Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance and Support Services Act, duties. HB 2300, Tibbs H, Cain S
Long-Term Care Act, Partnership for, creating; (tax incentives to purchase, smde hc); rules. HB 2565, Greenwood H, Wilcoxson S
Repealing. HB 2108, Case H, Robinson S
Affordable Access to Health Care Act, medical liability actions, expanding scope; termination date, deleting; actions, date. HB 2151, Dank H
Charitable, ad valorem tax exemption for real property, conditions; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1063 (smad 2cc, smde 3cc), Staggs H, Rozell S
Income tax credit:
Medicaid treatment to recipients, persons providing. HB 2349, Dank H
Uncompensated care given by. HB 2456, Pope H
Medical care on voluntary basis at free medical clinic, civil liability exemption. HB 2179, Nance H
Pain Management (see PAIN MANAGEMENT)
Pharmaceutical manufacturer patient assistance programs, duties. HB 2111, Kirby H, Lawler S
Voluntary, diagnosis and treatment outcomes for any adverse incidents report. HB 2120, Winchester H
Affordable Access to Health Care Act (see AFFORDABLE ACCESS)
Clinics, including in Unused Prescription Medications Act. HB 1834, Erwin H
Nursing shortage and other health care professionals, establishing to address. HCR 1061, Paulk H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Bathing place, public, duties. HB 2282 (smad sc), Mitchell H, Robinson S
Behavioral Practitioners Advisory Board, License, appointments. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Breast and Cervical Cancer Advisory Committee, appoint chair. SB 1609 (smad hc), Monson S, Winchester H
Federal funds, unanticipated, duties. HB 2042, Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2043, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Gubernatorial Powers Devolution Board, member. HB 1892, Roberts H, Corn S
Hospice Certificate of Need Act, duties. SB 1628 (smde sc), Lawler S, Peters H
Information acquired from public agency, confidentiality. SB 1406, Robinson S, Staggs H
Long-term care certificate of need, reasons to refuse to issue. HB 2723 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Coffee S
Medical Audit Committee, appoint. HB 2382 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S; SB 1554, Robinson S, Hilliard H
Prescription Medications Act, Utilization of Unused, criminal or civil liability exemption. HB 1866 (smad hc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Professional expenses. HB 2042 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2043, Mitchell H, Morgan S
School Readiness Board, Partnership for, member. SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H
Tattooing. SB 1307, Shurden S, Lindley H
Trauma Systems Improvement and Development Advisory Council, appoint. SB 1554, Robinson S, Hilliard H
Uncompensated care fund, disbursements. SB 1179, Dunlap S
Abortion, duties. HB 1880, Dank H; HB 2534, Walker H, Corn S; HB 2650, Reynolds H; SB 1426, Pruitt S
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Boxing Commission, reimbursement for administrative support. SB 1095, Cain S, Case H
Blood lead levels, monitor if resident of certain area. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
First Program, State Plan for Child Abuse Prevention, compliance; performance-based evaluation, legislative intent. HB 2042 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, track. SB 1522, Gumm S, Carey H
Community health centers methodology to reimburse revision, duties. HB 2042 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Consumer-Directed Care Act, program based on consumer choice and control. SB 1611, Pruitt S
Dentists, administer program to increase number serving for dependent upon state and make accessible to underserved metropolitan and rural areas. HB 2670, Stanley H, Maddox S
Dog and Cat Ownership Responsibility Act, duties. SB 1130, Helton S
Early Intervention Act, employ. HB 2042 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Bilingual Interviewers, Senior Interviewers and Interviewers. HB 2004 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Surveillance Supervisor and Surveillance Project Monitor. HB 2004 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Revolving, renaming. SB 1609, Monson S, Winchester H
Central Cancer Registry Revolving, creating; apportionment. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Child Abuse Prevention, transferring monies to. HB 2042 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Electrical Revolving, removing. SB 1211 (smad sf), Snyder S, Paulk H
Health Care Revolving, Special, creating from cigarette tax increase for health care costs. HB 2660 (smad hc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Inspectors Revolving, removing. SB 1211 (smad sf), Snyder S, Paulk H
Kidney Health Revolving, transferring monies to. HB 2042 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Mechanical Licensing Revolving, removing. SB 1211 (smad sf), Snyder S, Paulk H
Plumbing Licensing Revolving, removing. SB 1211 (smad sf), Snyder S, Paulk H
Public Health Special, soft drink tax apportionment. HB 2116, Ellis H
Trauma Care Assistance Revolving:
Cigarette tax increase, apportionment. HB 2660 (smad hc, smde hf, smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Driving while license suspended or revoked, revenue. HB 2299 (smad cc), Tibbs H, Monson S
Fee, special assessment deposit:
Child passenger restrain systems violation conviction. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Controlled dangerous substances violations. HB 2382, Pettigrew H, Robinson S; HB 2600 (smde hc, smad cc), Hilliard H, Monson S
Court costs increasing for certain criminal offenses, deposit. HB 2250, Paulk H, Robinson S
Driver license suspension or revocation for failure to maintain mandatory motor vehicle insurance. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Drunk driving or other intoxicating substance misdemeanor or felony case. HB 2382 (smad hc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Intoxicating liquor and low-point beer transporting violation. HB 2250 (smad hc), Paulk H, Robinson S; HB 2382, Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Motor vehicle failure to maintain mandatory insurance. HB 2600 (smde hc), Hilliard H, Monson S
Various offenses conviction. HB 2600 (smde hc), Hilliard H, Monson S
Hospitals revenues verification of services provided to Medicare and Medicaid, modifying effective date and percentage. HB 2667 (smde cc), Askins H, Monson S
Intoxicating beverages or low-point beer, transportation of open containers, fine deposit. HB 2243 (smad cc), Cargill H, Aldridge S
Renaming Uncompensated Care Assistance Revolving. HB 2667 (smde cc), Askins H, Monson S
Report detailing disbursements, annually to Legislature and chairs of health-related committees. HB 2250, Paulk H, Robinson S; HB 2382, Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Transfer to Health Care Authority to secure federal matching funds to reimburse trauma care providers and Medicaid participants. HB 2382 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Unanticipated federal, exempt from expenditure limitations. HB 2042, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Uncompensated Care Equalization Revolving, creating. HB 2667 (smad cc), Askins H, Monson S
Healthy and Fit Kids Act of 2004, programs to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 diabetes in elementary school children. SB 1627 (smde hf), Cain S, Gilbert H
Hospice Certificate of Need Act, duties. SB 1628 (smde sc), Lawler S, Peters H
Injuries impact of, urging to convene work group to implement "Injury Free Oklahoma, Strategic Plan for Injury and Violence Prevention. HR 1048, Lindley H
Juvenile Drug Court Act, duties. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Licenses, felony conviction, conditions to issue and renew. HB 2714 (smde sc, smad cc; substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S
Marriage license blood test, determine if applicable. SB 1582, Cain S, Peters H
Medicare (see MEDICARE)
Nursing homes (see NURSING HOMES)
Pain Management, Advisory Council on, duties. HB 2305, Hamilton H, Shurden S
Pharmaceutical manufacturer patient assistance programs, duties. HB 2111, Kirby H, Lawler S
Physicians, hospitals and ambulance service uncompensated, reimbursement. SB 1554, Robinson-S, Hilliard-H
Prescription Medications Act, Utilization of Unused, establish; rules. HB 1866 (smad hc; implementation, accepting criteria and handling fee, smad hf), Gilbert H, Cain S
Residential care facilities (see NURSING HOMES)
School Readiness Board, Partnership for, make staff available. SB 1 (smad sc), Fisher S, Peters H
Tattooing. SB 1307, Shurden S, Lindley H
Telemedicine Advisory Council, deleting references. HB 2090, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Trauma Systems:
Improvement Act, duties; transfer and referral centers in counties in excess of 300/000 persons. HB 2382 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Improvement and Development Act, duties; regional boards; medical audit committee; certification; Advisory Council. SB 1554 (Transfer and referral system, smad cc), Robinson S, Hilliard H
Minimum standards and objectives for development, regulation and improvement of a statewide, rules. HB 2382 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Umbilical cord blood banks, duties. HB 2306 (smde sc), Hamilton H, Shurden S
Unused Prescription Medications Act, Utilization of, pilot program, including pharmacies under contract with. HB 1866, Gilbert H, Cain S; HB 2283, Balkman H
Vaccinations (see VACCINATIONS)
Waste (see specific)
Long-term Care Certificate of Need Act rules, removing duties. HB 2723, Pettigrew H, Coffee S
Creating; contributions; tax exemption; funds distribution; withdrawals. HB 2563, Greenwood H
Membership, income tax deduction. HB 1895, Lamons H
HEALTHY AND FIT KIDS ACT OF 2004. SB 1627, Cain S, Gilbert H
HENDRICK, HOWARD H. HCR 1070, Nations H, Hobson S
Executive Order 2004-18 calling the Forty-ninth Legislature into First Extraordinary
Session, pp.2175-76
State of the State, pp. 190-196
Labor and Mining Museum, construction. SB 1222, Shurden S
HERRINGTON, JOHN BENNET. SCR 47, Wilkerson S, Turner H
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Art in Public Places Act, creating. SB 1347, Williams S, Wells H
Artists in residence positions, funding. HB 1904 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Building or remodeling projects, certain, exceeding $100,000, requiring architect. SB 472 (smde cc), Corn S, Walker H
Cameron University:
Duncan, resident college credit courses and programs; branch campus of Cameron University, creating. HB 2624, Askins H, Lawler S
Living/Learning Center, revenue bonds. SCR 39, Maddox S, Deutschendorf H
Masters level, lower and upper division classes and programs and graduate classes. HB 2624, Askins H, Lawler S
Central Oklahoma University, revenue bonds for Wantland Stadium Sports Complex improvements. HCR 1050, Pettigrew H; SCR 41, Snyder S, Pettigrew H
Arts, Oklahoma School of the, board of trustees. SB 1501, Snyder S, Peters H
Lifelong Learning Task Force, member. SB 1449, Wilcoxson S, Coleman H
School Readiness Board, Partnership for, member. SB 1 (smad sc), Fisher S, Peters H
Carl Albert State College, Poteau campus, School of Science and Mathematics pilot project. SB 1117 (smde sc), Corn S, Brannon H
Connors State College, revenue bonds, replacement water plant. SCR 71, Robinson S, Staggs H
Oklahoma City Community, revenue bonds, constructing and remodeling facilities. SCR 65, Leftwich (Debbe) S, Reynolds H
Osteopathic Medicine (see Oklahoma State University, below)
Remedial course be provided by two-year, legislative intent; comprehensive and regional universities contract with; tuition. HB 2333, Staggs H
Savings Plan Account, income tax deduction taken up in succeeding year. HB 2212, Blackburn H, Morgan S
Comprehensive Universities retirement (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, Teachers)
Constituent agency, accept grant or contract. SB 1489, Fisher S, Askins H
Duncan (see Cameron, above)
East Central University, revenue bonds for Fine Arts Center in Ada. HCR 1068, Plunk H, Wilkerson S
Endowed chairs, funding. HB 1904 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Enrollment (see Student, below)
Faculty recruitment. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S
Fees or tuition:
Appropriation not affected, legislative intent. HB 1822 (smad hc), Sweeden H, Shurden S
Resident and nonresident, institutions in State System submit information to State Regents; explanation; report. HB 1822, Sweeden H, Shurden S
Military dependents not charged out-of-state if established residency prior to entering and families are stationed out-of-state. HB 2630, Braddock H, Helton S; HB 2689, Dorman H
Fund (see below)
Income tax (see below)
Increasing, limit. SB 324, Morgan S, Nations H
Remedial courses at two-year colleges. HB 2333, Staggs H
Financial aid (see Fees, Military, above)
Endowment Trust, State Regents' principal, retiring obligations to make payments for endowed chairs, professorships, lectureships and artists positions. HB 1904 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Higher Learning Access Trust, revenue from Class 3 gaming at racetrack, deposit. SB 1252 (smad cc), Hobson S, Adair H; SB 553 (smad cc; repealed by SB 1252), Hobson S, Adair H
Tuition Equalization Grant Trust, funding for undergraduate students. SB 923, Morgan S, Mitchell H
Gunsmith curriculum, institution offering to develop strategies to attract firearms manufacturer to area. SJR 54, Gumm S, Roan H
Hispanic Students in Higher Education Task Force, Advancement of, creating; members, (voters in state, smad hf, smde sc) (legal residents, smad sf). HB 2145, Lindley H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Income tax:
College Savings Plan (see Colleges, Savings Plan, above)
Deduction for tuition. SB 871, Corn S
Langston University/Tulsa, creating. SB 1418, Horner S
Lectureships, funding. HB 1904 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Legislation, proposed, work with Tax Commission to establish fiscal impact. SB 1239, Laughlin S
Lifelong Learning Account Act, creating; needs of adult learners. SB 1449, Wilcoxson S, Coleman H
Oklahoma State University/Tulsa, financial management technical assistance to Agriculture, Food, and Forestry Department. HB 2055, Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 997, Morgan S, Mitchell H
Oklahoma State University:
Able Tech, state agency technology information for disabled, assure state compliance for accessibility; duties. HB 2197 (smad hc), Deutschendorf H, Capps S
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Basketball and wrestling teams for champions in regular Big 12 Conference season, commending. HCR 1058, Wells H, Morgan S
Basketball team, rank of champions in regular Big 12 Conference season, commending. HCR 1082, Wells H, Morgan S
Center for Health Sciences, congratulating for being named one of the best medical schools in the nation. HCR 1075, Lamons H, Williams S
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Act, Odor Abatement Plan, coordinate with Agriculture Board, duties. HB 2623, Covey H, Laughlin S
Fees or tuition (see Fees, above)
Local Government Technology and Cooperative Extension Service, expenses; fee deposit. SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H
Okmulgee campus, revenue bonds, administration building, streets and parking lots, lighting. SCR 70, Shurden S, Leist H
Osteopathic Medicine, College of:
Medicine Revolving Fund, cigarette and tobacco tax increase apportionment. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Named one of best medical schools in nation, congratulating. HCR 1075, Lamons H, Williams S
Fund, creating for building; cigarette and tobacco tax increase, apportionment. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Revenue bonds. SCR 79, Hobson S, Adair H
Water system, chilled water capacity expansion, revenue bonds. SCR 67, Morgan S, Ingmire H
Wind Power Initiative (OWPI), funding. SB 1212 (smad sf, smde cc), Maddox S, Askins H
Wrestling team, rank of national champions. HCR 1081, Wells H, Morgan S
Oklahoma University/Oklahoma State University Graduate Center at Tulsa, joint admissions committee, (increasing membership, smde hf); chairman to alternate between presidents of Oklahoma University and Oklahoma State University. SB 747 (smad sc, smde cc), Williams S, Liotta H
Oklahoma University:
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Art in Public Places, assessment. SB 924 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Cameron University branch campus at Duncan, Board of Regents provide resources. HB 2624, Askins H, Lawler S
College of Public Health, provide administrative support to Violence Prevention Council. SB 1540, Cain S
Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Center for, Rule Advisory Council on Developmental Disabilities Services, one person member. HB 1587 (smad sf), Leist H, Lawler S
Fees or tuition (see Fees, above)
Health Sciences Center, Comprehensive Cancer Center:
Bonds, revenue. SCR 80 (smad cc), Hobson S, Adair H
Debt Service Revolving Fund, creating for construction; cigarette and tobacco revenue increase, apportionment. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Housing, new, and renovation of existing facilities on Norman campus, revenue bonds. SCR 54, Hobson S, Nations H
OU-Tulsa, adding as agency. SB 924 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Steam and Chilled Water Plan, revenue bonds. SCR 64, Hobson S, Nations H
Strait, Derrick, commending football career and as winner of 2003 Jim Thorpe Award. SR 36, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Wind Power Initiative (OWPI), funding. SB 1212 (Joint project with OSU, smad sf; smde cc), Maddox S, Askins H
Osteopathic Medicine, Oklahoma State University College of (see Oklahoma State University, above)
Panhandle State University, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Act, Odor Abatement Plan, coordinate with Agriculture Board, duties. HB 2623, Covey H, Laughlin S
Professors, aid in recruitment. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S
Professorships, funding. HB 1904 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Reading Curriculum and Instruction Task Force, creating. SCR 50, Maddox S, McCarter H
Real Property Acquisition Act of 2004, creating. HB 2582 (Shell), Roggow H
Regents, State Boards of:
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Arts, Oklahoma School of the, board of trustees. SB 1501, Snyder S, Peters H
Asbestos abatement, cooperate with Labor Department to provide information for report. HB 1958 (smad hf), Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 1025 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Capital improvements, long-range planning. SB 1079 (smde cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Colleges (see Colleges, above)
Endowed chairs, professorships, lectureships and artists in residence, issue $50 million in revenue bonds for funding; 50% be for research and development positions; retiring. HB 1904 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Funds (see Funds, above)
Property conveyed to state for use of college/university, Central Services Department to determine beneficial use. SB 864 (smad cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Retirement Plan for Eligible Employees of Participating State Institutions of Higher Education, Alternate, duties. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S
Science and Technology Research and Development Board, appointment. SB 1206 (smad hf), Price S, Covey H
Teacher evaluations, performance levels. SB 1387, Williams S, Staggs H
Tuition (see Fees or tuition, above)
Universities (see generally)
World-class education geared toward participation in global economy, develop for K-12. SB 811 (smad sc), Williams S, McCarter H
Remedial course (see Colleges, above)
Research and development, funding. HB 1904 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Retirement plan (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, Teachers)
Revenue bonds (see Colleges, Regents or Regents, Endowed, above)
Scholarships (see SCHOLARSHIPS)
Information release, enrollment form option to release for commercial solicitation. HB 2672, Dorman H
Vaccination requirement:
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. SB 679, Monson S, Cox H
Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). SB 679 (smad sc), Monson S, Cox H
Tickets, sales tax exemption:
Big 12 championships. SB 1383 (Any regional or national championship tournament at college or university level, smad sf), Monson S, Pope H
Conference and NCAA championships held in facilities owned by municipalities. HB 2292 (smad hc), Sullivan H, Coffee S
Tourism and Recreation Department, internship program. SB 1013, Morgan S, Mitchell H
Tuition (see Fees or tuition, above)
All-terrain vehicle, prohibiting. HB 2265, Paulk H, Smith S
Billy Fairl Morgan Memorial. SB 1480 (smad hc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Choctaw-Chickasaw (Trail of Tears, smad sf) Memorial, designating. HCR 1064, Ellis H, Rabon S
Cities, removing authority (see Highway Patrol, below)
Clarence O. "Smokey" Tolbert Memorial, LCDR. HCR 1053 (smad sf), Roan H, Gumm S; SB 1480, Wilkerson S, Plunk H; SB 839, Crutchfield S, Hilliard H
Construction or maintenance area, defining; traffic-control device to warn, distance; merge, distance; penalty, increasing. HB 2159, Pettigrew H, Milacek S
Construction, Arts in Public Places Act, participation. SB 1347, Williams-S, Wells-H
County, crossing private property, notice. SB 1480 (smad hc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Darryl Roberts Highway. SB 839, Crutchfield S, Hilliard H
David Rocky Eales Memorial. SB 1480 (smad cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Dr. Ernest L. Holloway Memorial. HCR 1066, Wells H, Morgan S; SB 1480 (smad cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Dr. Robert E. Cowling Memorial. SB 1480, Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Facilities naming. HB 2326, Tyler H, Milacek S
Golf carts, prohibiting. HB 2265, Paulk H, Smith S
Grant Anticipation Notes, prohibiting proceeds for new construction; use, maintenance. HB 2248, Winchester H
Helen Cole Memorial. SB 969 (smad hf), Hobson S, Adair H
Highway Patrol authority for traffic collisions investigation and reporting. HB 2265, Paulk H, Smith S
Interstate Traveler Project through reauthorization of Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century, memorializing Congress to support research, development and construction. HR 1035, Hefner H
Jason White PASSway. SB 1118, Lawler S, Winchester H
Jesse Chisholm Memorial. HCR 1063, Covey H, Price S
Jody Latimer Memorial. SB 1480 (smad cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
John C. Blaylock Memorial. SB 1480, Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Keith Leftwich Memorial Loop. SB 969 (smad sf), Hobson S, Adair H
Language, clarifying. SB 1559 (Shell), Shurden S
Matthew Evans/Jeffery Rominger Memorial. SB 1480 (smad cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Mickey Mantle Memorial. SCR 60, Easley (Mary) S, Hutchison H
Minibikes, prohibiting. HB 2265, Paulk H, Smith S
Naming of, requirements. HB 2326, Tyler H, Milacek S
Nik Green Memorial, State Trooper. HCR 1051, McCarter H, Helton S
Pikey's Crossing, Historical Society place marker commemorating. HCR 1055 (smad hf), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S; SCR 78, Lawler S, McCarter H
Randy Littlefield Memorial. SB 1480 (smad hc, smde cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Rights-of-way complaints, cable television or public utility. SB 1574 (smad sc), Corn S, Smithson H
Rock, sand, grave, coal, hauler on interstate. SB 1464, Corn S
Schrocks (see Pikey's, above)
Sid Cookerly. SB 1480, Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Signs where state residents have lost lives in alcohol-related accident. SB 1493 (smde sc), Laughlin S, Maddux H
Speed trap:
Law, creating. SB 375, Helton S, Tyler H
Loophole, closing. HB 2265 (smad cc), Paulk H, Smith S
Stopped, vehicles visibility distance, increasing to 400 feet. HB 1896 (Removal, owner pay, smad hc; penalties, smad sf), Lamons H, Helton S
Teddy Lehman Expressway. SB 1480 (smad cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Toll system credits, Transportation Department to designate portion to leverage federal highway funds for matching transit capital grants. SB 1541, Coffee S
Tom Puckett Memorial. SB 1480 (smad cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Transportation Authority (see TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY)
Troy Leathers. SB 1480 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Turnpikes (see TURNPIKES)
Vernon Glen Morgan Memorial. SB 1480 (smad hc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway/Purple Heart Trail. SB 1480 (smad cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
W.R. "Dick" Stubbs Memorial. SB 1480 (smad hc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
William Ross Stewart Memorial. SB 1480 (smad hc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H
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