Agriculture processing activity investment income tax credit. HB 2456, Pope H
License, felony conviction, deleting prohibition to issue or renew (substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc). HB 2714 (smad hc, smde sc, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S
Chief executive officer salary, deleting limit. HB 2360, Covey H; SB 1094, Price S
Election for selection of nominee, date. SB 1236 (smad hc), Kerr S, Turner H
Applications denied, explanation. HB 1828, Balkman H, Pruitt S; HB 2148, Hiett H
Specific (see specific subject)
Appointed authority, adding appointed proxy. HB 2005 (smad hf, smde sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Classified and unclassified positions (see specific entity)
Competitive job, defining as skilled job designated by Personnel Management Office. HB 2004 (smad hf, smde cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Employees and officers, skill-based adjustments. SB 1385, Capps S, Braddock H
Language, clarifying. HB 2003 (Shell), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Group insurance contracting committee, member. SB 649 (smad hf, smde cc), Johnson S, Covey H
Quality management function. SB 1385, Capps S, Braddock H
State Employee Advocacy Rights Act, employee organization material distribution. SB 1105, Gumm S, Carey H
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Beef Council, exempt. HB 2620, Covey H, Price S
Chief executive officers for boards, commissions, departments or programs salaries, duties. HB 2006 (smad sf), Mitchell-H, Morgan-S
Classified and unclassified positions (see specific entity)
Compensation to state employees (see STATE GOVERNMENT, Employees and officers, Salary)
Competitive job, designate. HB 2004 (smad hf, smde cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Corporation Commission Transportation Division transfer to Transportation Department, coordinate. SB 141 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 842, Leftwich S
District attorney furlough plan retirement benefit, approval. HB 2445 (smad hf), Roan H, Wilkerson S
Employee performance management system. SB 1158, Lerblance S, Mass H
Fund, Reduction-in-Force, minimum balance to be maintained:
Education Voucher Action. SB 1148, Nichols S
Emergency Cost. SB 1148, Nichols S
Leave time (see STATE GOVERNMENT, Employees and officers)
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control Bureau employees transfer to Investigation Bureau, coordinate. HB 2540, Lamons H
Prevailing pay information solicited for analysis, exempt from Open Records Act. SB 1385, Capps S, Braddock H
Public Safety Department Size and Weight Permit Division transfer to Transportation Department, coordinate. SB 141 (smad cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 842, Leftwich S
Reduction in force, provide list of job openings with state agencies to all affected. SB 1148, Nichols S; SB 1158 (smad hc), Lerblance S, Mass H
Trucking One Stop Shop Act, Tax Commission employees transfer to Corporation Commission, coordinate. SB 141 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Licensing fees, increasing. HB 2402, Covey H, Price S
Nonrestricted use, prohibiting selling, offering or distributing without permit. HB 2402, Covey H, Price S
Pest Control Compact, creating; Insurance Fund; administrator; assistance; reimbursement of expenditures; committees; budgets. HB 2402 (smde hc), Covey H, Price S; HB 2706 (smad hc), McClain H, Price S
Producing establishments, permits; terms; fee; records. HB 2402, Covey H, Price S
Spray, hormone-type, hearing regarding use, deleting. HB 2402, Covey H, Price S
Violation, license, certificate or identification, refusal for reissuance. HB 2402, Covey H, Price S
Language, updating. HB 2463 (Shell), Smaligo H
License, felony conviction:
Conditions to issue and renew. HB 2714 (smad hc, smde hf), Toure H, Monson S
Revocation or suspension. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Licensed practitioner term, including allopathic physician, podiatrist, and dentist. SB 369 (smad hc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Act, Pharmacy, clarifying language. HB 2376 (Shell), Stanley H
Aseptic preparations, license and parenteral permit; fee. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Cold medicine, limitations. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Compliance officers. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden-S, Stanley-H
Dangerous drugs, license. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Insurance (see INSURANCE, Health and)
Medical gas suppliers/distributors, licensing exception. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Personnel regulation. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden-S, Stanley-H
Technician, permit. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Unused medications (see Prescriptions, Pilot, County, below)
Anti-Drug Diversion Act, controlled substance dispensing requirements; registry. SB 1526, Wilkerson S, Roan H
Brand name drug, medically necessary, physician to indicate. SB 1372 (smde hc), Monson S, Nations H
Chiropractor, sales tax exemption. HB 2675, Dorman H
Drug Fair Pricing Act, Prescription, affordable access at reasonable prices; annual survey; manufacturer appeal; Consumer Protection Act violations. HB 2111, Kirby H, Lawler S; SB 1615, Lawler S
Drug Repository Program Act, Prescription, creating donated for poor persons; eligibility; criteria. HB 2688, Dorman H
Insurance (see INSURANCE, Health and)
Labels, symptom or purpose included upon:
Criteria. HB 2321, Wilson H, Corn S; HB 2386, Calvey H; SB 1577, Reynolds S, Dorman H
Optional, patient/practitioner request. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Repealer. SB 472 (smad cc), Corn S, Walker H
Medicaid (see MEDICAID, Drugs)
Medical gas, order, distributor, supplier. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Medicare (see MEDICARE)
Purchasing program, state (see MEDICAID, Drugs)
Received other than written, repealer. SB 472 (smad cc), Corn S, Walker H
Rx Only, defining. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Senior citizens additional funding, legislative intent. HB 2310 (smad hc), Hamilton H, Shurden S
Supervising physician, defining. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Unused Prescription Medications Act, Utilization of:
Creating; definitions. HB 1866 (smad hc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Dispensing, Health Department establish program; criteria for accepting; donations; criminal and civil liability, exemptions; rules. HB 1866 (smad hc; handling fee, smad hf), Gilbert H, Cain S
Health care clinics, including. HB 1834, Erwin H
Pharmacy Board solely responsible for development and implementation of program. HB 1866 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Pilot program:
County health department or State Health Department under contract with pharmacies; fee. HB 1866 (Nonprofit health care clinics, smad hc), Gilbert H, Cain S; HB 2283, Balkman H
Entities, expanding. HB 1866, Gilbert H, Cain S
Inclusionary formulary, including. HB 1866, Gilbert H, Cain S
Removing. HB 1834, Erwin H
Resale of, clarifying. HB 1866 (smad hc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Transferring and receiving, expanding types of entities; individuals donations, removing. HB 1866 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Unlawful acts, expanding and modifying. HB 1866 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Workers' compensation, generic when possible. HB 2619 (smad hc), Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S; SB 1444, Pruitt S; SB 1531 (smad hf), Hobson S, Adair H
Supportive personnel, defining. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Volunteer immunity. SB 1241, Pruitt S; SB 1287, Crutchfield S
Certificates of registration for score transfer process; proof of compliance; fee. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Fees, authority to establish and collect. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Felony conviction or no contest pleading, revoke or suspend. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Interns, preceptors and trainees. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Medical gas suppliers/distributors, permit. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Reinstatement fee. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Renewal form/fee prior to expiration date; submitted after, late fee. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Pain Management Review Committee, make appointment. HB 2566, Greenwood H
Pharmacist compliance officers, employ. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Prescription Drug Repository Program, duties. HB 2688, Dorman H
Psychologists, prescriptive authority, rules. SB 1568 (smde sc), Monson S, Dorman H
Regulate pharmaceutical personnel, authority. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Rules, administrative operations and licensing and registration fees, disapproving in part proposed permanent; fees, legislative intent. HJR 1075, Reynolds H
Unused prescription drug program, development and implementation. HB 1866 (smad cc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Healing art practitioner. SB 1280 (smad 2cc), Robinson S, Hilliard H
License, felony conviction, conditions to issue and renew. HB 2714 (smde sc, smad cc; substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S
Physician assistant referral. SB 1255, Robinson S, Vaughn H
Duties. HB 2534, Walker H, Corn S
Parental Notification of Abortion Procedures on Minors Act, duties. HB 1880, Dank H; HB 2650, Reynolds H
Performing without obtaining informed consent of female, misdemeanor. SB 710 (smad cc), Laster S, Carey H
Allopathic, license:
Felony conviction, deleting prohibition to issue or renew (substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc). HB 2714 (smad hc, smde sc, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S
Revocation and suspension; special licenses; measurement method for professional competency; reinstatement; unprofessional or unethical conduct. HB 2376, Stanley H
Adding to Good Samaritan Act. SB 532, Crutchfield S, McCarter H
Child abuse examiner, including for training. HB 2375, Gilbert H, Cain S
Referring patient to physical therapist. SB 1255, Robinson S, Vaughn H
Board certification, to designate. HB 2721, Dorman H
Castration procedure on inmate, liability. SB 1199 (smad sf), Shurden S, Erwin H
Charitable care liability, limiting. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Defibrillators, automated external, prescribing, civil liability immunity. HB 2154, Rice H, Corn S
First responders certification for basic disaster skills; requirements. HB 2721, Dorman H
Health care facility, including medical schools. SB 1569 (smad cc), Monson S, Askins H
Hearsay rule, report of treating physician not excluded for bodily injury action under $25,000. HB 2470 (smad 2cc), Braddock H, Laster S; SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H
Records confidential unless threat to public safety or required by law enforcement to identify or apprehend escapee. SB 1397, Robinson S, Braddock H
Liability insurance premium rates (see MEDICAL MALPRACTICE)
Allopathic (see above)
Foreign applicant, clerkship in US. SB 369 (smad hc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Revoked if proof of felony and exhaustion of appellate process; restored if conviction overturned. SB 369 (smad hc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Licensed practitioner term, including in Pharmacy Act. SB 369 (smad hc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Lien for medical services. SB 1291 (Statute of limitations and filing costs, smad hc), Smith S, Hastings H
Medical malpractice (see MEDICAL MALPRACTICE)
Nursing homes, death of resident, personally view and examine body prior to signing death certificate. HB 2309, Hamilton H, Shurden S
Optometrists (see OPTOMETRISTS)
Pain treatment (see PAIN MANAGEMENT)
Patient Safety, Legislative Task Force on, creating. SB 1592 (Sunset date, smad sf; smde cc), Monson S, Toure H
Patient privilege, exemptions to:
Intent to commit death to serious injury to self or other person. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
Relevant to breech of duty or challenging competency. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
Subject to disclosure under statutory law. SB 479 (smad cc), Smith S, Askins H
Podiatrists (see PODIATRISTS)
Prescriptions, brand name drug, medically necessary, indicate. SB 1372 (smde hc), Monson S, Nations H
Psychologists (see PSYCHOLOGISTS)
Psychotherapist (see PSYCHOTHERAPISTS)
Retired volunteer treating persons in medically underserved areas, removing. HB 2464 (smad hf), Gilbert H, Robinson S
Rural area practice:
Incentive, removing. HB 2108, Case H, Robinson S; SB 1610, Cain S
Income tax credit. SB 1195, Capps S
Scholarships (see SCHOLARSHIPS)
Shortage, establishing Center for Health Care Workforce Resources, to address. HCR 1061, Paulk H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Spinal manipulation, restricting. HB 2721, Dorman H
Treating, defining. SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H
Treatment Act, Intractable, Pain, immunity from criminal prosecution. HB 2214, Piatt H
Ultrasound equipment to view images by pregnant woman, procedures; disciplinary actions. HB 2388, Calvey H
Unprofessional conduct term, deleting advertising. SB 369, Shurden S, Stanley H
Charity clinics service, immunity. HB 2661 (smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Immunity. SB 1241, Pruitt S; SB 1287, Crutchfield S; SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Indigent care through Medical Reserve Corps, special license. SB 369 (smad cc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Medical license for service at clinic or educational sporting event. SB 1626 (Free medical clinic, defining, smad sf; not liable for civil damages other than for death, smad hc), Maddox S, Armes H
Workers' compensation (see WORKERS' COMPENSATION)
PICHER-CARDIN ASSISTANCE TRUST. SB 1490 (smde hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
South Pittsburg County Water Supply Trust Authority, construct/repair infrastructure, funding. SB 1031 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Waste tire compensation. HB 2432 (smad hc), Miller (Doug) H, Nichols S
Patriotism, expression and affirmation of. HR 1042, Deutschendorf H
Under God, retain. HR 1042, Deutschendorf H
Heating and cooling systems:
Plastic-type vinyl materials. SB 1211 (smad sc), Snyder S, Paulk H
Radiant-floor. SB 1211 (smad sf), Snyder S, Paulk H
License, tax levied by municipality, assess on licensed contractor not journeyman or apprentice and amount, deleting. HB 1858 (smad sf, smde cc), Gilbert H, Brogdon S
Act, clarifying language. HB 2376 (Shell), Stanley H
Board certification, to designate. HB 2721, Dorman H
License, felony conviction, deleting prohibition to issue and renew (substantially relates to crime and appeal, smad cc). HB 2714 (smad hc, smde sc, smad cc), Toure H, Monson S
Licensed practitioner term, including in Pharmacy Act. SB 369 (smad hc), Shurden S, Stanley H
Volunteer immunity. SB 1241, Pruitt S; SB 1287, Crutchfield S
Contributions or expenditures in excess of $500 organization statement filing; fee; compliance. HB 2664, Adair H, Hobson S
Formation, modifying date. HB 2677, Dorman H, Monson S
Governmental Tort Claims Act, including youth services agency. HB 2263, Hilliard H, Crutchfield S
License plate, special, creating; annual report; permanent in nature. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Sales tax exemption for bordering states. HB 2421 (smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S
Agricultural (see WATERS AND WATER RIGHTS)
Clean Air Act:
Air quality facility ownership change, extending time period for notification to DEQ. HB 2198 (smad cc), Leist H, Shurden S
Contaminants, Environmental Quality Board rule, removing de minimis limits or subject to public review. HB 1876, Langmacher H, Gumm S; SB 1311 (smad hc), Gumm S, Langmacher H
Federal Water Pollution Control Act federal funds disbursement report, Environment Secretary include environment-related committee of House and Senate. HB 1878, Langmacher H
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act violation conviction, imprisonment in State Penitentiary. SB 1349, Wilkerson S, Dorman H
Prevention, defining; repealer. HB 1742 (smde sc), Langmacher H, Easley S
Superfund Site (see SUPERFUND)
Poultry Waste Transfer Act administration report for prevention of, include data for generators to process as fuel source of electric energy. HB 2438 (smad hf), Rice H, Shurden S
Programs responsible for quality, establishing. SB 1270 (smad hc), Crutchfield S, Pope H
Subject to Agriculture, Food, and Forestry Department (and Environmental Quality Act, smad hf), declaring public nuisance. HB 2394, Covey H, Lerblance S
License, felony conviction, deleting prohibition to issue or renew. HB 2714 (smad hc, smde hf), Toure H, Monson S
Smoking exemption. SB 1353, Aldridge S
Advisory Collaborative, official coordinating entity for 2-1-1 Call Centers. SB 1405 (smad sc), Williams S, Lindley H
Helpline Act, creating. SB 1405 (smde sc), Williams S, Lindley H
Administrative order, enforcement same as felony warrant. SB 1587, Williamson S
Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Revolving Fund, creating for treatment. HB 2552, Hilliard H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance and Support Services Act, demonstration program. HB 2300, Tibbs H, Cain S
Developmental Disabilities Services, Rule Advisory Council, creating within DHS. HB 1587, Leist H, Lawler S
Homeless, sales tax exemption for nonprofit organizations providing services. HB 2390 (smad hf), Calvey H, Aldridge S
Indigents (see INDIGENTS)
Language, updating. HB 2412 (Shell), Mitchell H, Monson S
Medicaid (see MEDICAID)
Medicare (see MEDICARE)
Prescription drugs:
Repository Program Act, creating; criteria. HB 2688, Dorman H
Unused programs. HB 1866, Gilbert H, Cain S
STARS (Statewide Temporary Assistance Responsibility System) (see HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT)
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) (see HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT, TANF)
Utility bills payment, help from portion of abandoned or advance deposits. HB 2225, Ingmire H, Helton S
2-1-1 Advisory Collaborative. SB 1405 (smad sc; helpline, smde sc), Williams S, Lindley H
Informed consent. HB 2534, Walker H, Corn S
Parental Notification of Abortion Procedures on Minors Act. HB 1880, Dank H; HB 2650, Reynolds H
Woman's Right to Know/Fetal Pain Prevention Act. SB 1426, Pruitt S
Abusive Work Environment Act. HB 2467, Gilbert H
Ad valorem taxes, freezing for senior citizens. HB 2208 (smad cc), Case H, Monson S; SB 1146 (smad hf), Crutchfield S, Taylor H; SJR 30, Monson S, Pope H
Aging Services Office. HB 2251, Gilbert H
Environmental Permitting Act. SB 1270 (smad sf), Crutchfield S, Pope H
Limitation of Liability for Farming and Ranching Land Act. HB 2531, Walker H; HB 2661 (smad hf, smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act. SB 1270, Crutchfield S, Pope H
Alcohol and Drug Counselors Act, Licensed. HB 2464, Gilbert H, Robinson S
Anatomical Organ Donor Identification Act. HB 2548, Sullivan H, Aldridge S
Arbitration Act, Uniform. HB 2713 (smad hc, smde sf), Toure H, Smith S
Art in Public Places Act. SB 1347, Williams S, Wells H
Attorneys Act, Registration of Out-of State. HB 2661 (smad cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Baseball bats, prohibiting aluminum. SB 719, Easley S, Hefner H
Bathing place, public. HB 2282 (smad sc), Mitchell H, Robinson S
Beef Improvement and Market Development Act. HB 2620, Covey H, Price S; SB 1300 (smde cc), Price S, Covey H
Bid Assistance Act. HB 2320, Wilson H, Maddox S
Breast-feeding. HB 2102, Carey H, Riley S; SCR 36, Riley S, Carey H
Bridgestone/Firestone factory. HB 2373, McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Bryar Wheeler Act. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Business Court Act. HB 2363, Cargill H, Laster S
Capital Improvements and Finance Act of 2004. HB 1846 (Shell), Hilliard H, Crutchfield S
Capital gains income tax deduction, Governor's bill. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S; SB 1551, Laster S, Dorman H
Castration. SB 1199, Shurden S, Erwin H; SB 1413 (smad hf), Coffee S, Newport H
Abortion (see Abortion, Parental, above)
Lead Impacted Communities Relocation Assistance Act. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, Child. SB 1490 (smde hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
Nanny bill. SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H
Supervised Visitation Program. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Cigarette and tobacco taxes, increasing. HB 2660 (State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Cigarettes, Master Settlement Agreement Complementary Act. HB 2474, Braddock H, Coffee S
City/County Services Merger Act. HB 2480, McClain H
Cloning Prohibition Act, Human. SB 1607, Laster S, Carey H
Cockfighting. HB 1784, Erwin H, Shurden S; SB 835, Shurden S, Erwin H
Commerce Funding Amendments Act of 2004, Department of. HB 2595 (Shell), Tibbs H
Congressional Redistricting Act of 2004. HB 1826, Mass H; SB 1229, Shurden S
Defect Remediation Act. HB 2136, Miller (Ray) H, Lerblance S
Fair Pay for Construction Act. SB 1561, Coates-S, Paulk-H
Criminal Justice:
Computer Assistance Act. SB 1394, Wilkerson S, Taylor H
Information Systems Improvement Act. SB 822, Wilkerson S, Ingmire H
Offender Data Information System. SB 1394, Wilkerson S, Taylor H
Danielle Martinez Act. HB 2306 (smad hc, smde sc, smad cc), Hamilton H, Shurden S
Dayton Tire bill. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S; SB 1436, Wilcoxson S
Decongestants, rules. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Dental Loan Repayment Act. HB 2670, Stanley H, Maddox S
Dog and Cat Ownership Responsibility Act. SB 1130, Helton S
Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act, Uniform Interstate Enforcement of. SB 1603 (Shell), Cain S
Driver license, teen drivers must have permit for six months. HB 2352, Benge H, Leftwich (Debbe) S; HB 2500, Hastings-H
Drug bill, unused. HB 1866 (smad hc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Economic Development:
Incentive Act of 2004. HB 2481 (Shell), McClain H
Incentive Technical Amendment Act of 2004. HB 2583 (Shell), Roggow H
Omnibus Economic Development Act of 2004. HB 2702 (Legislative findings, smad hc), Turner H, Gumm S
Quality Investment Act. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Reform Act of 2004. HB 2509 (Shell), Case H
Rural Action Partnership Program (RAPP). HB 2288 (smad hc), Turner H, Gumm S
Education bills (see Schools, below)
Elected officials, salary increase. SB 1075 (smad cc), Morgan-S, Mitchell-H
Electronic Filing of Land Records Bill. HB 2195, Deutschendorf H, Maddox S
Email (see Spam, below)
Ethics Reform Act of 2004. HB 2411, Phillips H, Dunlap S
Fair Pay for Construction Act. SB 1561, Coates-S, Paulk-H
False Claims Act. SB 1585, Laster S
Family Wealth Preservation Trust Act. HB 2135, Peters H, Coffee S
Farming and Ranching Land Act, Limitation of Liability for. HB 2531, Walker H; HB 2661 (smad hf, smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Fire Service Training Act. HB 2665, Adair H
Firefighter Training, Council on. HB 2372 (smad cc), Hutchison H, Corn S
Firefighters Protection Act. HB 2573, Morgan (Fred) H
Flower, state, Oklahoma Rose. SB 7, Capps S, Worthen H
Enforcement Act. SB 1377, Pruitt S, Hiett H
Parity Act of 2004. HB 2430 (Shell), Miller (Doug) H
State-Tribal Gaming Act. SB 1252 (smad cc; State Question 712), Hobson S, Adair H; SB 553 (Repealed by SB 1252), Hobson S, Adair H
Gas-gathering bill. HB 2550, Morgan (Danny) H, Crutchfield S; SB 1293, Crutchfield S, Morgan (Danny) H
Government, State, Employees (see State Employees, below)
Grape Resources and Wine Production Act. HB 2219, Maddux H, Coates S
Green, State Trooper Nik. HB 2176 (smad hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S; HCR 1051, McCarter H, Helton S
Health Savings Account Act. HB 2563, Greenwood H
Health care initiative, Governor's bill. SB 1546 (smad sc), Robinson S, Leist H
Higher education:
Also (see Retirement, Teachers, below)
Endowed chairs, funding. HB 1904 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Real Property Acquisition Act of 2004. HB 2582 (Shell), Roggow H
Highway Patrol salary increase. SB 1137, Corn S, Askins H
Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act. HB 1503 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Maddux H, Rabon S
Homeland Security Act. HB 2280, Paulk H, Wilkerson S
Hospice Certificate of Need Act. SB 1628 (smde sc), Lawler S, Peters H
Income tax:
65/over benefits exemption, increasing. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Capital gains deduction, Governor's bill. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S; SB 1551, Laster S, Dorman H
Rate, lowering. HB 2421 (smad hc, smde cc), Pope H, Rabon S
Retirement income, eliminate on all. HB 2112 (smde hc), Kirby H, Leftwich (Debbe) S; HB 2459, Smaligo H
Electronic monitoring, global. SB 816, Wilkerson S, Braddock H
Litigation reform. HB 2205, Wilt H, Coffee S; SB 1397, Robinson S, Braddock H
Phone Act. HB 2425 (smad hc), Kirby H, Shurden S
Captive Insurance Company Act. HB 2141 (smad cc), Hastings H, Smith S; HB 2142 (smad hc; vetoed), Hastings H, Coffee S
Medical Liability Insurance Reform Act. HB 2610 (Shell), Ellis H
Mine sinkhole. HB 1530 (smad hc), Roberts H, Lerblance S
Motorists' Personal Responsibility Act. HB 2641, McClain H
Statutory price control. HB 2661 (smad hf, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Subsidence Insurance Act. HB 1530 (smad hc), Roberts H, Lerblance S
Timely Reimbursement of Medical Claims Act. HB 2378, Stanley H
Interior Designers Act, Registered. HB 2558, Nations H
Investment Tax Credit Transferability Act. HB 2584 (Shell), Roggow H
Investor Act, Uniform Prudent. HB 2426, Carey H, Ford S
Jury Patriotism Act. HB 2720 (Shell), Calvey H; SB 1262, Pruitt S
Juvenile Drug Court Act. HB 2403, Young H, Myers S
Juvenile advocate bill. HB 2303, Mitchell H, Monson S
Juveniles Act, Interstate Compact for. SB 1552, Cain S, Ingmire H
Lead Impacted Communities Relocation Assistance Act. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
Legal Fee Anti-Gouging Act. HB 2661 (smad hf, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Legislators, mid-term vacancy issue. HB 2663 (smad cc), Adair H, Corn S
Lemon law update. SB 1150, Riley S, Phillips H
Lifelong Learning Account Act. SB 1449, Wilcoxson S, Coleman H
Lobbyists bill. HB 2664, Adair H, Hobson S
Local Development Financing Act. SB 865 (smad sc), Gumm S, McCarter H
Long-Term Care:
Administrators Licensing Act. HB 1854, Turner H, Snyder S
Modification, extensive. HB 2723, Pettigrew H, Coffee S
Partnership Act. HB 2565, Greenwood H, Wilcoxson S; SB 1547, Wilcoxson S, Greenwood H
Malpractice reform. HB 2661, Adair H, Hobson S
Manufacturers, Task Force on At-Risk. SB 1436, Wilcoxson S
Marriage Act, Defense of. HB 2255, Oneal H
Marriage, prohibiting same sex. HB 2134 (smad hf, smde sc); HB 2207, HB 2255, HB 2259 (smad sf), HJR 1042, HJR 1045, HJR 1055, HJR 1065, HR 1028, SJR 38, SJR 46
Mary Rippy Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Matthew Evans (see Trooper, below)
Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance and Support Services (Oklahoma CD-PASS) Act. HB 2300, Tibbs H, Cain S
Voluntary home care alternatives. HB 2300, Tibbs H, Cain S
Medical Professional Liability Trust Act. HB 2661 (smad cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Methamphetamine bill. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S
Missing Angels Act. HB 1847 (smde hf), Winchester H, Monson S
Mold inspection and removal. HB 2554 (smad sf), Paulk H, Nichols S
Movie Piracy Act. SB 1234 (smde sc), Coffee S, Carey H
Municipal Employees Collective Bargaining Act. SB 1529 (smad sc), Gumm S, Leist H
Nanny bill. SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H
Natural Resources Management Act. HB 2590, Wilson H
Natural gas, gathering bill. HB 2550, Morgan (Danny) H, Crutchfield S; SB 1293, Crutchfield S, Morgan (Danny) H
Nik Green (see Trooper, below)
Oil Reclamation Fraud Prevention Act of 2004. HB 2617 (Shell), Perry H, Myers S
Optometrists, perform all eye surgeries. HB 2321 (smad cc), Wilson H, Corn S
PacifiCare discontinuing coverage, patients remain to end of year. HB 1437, Toure H, Monson S
Pain Treatment Act, Chronic Intractable. HB 2566, Greenwood H
Pain Treatment Act, Intractable. HB 2214, Piatt H
Park Foundation. HB 2318, Wilson H, Shurden S
Payday loan bill. SB 1565, Monson S, Nations H
Pest Control Compact. HB 2402 (smde hc), Covey H, Price S; HB 2706 (smad hc), McClain H, Price S
Police Officers' Bill of Rights, Uniform. HB 2356, Lamons H, Taylor S
Predatory lending bill. HB 1503 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Maddux H, Rabon S
Prescription Drug Fair Pricing Act. HB 2111, Kirby H, Lawler S; SB 1615, Lawler S
Prescription Drug Repository Program Act. HB 2688, Dorman H
Prescription Medications Act, Utilization of Unused. HB 1866 (smad hc), Gilbert H, Cain S
Prison cap law. SB 1194, Shurden S
Private Activity Bond Allocation Amendments Act of 2004. HB 1884 (Shell), Adkins H
Products Liability Act. HB 2575, Newport H; HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Property Tax Increment Deferral Act. HB 2659 (smde hc), Perry H, Capps S
Proportionate Responsibility Act. HB 2575, Newport H
Public body meetings. HB 1670, Blackwell H, Laughlin S
Public offices, filing period. HB 2677, Dorman H, Monson S
Quality Jobs Program Technical Amendments Act of 2004. HB 2499 (Shell), Hastings H
Railroad Transportation Act of 2004. HB 2328 (Shell), Tyler H
Real Estate Development Act. HB 1668, Vaughn H, Coffee S
Recording Device Act, Unlawful Use of a. SB 1234 (smad sc), Coffee S, Carey H
Relief Credits Act (RCA). SB 1177, Shurden S, Leist H
Research and Technology Venture Capital Investment Tax Credit Act. SB 1487, Pruitt S
Alternative Retiree Insurance Savings Plan Act. SB 1143 (smde sc), Corn S, Hilliard H
Elected Official Defined Contribution Retirement Plan Act. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S
Income Tax Treatment Study Act of 2004. HB 2625 (Shell), Askins H
Pension System Dedicated Revenue Reallocation Act of 2004. HB 2692 (smad hc), Ferguson H, Corn S
Police Officer Retirement Plan Act of 2004, Auxiliary. HB 2398 (Shell), Smithson H
Alternate Retirement Plan for Comprehensive Universities. HB 2226, Ingmire H, Morgan S
Retirement System Unfunded Liability Reduction Act of 2004. HB 2447 (Shell), McCarter H
Rocky Eales (see Trooper, below)
Rural Action Partnership Program. HB 2288 (smad hf), Turner-H, Gumm-S
Rural Housing Incentive Act of 2004. HB 2291 (smde sf), Turner H, Gumm S
Healthy and Fit Kids Act of 2004. SB 1627, Cain S, Gilbert H
International Development for Oklahoma Students Act. SB 1619 (Shell), Williams S
K-16 Seamless System. SB 1473, Williams S, Nations H
Leave No Child Behind Act. SB 713 (smde sc), Williams S, Roberts H
Math Program, Governor's. SB 911 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Mathematic Improvement Program. SB 911 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Mathematics Initiative. HB 2334, Staggs H, Lawler S
Partnership for School Readiness Act. SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H
Protection Act, Education Quality and. HB 2575, Newport H
Student Success in High Priority Schools Act. SB 1470, Williams S, Blackburn H
Teachers (see Teachers, below)
Sexually Violent Persons Act. HB 2184, Ericson H
Small Business:
Capital Formation Incentive Act. HB 2124, Pope H, Rabon S
Regulatory Flexibility Technical Amendments Act of 2004. HB 2544 (Shell), Plunk H
Small Hospitals Self Help Act. SB 1341, Laughlin S
Soft Drink Tax Code. HB 2116, Ellis H
Soil Nutrient Management Plan and Applicator Certification Act. HB 2705, McClain H
Southwestern Bell bill. SB 1119, Gumm-S, Braddock-H
Spam bill. HB 2215, Hastings H, Smith S
Speed traps. HB 2265 (smad cc), Paulk H, Smith S; SB 375, Helton S, Tyler H
State Employees:
Chief executive officers/Directors, salary increase. HB 2006 (smad hf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Grievance Task Force, State. SB 1301, Milacek S
Health Savings Account Act. HB 2516 (smde hc), Blackwell H, Wilcoxson S
Medical Savings Trust Program Act. SB 1143 (smad sc), Corn S, Hilliard H
Pay Raise Act of 2004. HB 2418 (Shell), McIntyre H
Pay raise. HB 2005 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2007 (smad sf), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Pension Obligation Financing Act. SB 1339, Robinson S, McCarter H
Public Employees Collective Bargaining Act. SB 1529 (smde sc), Gumm S, Leist H; SB 648, Corn S, Miller (Ray) H
State-Tribal Gaming Act. SB 1252 (smad cc; State Question 712), Hobson S, Adair H; SB 553 (smad cc; repealed by SB 1252), Hobson S, Adair H
Stillbirth certificates. HB 1847, Winchester H, Monson S
Stream Water Law Act. HB 2235, Langmacher H
Sudafed bill. HB 2176, Nance H, Wilkerson S; SB 1173, Corn S, Smithson H
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. SB 1522, Gumm S, Carey H
Surrogate Parentage Act. HB 2401, Miller (Ray) H, Cain S
Tattoo Studio Licensing Act. SB 1307 (Regulations, smad sc), Shurden S, Lindley H
Tax Administrative Hearings Act, State Office of. HB 2717, Toure H
Tax Preferences Review Act. SB 1323, Shurden S
Tax and Expenditure Limitation Act for state government. HB 2538, Cargill H
Insurance, state pay 100%. HB 2662, Adair H, Corn S
Pay raise. SB 1272, Corn S, Harrison H
Retention Act. SB 1458, Pruitt S
Retirement (see Retirement, above)
Telecommunications, market parity bill. HB 2471, Braddock H, Gumm S; SB 1119, Gumm S, Braddock H
Telephone company deregulation. HB 2471 (smad hc), Braddock H, Gumm S; SB 1119, Gumm S, Braddock H
Term limits bill. HB 2663 (smad cc), Adair H, Corn S
Texoma lodge and resort, selling. HB 2542, Carey H, Gumm S
Tort reform:
Bill. HB 2575, Newport H; HB 2661 (smde cc, smad 2cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Comprehensive Lawsuit Reform Act of 2004. SB 1369, Williamson S
Transportation Act of 2004. HB 2546 (Shell), Tyler H, Fisher S
Trauma Care (Systems and Improvement, smad cc) (Services, smde cc) Act. HB 2382, Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Trauma system, state. HB 2600, Hilliard H, Monson S
Trooper Nik Green (Rocky Eales and Matthew Evans Act, smad sc). HB 2176 (smad hc), Nance H, Wilkerson S
Trucking One Stop Shop Act. SB 141 (smad cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 842, Leftwich S
Trust Code, Uniform. HB 2426, Carey H, Ford S
Tulsa Health and Hospitals Corporation Act. SB 1601, Pruitt S
Violent crime offenders registration. HB 1853, Turner H, Wilkerson S
Volunteer Firefighter Training Incentive Act of 2004. HB 2372, Hutchison H, Corn S
Volunteer Professional Services Immunity Act. SB 1241, Pruitt S
Water Banking Act. HB 2686, Dorman H
Water Resources Development Act. SB 903, Crutchfield S, Hilliard H
Wheeler Act, Bryar. HB 1734, Wells H, Robinson S
Wind Power Initiative (OWPI). SB 1212, Maddox S, Askins H
Wiretap measure. SB 1331, Wilkerson S, Nance H
Workers' comp reform bill. HB 2619, Peterson (Ron) H, Pruitt S; SB 1444, Pruitt S; SB 1531, Hobson S, Adair H
Workplace bullying law. HB 2467, Gilbert H
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