 310), Jamiu’l-Bayan, D. Fikr, Beirut, 1405; 39:53 Tafsîr.

8 Ferederick Ferre; Din Dilinin Anlamı, p.143.

9 Muslim (died 265), Sahih, tah: M. F. Abdulbaqi, Daru Ihyai’t-Turâsi’l-‘Arabî, Beirut; I, 352, hn. 486.

10 Same place.

11 Ibn Manzur (died 711); Lisânu’l-‘Arab, D. Ma’arif, Cairo; h-s-n md.

12 Abu Dawûd (died 275); Sunan, tah: M. M. Abdulhamid, D. Fikr; Kitabu’s-Salat; Ahmad b. Hanbal; Musnad; IV, 155.

13 Ghazzâlî, Abu Hamid (died 555); al-Maqsadu’l-Asnâ, tah: Bassam A. Al-Jâbî, al-Jafan wa’l-Jâbî, Cyprus, 1407/1987; p.150.

14 Sahih Al-Bukhâri, II, 58, hn. 3254.

15 Tirmidhî (died 279); Sunan, tah: A. M. Shakir, D. Ihya, Beirut; III, 312, hn. 3254.

16 Râzî, Fahruddin (544-604); at-Tafsiru’l-Kabir, D. Kutubi’l-Ilmiyya, Beirut; I, 106.

17 Shahristânî (died 548); al-Milal wa’n-Nihal, D. Sa’b, Beirut- 1406/1986; II, 9-44.

18 Tabari and Ibn Kathir; 7:180 Tafsîr.

19 al-Fasl fi’l-Milal wa’l-Ahvai wa’n-Nihal; Ibn Hazm, D. Cîl, Beirut; II, 150-151, 284-337.

20 See Abu Hanifa, al-Fikhu’l-Akbar, A. Kârî Sharhi, Beirut, 1404/1983; p.301-302; Mâturîdî; Kitâbu’t-Tauhîd, published by F. Hulayf, D. Mashrik, 1986, Beirut; p.44-48, 65; Ash’arî, al-Luma’, published by R. M. McCarthy, Beirut, 1952-53; p.6-8 and 10-14.

21 Sunani Ibn Mâce; Muhammad b. Yazid al-Kazwînî (207-275); D. Fikr, Beirut, tah: M. F. Abdulbaqi; Iqâma, p.179.

22 Sahih Al-Bukhâri, II, 981, hn: 2585; Muslim, IV, 2063, hn: 2677.

23 al-Muharraru’l-Wajîz fî Tafsîri’l-Kitâbi’l-‘Azîz; Ibn Atiya al-Andalusi (died 546); D. K. Ilmiya, Beirut-1413/1993; VII, 213; Fathu’l-Bâri, Ibn Hajar al-Askalani, tah: M. F. Abdulbâkî, D. Marifa, Beirut-1379; XI, 218-219.

24 Lawâmiu’l-Bayyinât Sharhu Asmaillahi Ta’âlâ wa’s-sifât; Fahraddin ar-Râzî; tah: Taha A. Sa’d, Cairo-1396/1976; p.77-78.

25 Ibn Taymiyya, al-Irâde wa’l-Amr, I, 338.

26 Same place

27 Sâghânî; Mawdû’at; I, 74.

28 Ibn Kathir; Tafsir; II, 270.

29 Fathu’l-Bârî; XIII, 472-475.

30 Ibn Kathir; Tafsir; II, 270.

31 Sharhu Sahihi Muslim; XVII, 5; Baihakî; al-Asmâ wa’s-Sifât, p.6; Ibn Kathir, III, 517.

32 Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, II, 258.

33 Îsâru’l-Hak ‘ala’l-Halk; Ibnu’l-Wazir (775-840); D. K. Ilmiyya, Beirut-1403/1983; p.158-162.

34 Musnad, I, 391, 452; Hakim, Mustadrak, I, 509.

35 Sahih Al-Bukhâri and Muslim.

36 al-Maqsadu’l-Asnâ, p.150.

37 Fathu’l-Bârî, XI, 225-227.

38 al-Maqsadu’l-Asnâ, p.150.

39 Râzî, Tafsir, I, 102; Abussuud, Tafsir, III, 269.

40 al-Maqsadu’l-Asnâ, s.174.

41Makâlâtu’l-Islamiyyîn; Ash’arî (died 324); t. H. Ritter, Bibliotheka Islamika, F. S. V. GMBH, Weisbaden-1980; p.525.

42 See Al-Muhallâ; Ibn Hazm, I, 29.

43 Baghavî; Tafsîr, D. Marifa, Beirut-1987; I, 907

44 Sahih Al-Bukhâri, 5, 2298, hn: 5870.

45 Lisanu’l-‘Arab; V, 125-131.

46 Râzî, Tafsiru’l-Kabîr.

47 Sahih Al-Bukhâri and Muslim.

48 al-Maqsadu’l-Asnâ, p.41.

49 Raghib al-Isfahânî; Mufradât.

50 Sahih Al-Bukhâri and Muslim.

51 Muslim.

52 Molla Ali al-Kârî; Mirkâtu’l-Mafâtîh, I, 122.

53 Ibn Atiyya, al-Muharraru’l-Wajîz.

54 Elmalili M. Hamdi Yazir; Hak Dîni Kur’an Dili, Eser publishing house, VIII, 5483.

55 Ali al-Kârî, Mirkât, V, 116.

56 Râzî, Tafsir, XVII, 61-64.

57 Sahih Al-Bukhâri and Muslim.

58 Râzî, Tafsir, XIII, 105.

59 For all proofs and evaluations see Râzî, Tafsir, XIII, 103-109.

60 Ibn Kayyim al-Jawziyya; Zadu’l-Ma’ad, I, 408-410.

61 Al-Kashf ‘An Manahiji’l-Adilla (in Falsafatu Ibn Rushd), Cairo - 1388/1968, p.102-108.

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