Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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When weight loss surgery works, it's only because of bacteria changes in the gut

6/24/2013 - Each year, roughly 200,000 morbidly obese Americans go under the knife for weight loss surgery. Most all doctors perform this surgery to save lives and it seems to be working for many. According to the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, after weight loss surgery, patients lose up to...

Synthetic vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, kills beneficial probiotic bacteria in the gut

4/27/2013 4:46:06 PM - Most people nowadays are well informed about the numerous health benefits of vitamin C, and find ways to incorporate it in their diets, either by taking supplements or eating more foods that contain the vitamin. While the many benefits of vitamin C are well-documented, such as its ability to boost the...

Probiotics transform emotional response and affect your brain activity

3/27/2013 - The health effects of our friendly bacteria of our gastrointestinal tract are rarely fully understood by most in the medical field, and even less appreciated by the general public. The population's minority of health conscious consumers do understand the intestinal flora's digestive importance. As...

How to heal your gut using everyday spices

3/11/2013 - There are many reasons why people develop gastrointestinal problems -- poor diet, food sensitivities and allergies, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), anxiety and stress are among the most common triggers. And while there is no one-size-fits-all method to treat gut-related disorders once they have...

Probiotics are not only powerful gut-healers - they improve bone density, study shows

3/7/2013 - A doctor of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) once told this author that "disease begins in the gut." Ayurvedic medicine also has a similar premise. Bad or sub-optimal digestion leads to all sorts of disease. That includes disease beyond the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride...

Increasingly rare gut infection reduces risk of stroke, lung cancer

2/27/2013 - A gut infection that is increasingly rare in wealthier countries actually reduces the risk of strokes and some cancers, according to a study conducted by researchers from New York University (NYU) and published in the journal Gut. "The significance of this study is that this is a prospective cohort...

Food allergies in children linked to bullying, abuse: study

2/24/2013 - A recent study conducted by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai discovered by survey that almost a third of children with allergies are bullied by other children. The survey was conducted on 251 pairs of parent and their children with allergies, and was reported in the online...

Leaky gut syndrome - Naturally conquer this silent threat to health

1/17/2013 - Suffering from brain fog, confusion, poor memory or irritability? How about more serious disease like cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis or Alzheimer's? All of these and more are linked with leaky gut syndrome. Physicians and natural medicine practitioners both agree: The foundation for health is always...

The gut-mind-emotion dance

12/24/2012 - Through a recent conversation with my new colleague, Chiara Marrapodi, I learned a lot about the connection among the gut, mind and emotions. Chiara recently appeared as a guest on the November 21, 2012 episode of Mental Health Exposed. This article is based on Chiara's research. Phrases like "gut...

Micro flora balance is key to health

12/21/2012 - The digestive tract is loaded with trillions of microorganisms that form a natural ecosystem commonly called the gut flora. Certain lifestyle stressors throw off the natural symbiosis and cause a rise in pathogenic microbes, chronic gut inflammation and damage to the gut lining. Healthy micro flora...

Five superfoods that will heal your gut

12/12/2012 - The root of good and bad health resides in the gut. This is a centuries old maxim of both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and India's Ayurvedic medical practices. Over the last few decades, renegade MD's, holistic practitioners, chiropractors, and alternative health nutritionists have realized...

Heal autism, depression and autoimmune disorders with a GAPS diet

11/26/2012 8:29:11 AM - The Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet (GAPS) is not for the faint of heart. It requires patience and dedication, not to mention time -- up to three years. But for those suffering from asthma, food intolerance and allergy, developmental delays, depression or a spectrum of digestive disorders, it can be...

Incidence of gluten sensitivity skyrocketing in the U.S. - Are GMOs to blame?

11/12/2012 - Gluten intolerance has reached epidemic proportions -- a staggering 40 percent of the U.S. population now suffers from it in one form or another. Celiac disease alone strikes one in every 133 Americans. Taking into account the fact that gluten sensitivity has risen sharply over the last 20 years, researchers...

Seven methods for creating the best digestion of your life

11/2/2012 - Dealing with the symptoms of chronic digestive dysfunction can be discouraging for many people, especially when unknown dietary and environmental triggers constantly seem to create bloat, abdominal pain, gas, and other problems. But correcting the issue can also be as simple as eating certain foods...

Four natural remedies for a quick and easy gut detox

10/22/2012 - Pathogenic bacteria already exist in even a healthy gut. But the healthy gut maintains a balance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria of usually 80 to 85 percent beneficial to 20 or 15 percent pathogenic. This ratio is normal for a human body that houses an estimated 100,000 billion (one trillion...

Cure eczema the natural way

10/21/2012 - A painful and often debilitating disease, eczema is a skin disorder that is suffered by millions. Frequently treated with steroids, the immune system is further compromised -- inflaming the dermis and creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. Toxic vaccinations also aggravate this distressing...

Detoxing your gut can help you avoid Type 2 diabetes, according to scientists

10/8/2012 - Two separate studies in different areas of the world have come to similar conclusions: An imbalance of the gut's intestinal flora can be a precursor to Type 2 diabetes. These were mainstream medical studies, one in China and the other in Denmark. The focus was not on detoxification. They seem to...

Type 2 diabetes breakthrough: Imbalance in gut bacteria likely cause

9/27/2012 - We've all heard the news about the enormous, world-wide epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Not only is this form of diabetes (which results from the body's inability to effectively use insulin) soaring among adults, it is now hitting children and teens as well. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the...

More than just a gut feeling - How mood and emotions are influenced by the 'second brain'

9/8/2012 - Attitude and outlook may not all be in the head. Researchers have found that the gut can function like a second brain -- influencing the nervous system and behavior. High fat intake has been shown to affect this gastrointestinal nervous system, helping to improve emotional balance. But not any fat will...

Top five reasons why you should remove grains from your diet for good

9/5/2012 - Government guidelines and advice from medical doctors can often lead people to believe that cereal grains are the foundation of a healthy diet. The food pyramid, now renamed the food plate, dictates that people should eat several servings of whole grains each day to provide an adequate supply of vitamins,...

The destructive nature of leaky gut syndrome

9/1/2012 - The digestive tract is loaded with trillions of microorganisms that form a natural ecosystem commonly called the gut flora. This ecosystem is designed to be symbiotic in that it benefits both the individual and the microbes. Certain lifestyle stressors throw off the natural symbiosis and cause a rise...

We are 90 percent microbes: Human Microbiome Project aims to map gut flora

8/7/2012 - Certain biologists and a big part of the natural treatment community have long been preaching about the vital importance of the tiny microorganisms in and on our body. In the last couple of years, the research on the subject has sky-rocketed, and a whole new approach to disease prevention and treatment...

The silent killer: Modern lifestyle promotes Leaky Gut and low-level chronic inflammation

7/16/2012 - Chronic low-level inflammation is often considered the foundation of disease. The big debate is where this inflammation stems from and how we can reduce it. Research the last 10 years has increased our knowledge on leaky gut and how it affects our health. Today we find a growing number of experts who...

Food intolerance epidemic - Why does it happen, and can it be treated?

7/4/2012 - True food allergies are very rare, but observations and research lead to believe that there's a fast-growing number of people experiencing some type of food intolerance. Fatigue, bloating, diarrhea or other issues appear many hours after a meal. This delayed response makes it hard to know exactly what...

Change your gut flora and lose weight

6/29/2012 - Obese and lean individuals have different gut flora composition. The gut microbiota of mice and humans are similar, with Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes dominating. At this point it's not clear exactly which species are important in weight management. Some studies show reduced numbers of Bacteroidetes...

Experts 30 years later - Intestinal fungi like Candida can contribute to disease

6/25/2012 - Certain biologists and "alternative" practitioners have long been supporting the notion that intestinal fungi can contribute to disease. When we take antibiotics or eat a western diet, yeasts like Candida Albicans gets a chance to flourish in the intestinal tract. Healthy gut flora is vital in maintaining...

Learn the art of fermented foods for gut health

6/23/2012 - The importance of probiotic supplements and foods cannot be exaggerated. Antibiotics have a way of getting into us through commercial foods even if we don't take pharmaceutical antibiotics. Of course, any rounds of pharmaceutical antibiotics demand an even stronger course of probiotics. Stress,...

Breast-feeding could contribute to baby gut-health, new study finds

5/3/2012 - In yet another scientific reason for mothers to strongly consider breast-feeding their newborns, a new study in the journal Genome Biology finds that babies who are fed breast-milk had a wider range of gut bacteria than formula-fed babies. A link was also found between the diversity of bacteria in the...

Why maintaining a healthy gut is crucial to preventing cancer

4/14/2012 - It is said that roughly 80 percent of human health and immunity originates in the gut, which includes, of course, the body's ability to ward off cancer. And a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has found that poor gut health is directly responsible for causing cancers, that...

Gut health plays a critical role in fending off diabetes, chronic disease

4/4/2012 - When microbiota balance is out of whack in the human intestinal system, the body becomes highly susceptible to chronic inflammation, which can develop into autoimmune diseases and a host of other serious health problems. And emerging new research suggests that diabetes, which is commonly thought of...

Study: Probiotics help protect gut from radiation damage

11/21/2011 - Cancer patients undergoing radiation treatments or individuals looking to protect themselves against general radiation damage can look to probiotics for help, according to a new study. Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo., have found that radiation therapy...

Report: Antibiotics can permanently destroy gut flora balance, leading to lifelong illness

10/18/2011 - Overuse and overprescription of antibiotic drugs has become a widely known culprit in causing the emergence of antibiotic-resistant "superbugs," as well as the onset of digestive and other health problems, caused by the elimination of beneficial gut flora. But a new review published in the journal Nature...

Second Brain - Manage your gut and gut flora

10/7/2011 1:32:52 AM - Your mind is your most important asset, but it can become your worst enemy. And your gut may be your most important organ when it comes to mental health. The awareness of intestinal flora deficiencies as the root causes of a wide spectrum of mental problems is constantly expanding. The gut is often...

Melatonin plays an important role in healthy digestive and immune function

9/12/2011 - Melatonin is known as the regulator of the sleep wake cycle in the body. It is produced in the pineal gland of the brain and monitors sleep cycles while playing an important role in healing and anti-oxidant protection. New indicators are showing that it may play an even more important regulatory role...

Heal your gut with the amino acid l-glutamine

9/9/2011 - With chemical additives, excessive gluten consumption, over prescription of antibiotics and more, the integrity of our gut lining is weakened further with each passing year. It's no wonder that digestive disorders and their accompanying deficiencies are more common than ever before. Healing the gut...

Heal leaky gut syndrome by restoring stomach acid levels

7/31/2011 - Leaky gut syndrome is a condition in which the lining of the gut is damaged to the point that nutrients cannot be assimilated and toxins are allowed to pass through the gut wall. There are many theories about what causes leaky gut syndrome, but one of the most compelling is the idea that low stomach...

The gut strongly influences both physical and mental health

7/23/2011 - Over the past few years, a few pioneers of western medicine have connected most health problems to an unhealthy gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. Hippocrates proclaimed all disease begins in the gut. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine has known this for thousands of years. Most of mainstream modern medicine...

Gut health linked to anxiety, depression and autism

6/29/2011 - Anxiety and depression are commonly thought of as mental ailments, but new research has found that they may actually originate from the gut. With more scientific backing added to the idea of preserving gut health, anxiety and depression are now associated with gastrointestinal disease, including irritable...

Science discovers gut types exist in three possible varieties (Opinion)

6/9/2011 - Imagine you are seated in a room filled with people exhibiting all their diverse and obviously visible human traits. Most easily detected are gender, height, and weight, followed by size, age, and race or ethnicity. Your eyes scan the room, not in search of differences, but instead seeking out similarities...

New study finds that anxiety may originate in your gut, not in your head

5/25/2011 - We're all familiar with the term "gut feeling". As it turns out, the term may be more apt than we realize. In recent years, research has increasingly identified the role the gut can have on mood and behavior, leading many scientists to refer to the gut as the "second brain". Now, for the first time,...

Self Healing the Gut on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour

4/6/2011 - Millions of people suffer from digestive disorders. Fortunately, there are proven, natural ways to regain health and stay disease-free and drug-free for life! The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Self Healing the Gut - How to Become Disease Free with our special guest Dr. David Klein. This program will...

Stress alters gut bacteria balance, inhibits proper immune function

3/27/2011 - Researchers from Ohio State University (OSU) have identified an important connection between stress and health. According to their study, which was published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, stress directly affects the delicate bacterial balance in the intestines that digests food, defends...

Eat more bananas to improve gut health and digestion

3/25/2011 - Digestive disorders affect tens of millions of Americans, but diet is rarely examined as a cause or solution in conventional medicine. Certain foods have the power to soothe and heal the digestive system. Bananas, in particular, offer benefits for those suffering from digestive ailments and poor gut...

Prenatal, perinatal and postnatal antibiotics may threaten the health of your child

3/14/2011 - Americans consume more pharmaceutical medications than any other people in the world. Among the most frequently prescribed medications are antibiotics. The excessive and injudicious use of antibiotics in infants, children and pregnant women is not without consequences. This nation is experiencing an...

New discovery: "good" gut bacteria can control organ functions

3/9/2011 - Researchers have long known that the "good" bacteria in the human gut help digest food and keep "bad" pathogens, including an overgrowth of yeast, in check. But could beneficial bacteria be doing even more to build good health? The surprising answer is, most likely, yes. According to findings just...

Study: Colostrum helps treat leaky gut syndrome

2/25/2011 - Heavy-training athletes, and runners in particular, often suffer from "leaky gut syndrome," a condition in which bowel health becomes damaged due to increased permeability of gut lining. But a new study published in the American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology has found...

Heal Your Gut with These Probiotic Foods

8/4/2010 - Today there's a supplement for everything. And while supplementation has its place in natural healing, it's important not to forget that real healing can - and should - come from whole foods, too. Probiotic foods in particular offer an important key to health. They are valuable for protecting the body...

New research: probiotic found in breast milk benefits nerves in gut, calms digestive disorders

6/25/2010 - Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms similar to the "friendly" bacteria found naturally in the body's digestive system. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), there's evidence from a variety of studies that probiotic formulations can help treat diarrhea,...

Bacteria in the Gut are Shown to Reduce Obesity

1/26/2010 - New research has shown that the bacteria in our gut can be a cause of obesity. The human gut is filled with health-giving bacteria, which provide energy, nutrients and digestive aids. Maintaining proper gut flora is important to health. Research has now demonstrated that the amount and type of bacteria...

What Your Doctor did Not Tell You about Food Intolerances

11/14/2009 - Allergies are a condition in which the immune system over-reacts to a substance that is not normally harmful. They can be tested by a doctor and are far less common than intolerances. Intolerances tend to develop due to other imbalances in the body, especially in the gut. Doctors tend to be unfamiliar...

Heal Eczema by Making Lifestyle Changes

9/18/2009 - Eczema can be a distressing condition which is characterized by inflamed, itchy skin that sometimes develops into open bleeding sores. It can appear at any age and affects approximately two to seven percent of the population. Currently, research indicates that food allergies can be the root cause of...

Get to the Gut of the Colic Cause

8/5/2009 - If nothing you do seems to calm your baby`s chronic crying, you may have a serious case of colic on your hands. But a new study from the University of Texas is trying to get to the "gut" of the colic cause. The study says gut bacteria may be responsible for chronic crying. While colic is a fairly...

Take Ten Steps for a Cancer-Free Life, Part I

3/18/2009 - Cancer will be the number one killer in the world by the year 2010, overtaking the spot now held by heart disease, according to a recent report from Associated Press. International health experts foresee a doubling in the global rate of cancer deaths by 2030. Cancer diagnoses have been steadily rising...

Conquering Delayed-Onset Food Allergies in Three Steps

1/29/2008 - Do you find yourself suffering from asthma, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, fuzzy brain, non-seasonal rhinitis, depression, eczema, arthritis, bloating, or insomnia, yet no medical treatment seems to work for you? If you have one or more of these symptoms that just come and go...

Probiotics Ease Gut Problems Caused by Long Term Stress (press release)

7/24/2006 - Probiotics may help to reduce gut symptoms caused by long term stress, indicates research published ahead of print in the journal Gut. The researchers base their findings on analysis of gut tissue taken from rats subjected to either water avoidance stress, which involves placing the rat on a small...

Gut Brain Therapy™ an Innovative Approach to Natural Migraine Prevention (press release)

7/3/2006 - Modern medical research has exposed an extensive amount of neurological activity in the digestive system that operates independently of direction from the brain. This enteric nervous system is so complex and so capable of independent action that it has been described by researchers as a second brain....

See all 227 gut feature articles.

How gluten and candida cause leaky gut


What does your gut tell you?

Your body's digestive system breaks down the food you eat and absorbs that food's nutrients into the bloodstream. Many have poor intestinal/colon health due to nutritional deficiency (i.e. what isn't there that should be) and toxicity (i.e. what is in there that should not be).

The warning signs

Some symptoms of a toxic digestive system are bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas (flatulence), bad breath, heartburn, hiccups, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), nausea, stomach cramps, leaky gut syndrome, various skin problems, weight problems, gallstones, liver failure, food allergies, headaches, sinus issues, body odor, fibromyalgia, hemorrhoids, lack of energy, brain fog/lack of mental clarity, cancer, inflammation and more. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your digestive system could be impaired. You don't need to worry but you do need to be proactive, starting now.

Steps to making and keeping a healthy digestive system

A) Address the toxicity problem by frequently detoxifying and cleansing your digestive system through a quality fiber- or oxygen-based intestinal cleanser, by doing a raw (unpasteurized) juice cleanse, drinking plenty of purified water and replenishing your good intestinal flora (bacteria) by consuming quality prebiotics and probiotics.

B) Address the deficiency problem by adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in which a healthy diet plays an important part. The ideal diet, which the Creator originally intended for mankind in Genesis 1:29 (in the Holy Bible), and which man will never improve upon is a plant-based diet (i.e. no animal products), where we are avoiding all white (processed, unnatural) sugar, table salt and all GMOs (i.e. wheat, soy, corn and sugar beets), going organic where possible. If you won't give up animal flesh totally, many find it healthier to severely limit consumption. Remember, animal-sourced foods as well as GMO foods are known to contribute to poor digestive health. Why? Because mankind wasn't originally created with bodies fit to consume such "food."

C) Get more exercise, as this also helps the body expel toxins.

Here's Richard personal testimony. He traded the Standard American Diet for a mostly raw, plant-based diet and saw his digestive health problems disappear. He said, "Since starting the diet a little over a month ago, I have lost 25 pounds. Psoriasis in my ear and nasal congestion have improved. Hemorrhoids are gone. Swelling in ankles, fuzzy vision, and poor mental clarity are gone. Complexion noticeably improved, and I have quit all prescription drugs.... My blood pressure is now normal and my lifelong battle with indigestion, reflux, and heartburn is gone."

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