Identity theft, comply with federal Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act when furnishing credit report/rating. SB 1242, Lawler S, Paulk H
Application and billing statement to state that interest rate lower at bank or credit union. SB 278, Robinson S, Staggs H
County clerk accept fees by debit or credit card; processing services contracts; service charge; prepaid fee accounts. HB 2195, Deutschendorf H, Maddox S
Revolving loan account, under 21 considered minor. HB 2227, Easley H
Commercial bribery. SB 1503 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Lamons H
Farm Service Agency guaranty fee for lending programs, income tax credit. HB 2585, Roggow H, Milacek S
Office space in public buildings without charge if majority of members public employees. SB 1318 (smad cc), Monson S, Carey H
Employee voluntary payroll deduction for payment of debt to third-party termination, garnishment proceed. HB 2571, Morgan (Fred) H, Coffee S
Manufacturing decline, Commerce Department and Employment Security Commission assistance. HCR 1056 (smad hf), Boren H, Coates S
Permit, deleting fee for disposal of human bodies. HB 2461, Smaligo H
Employees, eight. HB 1970 (smde hf), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2007, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2008, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2009, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Fund investments. SB 1460, Leftwich (Debbe) S, Ingmire H
Guse, Richard, commending for work on behalf of crime victims. SCR 46, Wilkerson S, Askins H
Sexual Assault Examination Fund (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Animal cruelty, ownership rights terminated. SB 1364, Kerr S, Braddock H
Assault and battery (see ASSAULT AND BATTERY)
Assembly, unlawful. SB 1497, Wilkerson S
Bodily harm or death, (intent to cause, smde sc, smad sf) serious. HB 2270 (Penalty, smad sf), Coleman H, Reynolds S
Breast-feeding, exempting from (any crime, smad sc) (indecency law, smde sc). HB 2102, Carey H, Riley S
Abuse (see ABUSE, Child)
Misdemeanor (see below)
Community Service Sentencing Program (see SENTENCING)
DUI (see Felony crimes, below, or DRUNK DRIVING)
Felony crimes:
Assault and battery (see ASSAULT AND BATTERY)
Bodily harm or death, (intent to cause, smde sc, smad sf) serious. HB 2270 (Penalty, smad sf), Coleman H, Reynolds S
Bribery, commercial. SB 1503 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Lamons H
CLEET applicant for training to receive certification, false statement (criminalizing additional actions, smad sc). HB 1838, Smithson H, Helton S
Cloning prohibition violation. SB 1607, Laster S, Carey H
Removing; legislative referendum; ballot. HB 1784, Erwin H, Shurden S; SB 835 (smad sf; third and subsequent offense, fine and prison term, smad cc; smde 3cc; smad 4cc), Shurden S, Erwin H
Second or subsequent offense. SB 835 (smad 3cc), Shurden S, Erwin H
Personal injury accident, subsequent conviction. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Special assessment for trauma care. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Domestic abuse:
Also (see ABUSE)
Protective order violation for third conviction. HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S
Second or subsequent conviction, penalty. HB 2626 (smad sc), Askins H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Strangulation or attempted. HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S
Driver license:
Cancellation, revocation or suspension or denial:
Circumstances. HB 2543, Lamons H
Committing offense in non-commercial vehicle. HB 1899 (smad hc), Nance H, Gumm S
Digital prohibited items. HB 1899 (smad hc), Nance H, Gumm S; HB 2543, Lamons H
Absentee ballot, false affidavit. HB 2611, Sweeden H; SB 1104, Capps S, Sweeden H
False swearing or affirming under oath. HB 2676 (smad hf), Dorman H, Monson S
Financial information, obtaining without consent by false statement. SB 1503, Wilkerson S, Lamons H
Identity theft, increasing penalty. SB 1168, Lawler S, Paulk H
Oil, used, unlawful handling. SB 1349 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Dorman H
Osteopath, acts constituting. SB 369 (smad hc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Pregnant woman, assault and battery or domestic abuse against. HB 2505, Hamilton H, Fair S; HB 2592, McIntyre H
Professions, various, deleting prohibition to issue and renew licenses (felony, modifying to crime substantially related, smad cc). HB 2714 (smde sc, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S
Protective order violations. HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S
Pump pirating, third or subsequent violation. HB 2609, Peterson (Ron) H
Quality Investment Act violation. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Sexual offenders (see Sexual, below)
Tattooing, repealing. SB 1307, Shurden S, Lindley H
Teacher or schools employee, threatening to cause physical injury or property damage to. SB 1427, Corn S
Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act, Mary Rippy. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Fines (see FINES)
Identity theft, increasing penalty. SB 1168, Lawler S, Paulk H
Intoxicating liquors or low-point beer transporting open prohibition, excepting limousine. SB 653, Horner S, Balkman H
Juvenile delinquent (see DELINQUENTS AND JUVENILES)
Kidnapping (see KIDNAPPING)
Manslaughter, first degree:
Crime offenders registration. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Killing unborn child. SB 1514, Pruitt S
Mary Rippy Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act:
Children, law enforcement agency employment, CLEET certification, private investigator or security guard, prohibiting; penalty. HB 1853 (smad sc), Turner H, Wilkerson S
Civil liability exemptions false or misleading information, prohibiting; penalties; employment restriction. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Creating; crimes, listing; time limits and duration; information provided to and from offenders; transmission of conviction data and fingerprints. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Local law enforcement duties; Corrections Department maintain files; disclosure of registries; DNA testing, fee and deposit. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Realtors, not imposing to disclose any information regarding an offender. HB 1853 (smad sc), Turner H, Wilkerson S
Abortion violation. HB 1880, Dank H; HB 2244, Easley H; HB 2650, Reynolds H; SB 710 (smad cc), Laster S, Carey H
Alcohol and drug counselor violation. HB 2464, Gilbert H, Robinson S
Bail bond agent not collecting surcharge. SB 1419 (smde cc), Smith S, Erwin H
Bribery, commercial. SB 1503 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Lamons H
Motor vehicles, television/monitor display of material harmful to minors and visible outside vehicle. SB 1172 (smad hf; smde cc), Corn S, Smithson H; SB 1364 (smad hf), Kerr S, Braddock H; SB 1413 (smad hf), Coffee S, Newport H
Pornography (see PORNOGRAPHY)
Making. HB 1784 (smde sf), Erwin H, Shurden S; SB 835 (First offense, smad 3cc), Shurden S, Erwin H
Spectator; fine. SB 835 (smad cc), Shurden S, Erwin H
Corrections Department investigations report, disclosure. HB 2109 (smde 2cc), Kirby H, Wilkerson S
Court supervision by contract, offender to pay supervision fee to district attorney's office. SB 1420 (smad cc), Laughlin S, Blackwell H
DUI, special assessment for trauma care. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Death certificate violation, knowingly. HB 2605, Peterson (Ron) H
Dog, service, used for benefit of handicapped, harming or killing. SB 1402 (Restitution, smad sf), Robinson S, Lindley H
Electioneering, pollster violating prohibitions against. HB 2611, Sweeden H; SB 1104, Capps S, Sweeden H
Absentee ballot, notary public charging for notarizing. SB 1104 (smad sc, smde hf), Capps S, Sweeden H; SB 906, Reynolds S
Committee accepting contributions violation. HB 2411 (smad hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S
Contributions state government facility prohibition:
Within 300 feet. HB 2411 (smde hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S
Within. HB 1824, Trebilcock H; HB 2411 (smad hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S
False accusation of criminal activity against education employee. SB 1215, Pruitt S
Hospice certificate of need, operating without. SB 1628 (smde sc), Lawler S, Peters H
Justices and Judges, Uniform Retirement System for, fraud. HB 2691, Ferguson H, Corn S; SB 1134 (smad cc), Corn S, Ferguson H; SB 1141, Corn S
Low-point beer sales violations. HB 2473, Braddock H, Wilcoxson S
Mortgage loan originator violation. HB 1503 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Maddux H, Rabon S
Motor carrier abandonment of property or goods. HB 2374, Leist H, Shurden S
Property identification number violation. HB 2359, Covey H, Price S
Public funds use by elected official for producing communication containing his/her photograph. HB 2115, Perry H
School treasurer or officer, expenditures in excess of estimate. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S
Security checkpoint, bypassing willfully or go around. HB 2626 (smad cc), Askins H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
State employment application, false or fraudulent statement. SB 601 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Peters H
Tattooing violations. SB 1307, Shurden S, Lindley H
Urine, drug or alcohol screening test, fraud prohibition for deceitful results. HB 1868, Worthen H; HB 2176 (Human or synthetic, smad hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S
Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act, Mary Rippy, violations. HB 1853 (smad sc), Turner H, Wilkerson S
Workers' Compensation Court, disclosing confidential reports. SB 1442, Gumm S; SB 1531 (smad hf), Hobson S, Adair H
Offenders Registration Act (see Mary Rippy, above)
Pornography (see PORNOGRAPHY)
Rape (see RAPE)
Recording device, unlawful use of. SB 1234 (smad sc), Coffee S, Carey H
Sentencing (see SENTENCING)
Castration. SB 1199 (Chemical, removing, smad sf), Shurden S, Erwin H; SB 1413 (smad hf), Coffee S, Newport H
Electronic monitoring by global positioning device if released on bail pending adjudication. SB 1420, Laughlin S, Blackwell H
Federal system offenders, include in private prison facilities. HB 2535, Walker H
Fees or costs charge to victim, prohibiting. HB 1064 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Corn S
Language, clarifying. SB 1544 (Shell), Wilkerson S
Offenders Registration Act:
Law enforcement authority information, maintain for 10 years from date of last registration. HB 2110 (smad sc), Kirby H, Wilkerson S
Person entering state, time limits; duration; residency restrictions. HB 2110 (smad sf), Kirby H, Wilkerson S
Continuously during term of and after date of completion of sentence; term. HB 2110 (smad sc), Kirby H, Wilkerson S
Date. SB 1096, Gumm S, Carey H; SB 1191, Wilkerson S, Kirby H
Another state, registration; period, clarifying. HB 2110 (smad sf), Kirby H, Wilkerson S
Educational institution, not within 2,000 foot radius, deleting. HB 2110 (smad hc, smde hf; prior to 11-1-03, smad sc), Kirby H, Wilkerson S
Vacate, sell or dispose real estate or home if resided on property prior to 11-1-03, prohibiting. HB 2110 (smad hc), Kirby H, Wilkerson S; HB 2286, Cox H
Suspended sentence or other probation term time limits; term. HB 2110 (smde sc), Kirby H, Wilkerson S
Rape (see RAPE)
Released on bail pending adjudication, electronic monitoring by global positioning device. SB 1420 (smad cc), Laughlin S, Blackwell H
Sodomy (see SODOMY)
Violent Persons Act, creating; written notification of attorney general or appropriate district attorney prior to release; annual examinations and reports. HB 2184, Ericson H
Victim's Compensation Act, Crime (see VICTIMS, generally)
Violent crime:
Offender registration (see Mary Rippy, above)
Sexually Violent Persons Act (see Sexual, above)
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Computer Assistance Act, Criminal Justice, creating. SB 1394, Wilkerson S, Taylor H
Criminal Resentencing Act, creating; duties. SB 1194, Shurden S
Director salary limit; set by Sentencing Commission. HB 2032 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Fund, Revolving, income tax debt collection fee, deposit. SB 822 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Ingmire H
Law Enforcement Online Network (LEON), establish; funding. SB 1368, Williamson S
Offender Data Information System, software and support for record keeping, transmittal of data between agencies. SB 1394, Wilkerson S, Taylor H
Relief Credits Act (RCA), duties. SB 1177, Shurden S, Leist H
Animals (see ANIMALS)
Assembly, unlawful. SB 1497, Wilkerson S
Bogus checks (see CHECKS, FALSE OR BOGUS)
Cockfighting, number of game fowl present not to be used to constitute separate violations. SB 835 (smad sc, smde cc), Shurden S, Erwin H
Competency hearing; incompetent and dangerous ruling, procedures. SB 1583 (smad sf), Rozell S, Askins H
Confidential information, release authority. SB 1401, Cain S, Ingmire H
Controlled dangerous substances offenses, release for defendant discharged on giving. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Costs, court (see FEES)
DNA testing (see DNA)
Death penalty (see DEATH PENALTY)
Deferred judgment for felony offense within 10 years previous to committing crime, apply only if not been previously convicted. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Domestic abuse (see ABUSE, Domestic)
Drunk driving (see DRUNK DRIVING AND)
Electronic communication devices, obscene, threatening or harassing use, unlawful. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Embezzlement (see EMBEZZLEMENT)
Emergency telephone calls interference, penalty. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Child in place where methamphetamine manufactured, tangible. SB 1172 (smad sc; smde cc), Corn S, Smithson H
Preliminary hearing, useable. HB 2178, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Probable cause based on. SB 1324, Coffee S
Investigation or autopsy report of medical examiner, including. HB 2444, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Language, clarifying. SB 1572 (Shell), Wilkerson S
Public Safety Department report as to handling and storage. HB 2444, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Execution Task Force, creating. HB 2709, Toure H
Charges dismissed. SB 1198, Reynolds S
Domestic abuse victim, persons authorized to file motion. SB 1373, Myers S, Peterson (Ron) H
Identity theft victim. HB 2287, Cox H, Leftwich (Debbe) S; HB 2503, Perry H; SB 1164 (smad sf), Johnson S, Winchester H
Records, deleting within one year of arrest, if no charges filed or dismissed. HB 2271 (All charges, smad sc; dismissed on merit, smad sf), Coleman H, Reynolds S
Felony crimes (see CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS, Felony)
Hearsay (see Evidence, above)
Ignition interlock device (see DRUNK DRIVING AND)
Indigents defense (see INDIGENTS)
Information verification, removing. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Therapeutic visit; approval. SB 1246, Nichols S, Smithson H
Time served in institution credited to length of sentence. SB 1583 (smad sc), Rozell S, Askins H
Juvenile delinquent (see DELINQUENTS AND JUVENILES)
Kidnapping (see KIDNAPPING)
Marihuana offense, release on personal recognizance. SB 1446, Wilkerson S, Ferguson H
Mental retardation (smad cc) (disability, severe developmental, smde cc), persons hearings for murder conviction. HB 2710 (Evidentiary hearings, smad cc), Toure H, Wilkerson S
Mentally retarded person, defining. SB 1583 (smad sf), Rozell S, Askins H
Misdemeanor crimes (see CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS, Misdemeanor)
Motor vehicle:
Right-of-way violation causing fatality:
Involving motorcycle. SB 1539 (smad hc, smde cc), Helton S, Covey H
License suspension. SB 1539 (smde sc, smad cc), Helton S, Covey H
Traffic offense, fee assessed on every. SB 1325, Coffee S, Ericson H
Pattern of criminal offense (see Venue, below)
Prescription Medications Act, Utilization of Unused, liability exemptions. HB 1866 (smad hc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Probation (see PROBATION)
Protective order (see PROTECTIVE ORDERS)
Resentencing Act, Criminal, creating. SB 1194, Shurden S
Sentencing (see SENTENCING)
Supervision fee. SB 1533, Laster S
Terms, defining. SB 1583 (smad sc), Rozell S, Askins H
Threatening, prohibiting. HB 2445, Roan H, Wilkerson S
Venue, at least one offense to have been committed in county; pattern of criminal offense in two/plus counties, fine and imprisonment. SB 1502, Wilkerson S, Lamons H
Victims (see VICTIMS)
Witnesses (see WITNESSES)
CROOK, TOMMY. SR 82, Horner S
Abusive Work Environment Act, employer. HB 2467, Gilbert H
Affordable Access to Health Care Act (see MEDICAL MALPRACTICE)
Defendant responsible for 10% of damage, prohibiting liability of 100%. HB 2661 (smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Identity theft victim. SB 1168, Lawler S, Paulk H
Inmate litigation reform. SB 1397, Robinson S, Braddock H
Joint tortfeasors liability, action based on fault caused by more than one person, several only; liability only allocated to that tortfeasor. HB 2570, Morgan (Fred) H
Language, clarifying. SB 1620 (Shell), Lerblance S
Liability actions not arising out of contract, maximum limits. HB 1900, Hastings H
Limitation of Liability for Farming and Ranching Land Act, creating; outdoor recreational activity; limitations. HB 2531, Walker H; HB 2661 (smad hf, smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Medical liability (see MEDICAL MALPRACTICE, generally)
Mortgage release on one- four-family residences, including condominium regime affidavits violation. HB 2187, Carey H, Gumm S
Motor vehicle accident, claimant not recover noneconomic conditions. HB 2641, McClain H
Proportionate Responsibility Act, creating. HB 2575, Newport H
Exemplary awards by jury, repealing. HB 1900, Hastings H
Jury award, unanimous. HB 2575, Newport H
Real Estate Development Act, providing. HB 1668, Vaughn H, Coffee S
Unlimited, in cases where there is clear and convincing proof of willful and wanton conduct. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
DANIELLE MARTINEZ ACT. HB 2306 (smad hc, smde sc, smad cc), Hamilton H, Shurden S
Agriculture Day, March 25, 2004. SCR 56, Price S, Covey H
Arthritis Awareness Month, May, 2004. HCR 1079, Gilbert H, Horner S; SR 61, Branan S
Autism Awareness Month, April; day, April 27, 2004. HR 1041, Piatt H
Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce Centennial Day, June 3, 2004. SR 84, Dunlap S
Big Lots! Day, Tuesday, June 8, 2004. SR 75, Gumm S
Bill of Rights Day (see SCHOOLS)
Cardinal Glass Day, Friday, May 21, 2004. SR 73, Gumm S
CareerTech, year 2004 as centennial year of system. HCR 1059, Adair H, Hobson S
Conservation Day, March 10, 2004. HCR 1057, Sweeden H, Harrison S
Four H Day at the Legislature, April 28, 2004. HCR 1062, Covey H, Price S
Global Agriculture Organization during International Student Awareness Week, supporting Dedication Day. HR 1036, McCarter H
Great Western Cattle Trail Appreciation Day, May 1, 2004. SCR 61, Kerr S, Braddock H
International Student Awareness Day, March 24, 2004. HCR 1060, McCarter H, Cain S
Leftwich Day, Senator Keith, first Tuesday in February in presidential election year. SB 1549 (smad sc), Shurden S, Leist H
Mental Health Month, May 2004. HCR 1084, Lindley H, Cain S
Mesonet Day, March 11, 2004. SR 42, Nichols S
Motorcycle Safety Month, May. SJR 50, Lawler S, Tyler H
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, April, 2004. HCR 1071, Vaughn H, Snyder S
National Guard and 45th Infantry Division Appreciation Day, second Tuesday of every April. HCR 1072, Hefner H, Helton S
Owasso Centennial Day, March 26, 2004. SCR 52, Brogdon S, Smaligo H
Peace officers, fallen, week of May 9 through 15, 2004, as Police Week; May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day. HR 1046, Lamons H
Prayer, National Day of, May 6, 2004. HR 1038, Claunch H
Reagan Day, Ronald, February 6, 2004. HCR 1043, Balkman H, Laughlin S; SR 37, Coffee S
Statehood Day (see SCHOOLS)
Vietnam Veterans Day, third Thursday in March. HR 1039, Steele H
Violence Education Week. SB 255, Coffee S, Askins H
Wellsite Safety Day, April 27, 2004. HCR 1076, Morgan (Danny) H, Coates S
DAYTON TIRE BILL. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S ; SB 1436, Wilcoxson
Disposal, deleting fee for cremation permit. HB 2461, Smaligo H
Hearing aid:
Prosthetic device, excluding from term. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H
Sales tax exemption. HB 2390 (smad hf), Calvey H, Aldridge S; SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H
Students transferring to school with specialized program (unavailability, emergency, smad sc) (applications and time, smde sc). HB 1855 (smad hf), Peterson (Ron) H, Riley S
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Real property, income from leases or sales; trustee. SB 1280, Robinson S, Hilliard H
Fetal, renaming (birth resulting in, smad hf) stillbirth after gestational period of at least (24, smad sc) (20, smde sc) completed weeks. HB 1847, Winchester H, Monson S
Missing Angels Act, creating for stillbirth deaths. HB 1847 (smde hf), Winchester H, Monson S
Nursing homes resident, physician personally view and examine body prior to signing. HB 2309, Hamilton H, Shurden S
Violation, knowingly, misdemeanor and fine. HB 2605, Peterson (Ron) H
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