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Т.И. Седляр

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – Т.С. Троцюк


Stretching is considered essential by most athletes for warming up prior to training or a race to prevent injury, and after to prevent sore and tight muscles. Also, stretching should be done before and after weight training. This is a common omission. This is even more essential to strengthen an injured muscle when lifting weights. Stretching has to be done very gently after warming up the muscles by fast walking for a few minutes or cycling or running for at least four minutes or so. If available, the sauna or whirlpool is also effective to warm the muscles.

Stretching has many advantages:

- It improves appearance by ensuring good posture and more graceful body movements.

- It assists coordination, makes the body feel more relaxed, increases range of motion of joints, promotes circulation and feels good.

- It increases flexibility and elasticity of joints, tendons and muscles.

- Injuries are less likely, mainly from stretching during cool down.

- A flexible runner can run more economically and exert more power.

- It assists removal of waste products by pumping out old blood and waste material, and bringing in fresh blood. Blood, especially in the veins, is squeezed out on the stretch. As the stretch is released, the muscle returns to its normal size and brings in fresh blood, which serves to cleanse and nourish it. It flushes metabolic wastes, such as lactic acid, from the stressed muscles. Hence, for injuries in particular, this fresh blood brings in nutrients and removes scar tissue.

- It compensates for the natur al loss of flexibility with the increasing age (in particular master athletes). As a person ages, the stride length shortens, and the stride frequency also decreases. But frequent and consistent stretching will slow down this deterioration.

- Muscles store elastic energy during a stretch giving the muscle more power. A stretch (ideally) should immediately precede the sports competition to take advantage of this increased power. However, if an athlete warms up and stretches, then stands around for 20 or 30 minutes before the competition, the muscles contract back to their original resting length and the energy is wasted.

- It can correct imbalances in the body due to differences in flexibility between right and left legs, and between right and left hip region. These imbalances can lead to altered gait in running and result in soreness or injury in other parts of the lower body.

The latest thinking on stretching before a workout is that it should not be done (or at least minimized) before a strenuous workout or a race. The problem is that static stretching, even mild, leads to some microtrauma of muscle cells and stretching masks pain. Therefore, static stretching immediately prior to training, particularly if stretching is intense and prolonged, could lead to injury if followed by intense or prolonged exercise. Similarly, it is not wise to workout with sore muscles (due to extreme microtears) as it often leads to injury. Also some research has indicated the possibility of decreased performance due to stretching before competition. However, the traditional jog followed by low-intensity stretching before a low-intensity workout could still be retained. Many recent studies recommend a dynamic warm-up instead of static stretching as part of the warm-up.

Static stretching is also recommended shortly after a workout, when muscles are warm. This provides maximum flexibility, improves recovery and reduces lactate and soreness in muscles, thus helping prevent injury. However, in view of the microtears in muscles after an intense workout, an intense competition, or intense weight training session, it is necessary to wait and stretch two hours later. This gives the microtrauma time to subside. Static stretching is still very beneficial and needs to be done daily, but at the right time, and always after warming the muscles.

Thus, in the training process it is very important to use stretching as it develops flexibility, improves muscle elasticity, and helps avoid their tension and stiffness.

  1. Anderson, B. Stretching, Shelter Publications, Bolinas / B. Anderson. – California, 1980. – 80 p.

  2. Dr. Stark, S.D. The Stark Reality of Stretching, The Stark Reality Corp / S.D. Dr. Stark, B.C. Richmond, 1997. – 47 p.

В статье обосновывается необходимость использования стретчинга в тренировочном процессе спортсменов во избежание травм, в целях предотвращения боли и мышечного напряжения, а также в жизнедеятельности людей различного возраста для снятия напряжения нервной системы и стрессов.

И.С. Середич

Республика Беларусь, Брест, БрГУ имени А.С. Пушкина

Научный руководитель – Т.С. Троцюк


Today, we face economic struggles that seem to have no end. Problems exist because things are just different today. Technologies, the way people do even the simplest tasks change every day and the world has to change along with it. The United States has now entered a Recession, which we considered as a general slowdown in economic activity in a country over a sustained period of time, or a business cycle contraction. During recessions many macroeconomic indicators vary in a similar way. Production as measured by Gross Domestic Product, employment, investment spending, capacity utilization, household incomes and business profits all fall during recessions. Many different people have many different solutions to this recession problem; some do not even see it as a problem. There are also many different reasons that people believe it happened. How is unemployment affecting us today? Unemployment is a huge problem with recessions. People have to work just simply to live. However, some unemployment is unavoidable. When people stop working then they get more dependent on the government, and the government really does not need that. The problem of unemployment is crucial as far as the world economic growth is concerned. There are different types of unemployment like structural, cyclical, natural and frictional. This categorization of unemployment is based on the various factors that result in unemployment. However, the issue of unemployment has always been a matter of great debate among the contemporary economists. As for the Keynesian economists, unemployment results from lack of effective demand. The viewpoints of the neoclassical or classical economists differ from their Keynesian counterparts. According to them, the rigidities in the labour market like taxes and minimum wage laws are the main reasons behind unemployment. Unemployment rates vary across the countries: the rate of unemployment is relatively low in the developed countries compared to the less developed economies of the world. Unemployment and the unemployment rate are strongly connected to labour market participation. This applies particular to young people below 25 years of age, a significant proportion of whom have not yet entered the labour market. The entry patterns characterizing school-to-work transitions and the average age at which specific types of school-to-work transition are observed depend on qualifications and national systems of general and/or vocational education and training. The expansion of education in a given country increases the average age of new labour market entrants over time. Taking labour market participation into account, the extent and dynamics of youth unemployment have changed between European countries over time. Concerning young people below 25 years of age, both the share of unemployed young people and the variance between European countries have narrowed.

Consider the geography of unemployment. Only four countries in Europe are at/or below 6 percent unemployment: the geographically contiguous countries of Germany, Austria, the Netherlands: and Luxembourg. The immediate periphery has much higher unemployment Denmark at 7.4 percent, the United Kingdom at 7.7 percent, France at 10.6 percent and Poland at 10.6 percent. In the far periphery, Italy is at 11.7 percent, Lithuania is at 13.3 percent, Ireland is at 14.7 percent, Portugal is at 17.6 percent, Spain is at 26.2 percent and Greece is at 27 percent. Germany, the world's fourth-largest economy, is at the center of gravity of Europe. Exports of goods and services are the equivalent of 51 percent of Germany's gross domestic product, and more than half of Germany's exports go to other European countries. Germany sees the European Union's free trade zone as essential for its survival. Without free access to these markets, its exports would contract dramatically and unemployment would soar. The euro is a tool that Germany, with its outsized influence, uses to manage its trade relations – and this management puts other members of the eurozone at a disadvantage. Countries with relatively low wages ought to have a competitive advantage over German exports. However, many have negative balances of trade. Thus, when the financial crisis hit, their ability to manage was insufficient and led to sovereign debt crises, which in turn further undermined their position via austerity, especially as their membership in the eurozone doesn’t allow them to apply their own monetary policies. This doesn't mean that they were not profligate in their social spending, but the underlying cause of their failure was much more complex. Ultimately it was rooted in the rare case of a free trade zone being built around a massive economy that depended on exports. (Germany is the third-largest exporter in the world, ranking after China and the United States.) The North American Free Trade Agreement is built around a net importer. Britain was a net importer from the Empire. German power unbalances the entire system. Comparing the unemployment rate of the German bloc with that of Southern Europe, it is difficult to imagine these countries are members of the same trade group. Even France, which has a relatively low unemployment rate, has a more complex story. Unemployment in France is concentrated in two major poles in the north and the south, with the southeast of France being the largest of them. The southern tier of Europe has been hit extraordinarily hard with unemployment, and Eastern Europe not quite as badly, but Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have been left relatively unscathed. How long this will last, is another matter, but the contrast tells us a great deal about the emerging geopolitics of the region. Portugal, Spain and Greece are in a depression. Their unemployment rate is roughly that of the United States in the midst of the Great Depression. When you hit 25 percent unemployment virtually everyone is affected. At 11 percent unemployment about 44 percent are affected. It can be argued that the numbers are not quite as bad as they seem since people are working in the informal economy. That may be true, but in Greece, for example, pharmaceuticals are now in short supply since cash for importing goods has dried up. Spain's local governments are about to lay off more employees. These countries have reached a tipping point from which it is difficult to imagine recovering. In the rest of Europe's periphery, the unemployment crisis is intensifying. The precise numbers matter far less than the visible impact of societies that are tottering.

  1. Causes Of Unemployment And Solutions [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://www.antiessays.com/free-essays/Causes-Of-Unemploy ment-And-Solutions-70462.html. – Date of access: 07.04.2015.

  2. Instituto Cervantes [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http:// cvc.cervantes.es/lengua/anuario_06-07/pdf/preliminaries_03.pdf. – Date of access: 13.10.2010.

В статье раскрываются причины, уровни и виды безработицы в разных странах. Освещается точка зрения экономистов по данной теме.

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