of al good learnyng, did anymate me : but also consydcryng
and expendyng with my self, how great a numbre of excel-
lent godly wyts and wryters, learned with the best, as the
tymes served, hath bene in this your region ; not only at
such tymes as the Roman emperors had recourse to it, but
also in those days that the Saxons prevayled of the Bry-
tayns, and the Normans of the Saxons ; I could not but
with a fervent zele and an honest courage commend them
to memory : els alas ! lyke to have bene perpetually ob-
scured, or to have bene lyghtly remembred, as uncerteyn
Wherfore I, knowing by infynite varyete of bokes, and
assyduous reading of them, who hath bene learned, and who
hath wrytten from tyme to tyme in this realm, have digested
into four bokes the names of them, Avith their lyvcs and
monuments of learnyng. And to theym added thys tytle,
De Viris illustiibiis : following the profy table example of
Hierome, Gennadie, Cassiodore, Severian, and Tritemie, a
late writer. But alway so handlyng the matter, that I have
more expatiated in thys camp, than they did, as in a thyng
that desyred to be sumwhat at large, and to have ornature.
The first boke, begynnyng at the Druides, is deducted unto
the tyme of the comyng of S. Augustyne into England.
The second is from the tyme of Augustyne unto the advent
of the Normans. The third from the Normans to the end
of the most honorable reygn of the myghty, famous, and
prudent Prynce Henry VII. your father. The fourth
begynneth with the name of your Majesty, whose glory in
learning is to the world so clearly known, that though emong
the lyves of other learned men, I have accurately celebrated
the names of Bladudus, IVIolmutius, Constantinus Magnus,
Sigebertus, Alfridus, Alfridus Magnus, Athelstanus, and
1 i 3
Henry the First, kyngs, and your progenytours ; and also
Ethelward, second son to Alfride the Great; Humfryd,
Duke of Glocester ; and Tipetote, Earl of Worcester ; yet
conferred with your Grace, they seem as smal lyghts (yf I
may freely say my judgment, your hygh modesty not of-
fended) in respect of the day star.
Now farther to insinuate to your Grace, of what matters
the writers, whose lyves I have congested into four bokes,
hath treated of: I may ryghtly say, that besyde the cog-
nycyon of the four tongues, in the which part of them hath
excelled, that there is no kynd of lyberal scyence, or any
331 feat concernyng learnyng, in the which they have not
shewed certain arguments of great felycite of wyt. Yea,
and concernyng the interpretacyon of holy Scripture, both
after the auncyent form, and synce the scholastical trade,
they have reygned as in a certayn excellency. And as
touching historical knowledg, there hath bene to the nom-
bre of a ful hundreth or mo, that from tyme to tynie hath,
with great dylygence and no less fayth, wold to God with
lyke eloquence, prescribed the acts of your most noble pre-
decessors, and the fortunes of this your realm so incredybly
great, that he that hath not seen and throughly redd theyr
works, can lytle pronounce in thys part.
Wherfore, after that I had perpended the honest and
profytable studyes of these hystoryographers, I was totally
enflamed with a love to se throughly al those parts of thys
your opulent and ample realm, that I had redd of in the
aforesayd wryters. Insomuch that al my other occupacyons
intermytted, I have so travayled in your domynyons, both
by the sea coasts and the myddle parts, sparyng neyther
labour nor costs, by the space of these six years past, that
there is almost neyther cape nor bay, haven, creke or pere,
ryver or confluence of ryvers, breches, washes, lakes, meres,
fenny waters, mountaynes, valleys, mores, hethes, forests,
woods, cityes, burghs, castels, pryncypal manor-places, mo-
nasteries and colleges, but I have seen them ; and noted in
so doing a whole world of thyngs very memorable.
Thus instructed, I trust shortly to se the tyme, that hke
as Carolus Magnus had, among his tresures, thre large and
notable tables of silver rychly enamaled, one of the syte and
description of Constantynople, another of the syte and fi-
gure of the magnificent cyty of Rome, and the thyrd of the
descripcion of the world ; so shal your Majestic have tiiys
your world and impery of England so set fourth in a (jua-
drate table of sylver, yf God send me lyfe to accomplysh
my begynnyng, that your Grace shal have ready knowledg,
at the fyrst syght, of many right delectable, fruteful, and
necessary pleasures, by contemplacion therof, as often as
occasyon shal move you to the syght of it. And because
that it may be more permanent and farther known, than to
have it engraven in sylver or brass, I entend, by the leave
of God, within the space of twelve monthes following, such
a descripcion to make of your realm in wryting, that it shal
be no masteiy after, for the graver or painter to make the
lyke by a perfect example.
Yea, and to wade further in thys matter, wheras now al-
most no man can wel guesse at the shaddow of the auncyent
names of havens, ryvers, promontories, hills, woods, cyties,
townes, castels, and varyete of kynds of people, that Cesar,
Livy, Strabo, Diodorus, Fabius Pictor, Pomponius Mela,
Plinius, Cornelius Tacitus, Ptolomeus, Sextus Rufus, Am-
mianus Marcellinus, Solinus, Antoninus, and dyvers other
make mencyon of; I trust to open this wyndow, that the
lyght shal be seen, so long, that is to say, by the space of a
whole thousand years, stopped up, and the old glory of your
renoumed Britaine to reflorish through the v.ovld.
This don, I have matter at plenty already prepared to
this purpose, that is to say, to wryte an hystory ; to the
which I entend to adscribe this title, De AntiquHate Bri- 332
tarmica, or els, CiviUs Historia. And this work I entend to
divide into so many bokes, as there be sheres in England,
and shyres and great domynions in Wales. So that I
esteme that this volume wyl enclude a fyfty books. Wher-
of each one severally shal contayn the begynnyngs, en-
creases, and memorable acts of the chief townes ami castels
of the provynce allotted to it.
XI -I-
Then I entend to dystrybute into syx bokes such matter
as I liave already collected, concernyng the isles adjacent
to your noble realm, and undre your subjection. Wherof
three shal be of these isles, Vecta, Mona, and Menavia,
sometime kingdoms.
And to superadd a work as an ornament, and a ryght
comely garland, to the entrepryses aforesayd, I have se-
lected stuff to be distributed into three bokes, the which I
purpose thus to entytle, De Nobilitate Britannica. The
fyrst shal declare the names of kings and queues, with
tJieyr chyldren, dukes, earles, lords, captaynes, and rulers
in this realm, to the comyng of the Saxons, and their con-
quest. The second shal be of the Saxons and Danes, to
the victory of Kyng Wylliam the Great. The thyrd from
the Normans to the reygn of your most noble Grace, de-
scendyng lyneally of the Brytayn, Saxon, and Norman
kings. So that al noblemen shal clerely perceyve theyr
lyneal parental.
Now yf it shal be the pleasure of Almyghty God, that I
may lyve to perfourm these thyngs that be already begon,
and in a great forwardness, I trust that thys your realm
shal so wel be known, ones paynted with hys natyve co-
lours, that the renoum therof shal geve place to the glory
of no other regyon. And my great labours and costs, pro-
cedyng from the most habundaunt fountayn of your infinite
goodness towards me, your pore scholar and most humble
servaunt, shal be evydently seen to have not onely pleased,
but also profyted the studyous, gentyl, and equal reders.
This is the brief declaration of my laborious journey, taken
by mocyon of your Hyghnes, so much studying at al hours
about the fruteful preferment of good letters and auncyent
Christ contynue your most royal estate, and the prospe-
ryte, with succession in kingly dygnyte, of your dere and
worthyly beloved son Prynce Edward, grauntyng you a
numbre of pryncely sons by the most gracyous, benigne, and
modest lady, your Quene Katarync.
Number CXIX.
A benevolence granted to the King by the subjects^ iq)on
commission to all the counties. 36". Hen. VIII. ann.
Cestr. cum civit.
Bedd. - -
Buck. - -
Bristol - -
Cornub. -
Hertf. - -
Hereff. - -
Lincoln -
Midd. - -
Northt. - -
Nott. - -
Derb. - -
Norff. - -
SufF. - -
Berk. - -
Rutland - -
Staff. - -
Benevolence, jj
640 6
1261 18
365 11
1788 14
650 13
643 2
57 15
4527 2
5251 18
680 18
2528 19
1155 12
6471 8
660 2
2176 15
2386 9
233 12
2108 16
432 2
438 9
4046 7
4512 6
1241 14
875 14
464 4
2 10
- 1418 3
- 2453 15
- 2379 6
- 1443
- 1641 16
- 629 14
- 1769 5
- 1573 12
- 6807 13 4
Southt. - -
Warr. - -
Wilts - -
Wigorn -
Civit. London
Ebor - -
Northumbr, -
Westmerland -
Dunolm -
Angless. - 195
Brecon - - 161
Cardigan - 186
Carmarthen - 218
Carnarvon - 136
Denbigh - 332
Flint - - 163
Glamorgan - 316
Merioneth - 108
Mountgomery 114
Radnor - - 77
Pembr. - - 341
Haverfore West 91
4 MSS. D. G.
_ Hicks, Eq.
-^ Aur, et Bar.
13 10
10 8
1 4
12 4
9 11
Sum total, 70723 18 10
334 "Number CXX.
Catalogus Tractatuum ac Foederum, cum Ferdinando His-
pano, cum Ccesare, et Rege Gallo, a Rege Henrico VIII.
i7iitorum, seriatim dispositus.
I. Cum Ferdinando Rege CastellcB.
Anno Reg. HENRICI VIII. ^^°. annoque Dom. 1510.
E Bibiioth. Tractatus pacis et ligae Ferdinand! Reg. et Joannae Re-
Ca"guia, gin. Castellag cum Henrico Rege Angliae. Westmonast.
^' !• Confirmatio tractatus ligae et pacis Reg. Ferdinandi et
Reginae Castellae. Westm.
Commissio Ferdinandi Reg. Castellae ad tractand. pacem
cum Reg. Hen. VIII. 6. Januarii. Westm.
II. Cum Ccesare.
Anno Reg. HENRICI VIII. 2^0. annoque Dom. 1510.
Confirmatio tractatus pacis fact, per Caesarem Maxinii-
lianum cum Henr. VIII. Rege Angliae. Dat. 12. Octobr.
Anno Reg. HENRICI VIII. 5'". annoque Dom. 1513.
Tractatus pacis et ligae inter oratores serenissimi Pon-
tificis, Imperatoris, Henr. VIII. Reg. Angliae, et Regis His-
paniae conclus. Dat 1513.
Quoddam foedus de matrimonio contrahendo inter Caro-
lum Principem Hispaniarum, et Mariam sororem Reg.
Henrici, incipiens Maximilianus^ &c. 15. Nov.
Confirmatio tractatus amicitiae inter Maximilianum Im-
peratorem et Henricum VIII.
Acquietantia Maximiliani Imperatoris de receptione
100,000 coronarum auri de Rege Hen. VIII.
• Confessio de receptione 3000 coronarum auri per An-
thonium Fauconbergh Dnum. de Ligne, 27. Maii.
Quidam tractatus habitus in oppid, insularum, dat. 16.
Octobr. incipiens Nos Majgareta, &c.
Confirmatio tractatus Maximiliani Imperatoris cum Hen.
Ratiflcatio certorum articulorum conclusorum inter Maxi-335
mllianum Imperatorem Romanor. Henric. VIII. et Ferdi-
nand. Reg. Arragoniae. Dat. London, in castro Bernardi
18. April.
Confirmatio tractatus habiti in oppid. insularum die 17.
Octob. inter Maximilianvun Imperatorem et Regem Anglia?
et Regem Arragoniae. Dat. 17. Octobr.
Juramentum Ludovici Carroze pro parte Ferdinand.
Regis Arragoniae, et Regin. Castelliae, quod bene et fideli-
ter observabunt tractatvun amicitiae, et singula capitula in
eodem tractatu content, cum illustriss. Hen. VIII. Reg.
Angliae. Dat. Lond. in castro Bernardi, 18. Apr.
Anno Regis HENRICI VIII. IS", annoque Dom. 1521.
Requisitio Caroli Imperatoris Henrico VIII. Reg. An-
gliae fact, pro observatione foederis inter ipsos habit, contra
Franciscum Gallorum Regem.
Transumptum tractatus pacis init. et fact, inter Carolum
Imperatorem electum, et Francorum Regem, Calisiis 15!^1.
mediante Reverend'"''^ Dno. Cardinal! locumtenente Regis
Hen. VIII.
Carol us Quintus Imperator queritur de diversis injuriis
sibi illatis per Franciscum Francorum Reg. et rogat villain
Fontrabi sibi restitui ; alioquin bellum denunciet adversus
Gallos ; foedere in hoc jungens cum Hen, VIII. Reg. An-
gliae. Dat. 6. Dec.
Commissio pro contrahendis sponsalibus cum Dna. Prin-
cipissa. Dat. Brug. 15. Aug.
Ratiflcatio conventionis Dnae. Margaretae de dote Dnae.
Principissae. Dat. 14. Sept.
Instrumentum Caesaris super conventionem servand. per
Dnam. Margaretam factam.
Protestatio Reverend. Dni. Cardinalis de non rccedendo
a foedere Bruges fact.
Tractatus Calisias fact, per oratores Hen. VIII. et Caroli
electi contra Gallorum Regem, et alios, ipsorum dominia
Commissio facta Dno. Cardinali ad tractand. de pace et
amicitla inter Imperatorem et Franciscum Reg. Franciag.
Dat. London. 9Q. Julii.
Procuratorium Caesareae Majestatis pro tractand. de ju-
diciis. Dat. 6. Decemb.
1^071 ultra procedunt negotiationes inter Regem Anglice
et Imperatorem in hoc MS.
III. Cum Galliarnm Regihus.
Anno Regis HENRICI VIII. \^^. annoque Dom. 1509.
Juramentum Regis Francorum super observationem pa-
cis et amicitiae.
Juramentum oratorum ejusdem Regis in Anglia super
observationem pacis et amicitiae eodem anno.
336 Anno Regis HENRICI VIII. 2d«. annoque Dom. 1510.
Instrumentum submissionis Ludovici Regis Francorum :
per quam recognovit se debere Hen. VIII. Reg. Angliae
quod restat insolutum de summa 120,000 coronarum auri de
arreragiis debitis Edwardo Reg. quondam Angliae.
Anno Reg. HENRICI VIII. So. annoque Dom. 1511.
Receptio 13,000 coronarum Franciae de Francisco [Lu-
dovico] Rege Francorum solut. Richardo Carewe locumte-
nent. Villae Calisiae, Decemb. 9.
Anno Reg. HENRICI VIII. 6'°. annoque Dom. 1514.
Juramentum matrimonii contracti per verba de presenti
inter Ludovicum Francorum Regem et Dominam Mariam,
filiam Hen. VII.
Tractatus matrimonii inter Lodovicum Francorum Re-
gem, et Dnam. Mariam, Hen. VII. filiam contrahend.
Verba matrimonialia signata manu Reg. Francorum inter
eum et Dnam. Mariam filiam Hen. VII.
Literae patentes dotis Reg. Franciae 8. Octobr.
Confirmatio tractatus matrimonii inter Lodovicum Fran-
corum Reg. et D. Mariam praedict.
Instrumentum juramenti Lodovici Francorum Reg. su-
per observationc tractatus pacis et amicitiae praestiti.
Tractatus pacis cum Lodovico Francorum Reg. 14.
Literae acquietantiales Lodovici Francorum Reg. super
deliberatione Dnae. Mariae una cum jocalibus, vasis argen-
teis, Sic. in villa Abbevillae.
Obligatio oratorum Lodovici Francorum Reg. 7. Aug.
Tractatus amicitia^ inter Lodovicum Francorum Reg. et
Hen. VIII. Anglia? Reg. 7. Aug.
Commissio Lodovici Franc. Reg. fact, oratoribus suis pro
obligatione fienda.
Juramentum Lodovici Francorum Reg. super observa-
tione tractatus pacis et amicitiae.
Commissio ad tractandum de pace, 29. Julii.
Commissio Lodovici Francorum Reg. ad contraliendum
matrimonium cum Maria sorore Hen. VIII. 19. Julii.
Commissio Lodovici Fran. Reg. ad tractandum et con-
cludend. cum Hen. VIII. super matrimonio contrahendo,
8. Aug.
Obligatio Lodovici Franc. Reg. facta Hen. VIII. pro so-
lutione summae unius millionis, sive decies centum millium
coronarum auri, 14. Sept.
Commissio ad tractandum super pacem fact, per Francis- 337
cum Francorum Reg. 13. Januarii.
Commissio ad tractandum pro obligatione facienda, 14.
Anno Reg. HENRICI VIII. 7'^«. annoque Dom. 1515.
Confirmatio pacis et amicitiae per Franciscum Franc.
Instrumentum publicum sui>er praestationem juramenti
Instrumentum submissionis fact, per Franciscum Reg.
Francorum pro una millione auri solvend. certis modis et
Obligatio Ludovici [Francisci] Reg. Franc, pro pecunia
solvenda, 8. Maii.
Juramentum Reg. Franc, manu sua signatum super ob-
servatione amicitiae.
Intlmatlo de comprehensione Scotorum, 6. Junii.
Obligatio oratorum Reg. Franciae pro solutione unius
millionis auri.
Anno Reg. HENRICI VIII. 10^°. annoque Dom. 1518.
Tractatus matrimonii inter Delphinum et D. Mariam,
London. 4. Octob.
Commissio pro sponsalibus contrahend. inter Delphin. et
D. Mariam, Andegaven. 31. Julii.
Commissio Francisci Francor. Reg. ad perficiend. spon-
salia inter Delphinum et Mariam.
Instrumentum super pollicitatione sponsalium contrahen-
dorum inter Delphin. et Dnam. Mariam.
Confirmatio tractatus matrimonii inter Delphin. et Ma-
Instrumentum super juramentum matrimonii per Reg.
Francor. praestitum, una cum originali eidem annex, manu
dicti Franc. Reg. signat.
Commissio Francor. Regis Francisci pro sponsalibus, An-
Instrumentum sponsaliorum.
Ratificatio regis Francorum super tractatu habit, et con-
clus. cum suis oratoribus de mutuo coUoquio habendo int.
Reges Anglias et Franciae, 21. Dec.
Confirmatio tractatus pro depraedationibus int. Reges An-
gliae et Franciae cohercend.
Tractatus depraedationis, 4. Octobr.
Tractatus mutui interventus, et mutui coUoquii utrius-
que principis.
Juramentum pro observatione tractatus depragdationum
una cum originali per Dominum Reg. signatum.
Tractatus amicitiae et pacis Londini inchoat. cum ora-
torib. Reg. Angliae.
Commissio ad liberandum et tradendum certos nobiles
Franciae obsides, 13. Januarii.
Juramentum [instrumentum] super juramento pacis manu
Francorum Reg. signat. eidemque annex.
338 Commissio Reg. Francorum de et super mutuo conventu
et colloquio : ac de loco, tempore, modo et forma : et simi-
liter de numero et qualitate personarum.
Instrumentum super juramento per Reg. Francorum
praestito super materiis concernentib. Reg. et regnum
Tractatus et confoedei'atio generalis pacis et concordia;
int. illustriss. Angliae et Franciae Reges, et Romanum Pon-
tificem, pro expeditione in Turcas, Londin.
Confirmatio tractatus pro redditione civitatis Torna-
censis cum suis appenden. 16. Dec.
Instrumentum super confessione receptionis civitatis Tor-
Instrumentum super jui'amento tractatus Tornacen. una
cum originali annex, manu Regis Franciae signat.
Commissio ad tractand. pro liberatione civitatis Torna-
cen. 31. Julii.
Tractatus Tornacensis.
Articulus comprehensionis Scotorum.
Obligatio facta per Franciscum Francor. Reg. Hen. VIII.
pro solutione 60,000 coronarum auri. Parisiis, 12. Ja-
Commissio Francisci Francor. Reg. ad tractand. de ami-
citia cum oratoribus Reg. Angliae, ult. Julii.
Articuli recessus manibus Francor. Reg. subscript. Pa-
risiis, 12. Januarii.
Commissio Francisci Francor. Reg. fact. Gasparo de Co_
ligny Marescliallo Franciae ad tractand. cum oratoribus Hen.
VIII. pro receptione villae sive civitat. Tornacen.
Commissio Gas])ari de Coligny facta Ludovico Proisy
Ballio de Tournay ad recipiend. villam civitat. ad castrum
de Tournay, Seynt Amande, et Morteigne.
Potestas data per Gasparum de Coligny au Mons. Hodyn,
pro deliberatione villas de Mortayne.
Protestatio facta tempore liberationis villae de Mortaigne.
Instructions given to the Bishop of Rocliester, the Earl
of Somerset, Captain of Calais, and otlicr ambassadors, on
the behalf of the King of England, to treat with the am-
bassadours of France.
Anno Reg. HENR. VIII. 11. annoque Dom. 1519
Confirmatio tractatus mutui coUoquii Principum apud
Commissio et procuratio Francor. Reg. fact. Dno. Wolsey
Cardinali de mutuo colloquio et praesentia Dnorum. Regum
in campo juxta Guysnes, 10. Januarii.
Commissio Francor. Reg. fact. Dno. Cardinali Ebor. ad
tractand. et concludend. cum Hen. VIII. super modo et
forma et loco colloquii mutui. Dat. 23. Febr.
339 Anno Reg. HENR. VIII. 12. annoque Dom. 1520.
Articuli et capitul. tractatus inter Reges Angliae et
Francis una cum schedula annex, jurament. praestit. per
diet. Francor. Regem sua propria manu subscript. Dat. 6.
Literae Christianiss. Regis Franciae ad Hen. VIII. de
permutatione obsidum, Febr. 4.
Confirmatio Reg. Gallorum fact, super quibusdam arti-
culis tractatus belli ofFensivi.
Anno Reg. HENR. VIII. 13. annoque Dom. 1521.
Commissio ad Dnum. Cardinalem existen. in villa Calis
ad arctiorem amicitiam et firmiorem treugam percutiendam
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