Objectives/objectif: Objective of the Organisation:
a) To promote and develop the rural folk arts.
b) To ensure and protect the original form of the folk arts of Tamilnadu, and develop the same by involving the community, groups and individuals.
c) To protect the traditional art forms from alterations and modifications of modern era.
d) To develop and to preserve Tamil culture through the folk arts.
e) To raise awareness through cultural programs at local, regional and national levels of the importance of the…
Activities/activités: The organization was founded by the highly motivated youth who worked for the institutionalization and proper recognition of the filed of education as folk art in Tamilnadu with an objective to impart cultural skills to young boys and girls in an educational environment in a formal school setting. In his endeavor, he received fullest cooperation and support from the district administration and named after Tamilnadu Rural Arts Development Centre headed by the Commissioner of Madurai Corporation. Prior to this,…
Cooperation/coopération: Its experiences cooperating with communities, groups, and intangible cultural heritage practitioners;
Since its formation as a rural folk art development centre, it has been doing many Yoeman services to the traditional folk artists and their family especially while organize them under one roof and promote them in a climate where there is a gap between modern arts and traditional arts. In fact most of these traditional arts such as “OPPARI” which is a folk song that will be sing on…
Creation/création : 2003
Domains/domaines : - knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
Measures/Measure : - identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- promotion, enhancement
- promotion, realisation and sensitisation of the convention to every man in the street and especially to youth and children
Tapis plein vzw is an organisation that realizes projects concerning actual heritage and a contemporary approach of our collective intangible heritage. It aims to interact strongly with people in its projects, going to schools, youth centres, diving into the city life or the neighbourhood. Heritage education and public sensitisation are the most important dimensions in our mission. Tapis plein always tries to realize these projects in a young, experimental and graphical attractive way so to function as an eye-opener…
Belgium / Belgique
Tertulia Cultural “El Garrapiellu” [es]
c/ Puerto Leitariegos 28, 1º A
33207 GIJON
Spain http://elgarrapiellu.blogspot.com/
+34 (0) 985 20 21 12
Creation/création : 1990
Budget : US$4000
Domains/domaines : - oral traditions and expressions
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
Measures/Measure : - identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal education
Participation in statutory meetings/aux réunions statutaires : 2.EXT.COM
Tertulia Cultural "El Garrapiellu" is a non-profit -making institution dedicated to the defence and promotion of the Asturian traditional cutlure in all aspects (oral traditions, crafts) and especially its language, the Asturian, nowadays in danger of extinction.
Spain / Espagne
Thanjavur Kaveri Annai Kalai Mandram
Chinthamani, Tamil Nadu Housing Board
Residential Area, Housing Unit.
India srinet504@rediffmail.com
Domains/domaines : - performing arts
Measures/Measure : - identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- Conduct training and orientation for the drama artists. Present awards to encourage them to continue this traditional dramas.
Objectives/objectif: - To Safeguard the Traditional performing Arts particularly Tamil Drama which is seriously deteriorating due to the influence of Cinema and Television.
- To inculcate the spirit of the Society in their traditional Social Practices, rituals and heritage.
- To identify talented artists in Tami! Drama, provide them to stage their dramas in an Annual Convention and to encourage them to safeguard this traditional Tamil Drama.
- To conduct these in conformity of the Rules of Indian National Cultural Centres.
Activities/activités: 1. Staged thirty Dramas of ancient culture; Fifteen Historical Dramas; Five hundred Social Reform Dramas. Folk Songs programs for the past 40 years.
2. Conducted 38 Annual Drama Conventions inviting Drama Artistes from various places, and offered awards to them continuously.
3. Encouraging Dramas depicting the philosophy of eminent personalities of India
4. Encouraging Dramas emphasizing the need of literacy.
5. Participated in Drama Competitions conducted by other organizations and won more than 700 awards.
6. WISDOM Award in 2004 for the best drama…
Cooperation/coopération: A. Co-operating with South Zone Cultural Centre, Thanjavur many Dramas of Traditional Culture were conducted in several villages to awaken Rural Community to realize their Culture.
B. Inviting many traditional Drama groups and training them to safeguard discipline, moral, ethics and our children to take up this an and continue the Drama in traditional style so that it will not be modernized and fail to continue our heritage.
C. Inviting Street Play and Music Play anistes who are at present in…
India / Inde
The Cultural Heritage Association of Vietnam [en]
19, Ngoc Ha str.
Ba Dinh district
Viet Nam http://www.hoidisan.vn/
Creation/création : 2004
Domains/domaines : - knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
Measures/Measure : - identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- transmission, (non-)formal education
The Cultural Heritage Association of Vietnam (hereafter referred to as Association) is a social, occupational association that assembles Vietnamese organizations, individuals operating occupation or having arduous favour for cultural heritage in order to take part in protection and promoting cultural values...
Duties of the Association
1. Assembling, uniting and pushing up cooperative relationship between organizations and individual members, pushing up exchange of information, theory, experience in safeguarding ICH;
2. Enhancing the people’s awareness, mobilizing organizations, individuals to take care of cultural…
Viet Nam
The Firmament [en]
[Het Firmament] (t)Huis voor figurentheater in Vlaanderen
Veerle Wallebroek
Frederik De Merodestraat 65
B-2800 Mechelen
Belgium www.hetfirmament.be
+32 (0) 15 34 94 36
contact@hetfirmament.be; veerle@hetfirmament.be
Objectives/objectif: - MISSION STATEMENT
The Firmament is an acknowledged nationwide centre for puppetry heritage. It acts as an inspiring and professional pioneering organisation, by acquiring and transferring knowledge and expertise on the tangible as well as the intangible aspects of puppetry heritage. The main focus is on safeguarding, research, and contemporary techniques of presentation. By doing so, The Firmament tries to enhance the visibility of the art of puppetry and its dynamic heritage.
The Firmament wants to be a place where people…
Activities/activités: Since the foundation of The Firmament in 1968, important initiatives are taken in order to safeguard the tangible and intangible heritage of puppetry in Flanders. Taken into account the elaborate history of the organization, only some recent activities will be looked at more closely.
One project however deserves special attention:
1. Realisation of the ’masterplan for puppetry and its heritage in Flanders’ (September 2009).
The latest UNESCO convention regarding intangible cultural heritage has gone anything but unnoticed in Flanders. Due…
Cooperation/coopération: Belgium is renowned for its extensive puppetry tradition, which can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Travelling puppeteers established themselves as community in Flanders around 1800. As of then, certain (local) traditions took shape gradually, and were passed on from generation to generation. As an example: ’Koninklijk Poppentheater Toone’ from Brussels performed for the first time in the 1830s, and the ’Poesje van de Reep’ from Antwerp in 1862. Both are still performing today.
The Flanders puppetry heritage…
Belgium / Belgique
Thunchan Memorial Trust [en]
Thunchan Parambu
TIRUR - 676 101
Malapuram District, Kerala
India http://www.thunchanmemorial.com/
+91 494 2422213
thunchan_mrc@bsnl.in; info@thunchanmemorial.com
Creation/création : 1964
Activities/activités: - Cultural
Over the years Thunchan Paramba developed into one of the premier cultural centre of Kerala. Conferences which include literary sessions, recitation of poetry and discussions on topics with social significance are attended by major writers from all over the country. Distinguished artistes perform in the evenings.
- Vidyarambham
Even before the memorial came into existence, people used to bring children to Thunchan Paramba on the Vijayadasami Day. This day which usually falls in the month of October is celebrated all…
India / Inde
Tourism Folklore Research Center Youth Club - TUFAK [en]
[Turizm Folklor Araştırmaları Kurumu] Halk sok. Kültür Apt. 20/3
Sıhhiye 06420
Turkey http://www.tufak.org.tr
Creation/création : 1958
Objectives/objectif: TUFAK was established in 1958 in order to study our folk dance, folk music and cultural values, thereby creating an anthology and transferring these assets to the next generation and to introduce our country to the world thereby contributing to the development of the country culture and tourism, and as an amateur club, it has continuously carried on its activities in light of these objectives for the last 50 years.
Activities/activités: In three international contests, namely, “Carthaginian Festival” in Tunisia in 1968, “Dijon Festival” in France in 1981 and “Zwollen Festival” in Czechoslovakia in 1983, it had the pleasure to represent our country and came first, and as a result, had the satisfaction for achieving its mission in line with its objectives.
Cooperation/coopération: Our club has intensively and successfully been involved and is still engaged with the EU Youth Exchange Projects both in different regions of our country and abroad since 2005, and so far, it has had the honor to receive several success plaques and laudatory documents from numerous public and private organizations.
Turkey / Turquie
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library - TKDL [en]
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg,
NEW DELHI 110 001
India http://www.tkdl.res.in/tkdl/langdefault/common/Home.asp?GL=Eng
91-11-23714208 / 91-11-23738174
Creation/création : 2001
Domains/domaines : - knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
- social practices, rituals and festive events
Measures/Measure : - identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
Activities/activités: TKDL provides information on traditional knowledge existing in the country, in languages and format understandable by patent examiners at International Patent Offices (IPOs), so as to prevent the grant of wrong patents. TKDL thus, acts as a bridge between the traditional knowledge information existing in local languages and the patent examiners at IPOs.
The project TKDL involves documentation of the traditional knowledge available in public domain in the form of existing literature related to Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Yoga,…
Cooperation/coopération: TKDL is a collaborative project between Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology and Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and is being implemented at CSIR. An inter-disciplinary team of Traditional Medicine (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Yoga) experts, patent examiners, IT experts, scientists and technical officers are involved in creation of TKDL for Indian Systems of Medicine.
India / Inde
Traditions for Tomorrow [en]
Traditions pour Demain [fr]
Tradiciones por la Mañana [es]
12 Promenade John Berney
1180 ROLLE
Switzerland www.tradi.info
+41 02 18 25 23 31
Budget : US$300000
Domains/domaines : - knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- systèmes traditionnels de gouvernance, éducation bilingue-interculturelle, communication
Measures/Measure : - preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- transmission, (non-)formal education
- mise en réseau de communautés détentrices du PCI; sensibilisation par des actions de communication (publications, presse,
expositions) au rôle et à l’importance de la tradition dans le développement
Participation in statutory meetings/aux réunions statutaires : 1.GA; 1.EXT.COM; 2.COM; 2.EXT.COM; 2.GA; 3.COM
Objectives/objectif: Patrimoine culturel immatériel de peuples et de communautés rurales, notamment autochtones.
• Accompagner moralement, techniquement et financièrement des projets de terrain de valorisation d’expressions de la tradition dans de multiples domaines de la culture populaire.
• Participer à la sensibilisation des Etats, organismes internationaux et structures non gouvernementales sur la défense des expressions culturelles traditionnelles comme moteur de développement durable. Conseiller ces instances dans la mise en oeuvre de politiques de sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel.
Activities/activités: a) Sauvegarde des cultures traditionnelles en Amérique Latine : accompagner par un soutien moral, technique et financier des projets et programmes de valorisation des expressions de la culture traditionnelle de peuples et communautés amérindiennes et également afro-américaines. Dans ce sens, et depuis sa création en 1986, Traditions pour Demain a soutenu et accompagné plus de 400 projets dans une douzaine de pays d’Amérique latine, auprès d’une soixantaine de différents peuples autochtones et de minorités ethniques. Ces projets touchent:
• les…
Cooperation/coopération: Traditions pour Demain depuis 1986 collabore excusivement et de manière directe avec les communautés locales en milieu rural. La pratique des centaines de micro-projets à budget modeste, conçu et menés par ls communautés directement, que Tradition pour Demain a soutenu, lui ont permis de développer une expérience dans le travail avec les communautés et les praticiens du PCI. Chaque initiative a pour objectif la revalorisation très concrète d’une forme d’expression du PCI. Selon les cas elle s’étende de un…
Brazil, Slovakia / Brésil, Slovaquie
Troupe de danse des tourneurs [fr]
Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic / République arabe syrienne
Turkey National Center of UNIMA [en]
[Milletlerarası Kukla ve Gölge Oyunu Birliği Türkiye Milli Merkezi] Konur Sok. No: 66/12
Turkey mevlutozhan@gmail.com; unima_turkey@yahoo.com
Creation/création : 1990
Domains/domaines : - oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
Measures/Measure : - identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- transmission, (non-)formal education
Objectives/objectif: The center which aims to introduce Turkish puppet and shadow theatre arts in Turkey and in the foreign countries, to make known other nations puppet and shadow theatre arts in Turkey, to research, develop, protect and let live these arts, has realized most of these subjects like the introduction of our puppet and shadow theatre in Turkey and in foreign countries, the protect of artists’ rights and the development and diffusion of these arts.
Activities/activités: The mentioned works that carried on protection and preservation of Turkish Shadow Theatre Karagöz, as an important intangible cultural heritage, for eighteen years is attached.
A meeting about preservation and presentation of Turkish Shadow Theatre Karagöz, named ’Karagöz Workshop’, has been held in July, 22 2008 in Ankara. Some official institutions, NGO representatives, artists, scientist and researchers were invited to that workshop. At the end of the workshop an action plan for 5 years was prepared.
To organize and…
Cooperation/coopération: Our organization is in cooperation with individuals, institutions, local authorities and NGOs for creation, preservation, protection and transmission about intangible cultural heritage. For example ’Intangible Cultural Heritage-Living Karagöz Symposium’ has been held in cooperation with Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Gazi University and UNESCO Turkey National Commission in April, 27–29 2006 as well as ’Karagöz Workshop’ has been held in July, 22 2008 in Ankara and for presentation of Karagoz Tradition, UNIMA Turkey organised ’Karagoz and Hacivat Figures Exhibition’,…
Turkey / Turquie
Turkish Folklore Research and Application Center (TFRAC) [en]
[Gazi Üniversitesi Türk Halkbilimi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi] Gazi Üniversitesi Fen. Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Halkbilimi Bölümü
Turkey ocaloguz@gazi.edu.tr; thbmer@gazi.edu.tr
Creation/création : 2003
Domains/domaines : - knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
- oral traditions and expressions
- performing arts
- social practices, rituals and festive events
- traditional craftsmanship
Measures/Measure : - identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- transmission, (non-)formal education
Participation in statutory meetings/aux réunions statutaires : 3.COM
Objectives/objectif: The Turkish Folklore Research and Application Centre (TFRAC), which is founded in 2003, has shaped its activities and researches in accordance with The Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage after its adoption in 2003. TFRAC has organized activities such as international symposia and exhibitions under the five domains manifested in the Convention.
TFRAC aims at:
- supporting intangible cultural heritage studies in Turkey;
- raising public awareness concerning the importance of intangible cultural heritage;
- highlighting the role of intangible…
Activities/activités: Founded in 2003, the Turkish Folklore Research and Application Centre (TFRAC) has shaped its activities and researches in accordance with The Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage after the adoption of this convention in 2003. TFRAC contributes to ICH studies in Turkey by organizing international symposia, exhibitions and publishing books in conformity with the spirit of the Convention. “The Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum” established by the Turkish Folklore Research and Application Centre is supported with the scientific…
Cooperation/coopération: TFRAC is well-experienced and full-fledged about cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners. The administration of TFRAC believes that implementing the requirements of the Convention highly depends on effective cooperation with the communities, groups, practitioners, bearers and performers of ICH. TFRAC is also in formal collaboration with national foundations and municipalities such as the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Intangible Cultural Heritage Expert Committee of Turkish National Commission for UNESCO. Cooperation with…
Turkey / Turquie
Türk El Sanatlarını Tanıtma Derneği
Tunalı Hilmi Cad. No:70/4