Second Session, 49th Legislature

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Administrative Hearings Act, State Office of Tax, creating. HB 2717, Toure H

Counties, ad valorem tax (see AD VALOREM and COUNTIES AND COUNTY OFFICERS, generally)

Delinquent, collection:

Penalty assessment, not collected if tax and interest paid within 60 days. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Tax Commission duties; taxpayer identification number, compare monthly with persons owing. SB 1510, Rabon S

Educational improvement tax credit program, establishing; first-come basis; contribution to scholarship organizations. HB 2389, Calvey H

Exemption denial:

Also (see STATE GOVERNMENT, Agencies, Permit)

State agency to provide written response of reason. SB 1363, Pruitt S, Balkman H

Funds available for appropriation, repealing. HB 2420, Trebilcock H

Municipal (see CITIES AND TOWNS)

Property tax (see AD VALOREM TAX or PROPERTY)

Soft Drink Tax Code (see SOFT DRINK)

Specific tax (see Main Heading)

Tax Administrative Hearings Act, State Office of, creating. HB 2717, Toure H

Tax Code, written estimate of revenue gain or loss, clarifying procedures. HB 1998 (Shell), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 1999 (Shell), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2000 (Shell), Mitchell H, Morgan S

Tax Preferences Review Act, creating. SB 1323, Shurden S

Tax and Expenditure Limitation Act, creating. HB 2538, Cargill H

Tax cuts, federal, Oklahoma Congressional Delegation vote to make permanent. SR 39, Brogdon S


Agreements through arbitration, effective date. SB 1495, Corn S, Taylor H

Employee contract with labor union, removing ban; constitutional amendment; ballot. SJR 27, Shurden S, Leist H

Municipal Employees Collective Bargaining Act, creating. SB 1529 (smad sc), Gumm S, Leist H

Procedures, Public Employees Relations Board. SB 1495, Corn S, Taylor H

Oklahoma River. SB 1259, Cain S, Sullivan H



Bob L. Perrier Memorial. SR 34, Harrison S

Construction or reconstruction estimates, cost threshold fees. HB 2274 (smad cc), Case H, Rozell S

Doc Scantlen, designating. HB 2316, Miller (Ray) H, Lerblance S

Faye Moore, designating Long Branch Creek Bridge on U.S. Highway 70. HCR 1054, McCarter H, Helton S

Improvement project result in decrease in load limit, informational meetings in surrounding towns or cities affected. HB 2001 (smad hf, smde cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S


Naming of, requirements. HB 2326, Tyler H, Milacek S

Perrier Bridge. SB 1480 (smad sc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H

Pikey's Crossing. HCR 1055 (smad hf), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S; SCR 78, Lawler S, McCarter H

School bus routes, increasing maximum weight rates for county priority for maintenance or closing. HB 2274, Case H, Rozell S

South Canadian River on State Highway 4 between State Highways 152 and 37:

Mustang Bridge, prohibiting changing name for 99 years. HCR 1055 (smad hf), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S

Pikey's Crossing, redesignating. HCR 1055 (smde hf), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S

Surplus beams, transfer to local government; limitations. HB 2327, Tyler H, Milacek S

T. A. Olivo. SB 1480 (smad hc, smde cc), Wilkerson S, Plunk H

Building and improving, state to borrow money, constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1049, Turner H, Gumm S; HJR 1072, Ferguson H

Construction, Arts in Public Places Act, participation. SB 1347, Williams-S, Wells-H


Fund, Road and Bridge Maintenance, creating; constitutional amendment; ballot. HJR 1050 (smde hf), Pettigrew H, Milacek S

Highways (see HIGHWAYS)

Interstate transportation of property or goods abandonment, prohibiting; penalty. HB 2374, Leist H, Shurden S

Jason White PASSway. SB 1118, Lawler S, Winchester H

Naming of, requirements. HB 2326, Tyler H, Milacek S

Pikey's Crossing, Historical Society place marker commemorating. HCR 1055 (smad hf), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S

Private, prohibiting drunk driving. HB 1820, Balkman H, Wilkerson S

Schrocks (see Pikeys, above)

U.S. 177 and Chickasaw Turnpike, interchange to serve all lanes of traffic. HB 2551 (smde cc), Leist H, Shurden S

National Guard Armories (see CAPITOL IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY, Armories)

Schools (see SCHOOLS)

School funds, permanent, real property owned or acquired by state or Tourism and Recreation Commission jurisdiction, Land Commissioners 3% investment. HB 2542, Carey H, Gumm S

ROSE, STATE FLOWER. SB 7, Capps S, Worthen H


Benefit units, run with the land; tenants of lands to obtain units; restrictions. HB 2621, Hutchison H

Board of directors, original, maximum term of six years. SB 879, Capps S, Bonny H

Employee participation in State and Education Employees Group Health and Life Insurance Plans. SB 1228, Robinson S, Stanley H


Contracts; cost allocation; rationing programs; public loans; distribution lines inside municipality; sale to commercial, industrial or institutional users, prohibiting. SB 898, Pruitt S

District board director, term of office, not exceed six years. HB 1843 (Succeeding terms election, smad sc), Bonny H, Capps S


Removing as Interim Director of Homeland Security. SJR 24, Wilkerson S


Specific (see specific entity)

State employees (see STATE GOVERNMENT, Employees and officers)

Teachers (see TEACHERS)



Cigarette and tobacco products sales tax increase, apportionment of levying. HB 2660 (smde hf, smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Gas and electricity exemption:

Liquefied petroleum gases, excepting. HB 1864 (smad hf, smde sc), Erwin H, Shurden S

Residential use only. HB 1864 (smde sc), Erwin H, Shurden S

Hospital, construction, support or operation; governing board. SB 1254 (smad cc), Gumm S, Carey H

Point of sale for purposes of administration, clarifying. HB 2158, Reynolds H


Cigarette and tobacco products increase, apportionment of levy. HB 2660 (smde hf, smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Point of sale for purposes of administration, clarifying. HB 2158, Reynolds H; HB 2660 (State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Relief Act, claim for refund filing. HB 2656, Reynolds H


Acceleration provisions, eliminating repeal of. HB 2421 (smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S

Code, clarifying citation. HB 2123 (Shell), Pope H

Database, Tax Commission. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Delinquent (see Remittance, below)

Due date. SB 841, Johnson S, Young H

Electronic funds transfer and electronic data interchange program (see Remittance, below)


Ardmore Development Authority. HB 2213 (smad hc), Piatt H, Crutchfield S

Baby food and infant formula. HB 2190, Tibbs H

Bombing memorial. SB 1383 (smad hc), Monson S, Pope H

Bread and milk. HB 2190, Tibbs H

Career Technology Student Organizations. HB 2421 (smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S

Cellular towers construction and installation, telecommunications services (labor, smad sf) charges. HB 2335, Staggs H, Rabon S

Charitable organizations. HB 2618, Langmacher H

Chiropractor prescription, over-the-counter. HB 2675, Dorman H

Cigarettes and other tobacco products. HB 2660 (smde hf, smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Community action agency, personal property or services. HB 1845, Deutschendorf H

Contact lenses. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Dog food to owner or operator of a licensed kennel. HB 1863, Leist H

Durant Industrial Authority. HB 2213 (smad sf), Piatt H, Crutchfield S

Eyeglasses. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Fire department, proof of eligibility. SB 1121, Rabon S, Pope H

Gas and electricity, county option to tax. HB 2258, Case H, Branan S

Governmental entities, border state. HB 2421 (smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S

Hearing aids. HB 2390, Calvey H, Aldridge S; SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Higher education:

Big 12 Conference championship sporting events. SB 1383 (Any regional or national championship tournament, smad sf), Monson S, Pope H

Tickets to conference and NCAA championships held in facilities owned by municipalities. HB 2292 (smad hc), Sullivan H, Coffee S

Homeless, nonprofit organizations providing services. HB 2390 (smad hf), Calvey H, Aldridge S

Local public library. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Manufacturing, interest on refund based on amount earned as invested by State Treasurer. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Modular dwelling unit. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H; SB 1352 (smad sf), Rabon S, Pope H

Neighborhood watch organization endorsed or supported by governing law enforcement agency. HB 2390 (Tax Commission application, smad hc), Calvey H, Aldridge S

Nonprescription drugs and medicines if prescribed by practitioner. SB 1551 (smad hf), Laster S, Dorman H

Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum. SB 1383 (smad hc), Monson S, Pope H

Production or broadcast companies. HB 2209, Winchester H

Public trust authorities with municipality as beneficiary and provide for furtherance of authorized or proper function. HB 2213 (smde hc), Piatt H, Crutchfield S

Radio, television or cable station, deleting licensed. HB 2209, Winchester H

Schools, first $2,000 each years of foundation providing support to public or private school or district. HB 2390 (smad hf), Calvey H, Aldridge S

Sixty-two/older, sales of personal property or service to. HB 2404, Young H

Vending machines, removing. SB 1453, Laster S

Veterans' organization exempt from taxation:

Charity game equipment. HB 1889 (smad sc), Ellis H, Rabon S

Museum or memorial. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Works Authority, Oklahoma. HB 2213 (smad cc), Piatt H, Crutchfield S

Hospital support, levy; sold, governing board dissolved, county relieved of liability of operation. SB 1342, Gumm S, Roan H

Oil and gas, delivery and transmission services, deleting. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H

Point of sale, defining. HB 2158, Reynolds H

Quality Investment Act, rebates and refunds. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S

Rate determination. HB 2420, Trebilcock H

Refund, production or broadcast companies; qualifying purchaser. HB 2209, Winchester H

Relief Act, qualifying income limit, trigger mechanism, eliminating; repealer. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Relief, eligibility qualifications. HB 2420, Trebilcock H

Dates, removing delinquent. HB 1817, Morgan (Fred) H; HB 2169, Young H; HB 2421 (smde sc), Pope H, Rabon S

Electronic funds transfer and electronic data interchange program, exemption. SB 1320, Nichols S; SB 861, Lawler S

Over $2,500 per month. SB 1320, Nichols S

Special event:

Annual basis, promoters and organizers collection from vendors, request Tax Commission to limit their responsibilities; vendor's duties. HB 2421 (smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S

Irregular basis, not include event on annual basis held during same (30-day, smad sf) (one-week, smde sf) period each year. HB 2421 (smde cc), Pope H, Rabon S

Local chamber of commerce, excluding event sponsored by. SB 843, Pruitt S

Sponsored by universities or municipalities, not including. HB 2421 (smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S

University-sponsored, including in definition. HB 2421 (smad cc), Pope H, Rabon S

Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Administration Act, repealing. HB 2158, Reynolds H

Transportation or regional economic development projects by transportation authority, levying; voter approval. HB 2607, Peterson (Ron) H, Smith S

Vending machine, defining. SB 1453, Laster S
SALTS OF ISOMERS (see DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Controlled, Methamphetamine, Pseudophedrine)
SANDERS, BARRY. HCR 1088, Dorman H, Johnson S

Administrative services, Tourism and Recreation Department continue to provide. HB 2070 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2071, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)


Contingent on federal funding, one. HB 1959 (smad hf), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 1960, Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 1029, Morgan S, Mitchell H; SB 1030, Morgan S, Mitchell H

Seasonal, unclassified. HB 2319 (smad sf), Wilson H, Shurden S


Chiropractic Education Scholarship Program, awarding. HB 2724 (smad hc), Stanley H, Shurden S

Contribution to organizations, educational improvement income tax credit program. HB 2389, Calvey H

Medical Education Loan and Scholarship Fund, Rural, maximum grant amount. SB 908, Capps S, Jones H

Military dependents residence requirements, review and change policies. HB 2630, Braddock H, Helton S; HB 2689, Dorman H

Students with Disabilities Program, Scholarships for, creating. SB 1277, Pruitt S


Membership. SB 1115, Fisher S, Staggs H


Academic Performance Index (see Testing, below)

Accountability Office, performance review, select two districts annually; governmental officials, request; cost; outreach and technical assistance. HB 2572, Morgan (Fred) H, Williams S

Accounting system:

Checks (and warrants, smad hf) use; recording system; facsimile signature by treasurer; maintaining evidence of payment of warrant or check; automated payment system; controls. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Instruction costs, funding. HB 2662 (smad sf), Adair H, Corn S

Ad valorem taxes (see AD VALOREM TAX)


Mathematics training modules offered through summer academies; coaching modules. HB 2334, Staggs H, Lawler S

Residency program, appointment circumstances. HB 2162, McCarter H

Salary and benefits to be disaggregated; form for reporting. HB 2589, Wilson H


Also (see APPROPRIATIONS, Education Board, Department or Schools)

Temporary (see Districts, Levies, below)

Arts, Oklahoma School of the, creating. SB 1501, Snyder S, Peters H


Associations (see Interscholastic, below)

Baseball bats, prohibiting aluminum. SB 719, Easley S, Hefner H

Extramural competition for transfer students, repealing. HB 1893, Bonny H

Audits on independent or elementary, special by Auditor and Inspector. HB 2391 (smad hc), Blackburn H, Williams S; HB 2642 (smad hc), Staggs H, Corn S; SB 1113, Corn S

Average daily membership definition, including for students suspended 10/more days. HB 2422, Wilt H

Bill of Rights Day, clarifying language. HB 2339 (Shell), Phillips H

Bonds and indebtedness. HB 2332, Staggs H, Lawler S


Dates for adoption of final; expenditures statement, deleting detailed account of state aid. HB 2332 (smad hf), Staggs H, Lawler S

Reporting deadline. SB 1114 (smde cc), Pruitt S, Blackwell H

Building and remodeling projects, certain, exceeding $100,000, requiring architect. SB 472 (smde cc), Corn S, Walker H


Advertisements on exterior or interior, prohibiting. HB 2424, Kirby H

Also (see Transportation, below)

Overtaking or meeting violation, doubling of fine. HB 2444 (Court costs, smad hc; smde hf), Roan H, Wilkerson S

Routes, bridges, increasing maximum weight rates for county priority for maintenance or closing. HB 2274, Case H, Rozell S

Career and technology programs in public comprehensive high schools:

Formula study of funding mechanisms and issues. HR 1054, Pope H

Increasing funding to support. HB 2391 (smad hc), Blackburn H, Williams S

Certificates of indebtedness (see District, Public finance, Warrants, below)


Contract renewal, sponsor intent to deny. SB 713 (smad 2cc), Williams S, Roberts H

Funding withholding, students absent without excuse for 10 days after first nine weeks of school. HB 2468, Gilbert H

Renewal, increasing period of time for notice of intent to deny request. SB 1274, Williams S, Winchester H

State aid, removing first year calculation method; funding allocated on per-pupil basis to match funds for federal program. SB 713 (smad 3cc), Williams S, Roberts H

Checks, due date for payment of; limiting actions to enforce liability. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Child Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, creating. SB 1490 (smde hc), Morgan S, Roberts H

Code, clarifying language. SB 1485 (Shell), Maddox S

Commercial driving school (see MOTOR VEHICLES, Commercial)

Counselors (see TEACHERS)


Core, mathematics and science:

Mathematics (see Mathematics, below)

Taught at technology center school with emphasis on career study in 10-12 grade, allowing for graduation. HB 2275, Winchester H

Teachers (see TEACHERS)

Evolution (see Textbooks, Committee, below)

Financial literacy; minimum instruction; beginning in eighth grade. SB 893, Lawler S, Case H

Global knowledge. SB 1452, Williams S; SB 811, Williams S, McCarter H

Health and fitness education program, K-8. SB 1445, Cain S, Askins H

Health and physical education requirement. SB 1627 (smde cc), Cain S, Gilbert H

International relations. SB 811 (smde sf), Williams S, McCarter H

Mathematic Improvement Program:

Creating; committee. SB 911 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H

Funding. HB 2012 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S

Phonics instruction. SB 1451, Maddox S, McCarter H


Also (see Reading, below)

Curriculum and Instruction Task Force, creating; study impact of various reading programs. SCR 50, Maddox S, McCarter H; SR 70, Wilcoxson S

Vocabulary development and comprehension. SB 713 (smad sf; adding phonemic awareness, smad 2cc; smde 3cc), Williams S, Roberts H

Deaf or hearing impaired transfers (see Transfers, below)

Delinquent enrollment, determination student no longer a threat. HB 2163, McCarter H, Helton S

Diploma for graduation, satisfactory performance on end-of-instruction tests. HB 2237, Cargill H; HB 2238, Sullivan H

Disabled child (see Students, Disabled, below)

Academic Performance Index, report. SB 1458, Pruitt S

Adequate Yearly Progress determinations to identify for rewards and sanctions. SB 713 (smad hc, smde cc), Williams S, Roberts H

Administrative Reorganization or Consolidation Task Force, funds transfer. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Alternative check issuance. HB 2332 (smde cc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Board, candidate, residency requirements. SB 1346 (smad cc), Monson S, Dorman H

Budget, deadline for reporting income and expenses. SB 1114 (smde cc), Pruitt S, Blackwell H

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ensure minimum one teacher and one support staff receive training; liability. SB 1474 (smad sc; certified and non-certified, smad sf), Aldridge S, Cargill H

Checks or warrants:

Second or duplicate check issuance, circumstances. HB 2332 (smad cc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Treasurer deliver replacement; (overdraft, smde sc) protection agreements. HB 2332 (smad hc; interest rate paid to banks for insufficient funds, smad sc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Employees (see below)

Encumbrance Clerk, unencumbered balances, duties. HB 2332 (smad hc, smde hf), Staggs H, Lawler S

Financial statement meeting with boards of county commissioners and education, removing date. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Freedom Award, District, qualifications; exemption for state laws; line-item appropriated program. SB 1458, Pruitt S

Fund Carryover Standards, Task Force on School District General, creating. SB 1114 (smad cc), Pruitt S, Blackwell H

Grants to public trust serving community affected by lead/zinc mining and within federal Superfund site. SB 1490 (smad cc), Morgan S, Roberts H

Gross production tax revenue, exempting overage from penalty. SB 1114 (smad cc), Pruitt S, Blackwell H

Health School Advisory Committee, option to establish. SB 1627 (smad hf), Cain S, Gilbert H


15% of assessed value of taxable property in district; ballot. SJR 35, Laster S

Classroom materials. SB 1458, Pruitt S

Three-fifths of voters to approve. SJR 36, Laster S


Indebtedness. SB 1570, Johnson S, Winchester H

Secondary school building authorities. SB 1570, Johnson S, Winchester H


Appropriations, temporary, deleting publication of temporary applications; use of checks for temporary; use. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Financial statement meeting with boards of county commissioners and education, removing date. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Medical evaluations recommendations when not reading at appropriate grade level, limiting liability. HB 1133, Eddins H, Rozell S


Oath. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H

Report earnings, cost of maintenance and estimate of needs. HB 2332 (smde cc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Willful excess spending, penalty. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Property tax, additional levy; constitutional amendment; ballot. SB 667 (smad cc), Williams S, Roberts H; SJR 53 (To assist students performing below grade level, smad sf), Williams S, Blackburn H

Public finance:

Alternative check, (adding, smde hf) amount; faxed affidavits; issuance. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Nonpayable warrants and agreements for short-term cash management. HB 2332 (smad hc; bank agreements, smad sc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Replacement warrants or checks, treasurer to deliver; (overdraft, smde sc) protection agreement. HB 2332 (smad hc; successor duties, smad hf), Staggs H, Lawler S

Treasurer, certificates of indebtedness or bonds registration; prohibition; expenditures in excess of estimate, penalty. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Unencumbered balances, public notice of claims; appropriation. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Warrants and certificates of indebtedness:

Interest computation on warrants, repealing. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Removing and personnel; warrants, bonds and interest coupons issuance, numbering system. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Retro-fit metal roof, architect to evaluate suitability. SB 1476, Coates S, Nations H

State aid (see State aid, below)

Statistical reports, third-quarter, data used to determine funding allocation, date. HB 2422, Wilt H

Suspension (see Suspension, below)

Teachers (see TEACHERS)

Transportation equipment (see Transportation equipment, below)

Voter registration forms, provide to graduating students. HB 2236, Cargill H

Driver education exams given by certified instructor, deleting. HB 1899 (smad hc, smde hf), Nance H, Gumm S

Driver license (see Reading, below)

Dyslexia, treatment. SB 1456, Wilcoxson S, Morgan (Fred) H

Education Department (see EDUCATION DEPARTMENT)

Education Secretary (see EDUCATION SECRETARY)

Education, Boards of (see EDUCATION, BOARDS OF)

Elections (see ELECTIONS)


Audiologist, salary bonus. SB 1207, Crutchfield S, Staggs H

Education Department (see EDUCATION DEPARTMENT)

Insurance (see STATE GOVERNMENT, Insurance)

Negotiations with districts, utilize dispute resolution procedure; deletion. HB 2221, Brannon H

Oath of office. SB 1146, Crutchfield S, Taylor H

Organization, payroll deduction, cease upon written request. HB 2246 (smad hc), Perry H, Brogdon S; SB 1294, Brogdon S

Payroll deductions (see Organization, above)

Psychologist, salary bonus. SB 1207, Crutchfield S, Staggs H

Residency, clarifying language. HB 2699 (Shell), Ferguson H

Sodomy, committing against student. SB 1413 (21 years of age, smad sf; victim under 18, offender over 25, smad hf), Coffee S, Newport H

Speech-language pathologist, salary bonus. SB 1207, Crutchfield S, Staggs H

Strikes (see below)


Coordinator of support personnel concerns, responsibilities. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Dismissal, abandonment of duty. SB 1278 (Absent 5 consecutive days without notifying school administration, smad sf), Laughlin S, Blackwell H

English, limited proficiency, teachers development training. HB 2601, Lindley H, Williams S

Equipment purchase, bonds issuance with maturity of greater than five years. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Evolution (see Textbooks, below)

Fine arts results, prohibiting reporting. HB 2384, Cox H, Monson S

Flag, pledge of allegiance, clarifying language. HB 2339 (Shell), Phillips H


Charter school, allocated on per-pupil basis to provide matching funds for federal program. SB 713 (smad 3cc), Williams S, Roberts H

Instruction costs. HB 2662 (smad sf), Adair H, Corn S

Insufficient, each qualifying to take proportionate reduction. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Mathematics Improvement Program. HB 2012 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S

State aid (see State Aid, below)

State-Tribal Gaming Act, revenue deposit. SB 1252 (smad cc), Hobson S, Adair H; SB 553 (smad 3cc), Hobson S, Adair H


Activity, changing deposit times. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Arts Revolving Fund, Oklahoma School of the, creating. SB 1501, Snyder S, Peters H

Capital gains from investment of permanent fund and other funds, distribution. HB 2680 (Annually, 10% of rolling five-year average, smad hc; vetoed), Carey H, Kerr S

Carryover Standards, Task Force on School District General Fund, creating. SB 1114 (smad cc), Pruitt S, Blackwell H

Charter Schools Incentive, appropriation. HB 2012 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S

Education Reform Revolving:

Cigarette and tobacco revenue increase, apportionment. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S

Soft drink tax apportionment. HB 2116, Ellis H


Balance (penalty, smad hf) calculation; definitions. HB 2332 (smad hc; carryover penalty, exempting for sales tax revenue for state aid, smad cc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Meal and lodging expenses for activities, reimbursement. HB 2294, Blackwell H, Laughlin S

Partnership for School Improvement Project Revolving, creating. SB 756 (smad cc), Williams S, Roberts H

Permanent, real property owned or acquired by state or Tourism and Recreation Commission jurisdiction, 3% investment. HB 2542, Carey H, Gumm S

Petty cash account management. HB 2332 (smad hc, smde hf), Staggs H, Lawler S

School Psychologist, Speech-Language Pathologist, and Audiologist National Certification Revolving, salary bonus. SB 1207, Crutchfield S, Staggs H

Statewide competitive application basis, certain allocated. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Goods or services purchase and delivery. HB 2332 (smad hf), Staggs H, Lawler S

Great Expectations Demonstration Project, State Board establish an elementary level. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Headstart, nonprofit program for Employment Security Act of 1980 benefits, including. HB 2497 (smad hf, smde sc), Rice H, Fisher S

Health and fitness education program, K-8. SB 1445, Cain S, Askins H

Healthy and Fit Kids Act of 2004, creating; advisory committee. SB 1627, Cain S, Gilbert H

Home-schooled, election precinct officials. HB 2676, Dorman H, Monson S

Income and expenditures statement (see Districts, Budget, above)

Income tax:


Expenses for individual for child attending public or private; eligibility and amount limitation. HB 1881, Dank H

Improvement program, establishing; first-come basis; contribution to scholarship organizations. HB 2389, Calvey H

Individual (see INCOME TAX, STATE)

Materials purchase for benefit of; verification form. HB 2368, Jones H; HB 2409, Young H

Teachers (see TEACHERS)

Deduction, expenses for individual for child attending public or private; eligibility and amount limitation. HB 1881, Dank H

Indicators program, prohibiting inclusion of certain test results. HB 2384, Cox H, Monson S

Insurance (see STATE GOVERNMENT, Insurance)

International Development for Oklahoma Students Act. SB 1619 (Shell), Williams S

Internet, web-based software subscriptions purchase with bonds. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Interscholastic activities, prohibiting membership in organizations having oversight; Education Department, oversight. HB 1893, Bonny H; HB 2633, Erwin H

K-16 Seamless System, creating. SB 1473, Williams S, Nations H

Kindergarten, preschool and home experiences with varying levels of school readiness, creating Partnership for School Readiness Act. SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H

Leave No Child Behind Act, creating. SB 713 (smde sc), Williams S, Roberts H

Lifelong Learning Account Act, creating; adult learners. SB 1449, Wilcoxson S, Coleman H

Lottery (see STATE QUESTIONS, Lottery, generally)

Low-performing and high challenge, deleting provisions. SB 713, Williams S, Roberts H

Core curriculum (see above)

Driver license (see Students, below)

Initiative, creating; (Committee, creating, smad hc) (Working Group, smde hc); PASS mathematics training modules; peer coaches; professional development acceptance. HB 2334, Staggs H, Lawler S

Intervention to bring failing student to grade level. SB 756, Williams S, Roberts H

Middle School:

Improvement Standards Committee, creating. SB 814, Williams S, Staggs H

Task Force, creating; report. HB 2567 (smad hc; elementary and, smad hf), Greenwood H, Wilcoxson S

Meal and lodging expenses of students and sponsors (cocurricular, smad hc) school sponsored activities, payment. HB 2294, Blackwell H, Laughlin S


Evaluations (see Reading, Medical, below)

Psychotropic, policy to recommend use of; observations and resources with parents or guardians, share; definition. HB 2272, Coleman H

Municipal support, surrounded by corporate limits. SB 873 (Voter approval, smad hf), Coffee S, Nance H

National motto "E PLURIBUS UNUM [Out of Many One]" and "IN GOD WE TRUST", display. HB 2477 (smad sc), Harrison H, Laster S; SB 1251, Laughlin S

No Child Left Behind Act:

Aligning with federal, legislative intent. SB 713 (smad sc, smde cc), Williams S, Roberts H


Congress, issue waiver of requirements for Oklahoma public schools or fully fund Act. HR 1037 (Senator Edward Kennedy copy, smad hf), McCarter H

Oklahoma Congressional Delegation to support legislation and regulations (repeal, smad hf) (modifying, smde hf). HCR 1052, Staggs H, Lawler S

Numerical system, orderly. HB 2332 (smad cc), Staggs-H, Lawler-S

Paperwork reduction and simplification plan using electronic data collection and processing, costs. HB 2537, Winchester H, Branan S

Partnership for School Readiness Act (see Reading, below)

Teacher bonus. SB 1310, Branan S, Winchester H

Testing (see Criterion, below)

Nurse Staff Task Force, Certified School Professional, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S

Officials, liability protection. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S

Paperwork reduction and simplification plan, develop and implement; electronic data collection. HB 2537, Winchester H, Branan S

Partnership for School Improvement Act, creating; assistance for under-performing sites; foundation; fund; awards program. SB 756 (smad cc), Williams S, Roberts H


Accountability system, prohibiting inclusion of student data in certain districts. HB 2384, Cox H, Monson S

Review (see Accountability Office, above)

Principals, Teach for Oklahoma program, bonus. SB 1470, Williams S, Blackburn H

Private, employee committing sodomy against student. SB 1413 (smad hf), Coffee S, Newport H

Professional development programs (see TEACHERS)


Rental of personal contract extending beyond June 30 of fiscal year, retrofit metal roofs not included within definition. SB 840 (Under $25,000, smad sc), Coates S, Ferguson H

School funds, permanent, real owned or acquired by state or Tourism and Recreation Commission jurisdiction, Land Commissioners 3% investment. HB 2542, Carey H, Gumm S

Protection Act, Education Quality and, creating for filing of lawsuits against. HB 2575, Newport H

Psychologists and speech pathologists, repealing joint study. HB 2520, Bonny H

Readiness Act, Partnership for School (see Reading, Partnership, below)


Alternative documentation of proficiency, option limitation. HB 2477 (smad hc), Harrison H, Laster S

Driver license, deleting option to retake criterion-referenced test. HB 2477 (smad hc), Harrison H, Laster S

Eighth grader not passing assessment, take comparable alternative test. HB 2477, Harrison H, Laster S

Goals and program, excluding third-graders with individualized education programs in area related to. HB 2477 (smad hc), Harrison H, Laster S

Individualized programs, exempt from reading goal for Oklahoma. HB 2477 (smde hc), Harrison H, Laster S

Intervention to bring failing student to grade level. SB 756, Williams S, Roberts H

Medical evaluations recommendations when performing below grade level. HB 1133, Eddins H, Rozell S

No Child Left Behind Act (see above)

Partnership for School Readiness Act provisions to assist achieving proficiency required by federal No Child Left Behind Act. HB 2273, Coleman H; SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H

Report Card report to Governor and Legislature, extending date. HB 2477 (smad hc), Harrison H, Laster S

Sufficiency Act:

First, second and third grade vocabulary, including. HB 2332 (smde hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Renaming, Proficiency Act. HB 2477 (smad hc, smde hf), Harrison H, Laster S

Third grade students exclusion limitation from goals and program of reading instruction. HB 2332 (smde hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Vocabulary, first, second and third grade, assessments. HB 2332 (smde hc), Staggs-H, Lawler-S; HB 2477 (smad hc), Harrison H, Laster S


National motto "E PLURIBUS UNUM [Out of Many One]" and "IN GOD WE TRUST", display. HB 2477 (smad sc), Harrison H, Laster S; SB 1251, Laughlin S

Ten Commandments (see below)

Roofs (see Property, Rental, above)

Sales tax exemption for foundation providing support to public or private school district, first $2,000. HB 2390 (smad hf), Calvey H, Aldridge S


Seamless System (see K-16, above)

Security procedures, Education Department review and ensure each district has uniform policy for all sites. HCR 1089, Lindley H, Leftwich (Debbe) S

Silence, one-minute observance, clarifying language. HB 2339 (Shell), Phillips H

Soonerstart Early Intervention Services cost reimburse for indirect administrative costs, legislative intent. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Spring break coordination, repealing. HB 1848, Bonny H

Star Spencer High students who moved into Rogers Middle School, prohibiting performance data on transcript. HB 2384, Cox H, Monson S

State aid:


Calculation of initial, based on April 1 student count. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Estimate by Education Department to districts, extending date; revised estimate, date. HB 2422, Wilt H

Charter school, first year of operation, removing calculation method. SB 713 (smad 3cc), Williams S, Roberts H

Consolidated or annexed districts, exempt from penalty for next three fiscal years. HB 2443, Roan H

Deletion. SB 1146, Crutchfield-S, Taylor-H


Allocations calculation based on first three quarters of school year. HB 2443, Roan H

Repealer. HB 2443, Roan H

Revenue reduction, method of distribution. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S

General fund balance carryover limitations, excluding certain funds. HB 2332 (smad hc; sales tax revenue, exemption, smad cc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Reduced or withheld, conditions. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S

Tar Creek relocations. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H

Statehood Day, clarifying language. HB 2339 (Shell), Phillips H

Strikes, illegal, deleting prohibition against paying wages during; educational employee organization, legal; negotiation. HB 2465, Gilbert H


Competencies, failing in third grade, interventions to bring to grade level. SB 756 (smad sc), Williams S, Roberts H

Convicted of offense as adult, youthful offender or juvenile, not permitted to enroll. SB 1329, Nichols S

Delinquent (see above)


Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program, creating. SB 1277, Pruitt S

Special education services expenditures report by State Board, date; content. HB 2302, Dank H, Wilcoxson S

Discipline, words as means of; physical leaving marks and bruises. SB 1180, Shurden S

Driver license:

Fighting (see Suspension, below)

Mathematics proficiency requirement. SB 895, Wilcoxson S

Medical evaluations (see Reading, above)

Secondary serving as election precinct officials. HB 2676, Dorman H, Monson S

Success in High Priority Schools Act, Student. SB 1470, Williams S, Blackburn H

Suspension (see below)

Test scores, certain omitted from transcripts. HB 2384, Cox H, Monson S


Accounting system of board powers, transferring to; final authority for action or decision. HB 2722, Blackburn H

Evaluations. SB 1387, Williams S, Staggs H

Public Instruction, State Superintendent of (see SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION)

Student fighting, vandalism, bringing weapon to school or suspended, driver license suspension, duties. HB 2167, Young H, Wilcoxson S

Suspensions, out-of-school:

Average daily membership definition, including for students suspended 10/more days. HB 2422 (smad hc), Wilt H

Contact parents first for temporary or permanent. HB 2163 (smad hf), McCarter H, Helton S

Fighting, vandalism, bringing weapon or suspended, driver license suspension until graduation. HB 2167 (Reinstatement, age 18 or until graduation, smad hc), Young H, Wilcoxson S

Taxes, delinquent reserve, repealing. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Teacher Preparation Commission (see TEACHERS)

Teachers (see TEACHERS)

Telecommunications, use in business and finance activities. HB 2332 (smad cc), Staggs-H, Lawler-S

Ten Commandments posting in classrooms. SB 1627 (smad hf, smde cc), Cain S, Gilbert H


Academic Performance Index, results not more than 50% of value of index. HB 2477 (smde hc), Harrison H, Laster S


Common test item bank. SB 6, Williams S, McIntyre H

Driver license criteria. HB 2147, Hiett H

Field-test, reading/language arts and mathematics. SB 6, Williams S, McIntyre H

No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, conform with. HB 2273, Coleman H; SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H; SB 713 (smad sc, smde cc), Williams S, Roberts H

Results, reports to show detailed diagnostic information. SB 6 (smad hc), Williams S, McIntyre H

Third, fourth, fifth, and eighth grades, requiring; seventh grade, funding contingency. SB 6, Williams S, McIntyre H


High school graduation requirement, deadline date; retaking; remediation; diploma contingency; alternative certificate. HB 2237, Cargill H; HB 2238, Sullivan H

Thirty thousand/more students being shared with students from previously separate school due to construction, renovation or repair, state test performance levels not be reported on transcripts. HB 2384, Cox H, Monson S

Norm-referenced, deleting requirement for fourth grade. SB 6, Williams S, McIntyre H

Standardized, student failing, parent option to put child in private, home education, or religious school. SB 6 (smad hf), Williams S, McIntyre H; SB 713 (smad hf, smde cc), Williams S, Roberts H


Braille, electronic files for instructional materials; file format standards. HB 2194 (Rehabilitation Services Department duties, smad hc), Deutschendorf H, Williams S


Evolution (see below)

Local, recommendation and purchase. HB 2194 (smad hf, smde sc), Deutschendorf H, Williams S

Evolution disclaimer. HB 2194 (smad hf, smde sc), Deutschendorf H, Williams S

Technology-based materials, definition to include equipment to use. HB 2332 (smde hf), Staggs H, Lawler S


Another district, one time; further, pursuant to Education Open Transfer Act. HB 1855 (smde sf), Peterson (Ron) H, Riley S; SB 1129, Riley S, Peterson (Ron) H

Deaf or hearing impaired, school with specialized program (unavailability, emergency, smad sc) (applications and time, smde sc). HB 1855 (smad hf), Peterson (Ron) H, Riley S

Transportation equipment:

Advertisements on exterior or interior, prohibiting. HB 2424, Kirby H

Auxiliary, construction requirements. SB 1114 (smad cc), Pruitt S, Blackwell H


Checks and warrants, deliver to successor. HB 2332 (Successor duties, smad hf), Staggs H, Lawler S

Duties, expanding. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S

Warrants interest computation, repealing. HB 2332 (smad hc), Staggs H, Lawler S


Buses (see above)

Loaned, increasing liability limits. HB 2470 (smad 2cc), Braddock H, Laster S

Transportation equipment (see above)

Vending machines, soft drinks or snacks without nutritional value:

High school, priced higher than healthy snacks/beverages. SB 1425 (smad sc), Cain S, Askins H

Not accessible to grades K-5. SB 1230, Robinson S; SB 1425, Cain S, Askins H; SB 1627 (smde hf), Cain S, Gilbert H

Replace with those meeting USDA guidelines. SB 1425 (Make available rather than replace, smad sf), Cain S, Askins H

Veterans Day, clarifying language. HB 2339 (Shell), Phillips H

Violence Education Week, creating. SB 255, Coffee S, Askins H

Warrants (see District, Public finance, above)

Wellsite safety, encouraging participation. HCR 1076, Morgan (Danny) H, Coates S

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