Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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Size (Clustering of Water)

Water molecules cluster together (small clusters absorb into your body easier).

So the question is, how much water should you drink? I suggest that you drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day plus an extra 5 ounces for every 15 minutes of strenuous exercise.

Signs of Dehydration

To test for dehydration in children, have them hold their arms straight out in front of them with the back of the hands together (palms out). If they cannot do this, it’s an indicator of dehydration. A simple test for adults is to pinch the skin on the back of your hand, hold for 2 seconds and release. If the skin does not snap back this can indicate dehydration. Please note that older individuals tend to have less elasticity and therefore their skin will not bounce back the way a younger person’s skin will. Technically, the pinch test is looking at skin turgor, which is the skin’s ability to resist change and use elasticity to return to normal. Dehydration reduces elasticity of the skin.

The easiest test is to look at the color of your urine when you go to the bathroom. Dark yellow urine indicates dehydration. The goal is to have clearer urine every time you use the bathroom through the day. Please note that certain supplements will darken your urine (yellow), like certain B Vitamins.

The most accurate clinical dehydration tool that is available today is a Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis machine. This machine tests body composition and specifically looks at metabolic tissues, intracellular water, extracellular water, bone tissue, and fat. From this, total body water, body cell mass, extracellular mass, fat-free mass, and fat mass can be determined. When looking at intracellular water as representing nutrient status, more is better. Likewise, a lower level of extracellular water, which represents toxin status, is ideal.

A three year study on aging at Tufts University determined that body composition (muscle mass) is the most important factor in determining how healthy we will be in our later years.109 A professional model from Tanita® is recommended for this testing. Doing a Tanita® scan is quick, painless, and non-invasive. I recommend going to the bathroom before running this test. Simply take your socks and shoes off and stand on the machine. Within 10 seconds you receive a report with all the information you need.

On the report will be a listing labeled TBW (total body water). Take the TBW and divide it by your total body weight and then multiply that number by 100 in order to find the hydration percentage of your body.

______ /_______ X 100 = ________________________ TBW Weight Estimated Hydration Level %

Note: Individuals who are severely dehydrated may receive an inaccurate measurement. Tanita’s® Tanita’s® 50-65% for males. I have found this range to be too low. Hydration numbers I look for are 55-60% for females and 60-65% for males.

Recommended Hydration Range (based on current research) is 45-60% for females and Another important measurement from a body composition reading is the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). The BMR reflects the amount of calories used by the body to maintain normal functions when at rest. Daily activities and exercise increase BMR by approximately 15%. BMR helps you establish how many calories your body needs to achieve proper energy balance every day. Knowing this number will help you put together a nutritional plan that will be optimal for you.

B3) Proper Diet

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14 Foods That Cleanse Your Arteries And Enhance Normal Blood Flow

Cranberries, Orange Juice, Tomatoes, Chia Seeds, Kiwi, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Apples, Turmeric, Green Tea, Pomegranate, Olive oil, Sunflower Seeds, Avocado

Non hybrid foods

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Perhaps right kind cheese and milk

If wheat grains do not agree with your body, try these delicious and healthy grain alternatives, including farro, millet and amaranth.

RAW MILK combats chronic fatigue syndrome

Instead of wheat, I have oats and will try Amaranth (gluten-free), Millet (gluten-free) "There's no single one that's the superfood," she added. "You want a variety."

B4) The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is essential and it’s very difficult for people who cannot seem to get good rest on their own to find a solution. Those who take sleeping pills find it difficult to stop taking the medication and still get rest. A recent study in Canada which included 14,000 participants over a period of 12 years suggests that sleeping pills and anxiety medications increase the risk of dying by 36% when compared to those who didn’t take those medications.110

According to the CDC, about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems.111 Sleep deprivation is extremely harmful to your health and is linked to the development of disease. Every major system of the body including the digestive, respiratory, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems slow down during sleep. The nervous system actually increases while you sleep and is responsible for healing your body. If you don’t sleep, the body does not have a chance to heal!

Sleep is included in the Step 2 of the 5 Steps to Restoring Health Protocol™ (Drain) because when you sleep, the glial cells in your brain shrink and clear out toxins through the fluid channels of your brain. Research reveals that your brain removes toxic waste during sleep through what has been termed the “glymphatic system.” Glymphatic is a hybrid term comprised of glial cells and the lymphatic system. This system is only active when you sleep. Glial cells are essentially the immune system of the brain and are half the weight of the brain.112

This is most likely why research shows that lack of sleep causes both brain damage and brain shrinkage! Lack of sleep may even accelerate the onset of Alzheimer’s disease because it causes inflammation of the brain.113 Studies show that when you sleep five hours or less, your work quality is that of a drunk person!114

_______ Sleep is Required to Drain Your Brain! _______

If you find that you begin sweating within four hours of going to bed, you suffer from early night sweats. This is likely due to your adrenal glands needing support. I also recommend investigating a possible Vitamin D deficiency.

15 Ways to Improve Sleep Naturally

Establish a Routine: A routine not only includes going to bed or lying down in bed at the same time every night, but also includes everything leading up to bedtime (brushing your teeth, washing your face, drinking some water, praying, etc.) Reading before bed can also be very helpful. I would just caution against reading a “how-to” type of book. Biographies or something dry would be better.

Get to Bed Early: Improve sleep naturally by getting ready for bed and lying down before 11pm at the latest. Many experts consider the hours before midnight being worth double what the hours after midnight are worth.115 For example if you go to bed at midnight and wake up at 8am, that’s 8 hours and worth 8 hours as well. Compare this to going to bed at 10pm and awaking at 6am, that’s 8 hours of time, but is worth 10 hours!

Avoid Alcohol: Although alcohol will make people drowsy, the effect is short lived and people will often wake up several hours later, unable to fall back asleep. Alcohol will also keep you from falling into the deeper stages of sleep, where the body does most of it’s healing.

Get Fit: Improve sleep naturally by exercising early in the day. This creates more energy during the day and allows for a deeper sleep at night.

Avoid Blue Light: Electronics such as computers, televisions, smart phones, and tablets have blue light as one of their primary color wavelengths. Being exposed to blue light (wavelength of 460-480nm) has been shown to suppress melatonin, which affects your ability to sleep.116

An increase of melatonin at _______ night is important for the body

to get into a proper sleep Cherries are a good

cycle. There are software source of melatonin.programs that take the blue_______light out of electronic devices to mimic what happens when the sun sets. There are also glasses you can wear that block the blue light from hitting your eyes (also known as amber glasses or “blue blockers”). The easiest option is to simply put the electronics down at least one hour before going to bed.

Avoid Stimulating Things: Avoid eating or drinking anything with caffeine such as chocolate, coffee, or soda after lunch. Caffeine is a stimulant and ingesting it within hours of your bedtime will impact your ability to sleep. I would also include watching television in this category. Don’t watch television right before going to bed because it is a stimulant! This is especially true in your bedroom.

Create a Completely Dark Room: Creating a dark environment to sleep in is especially important if you work third shift or live in a city where there are lights on outside of your bedroom during the night hours. Purchase blackout shades, blinds, or curtains that block all the light out. Remove any electronics from the bedroom that give off light (like a stereo or alarm clock) or at least cover it up at night to block the light. Closing your bedroom door if light comes through it, and even putting a towel along the base to prevent light from seeping in are also recommended. Avoid night lights of any kind, especially blue light!

Empty the Mind: If you are a person who has racing thoughts when you lay down at night, you need to empty your mind. I find that writing down what you are thinking about really helps in this area. Create a “To Do list” for the following day before you lay down and keep a piece of paper and pen by your bed in case you need to write something down in the middle of the night.

Bathe in Positive thoughts: Write affirmations and read them every night before going to bed. This creates a large pool of positive thoughts for your mind to ponder before going to sleep. An example of an affirmation is “I’m more relaxed than ever because I choose peaceful, loving thoughts and release my fears, my worries, and my anxieties.” Or saying the serenity prayer “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Get the Temperature Right: Your body’s heat distribution system is strongly linked to sleep cycles. Even lying down increases sleepiness by redistributing heat in your body from the core to the periphery. When you sleep, your body’s internal temperature actually drops to its lowest level, generally about four hours after you fall asleep. Scientists believe a cooler bedroom may therefore be most conducive to sleep, since it mimics your body’s natural temperature drop. Taking a warm bath 90 to 120 minutes before bedtime may also help you sleep because it increases your core body temperature. Then when your body temperature abruptly drops after you get out of the bath, it signals to your body that you are ready for sleep. Any temperature above 75 degrees Fahrenheit and below 54 degrees will interfere with your sleep.

White Noise: Having consistent white noise is very important if you sleep in an area where there is a lot of random background noise during the night hours. I suggest using an air filter or fan to create consistent background noise. Some people have a hard time adjusting to this initially, but give it time.

Check Your Mattress: Comfort is important, but the main concern I have is the chemical toxicity of your mattress. I recommend putting an allergen cover on your mattress and pillows.

Ground Yourself: Research shows that having your feet on the actual earth’s ground, such as walking barefoot outside, helps to reduce stress on the body by absorbing the earth’s extra electrons.117

There is a well known company that has trademarked the name Earthing®. The products they sell offer ways to ground yourself, which has been used in the computer industry for years to avoid static shock. They make pillowcases and bed sheets with a 5% conductivity single thread of silver stitched into the sheets. The grounding products I recommend have a 100% conductive surface just underneath the fabric. This allows us to mimic the way our ancestors used to sleep (on a piece of leather on the ground).

_______ Grounding has been shown to reduce

EMF’s on the body. _______

Point Your Bed in the Correct Direction: My wife and I started getting strange nightmares and were not able to sleep restfully. One day, a patient was talking to my wife and after chatting about our problem, the patient asked what direction our bed was facing. My wife told her it was facing north (head of bed). This patient’s eyes got wide and she immediately said that ideally, we should point our bed towards the east or south. We thought back to when our nightmares began and realized that it started when we had rearranged our bedroom and turned our bed to face north! We rearranged our bedroom again to have our bed face south and our sleep immediately improved.

Some people refer to the bed facing north as the “death position.” It appears that this has to do with the magnetic polarity of the body and the earth. Even though I haven’t found much scientific research on this particular topic, I decided to put this in my book because my wife and I have personally benefited from this. It’s something to try. From what I understand, the human body acts as a magnet with the head as its North Pole. If the head points north while sleeping, the North Pole of the body and the North Pole of the earth will repel each other, which affects our blood circulation and causes disturbed sleep and stress.

Avoid Where Cats Sleep: Cats, ants, and termites are attracted to what is termed “geopathic stress zones.” If you have a cat, avoid where your cat sleeps or get a geomagnetometer to measure magnetic fields in your home.

Important Considerations

As you have read, many of these steps to naturally improve the quality of your sleep are easy to try. These tips have benefitted many people, but understand that sleep will always be a problem if the source of your sleep deprivation is not addressed. This can include emotional, chemical, and/or physical insomnia I see stress. The most common source of in my clients is heavy metal toxicity, specifically mercury toxicity. Like I said earlier, mercury targets the brain. This is troublesome because the brain is the primary area controlling your body’s sleep cycle and quality of rest.

B5) Oxygen

Oxygen supply – your car needs a good oxygen supply to work

In order for mitochondria to be able to burn fuel to make energy they require a good oxygen supply. There are several ways in which this might be impaired:

Diagnoses which conventional medicine should pick up on:

Poor oxygen carrying capacity of the blood i.e. anaemia – this is usually picked up by standard medial tests.

Respiratory failure – usually obvious – the lungs have been damaged by disease such as from smoking, emphysema, chronic asthma, oedema from heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary embolus or whatever. Again this should be picked by conventional medicine.

Heart failure

Severe atherosclerosis (arterial disease) – blood vessels narrowed so blood supply impaired.

Diagnoses which conventional medicine usually does not pick up on:

The low output state of the heart when affected by mitochondrial failure

Autonomic neuropathy – which may result in low blood pressure and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). This has been greatly researched in CFS and is no doubt a problem. But I think that this is not the cause but a symptom of another problem – ie the low cardiac output state we see in patients with very poor mitochondrial function. In this event the heart does not contract powerfully because it does not have the energy supply to allow it to do so. This means the blood pressure falls despite the body’s efforts to maintain it – ie vasoconstriction. Clinically we see low blood volumes (secondary to vasoconstriction) and fainting or severely low blood pressure when the patient stands up because the heart cannot beat powerfully enough for long enough to sustain blood pressure whilst in the vertical position. It is much less work for the heart to maintain blood pressure lying down!

Hyperventilation – the idea here is that for whatever reason, the patient over-breaths. One cannot increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood this way, so oxygen levels are not increased, but carbon dioxide is washed out. This changes the acidity of the blood is such a way that oxygen sticks more avidly to haemoglobin. So oxygen is not released to the mitochondria where it is required and so mitochondria go slow, so cells go slow and this results in fatigue. See HYPERVENTILATION. This is a common problem especially in people with a tendency to anxiety. The changes in acidity can also have an adverse effect on translocator protein function, ie mitochondria work less well and this further compounds the problem. Hyperventilation is a very common problem, so do read the further information on the website. We can test for hyperventilation by measuring a Carbonic anhydrase in red cell.

Carbon monoxide poisoning also results in oxygen sticking more avidly to haemoglobin and has the same effects as hyperventilation. CO poisoning from exogenous factors such as poorly ventilated heaters is well recognized – indeed it is estimated that one in twenty heating appliances leak carbon monoxide. However CO poisoning may also result from the body’s own endogenous production of CO, when stress enzymes are induced. Again this is associated with symptoms of hypersensitivity which can be to light, noise, touch, pain, chemicals or electromagnetic radiation. See CARBON MONOXIDE AND MULTISENSITIVITY, (MUSES SYNDROME). Further information from: CO-Gas Safety, Station Building, The Parade, Claygate, Surrey KT10 0PB Tel: 01372 466112/466135 website: A support group for survivors of CO poisoning has been launched recently, called CO Awareness. Their website address is:

B6) The Colon

It is said that when the beloved singer/ actor Elvis Presley died, the autopsy revealed that he had about 80 to 90 pounds of impacted fecal matter in his digestive tract! Having regular bowel movements is a necessity before anyone would start Step 3 of the 5 Steps to Restoring Health Protocol™ (Eliminate). To be “regular” means that you have a bowel movement at least once a day, preferably twice. The colon is in an excretory mode in the morning and in an absorptive mode in the evening. Therefore, morning is typically when people have to poop. I will discuss colon timing more when we talk about intermittent fasting.


Remember: The KING (Elvis Presley) died on a porcelain throne. _______

The most important point to understand about the colon and bowel movements is that good bacteria creates more intestinal movement than fiber. I have nothing against increasing your fiber intake, but I rarely recommend it just for bowel motility. The medications you take often impact bowel motility more than anything else (many medications list constipation as a common side effect).

a) The Power of Vitamin C

I love to use herbal and energetic type formulas to help with the motility of the colon. As I stated earlier, magnesium helps with intestinal motility. Another favorite intestinal motility tool of mine is Vitamin C because it leads to loose stools when used in high doses. The amount of Vitamin C that causes this reaction is called the “saturation point.” Everyone’s saturation point is different and may change over time. Previously, my wife could take 20 grams of Vitamin C a day and not get loose stools, whereas I would take 4 grams and I would be running to the bathroom. I have found that my clients who are struggling with the most serious issues benefit greatly from adding more Vitamin C to their regimen.

How much Vitamin C should you take?

An easy way to determine how much Vitamin C you should take is to first determine your saturation point. Starting in the morning on an empty stomach take 1 ½ grams of Vitamin C every 15 minutes with water, making sure to count and record each dosage. Continue until you get watery or diarrhea-like stool. This is what is referred to as your saturation point. You will typically feel gurgling and rumbling in your stomach area before you get loose stool. Take note of the amount of Vitamin C you had taken up to that point and reduce it by 25%. That is the amount you should take daily to encourage healthy bowel movements! For example, let’s say after taking 12 grams of Vitamin C you experienced having loose stool. In this scenario, you would reduce the amount to 9 grams daily.

I’ve had clients do this test and still not get loose stool even after taking doses of Vitamin C every 15 minutes all day. Keep in mind that I help many people who are severely sick. If you find yourself in this situation, get in contact with a trained health practitioner who can assist you further.

What type of Vitamin C is best?

I recommend Vitamin C in a buffered form, commonly referred to as ascorbate. The most important thing to watch out for are bad fillers and sugars in the supplement. You can get Vitamin C in a powder form, but I want you to know that plain Vitamin C tastes like chalk. Companies often add sugar such as fructose or sucralose to the Vitamin C to help it taste better. I recommend the capsule form of Vitamin C so you get the benefit of the Vitamin C without the added sweeteners or unpleasant taste of the plain powder. If you can’t swallow a capsule or if the supplement is for a child, there are Vitamin C’s that have stevia and/or xylitol added to them in order to improve the taste naturally.

b) Three suggestions for bowel motility

(1) Rubbing the sides of the sternum (breast bone) because that is a pooping reflex point. This is an idea that is great for kids. Be aware that pain on the sides of your sternum is a possible indicator of Lyme disease. If your pain is persistent, I suggest that you seek the advice of a health professional.

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