Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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One of his discoveries involved generating frequencies that killed pathogens. According to Dr. Rife, every pathogen has a frequency. There are literally hundreds of trillions of different resonant frequencies and every species and molecule has its very own. By identifying the frequency that naturally resonates with a pathogen and then increasing the intensity of that oscillations increase disintegrated due to the structural stresses. The best part is that while the pathogen is destroyed, it does no harm to surrounding tissues.

frequency, the pathogen’s natural

until they become distorted and This is the same kind of reaction that occurs when an intense musical note shatters a wine glass. The molecules of the wine glass oscillate at a specific harmonic musical note and continue to fluctuate with more and more intensity until the glass shatters. The glass molecules are in resonance with the musical note but because everything else has a different resonant frequency, nothing but the glass is destroyed.

Despite all of his research, discoveries, and inventions, few people have heard of Royal Raymond Rife. In the mid-tolate 1930’s his equipment and research were destroyed by the people who opposed him. After having his research purged from journals that had published his work, Dr. Rife’s life fell apart and he turned to alcoholism. It wasn’t until the 1980’s that frequency technology re-emerged.

While Dr. Rife’s research is fascinating and the possibilities are endless concerning what could be accomplished with his technology, I don’t think it’s the whole solution to anything. However, I do believe that frequency technology can be an effective part of the solution to the health problems we face. In cases of severe Lyme disease, I recommend using this technology. Other reasons to consider using frequency technology may be: chronic pain, cancer, autism, or candida. Please be cautious! Not all frequency technology is the same. Make sure to get the assistance of someone who is an expert in this area before incorporating it into your protocol.

Fever as a Pathogen Eliminator

Childhood fevers can be frightening, mostly because they are misunderstood. By definition, a fever is an increase in body temperature above the “normal range.” The unfortunate thing is “normal” can vary from person to person. Medical texts differ in their definition of the highest “normal” body temperature, which can range from 98.2 to 100.4°F.205

Fevers are commonly associated with dozens of different viruses, bacteria, and parasites that cause upper respiratory infections, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia. This happens because your innate immune responses activate when an infectious organism invades your body. These substances signal your brain’s hypothalamus to r a i s e y o u r b o d y ’ s c o r e temperature. This in turn leads to chills and shivering, which increase your metabolic rate.

_______ A fever is the body’s natural defense to invaders! A fever is a good thing! _______

When is a fever dangerous?

A fever can only cause harm when the body’s core temperature is at 104 °F or higher for more than 4 days. Only be concerned about a fever under that temperature if you experience extreme dehydration with it, have been stuck in an enclosed hot location (like an automobile), or suffered a head injury just prior to the fever.

An elevated core body temperature (fever) indicates that your body is fighting something off, similar to when you vomit or have diarrhea. These are ways that your body gets rid of and excretes things that you should not have in you.

Benefits of a Fever at Various Degrees

• 102°F – Interferon-proteins are produced that prevent viral replication and inhibit cancer cells.

• 103°F – All nutrition is stored in the spleen to starve the bacteria.

• 104°F – Viruses are killed.

The takeaway message is to let a fever run its course. There is an epidemic of low core body temperature among people today. Optimal body temperature is 98.6-99.6°F. In order to get the best results, measure your temperature under your tongue or in your armpit with a thermometer. When you measure in your armpit, you must add 1° F to get an accurate reading. A healthy individual’s body core temperature should fluctuate about a 1° F with the lowest reading in the morning and the highest in the evening (around 8PM-10PM). People dealing with illness will not vary as much as healthy individuals. The homeopathic remedy called Belladonna is fantastic for reducing fevers that rage for a long time or for people who have other risk factors.

I believe fevers are generally a good protective function of the body. While everyone focuses on raised core body temperature, very little thought is given to low core body temperature. A low core body temperature allows pathogens to thrive and increases the acidity in the body’s tissues. It is well known that a person’s core body temperature drops in the early stages of death.206 Clinically, I find most clients dealing with Lyme disease and multiple co-infections to have low core body temperatures. This gives the pathogen a favorable environment and also causes stagnation of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Using the infrared sauna I talked about earlier is a great way to raise your internal body temperature (especially for those living in a cold climate). Proper sleep is also important! A lack of sleep tends to make people feel cold. While many people are in the habit of eating some type of sugary food to help them raise their temperature, I do not recommend this method of regulating your core temperature. Eliminating the toxins, parasites, and pathogens in your body by using the various protocols discussed in this book and developing a healthy sleep pattern will be much more beneficial and actually improve your overall health.


Almost every cell in our bodies regenerate themselves every seven to ten years. This means that your body replaces almost every cell in your body in that time period. The brain cells behind your eyes are among the few cells your body keeps forever.

Many people have heard the saying, you are what you eat, but the truth is, you are what you can digest. The health of your gut plays a big role in your ability to properly digest what you eat. This is why the first part of the body I focus on during the rebuilding phase is the digestive tract. The good news is that your intestinal lining completely regenerates itself every 3 days! As I said in Step 1, despite statistics that show more than 100 million Americans have digestive problems207, the typical American thinks they are just fine. Even so, two of the top five drugs sold in America treat digestive issues ($30+ billion) and there are more than 200 over-the-counter medications for digestive problems. One indicator to look for when determining if your problems are caused by a dysfunctional digestive tract is found right at your fingertips. A visible sign of digestive problems are vertical ridges in your fingernails (channels or indents). Bad breath and frequent burping are also signs of digestive distress.

Leaky gut plays a major role in depression. I have found that giving my clients flush free niacin in high doses is a fantastic tool for relieving their depression symptoms. There have been many people able to reduce and stop using antidepressant medications simply by taking high doses of flush free niacin. I always recommend that you work with the physician who prescribed your antidepressants because antidepressants require a slow weaning in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Do not do this on your own!

When I recommend flush free niacin to clients who suffer from depression, I like to have the client start with 2000mg a day. Flush free niacin is typically found in 500mg capsules, which means that you would take two capsules in the morning with food and two with dinner. Do this for a week and see if there is any symptom improvement. If there isn’t, slowly increase the dosage. Most people notice that their symptoms decrease when they take 3000mg of flush free niacin. I had one client who was suicidal and didn’t feel a change until she increased her dose to 8,500mg. It was then that she felt much better and had no suicidal thoughts. She also no longer needed her prescribed antidepressants! Note that 8,500mg is the highest dose I’ve had any client take. Start low and slowly increase your dosage under the watchful care of a health professional.

Leaky Gut

You’ve seen me use the term “leaky gut” throughout this book. This refers to intestines (large and/or small) that have become overly permeable. In this instance, intestinal cells called enterocytes have become inflamed and damaged. The damage causes a breach in intestinal security (tight junctions) and opens the gates to food particles, pathogens, and pathogenic wastes to pass into the bloodstream. This wreaks havoc throughout your body! Research has found that increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) directly influences brain function and psychological conditions such as depression and brain fog. All autoimmune diseases including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and asthma are also related to intestinal permeability. Chronic fatigue, autism, diabetes, immune function (cancer), allergic reactions, food sensitivities, thyroid function, detoxification, inflammation, degenerative disease, heart disease, rashes, scleroderma, eczema, weight problems, headaches, fibromyalgia, and a lack of cellular energy have also all been tied to having a leaky gut.213

Causes of Leaky Gut

• Drugs like birth control, antacids, antibiotics, and NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen)

• The food you eat like grains, refined sugar, processed

foods, alcohol (including beer and wine), and soda pop

• Parasites, bacteria, mold, mycotoxins, and environmental


• High-stress lifestyle or the inability to deal with stressors

• Nicotine

• Vitamin D deficiency

• Low glutathione

• Genetic predisposition

_______ Gliadins are the #1 food that causes the opening of the tight junctions in your intestines (leaky gut). Gliadins are the

Leaky gut syndrome is a main trigger of autoimmunity. _______

primary immunotoxic protein found in wheat gluten. Gliadins increase the production of the intestinal protein zonulin, which in turn opens up tight junctions in the intestinal wall.217 While gluten gets most of the attention, there are other components in wheat that are bad for your health. Wheat germ agglutinins negatively affect the body and have been linked to many pathologies.218 Likewise, the amylase trypsin inhibitors that Dr. William Davis made popular drive intestinal inflammation.219

Wheat and gluten are hidden in a lot of foods, including items you wouldn’t expect to find them in like refried beans. This is why it’s so important for you to read nutritional labels! Know what is in your food before you ingest it. Also remember that grains turn into sugar during the digestive process. I always tell clients to eliminate all grains, not just gluten containing products, when I customize food recommendations for them.

Whole grains raise your glucose levels as much as or even more than pure sugar! Did you know that two slices of whole wheat bread increase your blood sugar more than six teaspoons of pure sugar would? The table below shows the results of testing that was done with a NovaMax® meter over a two day period:

12oz Pepsi® Whole Wheat Bread Net Carbs 42g 48g BG Before Eating 89 93 BG After 1 Hour 156 141 BG After 90 Minutes 127 142 BG After 2 Hours 101 107

As a safety net, when eating at a friend’s house or at a restaurant, there are enzymes specifically designed for breaking down gluten to protect your body. That way the negative effects on your body are lessened if you are exposed to gluten.

This is a vicious cycle because once your digestive tract has been damaged, it allows various gut contents to flood into your bloodstream where they destroy your health. The key to preventing this lies in altering your diet by eliminating the offending foods (including sugars and grains) and introducing healthier options that will support a proper balance of bacteria in your gut.

Rebuilding the digestive tract plays a large role in the detoxification process as well. Phase one and phase two detoxification enzymes are produced in the epithelial lining of the intestines (the microvilli), and essentially form tendrils like shag carpeting. When fixing leaky gut, it’s important to use enzymes to clean out the sludge that’s fueling pathogens and remove allergens that are stuck in the microvilli.

People suffering from celiac disease experience a drastic reduction in the production of essential enzymes like Uridine 5’-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT’s) and glutathione. People with celiac disease have a decreased ability to detoxify, which is likely why they have a higher risk of developing cancer in their small intestine and colon.220

One formula that helps leaky gut is LGUT (Leaky Gut Mastery) by Systemic Formulas. This formula reverses intestinal permeability (leaky gut) by stimulating tight junction protein expression (closes tight junctions). This reduces inflammation, supports M-cells, Paneth cells, Entero-endocrine cells, and dendrite cells. It also restores integrity to the gut/body barrier and enhances enterocyte function.221 LGUT is the first supplement of its kind to to repair leaky gut by effecting genetic expression (epigenetics).

Acid to the Rescue

While it’s common for Americans to pop antacids for heartburn (GERD), it is widely known that heartburn is actually caused by a lack of acid in the stomach (known as hypochlorhydria). Technically speaking, when there is low stomach acid, food cannot be properly broken down in the stomach. When this happens the small intestine rejects the food and this causes it to backup into the stomach and esophagus. This then leads to what we know as acid reflux.

Popular proton-pump inhibitors such as Aciphex®, Dexilant®, Nexium®, Prevacid®, Prilosec®, Protonix®, Vimovo®, and Zegerid ® raise the risk of bone fracture in the hip, wrist, and spine when taken for extended periods of time.222 Proton-pump inhibitors have also been associated with a 30% increase risk of hospital-acquired pneumonia. Remember the acid in the stomach is a way to kill harmful pathogens and invaders in the body. That is why GERD medications are referred to as “gateway drugs.” Proper acid production is key to optimal health and digestion.223

Apple cider vinegar has been known to be a great remedy for leaky gut because it contains an organic acid. Apple cider vinegar breaks down fat, mucus, and phlegm deposits in the body. I prefer using an organic raw herbal acid formula that contains 3 different types of organic acids, has zero calories, and no sugar. This not only helps to restore a proper pH balance in the body, but also promotes tight junction closures in the intestines. Take 1-2 tablespoons (15-30mL) in 8 ounces of water 20-30 minutes before each meal. Other honorable mentions include: curcumin, Vitamin D, and good bacteria. Another option is to take glutamine because it also helps to reduce the permeability of your intestinal lining.224

_______ Remember the acid in the stomach is a way to kill harmful pathogens and invaders in the body. Proper acid production is key to optimal health and digestion. _______

Do you have horizontal wrinkles across the bridge of your nose? That’s typically a sign of pancreatic stress, which means your body is unable to process all of the sugar you are ingesting. Do you have white dots on your nails? It’s common to hear that this indicates a zinc deficiency, but it seems as though white spots on your nails is your body’s way of indicating that you are eating too much sugar!

Daily Intermittent Fasting

An amazing tool to heal the gut is called intermittent fasting. This entails changing when you eat. Intermittent fasting has many benefits such as losing weight, building muscle, and balancing hormones. This is not a new concept. Greek and Roman warriors would do this and they were strong, ripped, and ready for battle. They would train or battle most of the day, scavenge for twigs and berries here and there, and eat a large amount of food towards the end of the day.

Daily intermittent fasting is when you consume the same

Daily intermittent fasting is when you consume the same hour day, but within a 6-8 hour window. This 16 to 18 hour time of fasting allows your intestinal track to heal. It’s important to understand that your gut can’t heal while it’s trying to digest food.

I realize that this is completely contrary to what most Americans are taught and do. We are taught to eat many small meals throughout the day and that breakfast is the “most important meal of the day.” Eating a large breakfast is an American habit, which I believe has only lead us to be the sickest and fattest nation in the world.

_______ Your gut can’t heal while it’s trying to digest food. _______

An example of intermittent fasting is when you skip breakfast and then eat food starting around 11AM and finish eating by 7PM. I recommend that people skip breakfast rather than dinner when doing this fast because your colon is in an expelling mode in the morning and absorptive mode at night. It is best to eat food when the digestive tract is absorbing. Also, when you eat at night it tires the body out and prepares you for sleep.

Think of daily intermittent fasting as timing your meals to allow for regular periods of intestinal rest. Long-term caloric restriction and fasting has been criticized because some people believe they lead to muscle loss and nutrient depletion. This is why I prefer daily intermittent fasting. It spares your muscle, maintains nutrient levels, and improves hormone sensitivity such as with the hormones leptin, insulin, and ghrelin which renew brain cells. Leptin and gherlin tell your brain if you are hungry. However, leptin also tells your brain when you are full and instructs your body to burn fat when you’re not eating. Insulin pulls sugar from your blood stream and into your cells.

Intermittent fasting does not give you a free pass to eat junk food. You must follow nutritional recommendations that avoid grains and other foods that cause inflammation. Intermittent fasting will naturally increase your growth hormone (GH) levels, especially when you add a high intensity short duration workout to your routine. The American College of Cardiology in New Orleans showed that fasting triggered a 1,300% rise of human growth hormone (HGH) in women and an astounding 2,000% in men.225

Daily intermittent fasting forces your body to become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner. It takes the average person 8-12 hours to burn through sugars stored in the body, so your body will never burn fat if you eat every 2-3 hours. For those of you who are worried you won’t be able to go for that many hours without eating, know that I had those same concerns. Before I began intermittent fasting, I would come home from work and the first thing I would say is, “What’s for lunch?” or “What’s for dinner? I’m starving!” I was not an overweight person, but I was a fairly thin sugar burner.

I recommend consistent intermittent fasting. Do not treat this as a short-term practice! The easiest way to transition into daily intermittent fasting is to consume fats in the morning because this will not pull you out of a fat burning mode. Fats I suggest are butter, coconut oil, or MCT oil. You can always mix it in a beverage like coffee, tea, or bone broth but I like to just eat a spoonful of coconut oil (it sounds gross but it’s great!).

A mistake people often make when doing this daily intermittent fasting is to not eat enough food in the 6-8 hour window. This happens because you are not as hungry when you become a fat burner. To do this fasting properly, you need to eat the same amount of food you would usually consume in a 24-hour period within that 6-8 hour window. If you don’t, your body will go into starvation mode and you will not burn fat (your body will hold onto the fat in order to protect itself, thinking that you are in a desperate situation or unable to access nutrition).

Moreover, consuming lots of sugar or things that turn to sugar like grains will keep you in a sugar burning mode and prevent you from experiencing the benefits of this intermittent fasting. There is a fantastic homeopathic remedy to assist in breaking the sugar cravings by Apex Energetics called Yst/Sgr.

Autoimmune and the Gut

The Three-Legged Stool

Dr. Alessio Fasano at the University of Maryland believes that autoimmune diseases come from three factors or what he refers to as the “three-legged stool.” If any of these legs are affected they can trigger autoimmune. Picture a threelegged stool. When you remove one leg the stool will fall over, regardless of what leg you remove. In this situation, the three legs are: environmental triggers (stressors), genes, and leaky gut.226 An example of a stressor is an imbalanced blood sugar level in the body, which causes a fluctuation in insulin. Insulin surges have specifically been shown to trigger Hashimoto’s disease (an autoimmune thyroid condition).227

“There is growing evidence that increased intestinal permeability plays a pathogenic role in various autoimmune diseases….Therefore, we hypothesize that loss of intestinal barrier function is necessary to develop autoimmunity.”

Visser, J; Rozing, J; Sapone, A; Lammers, K; Fassano, A. Tight Junctions, Intestinal Permeability, and Autoimmunity: Celiac Disease and Type 1 Diabetes Paradigms. Annals of the New York Academny of Sciences [Internet]. 2009 May [cited 2015 March 16]; 1165: 195-205. Available from:

Autoimmune Conditions are the fastest growing latent epidemic on the planet. In fact, autoimmune diseases affect twice as many people as cancer. However, autoimmune receives only 10% of the research funding as cancer does. Most victims of an autoimmune disease don’t even know they have it! It can take years for symptoms to arise and even longer for the disease to be properly diagnosed. 80% of the people suffering from autoimmune diseases are woman and it is often responsible for most hormone related conditions. People with autoimmune disease have also been shown to have a difficult time losing weight, even with proper diet and exercise.

S o m e o f t h e m o r e c o m m o n autoimmune conditions are:

• Celiac’s Disease

• Cancer

• Crohn’s / Colitis / IBS

• Cushing’s / Addison’s

• Hashimoto’s / Grave’s

• Leaky Gut

• Type-1 Diabetes

• Eczema and Psoriasis

• Rheumatoid

• Lupus

• Scleroderma

• Sjogren’s Disease

There are over 200 autoimmune conditions that have been identified and the number is growing monthly. For example, many now believe that autism and type-2 diabetes should now be put into this classification.228 In Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the inflammatory signals dominate, and brain cells have been shown to be enlarged because of the chronic activation of the immune system. Research also suggests that genes for autoimmunity and inflammation are triggered.229

Pesticide exposure depletes magnesium and creates a whole host of other problems. Research shows that women who are married to men who use pesticides are twice as likely to develop thyroid disease than women who are not exposed to pesticides on a regular basis.232 The dangers of pre- or post-natal exposure to this complex mixture of carcinogens, developmental toxins, and neurotoxins have never been studied.233 However, research has shown that of the 287 chemicals detected in umbilical cord blood, 180 of them are known to cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests. Research has shown when a mother is consistently within a mile of agricultural pesticide application sites, there is a 60% increased risk that their child will have autism or be developmentally delayed.234

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