Turkey / Turquie
UN Forum of Arts and Culture [en]
Suite E4 Zuma Mall
20 Ndola Crescent
Wuse Zone 5 PMB 5179
+234 70 31840111
unfacnigeria@yahoo.com; venusbays@yahoo.com
Domains/domaines :
- knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
Nigeria / Nigéria
UNESCO Centre for Melilla [en]
Centre pour l´UNESCO à Melilla [fr]
Centro UNESCO de la Ciudad Autonoma de Melilla [es]
General Marina, 12 - 2º D
+ 34 639 15 79 76; + 34 660 091 092
unescomelilla@telefonica.net; unescomelilla@gmail.com
Creation/création : 1996
Budget : US$60000
Domains/domaines :
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- Convivence interculturelle
Measures/Measure :
- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal education
Participation in statutory meetings/aux réunions statutaires :
2.COM; 3.COM
Promouvoir les hauts idéaux, principes et valeurs de l’UNESCO, tant en Espagne qu’aux divers régions de l’UNESCO (Europe, Amérique Latine et Caraïbes, etc.).
On peut concrétiser sur les suivants objectifs spécifiques:
- Développement durable, dans le cadre philosophique de l’UNESCO.
- Sauvegarde et mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel aussi bien matériel, dans ses volets historique-artistique et naturel, qu’ intangible.
- Contribuer à la réussite des objectifs du millenium de l’ONU.
- Renforcer le modèle politique démocratique à travers la formation de la société civile.
Nous énumérons brièvement les dernières activités réalisés:
- Participation à la deuxième réunion du Comité Intergouvernemental de la Convention PCI, à Tokyo (Japon) du 3 au 7 septembre 2007.
- Participation aux Premières Journées Nationales sur la Protection de l’Environnement et le Patrimoine Culturel, à Matalascañas - Huelva (Espagne) du 3 au 6 octobre 2007.
- Participation au V Congrès Ibéroaméricaine de Parcs et Jardins Publiques, à San Miguel de Tucumán (Argentine) du 2 au 13 novémbre 2007.
- Organisation et tenue de…
- Coopération pour favoriser la convivence interculturelle avec la population d’origine, culture et langue Tamazigth, dans la région du Rif, la population d’origine et culture juïve et la population d’origine et culture éuropéenne.
- Coopération avec la Fédération Nationale Gambienne sur l’origine et la route de l’esclavage.
- Coopération avec des groupes de recherche de la culture et la langue guaraní, en le Paraguay.
Spain / Espagne
UNESCO Etxea: UNESCO Centre of the Basque Country [en]
UNESCO Etxea: Centre UNESCO pays basque [fr]
UNESCO Etxea: Centro UNESCO del País Vasco [es]
[UNESCO Etxea: Centro UNESCO Euskal Herria]
Alda. de Urquijo, 60 – ppal. dcha.
48011 – BILBAO
Creation/création : 1991
Domains/domaines :
- Language diversity
Measures/Measure :
- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- Advocacy and sensibilization
UNESCO Etxea is a NGO with an international outreach which works for the culture of peace, for sustainable human development and for human rights, locally and globally.
Towards this end:
- it actively participates in international processes and initiatives;
- it fosters ther transformative inter-relationship between Basque society and the international community (especially UNESCO and the UN);
- it contributes opinions and observatons of its own, through research, advocacy, training, innovation, and the dissemination of information amongst the public.
UNESCO’s Constitution proclaims in its…
The Amarauna Languages Group of UNESCO Etxea (www.amarauna-languages.com) is the area that develops our whole activity on Languages and Cultures. It enhances awareness of linguistic heritage and cultural diversity, with the aim of disseminating their importance for human development. The Amarauna World Languages Network began as a project which aimed to promote linguistic rights and its goal is to strengthen relations among institutions that work on language diversity heritage. Here there are our goals:
• CIRCULATION to spread the world…
Amarauna Languages Group of UNESCO Etxea has always worked in contact with the Basque Community and Basque speakers. All of our activities, communications and publications are made in Basque language. Furthermore, UNESCO Etxea also promotes an intense work of translation of United Nations and UNESCO’s official documents. Therefore, Amarauna works enhancing the Basque speaker community, a minority
language in the territory, and works in close collaboration with the population. On the other hand, UNESCO Etxea network is constituted with several…
Spain / Espagne
UPCP-Métive : Centre des musiques et danses traditionnelles du Poitou Charentes et de la Vendée [fr]
Maison des cultures de pays
1 rue la Vau Saint-Jacques BP 03
79201 PARTHENAY Cedex
+335 49 94 90 70
Creation/création : 1968
Domains/domaines :
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
Measures/Measure :
- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal education
Métive, est le CMDT du Poitou Charentes et de la Vendée. Et fédère une 50e d’associations s’intéressant à la culture poitevine saintongeaise sous ses aspects les plus variés et aux cultures populaires en général. En documentation : mise en place du CERDO centre d’études de recherche et de documentation sur l’oralité. Le fonds gère un fonds d’archives sonores important et met en ligne sur internet une base de données sur les musiques traditionnelles et la litterature orale. Le cerdo…
Union d’associations pour la littérature et les arts [fr]
Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic / République arabe syrienne
Union of Cultural Centers - Chitalischa [en]
Union des « Foyers de la culture » de Bulgarie - Tchitalishta [fr]
[Съюз на народните читалища]
Sofia 1000
Place "Slavejkov" N 11, et.3
3592 408 1599
union-chit@abv.bg; s.vrancheva@gmail.com
Creation/création : 1856
Domains/domaines :
- oral traditions and expressions
- other
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
- histoire de site, education, memoire de famille, des villes et de village
Measures/Measure :
- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- transmission, (non-)formal education
Participation in statutory meetings/aux réunions statutaires :
Organiser de manière non formelle bénévole, les représentants de différentes couches sociales, des groupes de population des âges variés. Les foyers de la culture sont situés dans plus que 2000 villes et villages dans toutes les régions du pays. Ils proposent des activités différentes comme: bibliothèques, clubs d`intérêts, musiques et danses folkloriques, histoire de site, coutumes et artisanats populaires, spectacles vivants etc.
Les foyers de la culture en Bulgarie ont une longue histoire. Ils sont crée au 19ème siècle pendant Le Reveil bulgare, pour l’education populaire, l’independence nationale et religieuse. Aujourd’hui ils jouent un rôle renove des centres de la vie culturelle, sociale et spirituelle. Les buts de l’Union de foyers de la culture englobent des activites suivants:
-développement et enrichissement de la vie spirituelle de population.
-préservation de coutumes et traditions locales.
-développement de la créativite de ses membres.
-élargissement de l’éducation de population…
L’union des foyers de la culture travalle en accord avec l’associasion de communautés, avec des spécialistes de musique, danses ,coutumes et autres praticiens du patrimoine culturel immateriel. Les foyers de la cultures organisent ses activités en accord avec des communautés.
Bulgaria / Bulgarie
Union of Lithuanian Folk Artists - ULFA [en]
[Lietuvos tautodailininkų sąjunga]
Stikliu Street 16
+370 5 2120564 / +370 685 33935
Creation/création : 1966
ULFA has six regional branches all over Lithuania. These regional branches are the places for gathering for various folk artists expressing themselves in weaving, sculpture, wood working, basket weaving, graphics, painting, ceramics, smith works, jewelry, traditional arts.
During a year ULFA organizes around 150 events: creative and theoretical seminars, plenary meetings, exhibitions of various genres, painting days, competitions, fairs, etc. ULFA funded the collection of the best folk art pieces with the intention to exhibit them with the idea to promote Lithuanian folk art. The pieces from this collection were exhibited in Ireland, Bulgaria, Denmark, Poland, Mexico, Russia, Sweden. Books “ULFA Collection of Exhibits. Sculpture”, “ULFA Collection of Exhibits. Painting. Graphics” were published.
Lithuania / Lituanie
Union of Open-Air Museums of Slovakia [en]
Starhradska 12
Slovakia / Slovaquie
Universidad Estatal a Distancia - UNED [es]
Sabanilla Montes de Oca
Apartado 474-2050
Ciudad Colón
Costa Rica
506 532121/2241689
Universidad Estatal a Distancia La Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) es una institución de carácter público que goza de autonomía. Su misión es ofrecer educación superior a todos los sectores de la población, especialmente a aquellos que por razones económicas, sociales, geográficas, culturales, etarias, de discapacidad o de género, requieren oportunidades para una inserción real y equitativa en la sociedad. Para ello hace uso de los diversos medios tecnológicos que permiten la interactividad, el aprendizaje independiente y una formación…
Costa Rica
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Costa Rica - UNA [es]
Edificio Rectoría 2do piso
Centro Gestión Tecnológica
Calle 9, Avenidas 0 y 9
HEREDIA 86-3000
Costa Rica
506 2773134
Creation/création : 1973
Measures/Measure :
- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
La Universidad Nacional establece la investigación, la docencia, la extensión y la producción artística como base de su accionar y como núcleos articuladores desde los cuales se analizan de forma integral y sistemática, los temas estratégicos y se proponen soluciones alternativas a las necesidades de la sociedad. Para esto renueva y mejora continua y creativamente los procesos académicos y de gestión para hacerlos más ágiles y eficientes, al tiempo que fortalece la dimensión internacional de la vida académica a…
Costa Rica
Universidad de Costa Rica
Sede "Rodrigo Facio Brenes" Montes de Oca
Costa Rica
(506) 2207-4000
Costa Rica
Universidade de Vigo [es]
Campus Universitario
C.P. 36310 Vigo (Pontevedra)
+34 986 812 692
Creation/création : 1990
Participation in statutory meetings/aux réunions statutaires :
Spain / Espagne
Variaties vzw [en]
Blandijnberg 2
9000 GENT
Domains/domaines :
- oral traditions and expressions
Koepelorganisatie voor dialecten en oraal erfgoed in Vlaanderen
Belgium / Belgique
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology [en]
Nguyen Van Huyen road
Cau Giay district
Viet Nam
(84-4) 3.7562193
Creation/création : 1997
Domains/domaines :
- knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
Measures/Measure :
- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- transmission, (non-)formal education
Vietnam Museum of Ethnology was established in 1995 and opened in 1997. It is one of the young museums in Vietnam. After 10 years’ creative performance it has proved its prestige in not only the domestic but also international community. It is now the centre that keeps and safeguards tangible and intangible cultural heritages of 54 ethnic groups residing in Vietnam.
Viet Nam
Vietnam national academy of music [en]
Me Tri
My Dinh
Viet Nam
(84-4) 3.7854881/ 0912260244
Domains/domaines :
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
Measures/Measure :
- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- transmission, (non-)formal education
The Institute of Musicology is a specialized institution that focuses on traditional music heritage of Vietnam. It was founded in the 1950s. For the past 50 years, the Institute has built up a huge archival storage with 17,027 folk songs and 8,845 musical pieces of 54 ethnic groups residing in Vietnam, performed by 1,848 artists. In addition, it also possesses large number of materials collected from newspapers, monographs, ancient books about traditional folk music. Based on that achievement, in…
Viet Nam
Vilnius Association of Lithuanian Folk Artists’ Society [en]
Vytenio g. 13
LT – 03112 VILNIUS
+370 5 2339509 / +370 5 2339509 / +370 699 36016
Lithuania / Lituanie
West Zone Cultural Centre - WZCC [en]
Bagore ki Haveli, Gangaur Ghat
0294 -2523858 / 2422567
Creation/création : 1985
Domains/domaines :
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
Measures/Measure :
- revitalization
West Zone Cultural Centre is one of the seven Zonal Cultural Centres set up by the Govt. of India to provide facilities for the creative development of performing arts, visual arts, traditional folk & tribal art forms and literary pursuits in the western region of India in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and union territries of Daman, Diu & Dadra Nagar Haveli. The main thrust of the Zonal Cultural Centres is to network and disseminate cultural activities…
India / Inde
World Martial Arts Union - WoMAU [en]
700 Geumreung-Dong, Chungju-si
Republic of Korea
secretariat@womau.com; president@womau.com; chunjy@hanmail.net
Creation/création : 2002
Budget : US$500000
Domains/domaines :
- traditional craftsmanship
- Traditional games; security and safety skills
Measures/Measure :
- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- transmission, (non-)formal education
Participation in statutory meetings/aux réunions statutaires :
2.COM; 2.EXT.COM; 2.GA; 3.COM
The World Martial Arts Union pronounced the following shared cognition about martial arts that motivated its founding members to create the organization.
- That countries have particular martial arts with unique forms and features which originated and evolved through the ages in response to the particular security needs of the people concerned, and that such martial arts, an important cultural heritage of the people, share in forming their national character and outlook.
- That martial arts, originally in the past age…
- Since its creation in 2002, the World Martial Arts Union has organized, the yearly event of demonstrative performances of martial arts of the various countries and peoples, the Chungju World Martial Arts Festival.
- 2002 (30 country teams)
- 2003 (35 country teams)
- 2004 (30 country teams)
- 2005 (15 country teams)
- 2006 (15 country teams)
- 2007 (16 country teams)
- 2008(27 country teams), to be slated for 2 – 8 october, 2008
- Annual general assembly of members in October every year,…
As is presented under item 6c above, the WoMAU works closely with its member organization in the various countries. All of its member organizations are of group of martial arts practitioners and many of them are recognized masters in their respective martial arts.
The administration and the citizenry of the host city of our Union, that is the locate of the Secretariat, are extremely supportive to the activities of our union.
For its work, the WoMAU is getting some financial support…
Republic of Korea / République de Corée
Xikpok Mexico [es]
Pino 343, Col. Atlampa
Del. Cuauhtemoc, C.P. 06450
(5255) 5547 1077 - 5339 1178
Mexico / Mexique
Xunta pola Defensa de la Cultura Asturiana [es]
c/ Instituto 20, 4º
33201 GIJON
Spain / Espagne
Xunta pola defensa de la llingua asturiana [es]
Cai La Gascona, 12 -3u.
33001 UVIEVU
985 229 553
Creation/création : 1984
Domains/domaines :
- oral traditions and expressions
Measures/Measure :
- preservation, protection
- transmission, (non-)formal education
La Xunta pola Defensa de la Llingua Asturiana ye una organización social, independiente y apartidista que tien como únicu ámbitu d’actuación el de la defensa de la llingua asturiana y de los derechos llingüísticos de les persones falantes d’asturianu.
Esto permite que cualquier persona, interesada en trabayar por un futuru dignu pa la llingua asturiana pueda facelo na Xunta, independientemente de la so afinidá política o idiolóxica. Asinamesmo permite que la Xunta pola Defensa de la Llingua Asturiana pueda actuar…
Spain / Espagne
Yang-Ju Byeulsandaenori [en]
236-16 Yuyang-dong
Gyeonggi-do 482-140