'NOTE: There is one Extraordinwry WSU6 to the Official
. Gazette,Seri68 III No,. 12 dated SO~6-1991 Of the 8ame date from pgs. 133 to p'gs. 176 regarding Notifieatians from Town andOountry Planning Deparrtmentana Department 6f Eduootion (Goa' Un~versity). .
finance .(Expenditure) Department,
19th. Goa Ma~doviWeekly Dr.aw
Date .of. draw: 14th November, 1990.
.. RBB.:ULTS:. ,
First Prize: (l) :Rs. 1,00;000/-DU 258532. ,Second Prize: (Ii): Rs. 5,OOQ/-'each: One ineach.serles. DU DV ',DW ox DY .253339 . 123677 ' 119696 .235551 198607
-Third Prize: (40).: Rs..500/-each: Numbers ending with last 5 digits in,rul series as follows: 32015 89622 ·04185 85202 F~ourth Prize: (400):Rs. 50/-each: Numbers endingv\;ith last 4 qigits in al! Series ~.follows: . . 8583, 0889 Fifth Prize:, (400) :Rs. 20/-each: Numbers ending with last ,j, digits in rut series ,as folloWS: 90040654 ' '. 2801, 8698 Sb(thPriZe: (10:000): Rs. 10/-each:' Numbers ending with. last 3 digits in rut series as folloWS: 0~5 111 . 273 397 490 540 624 731' 888 915 -Seventh Prize: (40.000):Rs~ 5/-e.ach: Numbers ending With last 2 digits in rut series as follows:, . .' '. 34 84, 62 4~,
20% of the .. 1st:p~,wi11 be towards paYlllents to Agents. seliers andU:!to.e~jsf:$; .' .' . • :'.' " .' .
Panaji, .14th November, 1990; ,..-TheEx-Offlcl0 ,Director of Lotteries,S. S.• ByqJli.
~4~(~.5}_:,~~. .s'~?o/~ ~ach-: One .in each series: .
;;:''"''',''J\''>:F'~'''!' '''.·G!.;;"
.!' ;::H-····'·:·:r" '.':
:'k .~: .'.
.f '
! .1as~:!>;:g~~~in all:seri.es as follows:
,~#~j,,]:c.J4310 85476
597595 49660
.' ..
. . ".-,.
Fift~ Prize: (2500): Rs; 50/-each: Nun'lbers'e~ding" witlk . last 4 digits in all series as fonows: : li39 6580: ' .3627 5863 422·1 6184 4598 2414 /,8603 6325
Sixt;h Prize: (2500): Rs~ 2.0;-ea,ch: Nunlbers' ending with
witli Ja;st 4 digits iri'aU·series as follows:
2154 8053 8221 1735
1588 7468 ' 1232 7535'
". ',l:?ev'eh~:Btize:i J~5;(80):'-:Rs;1O/-each:
j;,'\Withlast3'digit~ in aJlst'iJ;ie;s as foliows: .S"·~!d7D°c.: '. ·~03j'·,.? 296 375
573 650' 750 347 0324
8818 Numbers endirig'
Ouiofevery cash prize aiRs. 5,000/-and above, an amo~t.•. eq:tial to 15%: will be .deducted fordistr:ib'ution among the Agents, Sellers and' Stockists: '. '.
·PanaJi,. 16thNov~he;,. ·1~'90.':'-~he E~-Officio Director
of Lotteries,S.' S. ByaU;
, .
32nd Jai MathruBhun1.i Weekly Draw
.' Date ~f. dtaw:.17tn November,·l9W
'f_ . .-. ".' '. ~ ,"
First Pi'ize: (1): Rs.-5,OO,OOW~ JN144M~
Plus MarutiCar.. .... ..
Con~blation Prize:· (4) :Rs. 5;000'/-each: To the ticketS bt. . ;the' remaining 4 series bearing-the. ,·1st ,prize winnillg"number. . . . 3M JOJP JR
144644144644 ... '144644 . 144644
JM IN JO' 'jp JR
148944 226132. 146964131695 '191253
." . . .' ~
Third :Prize:(20):;Rs, 5,090/-each: :(4' in each series):