Scinet Convention Participant Biographies Addai, Kwaku

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Gu, Bing USA
California Sunlight
Interested In: Addressing Obstacles to Adaption, Funding, Successful Implementation, Global Solar Promotion, Solar Cooker Certification, Collaboration: SCI and SCInet

Guinto, Joshua Philippines
I am a freelance consultant on appropriate village technologies. The biggest project that i serve right now is being a technical consultant to the Save the Children in the Philippines for a disaster risk reduction project and solid waste management.

Haines, Roger USA
Haines Solar Cookers
Roger is the owner of Haines Solar Cookers, and is committed to making inexpensive durable cookers available in developing countries. To replace cooking bags, Roger designed a cooking “sleeve” made from UV-resistant polycarbonate film. In November, 2013, Roger’s San Diego Rotary Club distributed 291 “double curve” panel cookers made from reflective bubble insulation to families in the Nairobi, Kenya, area, with training provided by solar cooking expert Faustine Odaba. Three months after distribution, evaluators found that 5 of 6 women were still using their cooker at least weekly. Half used their cooker every day, and one-third cooked two meals a day. The families averaged $9 in monthly savings on firewood and reduced their firewood consumption by 77%.
To improve durability, Roger created a new cooker from reflective polyester foam insulation, with the same cooking sleeve, plus a transparent polycarbonate windscreen to create “oven-like” conditions around the pot and keep the cooker rigid in windy conditions. See A Nairobi, Kenya company, Global Hardware, Ltd. has purchased a large quantity of materials from China to make these cookers, and will provide them in wholesale quantities to solar cooking entrepreneurs in East Africa at cost--around $17 USD per cooker. Contact Nishal Sodha
Interested In: Addressing Obstacles to Adaption, Global Solar Promotion, Solar Cooker Certification
Hanford, Candace USA
Interested In: Addressing Obstacles to Adaption, Funding, Global Solar Promotion

Hedrick, Paul USA

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Webmaster, Solar Cookers International

I work with Tom Sponheim and Ben Hedrick to manage the SCInet website. My interests also include design, and I have developed a prototype panel solar cooker with a rigid, collapsible cooking enclosure. I plan to demonstrate the cooker at the Solar Cooking Festival.

Interested In: Addressing obstacles to adoption, Funding (manufacturers), Global solar cooking promotion, Solar Cooker Certification, Solar Cooker Testing Standards, Collaboration: SCI and SCInet

Hristova, Svetlana USAc:\users\svetlana\pictures\bio pic.jpg
Program Assistant, Solar Cookers International
Svetlana joined SCI in 2014. With experience in media, event coordination and communications, Svetlana was the First Lady’s Intern in the Office of Maria Shriver in Sacramento, California, and worked with renewable energy clients at Edelman Public Relations and Lucas Public Affairs. Svetlana has a BA in International Relations from the University of California, Davis, and a French minor. Svetlana speaks Bulgarian, French, and Russian.
Interested In: Addressing Obstacles to Adaption, Funding, Global Solar Promotion, Solar Cooker Certification, Solar Cooker Testing Standards

Iwe, Idorenyin Nigeria
Interested In: Funding

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Kennard, Joanne Australia
Inventor and CEO of the EasyOven™
Inspired by the need to create an Environmentally,Economically and Socially Responsible product, EasyOven™ is an all-in-one energy efficient, insulated, fabric, heat retention oven, which retains heat to slow cook food with less energy.

EasyOven™ is saves money, time, promotes healthy eating habits and decreases the impact on the environment by decreasing CO2 emissions. Endorsed by International Celebrities and Global Organisations.

Interested In: Addressing Obstacles to Adaption, Funding, Global Solar Promotion, Solar Cooker Certification, Solar Cooker Testing Standards

Kihn, Cecily USA
Agua Fund
Interested In: Funding, Global Solar Promotion, Solar Cooker Certification, Solar Cooker Testing Standards, Collaboration: SCI and SCInet

Kiiskila, Sheela USA
Sheela has engineering background with a masters in Computer science and more than a decade of experience in Wireless industry with two patents in the field. After her son is born in 2006, she quit high tech field and happened to move to Finland for a few years. Using “The Exploratorium” museum as inspiration, she designed and opened a children’s Discovery museum in Finland. While working towards and at the museum, she developed lot of programs to teach hands-on science to children including Solar Cooking. In 2011, she held a class wide competition in local High school as well as in Kindergarten class for solar cooking. The High school competition was one of its kind in Finland where kids formed groups and designed and made different Solar cookers using not only the three main principles of Solar cooking but also designing it specifically for Finland taking the angle of Sun and length of day into account. Even after moving back to Bay area, CA, she continued working with schools, especially elementary grades not only doing hands-on science but also to promote Solar energy using Solar cooking as example. This year, she is holding another competition building Solar cookers in IB high school, Finland and working with 2nd graders in San Jose to build Solar cookers here as well. Sheela understands the need to bring children from urban areas into the world of Solar cooking technology for both increasing awareness of it as well as for the development of future technologies.

Kinne, Susan Nicaraguac:\users\program\desktop\cropped headshots\susan kinnecropped.jpg
Grupo Fenix
Born in California in 1948, Susan Kinne spent her first 20 adult years in Cincinnati, Ohio in teaching, electronics and the semiconductor industry. In 1989 she moved to Nicaragua to join the National Engineering University (UNI) where she grew into a promoter of human dignity via sustainable use of resources particularly renewable energies. With her students she co-founded Grupo Fenix and the Alternative Energy Program at the UNI and in recent years has focused on co-creating a “Solar Community” in Totogalpa, Northern Nicaragua.
Interested In: Funding (manufacturers), Global solar cooking promotion, Solar Cooker Certification,
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Kim, Joyce Ong Choon Malaysia
Joyce Ong Choon Kim started her teaching career as a college trained secondary school teacher in 1980. After her twelfth year career as a teacher and armed with her Bachelor of Education, she earned her spot as a teacher trainer at her alma mater - the Institute of Teacher Education Penang Campus, Penang. She completed her Masters degree in 1998 and a Post-Graduate Diploma in TESOL in 2001, both as a part-time student. Her current primary areas of teaching are girl guiding and netball to student teachers. Her professional experience includes curriculum writing, badge testing and co-curricular management. Joyce is a warranted Girl Guide trainer and a committee member of the Girl Guides Association Malaysia (GGAM) Trainers’ Council.
She is presently serving her second term as a member of GGAM national executive board with the portfolio of Relationship to Society National Commissioner. She often uses girl guiding which is primarily school based, as a platform for advocacy and public awareness programs such as solar cooking, breastfeeding, no violence against women in and outside the classroom and also the community at large. These professional and voluntary efforts have been recognized and Joyce has received numerous awards such as Ministry of Education (MOE) Excellent Service Award (1998), Asia Pacific Leadership Award for Troop/Unit Leaders (1999), GGAM Agok Lebah Award (2012), MOE Excellent Lecturer Award (2012), Asia Pacific Leadership Award for District/State Leaders (2012) and GGAM Layang-Layang Award (2013). Outside of professional interests, she travels widely, walks, cooks, plays netball and enjoys babysitting.
Interested In: Funding (manufacturers), Successful implementation models, Global solar cooking promotion, Solar Cooker Certification

Kuyper, Edye USAs:\convention 2014\head shots\edye_kuyper_cropped_shot.jpg
UC Davis World Food Center
Edye Kuyper served as a board member for Solar Cookers International from 2006-2009. She holds an MS in International Agricultural Development from UC Davis, where she currently works for the World Food Center and the Program in International and Community Nutrition.
Interested In: Solar Cooker Certification

LaJoie, Jim USA
Designer and manufacturer of solar cookers. 30+ years experience in solar cooking.
Interested In: Funding, Solar Cooker Certification

Larsen, Even USA/Norways:\convention 2014\head shots\even l.jpg
Morpho Solar
BOSTON UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Boston, MA Norwegian Entrepreneurship Program, Summer 2014 NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (NTNU) Trondheim, Norway Master in entrepreneurship, started August 2013 SØR TRØNDELGAG UNIVERSITY COLLAGE (HIST) Trondheim, Norway 4 year teacher degree, June 2013
Interested In: Addressing obstacles to adoption, Funding (manufacturers), Funding (nonprofits), Global solar cooking promotion

Lederman, Dr. Arlene USA
Main United Nations Representative, NY

Solar Cookers International

Solar cooking activist. AJ seeks to educate decision makers and the public about the multiple benefits of thermal solar cooking for individuals, families, communities and the world. Vice President of Solar Cookers International and Head United Nations Representative for SCI was first introduced to Solar Cooking in 2002 by artist/activist, Mary Frank when AJ was returning to Afghanistan to aid in reconstruction. For Solar Cookers International, AJ has since become an active member of the NGO community at the United Nations focusing on issues of sustainability, development, health and women's rights. At the UN, AJ participates in the Committee on the Status of Women, Committee on Sustainable Development, CoNGO, (Committee of Non Government Organizations), and other groups focused on our shared values.
AJ actively lectures and demonstrate solar cooking at the United Nations, universities and civic organizations, she has communicated at the UN with the ministerial level, specialist level, NGO level and public, discussing issues of deforestation, contaminated indoor air, carbon destruction of the atmosphere, alternative energy sources and various methods of solar cooking. Experienced in living and working in the developing world, specifically Afghanistan and Pakistan for more than six years, AJ was a recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship and an award from the Royal Government of Afghanistan for assistance that she provided. She is an experienced Afghan specialist, who has lectured at Asia Society, New York University and more. Arlene's Ph.D was focused on the traditional arts of Afghanistan. During her years of research and work in Afghanistan, AJ was a witness to the hardships of women in the developing world who struggled daily to find fuel for cooking fires, enduring long searches for wood, weeds and dung to burn and then suffering the health risks at home, when they and their children breathe soot from their cooking fires.
World travelled, AJ and her husband have two sons, Kerim, born in Teheran, now a professor in Taiwan and Timur, born in Kabul, now a professor in France.
Interested In: Addressing obstacles to successful adoption of solar cooking; Funding the varieties of Solar Cookers for specific uses; Solar Cooking Training Certification.
Ligtenberg, Allart USAc:\users\program\desktop\cropped headshots\allart ligtenbergc.jpg
Allart Ligtenberg received BSEE, MSEE (1965) degrees from the Technological University of Delft, The Netherlands. Since 1988 Allart is an active volunteer and advocate of Solar Cooking. In 1992 he retired early from his Hewlett-Packard engineering manager’s job, to follow his dream of disseminating solar cooking/water pasteurization, renewable energy in developing countries to improve health, environment and poverty. Allart started solar cooking programs in Nepal in 1992 when this method was not practiced. Each year he spends 2-3 months in Nepal following up plus 1-2 months in another country. Programs expanded to include Rocket stoves, solar dryers, solar PV, LED lights, bio-mass briquettes, sunrooms, composters, ECO toilets, vocational schooling, income generation to empower women and the “forgotten groups” of the disabled.
Allart’s volunteer-only network Friendly Appropriate Solar Technologies’ goal is implementing projects in Nepal, Mongolia, Indonesia, South America, Mexico, Haiti. Allart solo-treks in remote regions, demonstrating cooking with his backpack solar Trekker’s cooker that he invented. In 2008 his Trekker’s cooker made it to Mt. Everest’s summit. Teaches how to make & use solar cookers to elementary/highschool/college students, scouts, Interact/Rotaract, adults and NGO’s in California, Nepal and other developing countries. The Dutch government selected Allart as a Senior Volunteer Expert in solar technologies for missions to Nepal and Mongolia. He is advisor of SCI. In 11 ROTARY Years: initiated 20 Rotary Matching Grant projects in Nepal (helping 35,000 people long-term), plus 5 in Indonesia, Afghanistan, Haiti. Received highest Rotary International’s “Service Above Self Award” 2011-2012. 2005-2006 “Outstanding Rotarian of the Year” of Los Altos Rotary. District 5170 “Water, Health, Hunger & Solar” Chair since 2006. District 5170’s “Karl Stucki international service Award” in 2010. Started Rotary Club of Kathmandu Sunrise in Nepal. Charter member of “Water And Sanitation Rotary Action Group”. 2009 Los Altos/Los Altos Hills “Volunteer of the Year”. 2003 “Environment Volunteer of the Year” of Hewlett-Packard Volunteer Retirees Org.
Interested In: Funding, Solar Cooker Certification, Global Solar Promotion, Solar Cooker Certification

Ligtenberg, Ineke USA

Interested In: Solar Cooker Certification

Magney, Grace Afghanistanc:\users\program\desktop\cropped headshots\grace magneycropped.jpg
My late husband, Gordon Magney, and I began experimenting with solar cooking in our back garden in Kabul, Afghanistan. Later, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we crossed the border to Peshawar, Pakistan where Gordon started a relief agency called SERVE to help the 3 1/2 million Afghan refugees. Solar cooking became our favorite project, and eventually, SERVE made and distributed over 22,000 solar box ovens to the refugees.. After the war, SERVE moved into AFghanistan and continued making solar ovens. One interesting oven was a hole dug in the desert ground of a IDP (Internal Displaced People) Camp. The people dug their own holes, SERVE provided the metal liner with a glass lid, and the food cooked. We also moved back to Afghanistan and began experimenting with various ovens and parabolic dish cookers. We distributed hundreds of the SOS solar ovens made in Minneapolis, and sometimes had to truck more ovens to an area because of the demand. In one town, the compound gate was broken down by Afghans eager to buy the solar oven. The parabolic dish solar cooker took solar cooking up a notch in Afghanistan, since it could not only warm water (like the ovens, but it could actually boil a liter of water in 10 minutes. We experiments with different types, making a concrete parabolic dish cooker which was extremely hot and effective, and continues to be made by the local population in some areas. After 2001, many NGOs (Non-government Organizations) moved into Afghanistan, and several started to produce and distribute various types of solar cookers. However, today, most organizations have lost interest in solar cooking, even though we have found that the Afghan people, if given a chance, will find the money to buy a cooker if given a chance. Enayat Akhtar is an Afghan who once worked as foreman in the SERVE Solar Oven Workshop. He now has his own workshop in Kabul, full of machines and molds he bought in Pakistan, and is turning out a parabolic dish cooker which is very effective. He holds demonstrations in different areas and is hoping to become self sufficient. He faces many difficulties and wishes his government was as eager to spread solar cooking and solar technology as much as the neighboring governments of India and Nepal.
Interested In: Addressing Obstacles to Adaption, Funding, Successful Implementation, Global Solar Promotion
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Maldonado, Rocio Peru
Interested In: Addressing obstacles to adoption, Funding (manufacturers), Successful implementation models, Global solar cooking promotion

McArdle, Pat USA
Editor, Solar Cooker Review

Solar Cookers International

Pat is the editor of Solar Cookers International's Solar Cooker Review , is an advocate of sustainable, renewable energy, and a global promoter of integrated solar thermal cooking technology. Her award-winning novel Farishta, inspired by the year she spent in northern Afghanistan was published in hardcover and e-book by Riverhead Books on June 2, 2011. Farishta received the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Grand Prize for General Fiction and the San Diego Book Award.

McGilligan, Dr. Janak Palta Indiac:\users\program\desktop\cropped headshots\janak palta mcgilliancropped.jpg
Barli Development Institute for Rural Women
Doctorate, “Sustainable Community Development through Training of Tribal and Rural Women a Human Resources,” DAVV Indore. 1. Director, Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development, India 2. National Coordinator, Solar Food Processing Network India. 3. Founder Member of Sustainable Food Network, Indore 4. Founder Editor, Newsletter Kokila / Barli Ki Duniya since 1993. Assisted in organizing the First International Solar Food Processing Conference Indore in 2009 ; First International Solar Food Processing Workshop at Muni Sewa Ashram 2013 & Solar Cooking at Sun plugged , Mumbai 2013. 5. Presented Research paper at First International Solar Cooking Conference , Spain 2006. 6. Key note speaker at First International Solar Food Processing Workshop at Muni Sewa Ashram ,Gujrat ,2013 7. Have written hundreds of articles/ research papers & more than 200 power presentations seminars /conferences in India about Solar Food Processing/ Have been on local, regional, national and International Radio and TV Channels. 8. Trained thousands students school/ collages and university in Sustainable Development at Jimmy McGilligan Centre for Sustainable Development. 9. Promoting Solar Food processing and Sustainable Development through Face book JanakandJimmy McGilligan. 10. Director Barli Development Institute for Rural Women Indore for 26 years (since its establishment 1985-2011) Trained more than 6000 tribal girls and young women from 500 villages of India that included solar cooking; food processing; installing 500 SK 14 in Indian villages. Publication ,“The Barli Development Institute for Rural Women by George Ronald Oxford , England 2012 was awarded “ Distinguished Scholarship”, Montreal, 2012
Interested In: Funding (manufacturers), Global solar cooking promotion, Solar Cooker Certification

Menzies, Crosby South Africac:\users\program\desktop\cropped headshots\crosbycropped.jpg
Sunfire Solutions
Crosby founded SunFire Solutions 10 years ago to produce and promote Solar Cooking throughout Africa. SunFire has gone on to produce, design and import Solar Cookers into South Africa. After 10 years of building awareness for Solar Cookers in SA SunFire is planning strategies to roll-out Cookers on a larger scale introducing Governments to the concept of a "National Clean Cooking and safety program". SunFire promotes Solar Cooking as part of "Clean Cooking kits" including heat retained cookers, wood burners and Parabolic Cookers. We look forward to meeting everyone in the US and discussing how to lift the bar together

Meyer, Louise USA
Solar Household Energy
Louise is the Solar Household Energy, Inc. (SHE) Project Manager for EPA’s Partnership for Clean Indoor Air’s pilot project in Mexico researching solar cookers and smoke inhalation. Ms. Meyer also managed the World Bank’s Development Marketplace grant for the SHE HotPot Initiative in Mexico. Louise is currently a member of SCI’s Advisory Council.

Minerva, Patrick USA
Law office of Ute Isbill-Williams
Interested In: Addressing Obstacles to Adaption, Funding, Successful Implementation, Global Solar Promotion, Solar Cooker Certification, Solar Cooker Testing Standards, Collaboration: SCI and SCInet
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Mueller, Bernhard Germany
Bernhard S. Mueller owned the solar cookers manufacturer “Mueller Solartechnik” from 1996 until 2012 and is presently a writer of books, brochures and articles on poverty-oriented energy solutions . He is founding member of SCInet, member of EG-Solar and ISES and was member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) until 2012.
Interested In: Addressing Obstacles to AdaptionSolar Cooker Testing Standards, Collaboration: SCI and SCInet

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