Second Session, 49th Legislature

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Appropriations (see APPROPRIATIONS)

Army Corp of Engineers, U.S., emergency response actions or protection, funding. HB 1418, Hutchison H, Shurden S


Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)

Disaster, transportation public facilities, remove debris or reconstruct, coordination with Transportation Department. HB 1929, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 1930, Mitchell H, Morgan S


Abortion. SB 1426, Pruitt S


Chasers, deterring. HB 2396, Harrison H, Laster S

Provider rate, cigarette and tobacco tax increase funding. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Service Districts, Rural, payment by city made within 60 days of collection of funds. HB 2683 (smde hc, smad cc), Dorman H, Nichols S

Physicians, hospitals and ambulance service uncompensated, reimbursement. SB 1554, Robinson-S, Hilliard-H

Uncompensated, reimbursement. SB 1554, Robinson-S, Hilliard-H

Defibrillators (see DEFIBRILLATORS)

Districts, proceeds use. HB 2683 (smad hc; administrative expenses, smad cc), Dorman H, Nichols S


Silent detection law, all law enforcement officers. HB 2265, Paulk H, Smith S

Traffics signal preemption device possession, use or interference with, including vehicles. HB 2444, Roan H, Wilkerson S


Care (Systems and Improvement, smad cc) (Services, smde cc) Act, creating; components. HB 2382, Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Center system, statewide, special assessment payment for conviction of various offenses. HB 2600 (smde hc), Hilliard H, Monson S

Cigarette tax revenue. HB 2660 (State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Geographically-designated regional and regional advisory boards; medical audit committee. HB 2382 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Operative services, trauma and emergency rules, Health Board. HB 2382, Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Systems Improvement and Development Act; creating; council; regional boards; medical audit committee; certification. SB 1554, Robinson S, Hilliard H

Systems and Improvement Advisory Council, Trauma Care, creating. HB 2382 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Property taken by, factors; method of computation of the value. HB 2596, Calvey H, Reynolds S


New direct job full-time equivalent employment. HB 2160, Pettigrew H; HB 2645, Covey H, Crutchfield S; SB 1527, Fisher S, McClain H


Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)

Coal County (see Seminole, below)

Creek County (see Seminole, below)

Employees, insurance:


Self-insured; supplemental benefit. SB 1140, Corn S, Braddock H

State and Education Employees Group Insurance, contract for supplemental coverage. SB 1140 (smad sc), Corn S, Braddock H


Alternative; agency offered. SB 1140, Corn S, Braddock H

Change to State and Education Employees Group Insurance. SB 1140 (smad sc), Corn S, Braddock H

Records, subject to subpoena. SB 1275 (smad hf), Smith S, Hastings H

Seminole County manufacturing decline, assistance. HCR 1056, Boren H, Coates S

Unemployment benefits (see LABOR)


Fuel Cell Initiative Task Force, creating. HB 2351 (smad hc), Benge H, Maddox S

Gas recovery projects, unconvential, incentives. HB 2437, Rice H, Helton S

Oil recovery, development of new technologies for exploration, incentives for enhanced. HB 2437, Rice H, Helton S

Program, creating to establish Oklahoma as premier information and expertise center. HB 2437, Rice H, Helton S

Renewable Energy:

Credits, encouraging local, state, and federal agencies to purchase when available. SJR 41, Maddox S, Winchester H

Development Program, creating to accelerate development of resource base in Oklahoma. HB 2437, Rice H, Helton S

Green Power or Green Tags, encourage use. SJR 41, Maddox S, Winchester H

Wind power (see UTILITIES)


Wellsite safety education efforts and encouraging school district participation, commending. HCR 1076, Morgan (Danny) H, Coates S


Counties, removal of portion of road surface survey, notice and approval. HB 2200, Taylor H


Licenses, felony conviction, conditions to issue and renew. HB 2714 (smde sc, smad cc; substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S

Sunset Law (see SUNSET LAW)

Official language. HB 2601 (smad hf; measure failed), Lindley H, Williams S


Local Development and Enterprise Zone Incentive Leverage Act:

Estimated direct state benefits and costs, defining. SB 1176 (smad cc), Williams S, Peters H

Increment districts; qualifications; definitions; matching amounts. HB 2439, Peters H, Williams S; SB 1176 (smad sf; smde cc), Williams S, Peters H

Local governmental entity constructing public improvements within zone, eligibility for matching payments. HB 2439, Peters H, Williams S; SB 1176 (smad sf), Williams S, Peters H

Matching payment, local government, eligibility; excepting retail; million dollar payroll or five million dollar construction. SB 1176 (smad cc), Williams S, Peters H

Public improvement, construction by local government entity, matching payment; aggregate limit within single county. SB 1176 (smad cc), Williams S, Peters H

Cleanup, Governmental Tort Claims Act liability exemption. HB 2198, Leist H, Shurden S

Committee on Federal Environmental and Natural Resources Funds, Joint Oversight, creating. HB 2508, Blackburn H

Crimes Act, Environmental, violations of hazardous waste disposal laws, penalty. SB 1349, Wilkerson S, Dorman H

Fund, Environment and Natural Resources Trust, creating; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1068 (Legislature to designate monies; subaccounts, smad hf), Leist H, Shurden S

Geographic Information System report by Conservation Commission, include Chair of each environment-related committee in House and Senate. HB 1877, Pope H, Price S

Laboratory services, analyte, defining; parameter, deleting. HB 1742 (smad sf), Langmacher H, Easley S

Permitting Act, Agriculture Environmental, creating. SB 1270 (smad sf), Crutchfield S, Pope H

Quality Act, clarifying definition. HB 2454 (Shell), Pope H

Soil Nutrient Management Plan and Applicator Certification Act, creating. HB 2705, McClain H

Waters of the state, waste treatment systems exclusions. HB 1742 (smad sf), Langmacher H, Easley S

Appropriations (see APPROPRIATIONS)

Child Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, creating. SB 1490 (smde hc), Morgan S, Roberts H

Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, administrator; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1068 (Legislature to designate monies; subaccounts, smad hf), Leist H, Shurden S

Federal funds disbursement, report to Chair of each environmental legislative committee. HB 1878, Langmacher H; HB 2198, Leist H, Shurden S

Lead Impacted Communities Relocation Assistance Act, creating. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H

Natural Resources Management Act, duties. HB 2590, Wilson H

Jurisdiction, updating references. HB 1879 (Shell), Langmacher H


Air contaminants rule, removing de minimis limits and subject to public review. HB 1876, Langmacher H, Gumm S

Asbestos abatement rules, advice and recommendation from Asbestos Advisory Board. HB 1874 (smad cc), Langmacher H, Price S

Department Director, set salary. HB 2061 (smad hf), Mitchell H, Morgan S

Waste tires end users certification, rules. HB 2432 (smad hc), Miller (Doug) H, Nichols S

Pollution prevention, defining; repealer. HB 1742 (smde sc), Langmacher H, Easley S


Agriculture Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act, duties. SB 1233 (smad sf), Crutchfield S, Pope H

Air contaminate emission, facility change of ownership; Clean Air Act exemption, deleting public review. SB 1311 (smad hc), Gumm S, Langmacher H

Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)


Control Act, transferring programs and functions to from Labor Department. HB 1874 (smad cc), Langmacher H, Price S

Friable material containing license and permit transferring to from Labor Commissioner. HB 1874 (smad cc), Langmacher H, Price S

License, permits, fees collection, transferring to. HB 1874 (smad cc), Langmacher H, Price S

Workplace regulation and monitoring in public and private buildings, adding programs. HB 1874 (smad cc), Langmacher H, Price S

Brownfield and Superfund sites, authority to enter. SB 1167 (Refusal, judicial or administrative remedies, smad sc; lead agency for CERCLA activities, smad sf), Morgan S, Wells H


Asbestos abatement, duties; enter property. for inspection and investigation with warrant. HB 1874 (smad cc), Langmacher H, Price S

Salary, set by Board. HB 2061 (smad hf), Mitchell H, Morgan S


Quality Revolving, payment to Labor Department Asbestos Abatement Division, transferring to appropriate subaccount. HB 1874 (smad cc), Langmacher H, Price S

Waste Tire Recycling Indemnity, reimbursement. SB 1107, Lawler S, Sweeden H

Grants to public trust serving community affected by lead/zinc mining and within federal Superfund site. SB 1490 (smad cc), Morgan S, Roberts H

Jurisdiction; removing point source discharge related to agriculture. SB 1204, Crutchfield S, Pope H

Laboratory services:

Maintain; duties. SB 1311 (Analysis in connection with land application or oil field waste, certify laboratory, smad hc), Gumm S, Langmacher H

Operation. HB 2198 (smad cc), Leist H, Shurden S

Landowner property affected by adjoining landowner septic tank, administrative hearing. SB 1127, Corn S

Oklahoma City and Tulsa City-County programs, employees. HB 2060 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2061, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Rural Water, Sewer, Gas and Solid Waste Management Districts (see RURAL WATER)

Waste tire recycling report to Legislature and Governor, making yearly. HB 2432 (smde hc), Miller (Doug) H, Nichols S

Water supply, implementation of new public, requirements, funding. SB 1031 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H


Capital gains, long-term. SB 1354, Snyder S, Hiett H

Communication, pp. 502-16

Duties, responsibility for certain appropriations-related determinations, removing. SB 1352 (smad hc), Rabon S, Pope H

Estimate funds expected to accrue to General Revenue and Special Revenue Funds. SB 1351, Snyder S

Ethics Commission fund uses, examine and investigate. HB 2411 (smad hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S

Funds available for appropriation, repealing. HB 2420, Trebilcock H

Income tax suspension procedures, modification. HB 1856, Wright H; HB 2421 (smad hc), Pope H, Rabon S


Credit, not allowed if death occurred after certain date. SB 887, Laughlin S

Deductions when in excess of net estate, adding brother and sister. HB 1803, Askins H, Price S


Credit, estates of deceased residents and nonresidents, levying tax on. HB 1803 (smad hc), Askins H, Price S

Government, impounded monies, removing exemption to lien. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Pick-up status, structure. HB 1803 (smad hc), Askins H, Price S

Financial institution payout maximums. SB 887, Laughlin S

Lineal descendant, form listing property and heirs, net value of property; less than applicable exemption, nontaxable. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Net estate, rate; exemptions. SB 1455, Coffee S

Repealing. HB 1803 (smad hc), Askins H, Price S; HB 2240, Sullivan H; HB 2406, Young H

Tables; completion of return. SB 887, Laughlin S

Tax Commission appraisal, objection within 60 days. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Deposits in name of sole individual without designation of beneficiary, repealing. HB 2223 (smad hc, smde cc), Piatt H, Pruitt S

Family Wealth Preservation Act, creating. HB 2135, Peters H, Coffee S

Nonprobate transfers, nontestamentary; after acquired property. HB 2223 (smde hc), Piatt H, Pruitt S


Manufacturing facility income tax credit, transfer; agreement; rules. HB 2361, Covey H, Price S


Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)

Campaign contributions and expenditures (see ELECTIONS, Campaign contributions and)

Candidates (see ELECTIONS, Candidates)

Contributions and expenditures (see ELECTIONS, Campaign)


Elections, committee accepting contributions registration fee. HB 2411 (smad hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S

Lobbyists and committee registration fees. HB 2411, Phillips H, Dunlap S; HB 2664, Adair H, Hobson S

Supplant or replace other state funds, prohibiting; examination and investigation. HB 2411 (smad hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S

Golf tournament fee for charitable organization, allowing. HB 2411, Phillips H, Dunlap S

Lobbyists picture identification card, duties. HB 2411 (smad hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S

Pre-election report prior to primary, due date; information to be included. SB 1348 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H


Fundraisers in Oklahoma County limitations (257:10-1-6), repealing. HB 2664 (smad sc, smde sf), Adair H, Hobson S

Things of value to state:

Increasing disclosure. HB 2411 (smad hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S

Repealer. HB 2411 (smde hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S

Aircraft, tax payer request that tax be designated for specific airport. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Increases, prohibiting from becoming effective unless uniformally imposed; audits; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1053, Phillips H

Motor fuel, Transportation Department, duties. SB 141 (smad cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 842, Leftwich S

Motor vehicle:


Disabled veteran for up to two vehicles:

Providing. HB 2104, McCarter H; HB 2143, Wells H, Wilkerson S

Spouses and widow, eligibility. HB 2143, Wells H, Wilkerson S

Recreational show promoter to sell new, licensing. HB 2362, Covey H, Milacek S

Transportation Department, duties. SB 141 (smad cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 842, Leftwich S

Tobacco products, tax stamps. SB 1443, Crutchfield S

Wine, not paid, not apply for bringing or shipping into state for exhibition. HB 2511, DeWitt H

Sales tax exemption. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

FAIR ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION ACT. HB 2554 (smde hf), Paulk H, Nichols S


Creating; corpus and income, exempt from attachment; revocable or irrevocable; judicial body from forcing revocation, prohibiting. HB 2135 (Transfers of property by grantor, subject to Uniform Fraudulent Trust Act, smad hf), Peters H, Coffee S

Grantor establishing or possessing more than one at a time, prohibiting. HB 2135 (smad cc), Peters H, Coffee S

Homestead exemption, prohibiting increasing value. HB 2135, Peters H, Coffee S

FARMING AND RANCHING LAND ACT, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR. HB 2531, Walker H; HB 2661 (smad hf, smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
FARRINGTON, TERESA. SCR 37, Corn S, Brannon H; SCR 53, Corn S, Brannon H

Investigation, memorializing Congress. HR 1031, Roberts H


Accountant license and registration. SB 1488 (Peer review, smad sc), Fisher S, Askins H

Adoption court costs, reducing. SB 479 (smad hf, smde cc), Smith S, Askins H

Adult day care center license, modifying. HB 1887, Mitchell H

Agency or board rules (see specific)

Alcohol and Drug Influence, Board of Tests, set and charge. HB 2348, Smithson H, Corn S

Alcohol and drug counselor, (certification, smad sf), licensure or annual renewal. HB 2464, Gilbert H, Robinson S


Feeding operations. HB 2623 (smde hf), Covey H, Laughlin S

Identification program. SB 1300 (smad cc), Price S, Covey H

Arbitration. HB 2713 (smde sf), Toure H, Smith S

Attorney (see ATTORNEYS)

Bail bondsmen, service for collection/distribution of jail surcharge. SB 1419 (smde cc), Smith S, Erwin H

Bathing place, public. HB 2282 (smad sc), Mitchell H, Robinson S

Beef Council, sale of cattle. HB 2620, Covey H, Price S; SB 1300 (smde cc), Price S, Covey H

Behavioral practitioner, license. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H

Boiler and pressure vessels:

Inspector services for welded repairs or alterations. SB 1494, Coates S, Erwin H

Pressure retaining item not ready at time of scheduled inspection. SB 1494, Coates S, Erwin H

Bridges or culverts construction or reconstruction estimates, cost threshold. HB 2274 (smad cc), Case H, Rozell S

Bullets and ammunition capable of being fired from handgun. SB 1359, Robinson S

Child Supervised Visitation Program, location sites. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S

Chiropractic physicians. HB 2724, Stanley H, Shurden S

Cities and towns ordinance violations, deferral option; administrative, increasing. HB 2606, Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S

Cosmetologists (see Increasing, below)

County clerk, establishing prepaid accounts. HB 2195, Deutschendorf H, Maddox S


Abuse, neglect, exploitation of vulnerable adult, collection; administrative fee. SB 601 (smad hc; smde 2cc), Smith S, Peters H

Agriculture Code penalties collection, awarding. HB 2394, Covey H, Lerblance S

Bail bond filing. SB 1419 (smad cc), Smith S, Erwin H

Bar Association reinstatement, application. SB 1618 (smad sf), Smith S, Harrison H

Belonging to other person, court clerk time limit to turn over to claimant. SB 1265 (smad hc), Smith S, Case H

Bond forfeiture. SB 1299, Shurden S, Leist H

Case pending, no activity for five years, removing annual accounting. SB 1265 (smad hc), Smith S, Case H


Case, deferred prosecution, supervision. SB 1533, Laster S

Offenses, drunk driving and traffic violations conviction, increasing; deposit to Trauma Care Assistance Revolving Fund. HB 2250 (Speeding, increasing, smad hc), Paulk H, Robinson S

Deferred Deposit Lending Act. SB 1565 (smad cc), Monson-S, Nations-H


Animal ownership petition. SB 1364 (smde sc), Kerr S, Braddock H

Assessment of $10, [credited to (Court, smde sc) Information System Revolving Fund, smde hf]. SB 479 (smde cc), Smith S, Askins H

Civil action affidavit filing. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H

Drunk driving conviction, trauma care special assessment in addition to fine. HB 2600 (smde hc), Hilliard H, Monson S

Fingerprinting, increasing. SB 1542 (smad sc), Nichols S, Balkman H

Indigent Defense cost of representation. SB 1399, Wilkerson S, Askins H

Juvenile drug court program. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S

Legal notices, increasing.

Lien notice, mailing. SB 1265, Smith S, Case H

Maintenance for sums on file in account without activity, removing. SB 1266, Smith S

Misdemeanor offender, supervision by contract, creating. SB 1420 (smad cc), Laughlin S, Blackwell H


Defendant financially able but refusing to pay, fine. SB 902, Pruitt S, Peterson (Ron) H

Deferral in lieu of fine, limit. SB 902, Pruitt S, Peterson (Ron) H

Deferred sentence, administrative. SB 902, Pruitt S, Peterson (Ron) H

Penalty assessments:

Assess and retain 10%; interest accrued prior to due date for deposits. HB 1842, Plunk H

Offense conviction, increasing to $9.00. HB 1842, Plunk H

Penalty assessments:

Offense conviction, increasing to $9.00. SB 1412 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Roan H

Traffic case and drunk driving, removing. HB 2250 (smad hc), Paulk H, Robinson S

Real Estate Development Act failure to comply, punitive damages. HB 1668, Vaughn H, Coffee S

School bus, overtaking or meeting violation. HB 2444 (smad hc; smde hf), Roan H, Wilkerson S

Surrogate Parentage Act. HB 2401, Miller (Ray) H, Cain S

Traffic and criminal case, application of certain assessment. SB 1403, Wilkerson S

Traffic case, $20 assessment. SB 1299 (smad cc), Shurden S, Leist H

Trauma-care, special assessment in addition to fine for drug convictions and driver license suspended or revoked for failure to maintain mandatory insurance. HB 2600 (smad cc), Hilliard H, Monson S


Also (see Mary Rippy, below)

Collection. SB 1374, Crutchfield S, McCarter H; SB 1447 (Vetoed), Helton S, Askins H

Dead body disposal, deleting for cremation permit. HB 2461, Smaligo H

Disabled services, Central Purchasing assessment to cover administrative costs. SB 1135 (smad cc), Corn S, Rice H

Domestic abuse victims in connection with prosecution of offense, exempting. HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S

Drug screens. SB 1589, Wilkerson S, Plunk H

Drunk driving, clarifying language. SB 1366 (Shell), Nichols S, Sullivan H

Elections, committee accepting contributions. HB 2411 (smad hc), Phillips H, Dunlap S

Employment Security Commission, answer subpoena of individual's record. SB 1275 (smad hf), Smith S, Hastings H

Environmental Quality Board cost of analyses and laboratory services, changing from parameters to analytes. HB 1742 (smad sf), Langmacher H, Easley S

Escort service for oversized or hazardous shipment by Highway Patrol. HB 2336 (smad cc), Carey H, Crutchfield S

Establishing new or increasing existing, restrictions; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1048, Wilt H

Farm Service Agency guaranty for lending programs, income tax credit. HB 2585, Roggow H, Milacek S

Feed, commercial, deleting maximum license. HB 2402, Covey H, Price S

Feeding operations. SB 1233 (smad sf), Crutchfield S, Pope H

Fire Marshal Commission, inspections, plan review and permits. HB 2674 (smad cc), Dorman H, Leftwich (Debbe) S

Fishing and hunting:

Guide or outfitter services. HB 1883, Smith H, Shurden S; SB 1548, Shurden S, Smith H


Increasing. HB 2341 (smad hf), Smith H, Shurden S

Lifetime combination:

Increasing. HB 2341 (smad hf), Smith H, Shurden S

Wildlife Land Stamp purchase. HB 2341 (smad hc; termination upon final retirement of bonds for property, smad cc), Smith H, Shurden S

Migratory bird permit, waiving for filing over Internet. HB 2182, Armes H, Corn S

Wildlife Land Stamp. HB 2341 (smad hc; termination upon final retirement of bonds for property, smad cc), Smith H, Shurden S

Forensic services to public. SB 1589, Wilkerson S, Plunk H

Grape producer or seller. HB 2219, Maddux H, Coates S

Higher education tuition increase (see Increasing, below)

Horse racing track offering electronic gaming, application. SB 1005 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H

Hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers assessment, extending time period. HB 2667 (smad cc), Askins H, Monson S


Alcohol or drug testing, increasing laboratory facility license. HB 1887, Mitchell H

Ambulatory surgical center license. HB 1887, Mitchell H

Cities and towns (see above)

Continuum of care or assisted living center license; limit. HB 1887, Mitchell H

Cosmetologists; disbursement. HB 1852, Miller (Ray) H

Courts (see Courts, above)

Deed, county clerk recording. SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H

Fishing and hunting (see above)

Higher education fees and/or tuition. SB 324, Morgan S, Nations H

Home health care worker, background check. SB 1184, Wilkerson S, Braddock H

Hospitals license. HB 1887, Mitchell H

Income tax debt collection. SB 822 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Ingmire H

Insurance (see below)

Legal notices, printing. SB 450 (smad sc), Coffee S, Wright H

Marriage ceremony. SB 1542 (smde sc), Nichols S, Balkman H

Motor vehicles (see below, generally)

Nursing home:

Employees background check. SB 1184, Wilkerson S, Braddock H

License. HB 1887, Mitchell H

Quality of Care. HB 2108, Case H, Robinson S

Private Vocational Schools. HB 2400, Miller (Ray) H, Rozell S

Speech-language pathologist or audiologist, license renewal. SB 1263, Robinson S, Staggs H

Victim impact panel program, offender payment amount. SB 1192 (smde cc), Wilkerson S, Askins H; SB 1447 (smad cc; vetoed), Helton S, Askins H

Wreckers (see below)


Captive insurance company application. HB 2141 (smad cc), Hastings H, Smith S; HB 2142 (smad hc; vetoed), Hastings H, Coffee S

Commissioner Carroll Fisher, Special Investigation Committee. HR 1040, Trebilcock H

Department Anti-Fraud Unit, increasing annual. HB 2446 (smad hc), Easley H, Robinson S

HMO's, specifying. HB 2385, Cox H, Robinson S

Insurers, increasing annual. HB 2446 (smad hc), Easley H, Robinson S

Pending Company Admission Packet, removing. HB 2385, Cox H, Robinson S

Third-party Administrator Act, partners in entity. HB 2385, Cox H, Robinson S

Jail, limiting payment required by inmate. SB 1392 (smad hc), Laughlin S, Blackwell H

Juvenile drug court program. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S

Lobbyists. HB 2664, Adair H, Hobson S; HB 2695, Ferguson H

Long-term care. HB 2723, Pettigrew H, Coffee S


Increasing (see above)

License, counseling reduction, deleting. SB 1213, Coffee S; SB 450 (smde sc), Coffee S, Wright H

Mary Rippy Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act, DNA testing. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S

Misdemeanor cases, court-ordered supervision by district attorney. SB 1396, Laughlin S

Mortgage broker or loan originator, change of sponsor. HB 1503 (smad 3cc), Maddux H, Rabon S

Motor carriers:

Frac tank registration. SB 1504 (smad cc), Monson-S, Cox-H

Oversized or hazardous shipment escort service. HB 2336 (smad cc), Carey-H, Crutchfield-S

Motor or private carriers. SB 141 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H

Motor vehicles:

Abandoned auctions, exemption. HB 2101 (smad cc), Paulk H, Helton S

Apportionment of, redirecting certain to State Highway Construction and Maintenance Fund. SB 1297, Branan S

Automotive dismantler and parts recycler. HB 2470 (smad 2cc), Braddock H, Laster S

Dealer, new license. SB 852, Capps-S, Armes-H

Donated to nonprofit charitable organization, exemption. SB 1120 (smad sc), Rabon S, Pope H

Driver license or license plate collection from person suspended for failure to have insurance. HB 2265, Paulk H, Smith S

Driver license:

Issuance or renewal when person has reported moving traffic violation, additional. HB 2299 (smde hc), Tibbs H, Monson S

Pre-license crash prevention course. HB 2500, Hastings H

Students. HB 2147, Hiett-H

Suspension or revocation, first, second and third convictions, increasing. HB 2299, Tibbs H, Monson S

License plates, special. HB 1865, Perry H; HB 1890, Ellis H, Helton S; HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2191, Tibbs H; HB 2241, Sullivan H, Aldridge S; HB 2429, Miller (Doug) H, Aldridge S; SB 1285, Horner S, Lamons H

Recreational show promoter, out-of-state manufacturer and dealer, licensing. HB 2362, Covey H, Milacek S


Amended, fee. SB 1120 (smad sc), Rabon S, Pope H

Apportionment to Highway Construction and Maintenance Fund over three-year period. HB 2576, Newport H

Language, clarifying. HB 1994 (smde cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S

Volunteer firefighter, one passenger motor vehicle per year for $5.00. HB 2372 (smad hc, smde cc), Hutchison H, Corn S

Traffic offense, assessed on every. SB 1325, Coffee S, Ericson H

Trailer, certificate of title. HB 2562, Nations H; HB 2696, Ferguson H

Transporting intoxicating beverage in moving vehicle, assessment of trauma-care fee for persons convicted; deposit. HB 2250 (smad cc), Paulk H, Robinson S

Used out-of-state:

Certificate of title. SB 1120 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Revenue stamp. SB 1319 (smad sc), Wilcoxson S, Nance H

Municipal (Government Workshop Board, smde cc), institute. HB 2673 (smde hc, smad cc), Dorman H, Helton S

Natural gas gathering. HB 2550, Morgan (Danny) H, Crutchfield S

Notary public filing. SB 1267, Smith S, Hastings H

Nursing home:

Also (see Increasing, above)

Bed increase construction. HB 2723 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Coffee S

Long-term care, various (see above)

Residential care facility license. HB 1887, Mitchell H

Oil and related substances transporting, annual per vehicle and reclaiming plant; apportionment. HB 2617 (smad hc), Perry H, Myers S

Oil or gas well, drilling permit, additional to be deposited in local county highway fund. SB 846, Lerblance S

Open Meeting Act notice, expanded. HB 2671, Dorman H

Organ donor (and tissue, smad hc) notation on driver license/identification cards, removal. HB 2548, Sullivan H, Aldridge S

Payday loans, creating. SB 1565 (smad cc), Monson S, Nations H

Pesticides, modifying various. HB 2402, Covey H, Price S

Pharmaceutical licensing. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H

Pharmacy Board, disapproving in part proposed permanent rule. HJR 1075, Reynolds H

Political action committee. HB 2664, Adair H, Hobson S

Poultry, per live owned at time of pickup and transportation. HB 2578, Newport H

Prescription Medications Act, Utilization of Unused, maximum handling. HB 1866 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Cain S

Psychologists license. HB 2464 (smad sf), Gilbert H, Robinson S

Railroad land acquisition. HB 2603 (smad hf), Lindley H, Shurden S

Secretary of State, microfiche reading, deleting. SB 869, Crutchfield S, Walker H

Seeds inspections, increasing license for dealers. HB 2402, Covey H, Price S

Sheep, per head and per pound of wool produced or sold. SB 1163, Price S, Covey H


DNA collection. SB 1374, Crutchfield S, McCarter H

Writ, warrant, order, process, command, notice, or pursuit, serving. SB 1439, Williamson S

Soft drinks or ingredients manufactured for consumption in Oklahoma. HB 2116, Ellis H

State internet on-line transactions convenience, applied to costs charged by vendor or agency. HB 2653, Reynolds H

Trauma center system, statewide, special assessment payment:

Child passenger restrain systems violation conviction. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Controlled dangerous substances violations. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Driver license suspension or revocation for failure to maintain mandatory motor vehicle insurance. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Drunk driving or other intoxicating substance misdemeanor or felony case. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Intoxicating liquor or low-point beer transporting violation. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S

Various offenses conviction. HB 2600 (smde hc), Hilliard H, Monson S

Unused medication (see Prescription, above)

Vessel or motor registration for three-year period, payment to tag agents. HB 2132 (smad cc), Peters H, Dunlap S

Warranty, service, association/insurer with contractual liability insurance, administrative. SB 1411 (smad hc; automobile service warranty issuer, smad hf), Nichols S, Nations H

Water brokers and broker associates. HB 2508, Blackburn H

Wildlife, exotic, for each held in confinement. HB 2628, Coleman H

Wine or grape juice. HB 2219, Maddux H, Coates S

Workplace harassment petition, filing. HB 2395, Harrison H, Corn S


Distance towing, hourly rates, extra labor, hookup and additional services, increasing. HB 2101 (smad cc), Paulk H, Helton S

Fuel surcharge, adding. HB 2101 (smad cc), Paulk H, Helton S

Towing and storage when total loss, insurer to pay. HB 2101, Paulk H, Helton S

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