Ad valorem:
Exemption for totally disabled veterans for full amount of fair cash value of homestead (HJR 1044), SQ 715
Increasing qualifying income levels for senior valuation freeze (SJR 30), SQ 714
Cigarette and tobacco tax increase (HB 2660), SQ 713
Cities or counties to pledge local tax money to pay public debt (SJR 12, 2003 Session), SQ 707
Gaming (see State-Tribal, below)
Grape and Wine Commission (Initiative Petition 371), SQ 716
Authorizing (HB 1278, 2003 Session), SQ 705
Revenues, delineating how to be spent (SJR 22, 2003 Session), SQ 706
Marriage, union of one man and one woman (HB 2259), SQ 711
Rainy Day Fund, access (HB 1249, 2003 Session), SQ 708
Right to fish, hunt, trap and work in job or take part in events that deal with life (Initiative Petition 370), SQ 710
State-Tribal Gaming Act, (SB 553, repealed by SB 1252), SQ 709; (SB 1252), SQ 712
Winemakers shipping to consumers (Initiative Petition 372), SQ 717
STATE-TRIBAL GAMING ACT. SB 1252 (smad cc; State Question 712), Hobson S, Adair H; SB 553 (smad cc; State Question 709; repealed by SB 1252), Hobson S, Adair H
Administrative procedures or rules (see ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES)
Aging Services, creating new title. HB 2251, Gilbert H
Cord Blood Donations, Advisory Council on, creating. HB 2306 (smad sc, smde 2cc), Hamilton H, Shurden S
Disclosure, mandating; donated umbilical cord procedures. HB 2306 (smde sc, smde 2cc), Hamilton H, Shurden S
Corporation reverse split, issue fractional share to person previously owning less than one full share. HB 1885, Davis H, Smith S
Income tax:
Capital gains:
Oklahoma company, deduction. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Real estate earned. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Deduction for sale. HB 2421 (smad hc, smde cc), Pope H, Rabon S; HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Advisory Council membership requirements. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Petroleum Storage Tank:
Division Director, suspend payment of settlements to contested claims originally denied. HB 2616 (smad hf, smde sc), Wells H, Helton S
Release Indemnity Program exemption, fee assessment, prohibiting; owners exemption. HB 2206, Wilt H
Regulation Act, Storage Tank:
Corporation Commission:
Investigations. SB 1089, Snyder S
Powers and definitions related to the Fund. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Fund, Petroleum Storage Tank Release Environmental Cleanup Indemnity:
City or town eligibility for reimbursement, limitations. HB 2616 (Administrator reimbursement for a site assessment, smad sc), Wells H, Helton S
Contaminated property purchase and disposal, proceeds. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Corporation Commission Compliance and Inspection Department employees, pay or reimburse. HB 2616 (smad sc), Wells H, Helton S
Environmental consulting companies, ownership interest of property owners. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Equipment, acquire and sell purchased for pay-for-performance contract. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Reimbursement copayments; interest rate; re-submitted claims. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Water supply, purchase real property and easements for remediation effort and/or establishment; disposition. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Inspections, Director of Petroleum Storage Tank Division. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Program administrative limits, Legislature establish during appropriations process. HB 2616, Wells H, Helton S
Underground Storage Tank Fee Exemption Certificate, application; insurance; violations, penalty. HB 2206, Wilt H
STRAIT, DERRICK. SR 36, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Assault and battery with intent to cause or attempt, domestic abuse felony crime; penalties; treatment program. HB 2380, Peters H, Williamson S
Arbitrator, issue. HB 2713 (smde sf), Toure H, Smith S
Employment Security Commission records, subject to. SB 1275 (smad hf), Smith S, Hastings H
Judgment debtor, failure to appear, contempt. SB 1275, Smith S, Hastings H; SB 479 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Askins H
Limit for service, increasing to one year for dismissal; exceptions. SB 1275 (smde cc), Smith S, Hastings H
Witness disobeying, fine increase. SB 1625 (smde sc), Smith S, Hastings H
SUBSIDENCE INSURANCE ACT. HB 1530 (smad hc), Roberts H, Lerblance S
Accountancy Board, termination date. HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S; HB 2097, Sweeden H, Gumm S; SB 864 (smde cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Board of, creating. HB 2464, Gilbert H, Robinson S
Architects and Landscape Architects, Board of Governors of Licensed:
Board of Governors, joint board. HB 2558, Nations H
Membership. HB 2558, Nations H
Renaming Board of Governors of Licensed Architects, Landscape Architects and Registered Interior Designers. HB 2558, Nations H
Termination date. HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S; HB 2100, Sweeden H, Gumm S; SB 864 (smde cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Architectural Act Task Force, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Beef Council, creating. HB 2620, Covey H, Price S; SB 1300 (smde cc), Price S, Covey H
Behavioral Health Task Force, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Child Welfare System Reform Review Committee, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Cord Blood Donations, Advisory Council, creating. HB 2306 (smad sc), Hamilton H, Shurden S
Eldercare Program Advisory Committee:
Deleting as sunset entity. SB 864 (smad hc, smde cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Repealing. HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S; HB 2099, Sweeden H, Gumm S; HB 2251, Gilbert H
Termination date. SB 864 (smde cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Electronic Commerce Task Force:
Repealing. HB 2095 (smde sc), Sweeden H, Gumm S
Termination date; membership; reporting requirement, deleting; staffing. HB 2247, Perry H, Coffee S
Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Task Force, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Embalmers and Funeral Directors Board, termination date. SB 864 (smde cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for Professional, termination date. HB 2094, Sweeden H, Gumm S; SB 864 (smde cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Funeral Board, termination date. HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S; HB 2098, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Grape and Wine Commission, creating. HB 2219, Maddux H, Coates S
Imprisonment Task Force, Racial and Social Economic Statistical Analysis, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Latino Affairs Commission, creating. HB 2602 (smad hc), Lindley H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Long-Term Care Facility Advisory Board:
Annual report distribution, adding chairperson of appropriate legislative committees. HB 2493, Adkins H, Coffee S
Termination date. HB 2093, Sweeden H, Gumm S; HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S; SB 864 (smde cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Long-term Care Administrators, Board of Examiners, renaming from Nursing Home Administrators, Board of Examiners. HB 1854, Turner H, Snyder S
Marginally Producing Oil and Gas Wells Commission, termination date. HB 2091, Sweeden H, Gumm S; HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S; SB 864 (smde hc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Minority Teacher Recruitment Advisory Committee:
Decreasing. HB 2520, Bonny H
Termination date. HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S; SB 864 (smde cc), Gumm S, Sweeden H
Nursing Workforce Task Force, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Omnibus list. HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Patient Safety:
Joint Legislative Task Force. SB 1569 (smad cc), Monson S, Askins H
Legislative Task Force on, creating. SB 1592 (smad sf; smde cc), Monson S, Toure H
Prenatal Addiction and Treatment, Joint Legislative Task Force on, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board of Registration, termination date. HB 2096, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Improvement Board, Partnership for School. SB 756, Williams S, Roberts H
Professional Nurse Staff Task Force, Certified, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Readiness Board, Partnership for School, creating. SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H
Sheep and Wool Commission, renaming Sheep and Wool Utilization, Research and Market Development Commission. HB 2096 (smad sc), Sweeden H, Gumm S
Speech Pathology and Audiology, Board of Examiners for, renaming Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Board of Examiners. HB 2096 (smad sc), Sweeden H, Gumm S
State Use Committee, deleting. HB 2096 (smad sc), Sweeden H, Gumm S
Surface Damage Advisory Committee, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Teacher Recruitment Advisory Committee, termination date. HB 2092, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Telemedicine Advisory Council, repealing. HB 2090, Sweeden H, Gumm S; HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Care Systems and Improvement Advisory Council, creating. HB 2382 (smad cc), Pettigrew H, Robinson S
Systems Improvement and Development Advisory Council. SB 1554 (smad hc, smde cc), Robinson S, Hilliard H
Wheat Commission, renaming Wheat Utilization, Research and Market Development Commission. HB 2096 (smad sc), Sweeden H, Gumm S
Women Incarcerated in Oklahoma, Special Task Force for, repealing. HB 2095, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Children, blood lead levels, Health Department to monitor. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
DEQ authority to enter. SB 1167 (Refusal, judicial/administrative remedies, smad sc), Morgan S, Wells H
Lead Impacted Communities Relocation Assistance Act, creating; program to assist parent/guardian to child 6/under living within most affected area of site. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
Site, entry onto for polluted, conditions. HB 2615 (Refusal to allow, remedies, smad hc), Wells H, Laster S
Tar Creek (see TAR CREEK)
Appointment by Governor. SJR 28, Wilcoxson S, Balkman H
Arts, Oklahoma School of the, board of trustees. SB 1501, Snyder S, Peters H
District superintendents (see SCHOOLS, Superintendents)
Early Intervention Program, file report with Education Oversight Board; date. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Education, State Board of, length of service as member; appointment. SB 849, Wilcoxson S, Balkman H
Healthy and Fit Kids Act of 2004, programs to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 diabetes in elementary school children. SB 1627 (smde hf), Cain S, Gilbert H
Performance review of school district, request. HB 2572, Morgan (Fred) H, Williams S
School Readiness Board, Partnership for, member. SB 1, Fisher S, Peters H
Anti-sodomy laws, House of Representatives memorializing disapproval of ruling that invalidated state. HR 1027, Cargill H
Creating; gestational agreement; residency; health care expenses. HB 2401, Miller (Ray) H, Cain S
Children, blood lead levels, Health Department to monitor. SB 1490 (smad hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
Grants to public trust serving community affected by lead/zinc mining and within federal Superfund site. SB 1490 (smad cc), Morgan S, Roberts H
Lead Impacted Communities Relocation Assistance Act, creating; program to assist persons living within most affected area of site who is parent/guardian to child six/under. SB 1490 (smad hc; valid rental agreement or home owner in Ottawa County, smad hf), Morgan S, Roberts H
Moving expenses. SB 1490 (smad hf), Morgan S, Roberts H
Conversation Commission Tar Creek Mine Reclamation Revolving Fund, creating; funds designated project; interest. SB 1020 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Family option to sell property to state for average county market value. SB 1490 (smde hc), Morgan S, Roberts H
Project, funding. HB 2060 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Regulations; education; fines. SB 1307 (smad sc), Shurden S, Lindley H
Studio Licensing Act, Tattoo, creating. SB 1307 (smde sc), Shurden S, Lindley H
Chief Tax Administrative Law Judge, position; Administrator; administrative law judges; fund; employees transfer from Tax Commission. HB 2717, Toure H
Creating within executive department for hearings on state taxes; judicial authority; records, open. HB 2717, Toure H
Ad valorem taxes, Property Tax Increment Deferral Act, duties. HB 2659 (smde hc), Perry H, Capps S
Administrative hearings, creating State Office of Tax Administrative Hearings; transfers. HB 2717, Toure H
Appropriations (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Boats and motor registration, notice of fee. HB 2132 (Antique boats decal, rules, smad sc), Peters H, Dunlap S
Building construction within Lincoln Boulevard Renaissance Project. HB 1994 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; SB 1079 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Bullets or ammunition, forms for fee levy. SB 1359, Robinson S
Cigarette and tobacco:
Products tax increase, duties. HB 2660 (State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Tax Advisory Committee, duties. HB 2660 (smad cc; State Question 713), Adair H, Hobson S
Commercial motor carrier certificate of title and license plate refusal, conditions. HB 2336, Carey H, Crutchfield S
Administrative hearings support staff, transferring to State Office of Tax Administrative Hearings. HB 2717, Toure H
Weigh station, firearm. SB 888, Corn S
Enterprise zone, verification of state local government matching payment, issue warrant. SB 1176 (smad cc), Williams S, Peters H
CompSource Premium Tax, creating within for tax credits; rules. HB 2434 (smde sc), Askins H, Laster S
Income Tax Withholding Refund Account, check off for support of training of court appointed special advocates, credit. HB 2129 (Supervision and recruitment, smad sf), Carey H, Gumm S
Local Development Act Increment Leverage, creating. SB 1176 (smad sf, smde cc), Williams S, Peters H
Motor/Diesel Fuel Indemnity ("1695J Fund"), transfer to Special Cash. SB 967 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Quality Investment Payment, creating. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Animal Friendly special license fee apportionment. HB 2429 (smde sf), Miller (Doug) H, Aldridge S
Color Oklahoma License Plate, apportionment. HB 2241 (smad hf), Sullivan H, Aldridge S; HB 2429 (smad sf), Miller (Doug) H, Aldridge S
Disbursements, exempt from all agency budget limits. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
License plates, special, fees; apportionment. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Tag agents fees for special license plates and application acceptance, pay. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Waste Tire Recycling Indemnity. SB 1107, Lawler S, Sweeden H
Tobacco Use Reduction, tobacco products tax increase apportionment. HB 2660 (smad hc, smde hf), Adair H, Hobson S
Grape Resources and Wine Production Act, duties. HB 2219, Maddux H, Coates S
Gross production tax:
Compliance issues, study. SCR 82, Monson S, Pope H
Oil and gas, computation deadline. SB 1253, Crutchfield S, Sweeden H
Purchaser reporting number, one-time payment equal to average monthly remittance due. SB 1081 (smad cc, smde cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Homestead exemption, determine estimated median income for area; ballot. SJR 30 (Companion bill, HB 2208), Monson S, Pope H
Incentive committees, creating:
Approval. SB 1323, Shurden S
Review, annual review of tax incentives. SB 1516, Fisher S, Hilliard H
Income taxes:
Business income distributed exemption, duties. HB 2622 (smad hc), Wilson H, Rabon S
Agriculture cooperatives and associations investments, increasing and transfer, duties. HB 2644, Covey H; SB 1126, Gumm S
Educational improvement income program, duties. HB 2389, Calvey H
Employer expenses for paid family leave. SB 1183, Williams S
Ethanol manufacturing facility, transfer. HB 2361, Covey H, Price S; SB 1243, Laughlin S; SB 857, Price S, Covey H
Farm Service Agency guaranty for lending programs, report. HB 2585, Roggow H, Milacek S
Industry using premium electric service, duties. SB 1282, Kerr S, Covey H
School materials purchase for benefit of, verification form. HB 2368, Jones H; HB 2409, Young H
Pass-through entity. SB 1556 (Nonresident member, exemption for withholding income tax, smad cc), Crutchfield S, Pope H
Pet Overpopulation donation checkoff, duties. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S; HB 2557, Nations H, Crutchfield S
International Registration Plan (IRP)/International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Section:
Abolishing; transfer; transition coordinators; reports; goals. SB 141 (smad cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 842, Leftwich S
Compacts or agreements, Transportation Department authority to modify. SB 141 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 842, Leftwich S
Resolution of claims asserted by Illinois and eleven other jurisdictions, continues as solely responsible. SB 141 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Transferring to:
Corporation Commission. SB 141 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Transportation Department. SB 141 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H; SB 842, Leftwich S
Language, clarifying. SB 1182 (Shell), Shurden S
Legislation, proposed, establish fiscal impact. SB 1239, Laughlin S
License plates:
Fewer than 100 issued and renewed discontinue, time frame; prepaid application, criteria; duties. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Girl Scouts of the United States of America Supporter, licensing agreement; payment to Girl Scouts of Magic Empire Council. HB 2241 (smad hc), Sullivan H, Aldridge S; HB 2429, Miller (Doug) H, Aldridge S
Lions Club, licensing agreement with Lions Service Foundation; apportionment for each plate issued. HB 2429 (smad hf, smde sf), Miller (Doug) H, Aldridge S; HB 2557 (smad hf), Nations H, Crutchfield S
Uniform basic format, joint study with DPS. HB 1994 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Trailer, design. HB 2562, Nations H; HB 2696, Ferguson H
Master Settlement Agreement Complementary Act, duties. HB 2474, Braddock H, Coffee S
Motor Vehicle Enforcement Section:
Abolishing; transfer; transition coordinators; reports; goals. SB 141 (smad cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Transferring to:
Corporation Commission. SB 141 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Transportation Department. SB 141 (smad cc, smde 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Motor vehicles:
Motor Fuel/Diesel Fuel Importer for Use License, transferring duties to Corporation Commission. SB 141 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Registration, amended; fee. SB 1120 (smad sc), Rabon S, Pope H
Security interest release. SB 1120 (smad sc), Rabon S, Pope H
Traffic photo-monitoring system, municipal. SB 1298, Helton S, Nations H
Weight, facilities and equipment for determining, transferring to Transportation Department. SB 141 (smad 2cc), Smith S, Mitchell H
Oil/natural gas, producing lease, notification of changes. SB 1081 (smad cc, smde cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Poultry Waste Transfer and Utilization Incentive Program, duties. HB 2578, Newport H
Quality Investment Act, duties. HB 2373 (smad hc), McCarter H, Leftwich (Debbe) S
Research and Technology Venture Capital Investment Tax Credit Act, duties. SB 1487, Pruitt S
Sales tax:
Database. SB 1121 (smad cc), Rabon S, Pope H
Electronic funds transfer and data interchange program; remittance schedule. SB 1320, Nichols S
Soft Drink Tax Code, duties. HB 2116, Ellis H
Tag agents, motor vehicle (see MOTOR VEHICLES, Tag agents)
Tax Preferences Review Act, creating. SB 1323, Shurden S
Tobacco products, wholesale and distributor reports; documentation; tax stamps; fraud; distributor license. SB 1443, Crutchfield S
Turnpikes fees, option to pay annually. SB 1576, Pruitt S
Volunteer firefighters income tax exemption (and vehicle registration, smde cc), duties. HB 2372 (smad hc), Hutchison H, Corn S
Weigh station employee (see Employees, above)
Withholding tax, pass-through entity not withhold, duties. HB 2658, Calvey H; SB 1556 (smad cc), Crutchfield S, Pope H
Wrecker operator's lien. SB 1416, Helton S, McCarter H
Alternative Placement Program, education requirements. SB 1473 (smde sc), Williams S, Nations H
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Career, definition. HB 2393, Staggs H, Crutchfield S
Alternative, competency exam comparable to general education and subject area portions, alternative. HB 1756, Hefner H, Rozell S
Board of Education duties. SB 1272 (smad cc), Corn S, Harrison H
Child Study Center at University Hospital, experience. SB 1272 (smad cc), Corn S, Harrison H
College degree to be recognized by State Board of Education. SB 1272 (smad cc), Corn S, Harrison H
Corrections Department (see below)
Counselors (see below)
Criminal history check. SB 922 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Issue before residency committee, Attorney General representation. SB 1380, Williams S
Psychologists, speech-language pathologists and audiologists, bonus. SB 1207, Crutchfield S, Staggs H
School psychologist or psychometrist completed while employed as doctoral intern, psychological assistant or psychologist with any state agency. SB 1272 (smad cc), Corn S, Harrison H
Technology school, mathematics and science teacher, secondary subject area. SB 598, Wilcoxson S, Coleman H
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. SB 1272 (smad cc), Corn S, Harrison H
Certification, alternative (see Certification, above)
Foreign language:
Fluent, excepting from licensure requirements. SB 811 (smde sc), Williams S, McCarter H
Native speaker. SB 811 (smad sc), Williams S, McCarter H
Qualifications of individuals required to be assessed by Review Panel. SB 747 (smad 2cc), Williams S, Liotta H
Notification dates:
Changing. HB 2422, Wilt H
Reemployment. HB 2443, Roan H
Salary and benefits to be disaggregated; form for reporting. HB 2589, Wilson H
Corrections Department:
Experience, consideration for certification and salary increments; Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, considerations. SB 1272 (smad cc), Corn S, Harrison H
Special education certification, salary. SB 1365, Capps S
Counselors, National Board certification. SB 1414, Williams S, Blackburn H
Dismissal, abandonment of duty as cause. SB 1278 (Absent 5 consecutive days without notifying school administration, smad sf), Laughlin S, Blackwell H
Dyslexia, treatment. SB 1456, Wilcoxson S, Morgan (Fred) H
Evaluations, performance levels. SB 1387, Williams S, Staggs H
Immunity for injury to child, school grounds/function, unless previously convicted for same. SB 1424, Laughlin S
Income tax:
Credit, classroom supplies. SB 1358, Laughlin S
Exemption, salary:
First $27,060.00. HB 2256, Winchester H
Twenty-five percent in the first 60 months of employment at public school. HB 2105, Trebilcock H
Insurance (see STATE GOVERNMENT, Insurance, Education)
Liability protection. HB 2661 (smad hc, smde cc), Adair H, Hobson S
Algebra I, beginning in high school. HB 2334 (smad sc), Staggs H, Lawler S
Grades K-12, improving. HB 2334 (smad sc), Staggs H, Lawler S
Initiative, creating; PASS mathematics training modules offered through summer academies; peer coaches; stipends. HB 2334, Staggs H, Lawler S
Middle School Mathematics Task Force, creating. HB 2567 (smad hc), Greenwood H, Wilcoxson S
Mentor, selection process. HB 2246 (smde hc), Perry H, Brogdon S; HB 2512, DeWitt H; HB 2517, Blackwell H; SB 1125, Ford S, DeWitt H; SB 1276, Brogdon S; SB 1534 (smad cc), Wilcoxson S, Peterson (Pam) H
Middle school:
Governor Henry's goals. HB 2334 (smad sc), Staggs H, Lawler S
Licensure policies. SB 814 (smde sc), Williams S, Staggs H
Mathematics Improvement Program, creating. SB 814 (smad sc), Williams S, Staggs H
Task Force (see Mathematics, above)
Minority Teacher Recruitment Advisory Committee (see SUNSET LAW)
Motto, "E PLURIBUS UNUM [Out of Many One]" and "IN GOD WE TRUST", display. HB 2477 (smad sc), Harrison H, Laster S
Organization, designated representative, negotiation exclusions. SB 1458, Pruitt S
Performance bonus (see Salary, below)
Post-retirement, 60-day period considered constructive break in service; probation. HB 2393 (Full-time teacher, smad hf), Staggs H, Crutchfield S
Preparation Commission:
Appropriation (see APPROPRIATIONS)
Dyslexia program, accreditation requirements. SB 1456 (smad sc), Wilcoxson S, Morgan (Fred) H
Education programs, accredit, renew accreditation of or approve, duties. HB 1756, Hefner H, Rozell S
Evaluations, performance levels. SB 1387, Williams S, Staggs H
Foreign language, native speakers, streamline requirements. SB 811 (smad sc), Williams S, McCarter H
Mathematic Improvement Program:
Creating; professional development, proposals; fund. SB 911 (smad cc), Morgan S, Mitchell H
Funding. HB 2012 (smad cc), Mitchell H, Morgan S
Middle School Mathematics Improvement Program. SB 814 (smad sc), Williams S, Staggs H
Phonics instruction. SB 1451, Maddox S, McCarter H
Professional development:
Instructors, criteria. SB 1125, Ford S, DeWitt H; SB 1534 (smad cc), Wilcoxson S, Peterson (Pam) H
Proposals. SB 1473 (smde sc), Williams S, Nations H
Reading Curriculum and Instruction Task Force, duties. SCR 50, Maddox S, McCarter H
Recruiting efforts for high-poverty, low-achieving schools. SB 1534, Wilcoxson S, Peterson (Pam) H
Study, effects of national certification on student achievement. SB 1534, Wilcoxson S, Peterson (Pam) H
Teaching competencies and levels of performance. SB 1473 (smad sc), Williams S, Nations H
Transferring to State Board; employees and monies, transfer; references, deleting; repealer. HB 2520, Bonny H
Professional development:
English as second language development training; criteria. HB 2601 (State Board, develop, smad hc), Lindley H, Williams S
Institute instructors, selection. SB 1276, Brogdon S
Local committee, selection process. HB 2513, DeWitt H; HB 2517, Blackwell H
Middle school mathematics. SB 814 (smad sc), Williams S, Staggs H
Protection Act, Education Quality and, creating for filing of lawsuits against. HB 2575, Newport H
Psychotropic medicines, policy to recommend use of observations and resources with parents or guardians, share. HB 2272, Coleman H
Recruitment Advisory Committee, termination date. HB 2092, Sweeden H, Gumm S
Reemployment (see Contracts, above)
Residency committees:
Administrators appointment, providing. HB 2162, McCarter H
Evaluation, utilize standard instrument; training. SB 1387, Williams S, Staggs H
Higher education educators if unable to find mentor teacher, exception. HB 2162, McCarter H
Retention Act, Teachers, creating. SB 1458, Pruitt S
Retired, earnings, modifying amount. HB 2393 (smde hf), Staggs H, Crutchfield S
Retirement (see RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, Teachers)
National Board Certified, mentoring others. SB 1534, Wilcoxson S, Peterson (Pam) H
Performance. SB 1310, Branan S, Winchester H
Teach for Oklahoma program. SB 1470 (Master teacher bonus, smad sc), Williams S, Blackburn H
Deductions to professional organization, terminate upon written request. HB 2246 (smad hc), Perry H, Brogdon S
Employed by same district for next year as preceding, clarifying language. HB 2662 (smad sf), Adair H, Corn S
Fringe benefits:
Amount paid to be included in salary. SB 1106 (smad hf), Corn S, Adair H
Employed by same district for next year as preceding, clarifying language. HB 2662 (smad sf), Adair H, Corn S
Hospital or medical benefits, and sickness, accident, health or life insurance, deleting. HB 2662, Adair H, Corn S
Income tax exemption (see Income tax, above)
Increase. SB 1272 (Fringe benefits, smad sc; subject to availability of funds, smad hf), Corn S, Harrison H
Maintain current level in 2004-05 year. HB 2012, Mitchell H, Morgan S
Increasing; adding additional year steps to schedule. SB 1272 (Subject to availability of funds, smad hf), Corn S, Harrison H
Schedule. HB 2662, Adair H, Corn S; SB 1458, Pruitt S
Post-retirement employment, minimum schedule viewed as maximum; calculations. HB 2393 (smde hf), Staggs H, Crutchfield S
Retired classified member of Teachers' Retirement System returning to work, capping. HB 2370 (Employer pay contribution; service credit, prohibiting, smad hf), Jones H, Wilcoxson S
Underpayment complaint, date. HB 2662 (smad sf), Adair H, Corn S
School Protection Act, creating; meritless litigation; immunity; costs and attorney fees to prevailing defendant; punitive damages. SB 1215, Pruitt S
Special education teaching competencies. SB 1456 (smad sc), Wilcoxson S, Morgan (Fred) H
Technology (see TECHNOLOGY CENTER)
Threatening to cause physical injury or property damage to, felony. SB 1427, Corn S
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