Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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• You should do 2-3 enemas or a colonic the second day after doing this flush to avoid bile stones getting stuck in your intestinal tract.

• Make sure you are taking trace minerals and probiotics (good bacteria) for a few days afterward this cleanse. If your symptoms leave after the flush but come back after a few days, I would recommend another flush in 4-6 weeks. Keep taking Lb by Systemic Formulas every day until the next flush.

If you are unwilling or unable to do a coffee enema or the liver-gallbladder flush, there are suppositories that produce similar outcomes. Clinically, I have seen great results in my clients who use these suppositories. While many are available, there are two varieties that are specifically designed to mimic the coffee enema and the livergallbladder flush.

There are critics of this flush who say that combining oil and an acid will essentially make a soap ball and that’s what people see in their toilets. My response to those concerns is that I do not believe this is the case because of the varied results that people experience. Since everyone takes the same dosage of the ingredients, it seems to me that the best explanation for the variety of outcomes is that every person has a different amount of toxins and bile buildup to excrete. Typically, I have found that my clients release a larger number of bile stones the first few times they do this cleanse. The number decreases as they continue to flush their system because there is less for their bodies to release. Don’t judge the validity of this protocol until you experience it for yourself.

While some health practitioners recommend sipping apple juice for several days before doing a liver-gallbladder flush, I disagree with this practice. I think that the constant consumption of sugar is unhealthy. A substitute that others recommend is malic acid, which is the active part of the apple juice which helps to soften bile. However, most of the malic acid that is on the market is synthetic, which means it has two forms of malic acid (D-malic and L-malic acids). I don’t like this because only the L-malic acid is found in actual apples (not the D-malic acid). Research by the World Health Organization in 1967 suggests that Dmalic acid can cause renal damage.133

d) Castor oil packs

Using castor oil is a great method for drawing toxins out of the body (specifically the liver and gallbladder). Besides the drawing effect, castor oil is also an anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, and anti-tumor agent. For those of you who are suffering thinning hair or hair loss, castor oil is my preferred remedy. The oil boosts blood circulation to the follicles, which leads to faster hair growth. I recommend putting it on overnight and wearing a cap to maximize your body’s absorption of the castor oil.

Castor Oil Pack Liver Detox


• Preheat the body surface, directly over the liver (rightlower rib cage) with infrared heating pad, not directly on your skin, for 8 minutes on medium-low temperature (3-5).

• Place about a Tbsp of castor oil on a 6x6-inch piece of cotton cloth and place it directly over the liver.

• Place plastic wrap over the cloth to prevent the oil from leaking out.

• Place an infrared heating pad over the castor oil pack. Heat the area for 15-20 minutes with the heating pad at a medium temperature (hotter is not better!).

• When finished, wipe any excess castor oil off your body.

• Repeat every other day (3 times per week) for 2 weeks. I recommend doing this before bed whenever possible. Do not wash the area until morning. Note: Wear an old shirt because you will likely get castor oil on your clothes.

e) Your Skin

Do you stink with body odor even after you shower? Or, when you get warm, do you not sweat and only have your face turn red? My wife previously would not sweat. She didn’t even need to wear deodorant. While that might seem to some as a blessing, it’s not. Her skin excretory pathway was blocked and could not eliminate toxins through the skin so they built up inside of her. The skin is the largest organ in the body and is sometimes referred to as the “third kidney.” The best way to open up the skin pores is to use a sauna, and specifically an infrared sauna.

It is a well-known fact that saunas are great for making you sweat! But it’s important to understand that not all saunas are created equal! Steam and hot rock saunas utilize the principle of convection heat. Convection heaters simply make the air hotter inside the sauna cabin and then the hot air heats the skin. Most people find that it’s hard to breathe in high temperatures (conventional convection saunas reach 160-200 degrees Fahrenheit). The air temperature inside an infrared sauna is 30-60 degrees cooler than conventional saunas. This might seem counterintuitive because most of us think if it is hotter it must be better or if it not hotter, it’s really not working. Infrared works differently; it works with radiant heat that passes easily into the body as God intended. Far infrared (FIR) spectrum spans from 4 to 1,000 microns in wavelength. Between 4-14 microns in the FIR spectrum include most of the rays that are the safest and most vital to health and healing. Far infrared rays mimic the sun’s healing rays that are responsible for photosynthesis and feeding all of the ocean’s life. Without this wavelength, plants and aquatic life would be unable to make energy, and consequently there would be no life on earth.

Our bodies radiate infrared energy through our skin between 3-50 microns (most often around 9.4 microns). This is the basis for the infrared glasses that allow the Special Forces of the military to see the enemy at night. Far infrared energy penetrates 1-2 inches deep into the body’s tissue, which moves chemicals from subcutaneous fat storage directly into sweat. Traditional saunas do not penetrate tissues and do not assist the body in secreting toxins this way.

Benefits of a Far Infrared Sauna

• Lowers lactic acid (acid that accumulates from exercise and causes pain)

• Stimulates endorphins of the brain (“happy hormones”)

• Kills organisms like bacteria and parasites

• Detoxifies cells by vibrating ionic bonds

• Stops and reduces swelling

• Improves blood oxygenation and circulation

• Improves lymphatic flow

• Helps natural immune response

• Helps detox from EMF (electromagnetic fields)

• Decreases the size of water clusters, which gives more mobility and allows for penetration into the body's tissues134

Far infrared saunas provide the only known antidote for excessive ultraviolet radiation.135 Researchers have also cleared people of PCBs, pesticides, and even Agent Orange (dioxins) with far infrared saunas.136 A cancer-causing fire retardant (a PCB) was accidentally put into animal feed and Michigan residents became toxic from consumption. The successful removal of PCB’s from these Michigan residents, through the use of Far infrared saunas, was confirmed.137


The Mayo Clinic studied the most debilitated heart patients with Stage 3 and Stage 4 heart failure and found that not only could all patients tolerate being in a far infrared sauna, but they experienced no side effects from it.138 Japanese clinicians and researchers also confirmed the life-saving properties of far infrared saunas when study participants experienced improvements in their health after being told there was nothing that could be done to help them.139 In contrast, conventional convection saunas (like a steam room or hot rock Swedish sauna) increase arrhythmias by 20% and raised blood pressure, which isn’t good for those with an already failing heart.140

I do not like wooden saunas because they are notorious for containing toxic chemicals like glues. Even saunas that are manufactured with non-toxic materials quickly become toxic after you use them for a short while (wood is porous and will absorb anything you sweat out). They are also heavy, large in size, and not very portable. Likewise, I would stay away from saunas that use ceramic infrared heaters because asbestos is one of their construction materials. I much prefer saunas that only cover your body (your head is not in the sauna) because they are more comfortable, easier to move, and about a quarter of the cost of a traditional wooden sauna.

My favorite sauna is one that not only is far infrared, but also near and mid infrared, which makes it full-spectrum infrared. Near (NIR) and mid (MIR) are great specifically for skin health. I also believe it’s important to be grounded with Advanced Earthing technology along with having negative ion therapy.

When using a sauna, make sure to have several towels. I recommend having one to sit on, one for your feet, and at least one more towel to wipe away your sweat. When you begin to sweat it is important to wipe it away to prevent your skin from reabsorbing the toxins you are secreting.

Advanced Sweat Unlocking

I have found that the key to unlocking the body’s sweat mechanism is to stay in the far infrared sauna for as long as you can comfortably tolerate (20-30 minutes). After the session is over, I recommend that you do at least one “pulse” by staying zipped into the sauna for 2-3 minutes with the sauna shut off and then turning the sauna back on for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the sauna and sit in it while it cools for an additional 2-3 minutes. After this, you can repeat one more pulse or get out.

When You Start Using an Infrared Sauna:

• Don’t be surprised if you have to use it a few times before your body adjusts to it and begins to release sweat.

• It’s common to stink when you first start using an infrared sauna and the sweat you release can be slimy. I stunk really bad when I first started using an far infrared sauna. I literally smelled worse than I’ve ever smelled before for about a month. I even had to reapply natural deodorant many times a day between patients just to mitigate the problem. I also noticed that the sweat I released was slimy, rather than just the “salty water” type of sweat that we see when we’re hot or exercising. This is because the infrared rays are penetrating your body’s tissues and mobilizing fats, toxins, metabolic waste, and other things that have not been mobilized before. In other words: it’s a good thing!

Fat is a toxin storehouse and causes extra cardiovascular stress. For every extra pound of fat on your body, there are 7 miles of blood vessels that are needed to maintain it. So 10 pounds is not just 10 pounds…it’s an extra 70 miles of blood vessels! This is why obesity is connected to heart disease.

Dr. Jay’s Super Detox Sauna Protocol

• Dry brush your body

• Exercise with high intensity short duration training for 10-20 minutes

• Drink a cup of dandelion root tea

• Take 2-4 capsules of GCEL, 4-6 capsules of EVENTA, and 2 capsules of EPIC by Systemic Formulas

• Sauna for 20-30 minutes

• At bedtime, take 2-4 capsules of BIND by Systemic Formulas with water and on an empty stomach (at least 2 hours after having eaten)

Dry brushing refers to taking a brush made of natural materials and literally brushing your skin. The pressure should be firm and leave your skin slightly pink. This should not be painful, your skin should not turn red, and you certainly shouldn’t bleed. Avoid sensitive areas of your body, like your genitals. Always brush toward the heart to assist in moving the lymphatic fluid and venous blood (deoxygenated blood which travels from the peripheral vessels). Dry brushing the skin has been shown to stimulate the lymphatic system, increase circulation, and remove the dead dry skin, which opens up your pores. Many people say they feel it reduces their stress levels and even report a reduction in cellulite. Cellulite is formed when your body’s lymphatic system is stagnant or isn’t functioning properly.

Additional Note:

Taking niacin (not flush free), or supplements with niacin in it is also an option before getting into the sauna. Niacin causes flushing, which is when the blood vessels dilate and increase blood circulation. Please note that niacin flushing can be very uncomfortable and can scare people if they are not understanding what a niacin flush feels like. Turning red as a lobster is an example what you will look and feel like when you take too high of a dose of niacin. Niacin flushing is actually extremely healthy for your cardiovascular system because the dilation of the blood vessels increases the flexibility and reduces the rigidity to the blood vessels. However, high doses of niacin are not for the light hearted, which is why I generally do not recommend it.

I include exercise and drinking hot dandelion root tea in this protocol because they help to warm up your core body temperature, which encourages your body to sweat faster. Dandelion root tea has been shown to help ease congestion of the liver, drain and purify the bladder and kidneys, improve blood circulation, and has been known to be very beneficial for the skin.

Monitor Electrolytes and Minerals!

Sweating without properly replacing electrolytes, minerals, and water can be dangerous. I explained the importance of minerals and water earlier in this chapter, but this is especially true when utilizing sauna therapy. You should begin to hydrate with electrolytes, minerals, and water the day before you get into your sauna.

It is important that you have met with a trained health professional and undergone testing before you begin sauna treatments because your personal situation will dictate the minerals and electrolytes you need to take in. Everyone is different! I always recommend customizing your minerals and electrolytes based on what your body needs. The taste test is my favorite way to test a client for their mineral and electrolyte needs. Minerals and electrolytes are very shortlived and therefore reveal themselves in this simple form of testing.

If you choose not to customize electrolytes, you can always take supplement. Dandelion root tea also contains vitamins A, C your minerals and a general mineral and D, and significant amounts of zinc, iron, magnesium and potassium. Likewise, real and unrefined salt is a great source of minerals.

Rules to Follow Regarding Salt 1. ALWAYS stay away from table salt! It’s important to understand the process used to make table salt. Most of this salt is used in industry (only about 7% of it makes it to the table). Table salt is put into large kilns that are heated to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. This refining process removes 82 of the 84 essential mineral elements, leaving only inorganic sodium chloride.

2. ALWAYS read your labels! Table salt includes “anticaking” additives such as aluminum hydroxide, silica aluminate, sodium ferrocyanide, tri-calcium phosphate, stearic acid, and others. The aluminum additives leave a bitter taste so manufacturers add dextrose, a refined sugar. Likewise, table salt has essentially been chemically cleaned and bleached, which prevents the salt from mixing with water like natural salt would.

3. Real Unrefined Salt Does NOT Cause Heart Disease! It was in 1984 that the very flawed “INTERSALT” study was published. From that point forward the “Low-salt, Nosalt theory” emerged! Dr. Suzanne Oparil, the past president of American Heart Association, said her personal view was that the government reacted too quickly when they said everyone should cut back on salt. Dr. David Brownstein, author of Salt Your Way to Health, says that natural salt is critical for heart health. Do not automatically reduce your salt intake!

Sources: Winslow, Ron. Low-Salt Diets May Pose Health Risks, Study Finds. The Wall Street Journal [Internet]. 2014 Aug 14 [cited 2015 March 31]; [about 3 screens]. Available from:

Browstein, David MD. Salt Your Way to Health (2nd Edition). Medical Alternative Press; 2006.

One essential shift to make is to eliminate sources of refined salt (table salt and processed foods) in your diet and begin consuming unrefined natural salt, which contains 80+ trace minerals. True unrefined salt should contain different speckles of color (the trace minerals that are stripped from refined salt are what gives the salt its colors). The best types of unrefined natural salt in order are Himalayan sea salt, Redmonds Real Salt®, and Celtic Sea Salt®.

Studies That Debunk the “Low-salt, No-salt” Theory For Cardiovascular Health:

1985: A ten-year study of nearly 8,000 Hawaiian Japanese men concluded that, “No relation was found between salt intake and the incidence of stroke.”141

1995: An eight-year study of a New York City hypertensive population found those on low-salt diets had more than four times as many heart attacks as those on normal-sodium diets (the exact opposite of what the “salt hypothesis” would have predicted).142

1997 : An analysis by NHLBI’s Dr. Cutler of the first six years’ data from the MRFIT database documented no health benefits from a lower-sodium diet.143

1997: . A ten-year follow-up study to the huge Scottish Heart Health Study found no improved health outcomes for those on low-salt diets.144

1998: An analysis of the health outcomes over twenty years from those in the massive US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) documented a 20% greater incidence of heart attacks among those on lowsalt diets compared to normal-salt diets.145

1998 : A study in Finland, reported to the American Heart Association that no health benefits could be identified and concluded “…Our results do not support the recommendations for entire populations to reduce dietary sodium intake to prevent coronary heart disease.”146

1999: A further analysis of the MRFIT database (this time using fourteen years’ data) confirmed that there were no health benefits from a low-sodium diet. Its author conceded that there is “No relationship observed between dietary sodium and mortality.”147

2002 : The British Medical Journal published and confirmed earlier meta-analyses' conclusions of clinical trials (Cochrane Collaboration) that significant salt reduction would lead to very small blood pressure changes in sensitive populations but no health benefits.148

2003: Dutch researchers, using a massive database in Rotterdam, concluded that “Variations in dietary sodium and potassium within the range commonly observed in Westernized societies have no material effect on the occurrence of cardiovascular events and mortality at old age.”149

2006: A March 2006 analysis of the federal NHANES II database in The American Journal of Medicine found a 37% higher cardiovascular mortality rate for low-sodium dieters.150

2007: The International Journal of Epidemiology studied 40,547 Japanese people over seven years and found, “The Japanese dietary pattern was associated with a decreased risk of CVD mortality, despite its relation to sodium intake and hypertension.” Please note that the Japanese have a higher sodium consumption rate than the US.151

2007 : Analysis of a large Dutch database published in the European Journal of Epidemiology documented no benefit of low-salt diets in reducing stroke or heart attack incidence nor lowering death rates.152

2008 : A May 2008 examination of NHANES II (the largest US federal database of nutrition and health) published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine confirmed two earlier studies of previous NHANES surveys which found that there is no health benefit (CVD or all-cause mortality) for those on low-sodium diets.153



You won’t see the problem unless you look for it!

Chemical poisoning

Chemical poisoning is good at triggering a chronic fatigue syndrome. Clinically, a chemically induced CFS looks just like a virally induced CFS. One difference is multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), in which exposure to chemicals which smell (aerosols, air fresheners, perfumes, vehicle fumes etc) results in unpleasant symptoms MCS is triggered by chemical toxicity. Where there is poisoning there is sensitivity and vice versa. This simply reflects the ability of the immune system to “remember” things. With a virus, the immune system “remembers” and we call it immunity. With MCS the immune system “remembers” the poisoning and reacts again when it “sees” the chemical, or a relative of that chemical.

The sort of activities and events which result in chemical exposure include:


▪ sheep dipping,

▪ spraying agricultural chemicals (farming, market gardening),

▪ being sprayed by tractor or helicopter and spray drift (adjacent homes),

▪ insect control “squeeta betas”,

▪ contamination of water supplies,

▪ working in a chicken farm (fumigation, control of parasites),

▪ working in the sea of factory farmed salmon in Scotland (where chemicals are used to control fish lice),

▪ repeated head lice treatments,

▪ house fumigations for flea control or bed bugs,

▪ insect control in hot countries with DDT, OPs etc,

▪ control of sand flies (Gulf War Syndrome),

▪ greenhouse fumigations,

▪ working in a research plant centre where chemicals were weekly used to prevent cross contamination,

▪ ‘A’ level student doing a biology project with pesticides,

▪ carpet factory where fleeces are washed after sheep have been dipped,

▪ lorry driver delivering OPs to farmers,

▪ Government Inspectors in sheep markets,

▪ dairy farmers daily exposed to OPs for fly control in the milking parlour,

▪ poisoning through exposure to dumped cans of sheep dip,

▪ welders working in a factory which was manufacturing OPs,

▪ timber treatments in houses,

▪ treatment of external parasites in dogs, cats, cows (OP pour ons) and so on,

▪ firefighters poisoned by burning chemicals,

▪ formaldehyde leaking from cavity wall insulation

▪ flower industry (lots of chemicals on flowers),

▪ timber treatments and handling treated timbers,

▪ airline pilots exposed to organophosphates used in engine oils (which allow oils to work at high temperatures) see

▪ cabin staff on airplanes using pesticides to prevent inadvertent import of foreign insects,

▪ DDT used to treat infestations (possibly misdiagnosed as polio).

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

▪ Poisoning from un-burnt hydrocarbons such as oil, gas, coal and wood. Free standing gas heaters are a particular hazard! These poisonings goes under the misnomer carbon mon-oxide poisoning. Actually the carbon monoxide is just a small part of the problem – yes – this certainly causes acute symptoms, but the long term poisoning arises from the toxic VOCs from unburnt hydrocarbons!

▪ Aerotoxic syndrome – this arises because cabin air is pulled in over the engines and possibly contaminated with unburnt fuel and organophosphates used as oil improvers. See

▪ Vehicle exhaust fumes

▪ Solvents used in carpets – new carpets are particularly pernicious! This together with poor ventilation is probably the main cause of sick building syndrome.

▪ Paints

▪ Glues

▪ Printing inks

▪ Cleaning agents - bleach

▪ Disinfectants – these often include formaldehyde or other such related compounds.

▪ Sterilising agents – “Milton”

▪ Perfumes

▪ Cosmetics – many are toxic especially hair dyes

Heavy metals

▪ Mercury from dental amalgam is the biggest single problem!

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