Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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Autism is a word I never heard when I was growing up. Things have certainly changed in just a few decades. Today, autism is widely known because the number of children affected by it is increasing dramatically. Some people and organizations believe that our ability to better recognize and diagnose the disease is behind this increase, but I strongly disagree with that. Records show that 1 in 10,000 children had autism in the 1980s. That number jumped to 1 in 2,500 just ten years later. That kind of jump cannot be explained away by better diagnostic practices! The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has reported that 1 in 86 children suffered from autism in 2012. That number jumped again just one year later. In 2013 the National Health Statistics Reports (CDC) stated that 1 in 50 school aged children suffer from autism.235

Pesticides wreak havoc surprisingly, pesticides According to research, ingesting or absorbing pesticides for one hundred days over a person’s lifetime increases their risk of getting diabetes by 94%.237 Dr. Daniel Winer states, “We are in the process of redefining one of the most common diseases in America (diabetes) as an autoimmune disease, rather than a purely metabolic disease.”238 Likewise, Dr. Edgar Endleman, former postdoctoral scholar in the laboratory of Stanford Pathology, has said, “This work will change the way people think about obesity, and will likely impact medicine for years to come as physicians begin to switch their focus to immune-modulating treatments for type-2 diabetes.”239

on your immune system. Not are strongly linked to diabetes. Most hormone problems can be linked to autoimmune. This includes thyroid conditions, low progesterone, low estrogen, estrogen dominance, low testosterone, decrease in libido, endometriosis, and even PMS. Basically, no matter what your problem is, it may be autoimmune! Many unexplainable symptoms may have their hidden roots in autoimmune.240

When someone is anemic and deficient in iron, my first thought is that they may have autoimmune problems in their digestive system. While many practitioners will just treat these issues with iron supplements, I always aim to get to the source of the problem rather than just mitigate the symptoms. It’s dangerous to be deficient in iron because your body will respond by increasing the transport proteins in the digestive tract. These transport proteins are nonspecific and they inevitably increase the uptake of cadmium, lead, mercury, and other toxins as they try to increase the iron in your body. These transport proteins are in the bloodbrain barrier, which means that toxins can also hitch a ride and relocate to places like your central nervous system. This is why it’s so important to go upstream and solve the problem behind the symptoms. Heal the gut, protect the body.

_______ Changing gene expression, removing the stressors, and fixing the gut protects us from contracting autoimmune conditions. _______

Remember the causes of autoimmune conditions are the three-legged stool: genetic susceptibility, a stressor (chemical, physical, or emotional), and leaky gut. The interesting thing is that the cause is also the solution! Changing gene expression, removing the stressors, and fixing the gut protects us from contracting autoimmune conditions.

Balance the Immune System

There are two basic responses of the immune system (called Th1 and Th2). It is not good if the body is stuck in one direction. Balancing your immune system’s responses can make a big difference in your overall health, especially for those of you who have not been able to find relief with any other treatment.241 Cat’s Claw, Echinacea, Astragalus, Maitake mushrooms, beta glucan, Vitamin C, and garlic are examples of Th1 stimulators. Th2 stimulators include things like resveratrol, green tea, caffeine, and grape seed extract.242

It’s actually rather simple. If someone feels better with a Th1 stimulator, they likely have a Th2 dominance. Conversely, if someone feels better with a Th2 stimulator, they likely have Th1 dominance. People who experience improvement with both Th1 and Th2 are likely to have a low overall Th system.

Our bodies are made up of about 76 trillion cells. Research now shows that our gut bacteria outnumber the cells in our bodies 10:1!243 These good bacteria play a role in epigenetics, which means they work within our genetic code to turn genes on or off. The kind of bacteria that dominates your digestive system plays a large role in your overall health. Research has shown that obese and overweight adults have different bacteria than adults who are a healthy and normal weight.244 People with autoimmune thyroid conditions have also been shown to have different bacteria than those who do not have an autoimmune thyroid condition.245 Digestive tract bacteria also plays a large role in the development and severity of allergies.246

allergies People suffering from have different bacteria allergies.247 Autistic children have also been found to be missing bacteria that other children have.248

_______ The kind of bacteria that dominates your digestive system plays a large role in your overall health. _______

than those who don’t have “Replacing missing gut bacteria in a mouse model of autism reverses adverse social behaviors and gut disorders associated with the condition…Then, once mice with autism-like symptoms were fed a common species of Bacteroides, the mice stopped expressing genes for signaling molecules that raise the immune response and autism-like behaviors ceased.”249 Unfortunately, these are not bacteria found in a typical pill or powdered probiotic. Research also shows that fibromyalgia sufferers have altered gut flora .250 Bacteria directly effects neurotransmitters (brain health), hormones (how we feel and weight loss or gain) and the immune system (allergies and autoimmune).

So, how does our gut bacteria (microflora) get destroyed and unbalanced in the first place? There are many culprits, but the most egregious are added hormones in our food, abuse of antibiotics, birth control medication, carbonated drinks (soda pop), cesarean deliveries (C-sections), chlorine, fertilizers, fluoride, painkillers (NSAIDs), pesticides, preservatives, food additives, radiation, steroids, and stress.

To put our bodies back in balance, we have to counteract the bad bacteria with the good. Probiotics (good gut bacteria) refers to the “friendly flora” living in our digestive tracts that help us to break down our foods and gain nutrition from them. These bacteria make up 70%-85% of our immune system. Probiotics have existed in every traditional diet in recorded history. German sauerkraut, Russian kefir, Korean kimchee, the cured meats and cheeses of France, soy sauce, pickles, sourdough bread, and beer are all fermented food products that are naturally high in probiotics. Even ketchup was originally a fermented fish sauce! The use of “friendly flora” emerged when people fermented their food to preserve it before refrigeration was widely available. While, I do not recommend consuming beer or bread, I am a fan of pickled and fermented foods in general.

The benefits of probiotics go well beyond helping us digest our food! They produce antibacterial substances that kill unhealthy bacteria and even help us manufacture Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, A and K. Probiotics help us to extract minerals from our food, aid in the production of essential fatty acids, eat excess sugar, stimulate cell repair, and increase the number of immune cells in our bodies! They also combat allergies and inflammation and transform toxic metals and chemicals into useful compounds. In other words, we need probiotics to make and keep us healthy!

The Power of Probiotics

Most people are familiar with probiotic supplements, but my favorite sources of good bacteria are food and people. There are great sources of good bacteria in foods like raw sauerkraut, cultured whole A2 casein milk, and cultured whey water. Why does the kind of milk you drink matter? Conventional milk and dairy (A1) have many problems including the fact that most are low-fat or fat free (remember, your cells need fat!), all dairy cows are grainfed (even grass-fed cattle typically consume some grains), and they are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. Their milk is also pasteurized at a high temperature (which kills the good bacteria) and homogenized.

Typically, when people learn about the problems with conventional milk and dairy they either avoid it completely and use dairy alternatives (like soy, coconut, or almond milk) or look for a local farmer who sells raw milk and dairy products. Consuming raw milk and dairy does not solve the problem. Raw milk still typically comes from cows that are not 100% grass-fed. However, the most important aspect to understand is what type of beta-casein protein the dairy product has!

Cows can have two different types of beta-casein proteins: A1 or A2. It is believed that at one point all cattle were A2. This was ideal because A2 beta-casein protein is healthy. But then a mutation occurred about one thousand years ago called A1 beta-casein. Researchers now believe this mutation is responsible for creating the intolerance to dairy that so many people suffer from today. It is also believed that diseases and various disorders have arisen because of this change in dairy protein. Research shows that A1 betacasein protein is 23 times worse for you than gluten!251

The unfortunate thing is that 99.9% of cattle in the United States have the A1 protein. During digestion, A1 betacasein releases a (BCM7), which is properties. A1 protein has been linked with type-1 diabetes, autism, schizophrenia, heart disease, SIDS, Parkinson’s disease, and other autoimmune conditions.

chemical called beta-casomorphin-7

an oxidant with powerful opioid The solution is simple: consume milk and dairy products from cows that have 100% A2 beta casein protein. Goat and sheep do not have this mutation and therefore the dairy products made from their milk are not affected.

Whey (milk serum or lactoserum) is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. When the whey is cultured it doesn’t contain any protein but has incredible healing properties. Cultured whey has been recognized as a useful tool since antiquity and modern scientific research has only confirmed the knowledge of the ancients. Hippocrates (466-377 BC), the father of medicine, prescribed cultured whey to his patients and referred to whey as “healing water.” Cultured whey has been shown to heal the intestines, liver, and kidneys, while encouraging your body to absorb the good and eliminate the bad.

Four Ways Whey Heals

• Whey stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Whey works as a gentle laxative. It is effective in the case of intestinal sluggishness as well as for both occasional and chronic constipation.

• Whey regenerates the intestinal flora. Whey inhibits the presence of damaging bacteria and encourages the functions performed by the beneficial bacteria. It is particularly useful to consume whey at times when the microorganisms of the intestinal flora have been destroyed, for example when antibiotics have been taken.

• Whey eliminates excess water from the tissues. Whey is rich in potassium, which is the natural enemy of salt. Whey expels salt from the body along with the water it has retained. Whey does not create imbalance in the mineral composition of bodily fluids the way that chemical diuretics can. Whey only expels excess water the tissues are holding and does not expel the constituent fluid that is needed and normally present.

• Whey stimulates toxin elimination by the kidneys. One of the main roles the kidneys play is the elimination of wastes and metabolic residues. The wastes eliminated by the kidneys include urea, uric acid, creatinine, salts, and expended minerals. Gout, for example, is a disease caused by the presence of too much uric acid in the body, which is acid the kidneys should be eliminating. A study of people who had their blood analyzed after consuming whey showed their blood had rid itself of numerous wastes. It was also shown that symptoms of a variety of autoimmune diseases diminished in intensity or disappeared altogether.252

Other Ways to Get Bacteria

There are certain bacteria that you can only get from another person. When a baby is born naturally, he or she picks up the mother’s bacteria (microbiome) in the vaginal canal. If a baby is born via c-section, they miss this bacterial coating from mom. Likewise, if the mom is given an antibiotic before delivery the baby will not receive the bacterial coating.

Bacteroides fragilis is one of the bacteria you can only get from another human. This type of bacteria has been shown to regulate our immune systems by stimulating our regulatory T-cells. These cells bring balance to the proinflammatory T-cells that give us immunity. If the proinflammatory T-cells are not controlled by regulatory Tcells, the body can enter into hyper-immunity, which causes autoimmune conditions.

As most know, you can get good bacteria from supplements. Clinically, I like to rotate types and brands of probiotics to expose my clients to different strains, rather than having them always take the same probiotic. My friend, Jordan Rubin, healed himself from Chron’s disease by getting unique soil based probiotics into his regimen among a few other things.

Chew Your Food!

Remember digestion starts in your mouth as you chew your food and your salivary enzymes begin to break it down. Just the simple act of chewing your food can drastically improve digestion. I also recommend to not multi-task while you are eating by doing work, watching television, etc. Focus on the task of eating! Back in the early 1900’s there was a man named Horace Fletcher who cured himself of digestive problems and Addison’s disease by chewing each mouthful 25-50 times. His followers were referred to as “fletcherizers.” His theory was if you can’t chew it you shouldn’t eat it. This is where we part company because fiber that is naturally found in vegetables would fall into this category. I don’t like his theory for that reason and I don’t ask you go to that extreme. Just chew your food! A former roommate of mine never chewed his food. I swear he just swallowed each mouthful after a half-bite. Not surprisingly, he also happened to have ulcerative colitis.

The Liver

Nutritional ketosis is a powerful tool for regenerating the body overall, but is especially effective in the liver. Nutritional ketosis is particularly useful for people who have skinny bodies but have fatty livers. They look fine on the outside, but are sick on the inside.

There are several energetic herbal formulas on the market that are fantastic for liver support and regeneration. It’s important to know which formula supports the catabolic and anabolic properties of the liver and to follow the rhythm of your liver’s properties. The liver is in a catabolic phase in the morning and the anabolic phase in the evening. Ls (Liver S) by Systemic Formulas is a herbal and bioenergetic formula that magnifies the liver’s detoxification function through hepatic chelation and elimination processes. It also supports detoxification and drainage including Cytochrome P-450 processes. This formula is best taken in the morning because it activates the catabolic aspects of the liver.

L (Liver) by Systemic Formulas is a herbal and bioenergetic formula that softens, restores and rebuilds the liver with some support for the gallbladder as well. I recommend that clients take this in the evening because it encourages the building and regeneration of the liver’s intercellular tissues. It also assists with digestion and the metabolism of macro-nutrients. Note: these two formulas are not to be confused with the already mentioned Lb (Liver/Gallbladder) in Step 2.

21 Day Liver Program

ClearVite, Metacrin-DX and BileMin by Apex Energetics make up a great 21 day liver program. Take 1 scoop of ClearVite in water with 2 caps of Metacrin-DX and 2 caps of BileMin 2 times a day for 21 days.


Allergies are a sign of gut issues. Interestingly enough, focusing on supporting the liver is an important part of easing allergies. ACX (Vitamin DTX) by Systemic Formulas is an effective detoxifier of the blood, lymph, and tissues. Its special focus is on the left lobe of the liver, which is key. Products that target the left lobe of the liver help with allergies because it controls the histamine-release phenomenon. Diamine oxidase (DAO) also supports the liver. DAO is the main enzyme that is responsible for the degradation of the ingested histamine and only works in the digestive tract (it is not absorbed well).

Clinically, quercetin has been a great tool for helping allergy sufferers. I prefer a liposomal form of quercetin, which seems to be better absorbed into the digestive tract. A typical dose is 500-750mg a day. Research demonstrates that quercetin helps to bind and remove arsenic from the human body and protects your DNA.253 This product is also a great formula for drainage and detoxification.


Allergy is the great mimic and can produce almost any symptom. However, by the time allergy has produced fatigue it has also caused other problems. Suspect an allergy problem if any, or a combination of the following, are present:

1. The onset of fatigue is pre-dated by PIMS (Psychological, Irritable bowel syndrome,

Migraine and headaches). Allergies to foods which hitherto have produced either

a) mood swings, depression, PMT,

b) wind, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, alternating constipation and diarrhoea,

c) migraines or headaches; if undiagnosed and not avoided, often go on to produce fatigue.

2. There are other obvious allergic disorders (which often present in childhood) such as asthma, eczema, urticaria, rhinitis and catarrh, colic etc. which are often due to food allergies.

3. There is a tendency to go for a particular food. One of the interesting aspects of allergy is that sufferers often crave the very food to which they are allergic. This was illustrated by one patient who told me that when he died he wished to take a cow to heaven with him. It was dairy which was his main problem!

4. Symptoms change with time. Often the allergen is the same, but the symptom changes through life, starting with colic and projectile vomiting as a baby, followed by toddler diarrhoea, catarrh and recurrent infections, growing pains, headaches, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, PMT, asthma, arthritis etc. and eventually fatigue.

5. There is a positive family history. So often it is not so much problems which run in families but answers to problems. I have yet to find a patient who is dairy allergic who does not have a first degree relative (parent, sibling, child) who also has symptoms caused by dairy products!

A book by Branahan, an America Immunologist, states that 50% of unexplained symptoms are caused by food allergy.

Tests for food allergy are notoriously unreliable and at the end of the day one has to do an elimination diet. I use a “Stoneage Diet” which cuts out the major allergens. It is a “best guess” diet and will not identify every allergic simply because some people are multiply intolerant. However, for those people I do not like them to do a more restricted diet because if they cut out too much they risk ending up eating nothing. These allergics I start on desensitisation sooner rather than later.

Food Allergies

Conquering Delayed-Onset Food Allergies in Three Steps


Why people have allergies and how to alleviate them

Imbalanced immune function

One of the main causes of allergies is an imbalanced immune system, which will increases your odds of an allergic reaction. Many factors contribute to this immune dysfunction, including:

Increased toxic burden due to pollution in our air, food, water, and personal care products.

Disturbance of immune system function through repeated childhood and adult vaccinations and immunizations.

Over prescribing of antibiotics and steroids, which cause damage to intestinal flora (especially birth control pills).

Hereditary problems that are reflected in the gastrointestinal tract, which causes malabsorption and sets a person up for food allergies.

Nutritional deficiencies.

Repetitive and monotonous diet, which is rooted in grains and all forms of sugar.

Chronic intestinal yeast overgrowth (candidiasis).

Once the immune system becomes overwhelmed and confused about what is an invader and what is not, a "reset" needs to take place to properly orient it to harmful and safe substances.

Barrier function default

Barrier functions are in place to keep a person from having a negative response (sensitivity) to substances that are considered "normal". For example, the barrier function for food sensitivity is digestion. If a person is able to properly assimilate and digest normally, they do not become sensitive to foods. Inadequate digestion for any reason (infection, inflammation, malabsorption) can result in digestive barrier default, which allows undigested food particles into the bloodstream, that in turn creates allergies.

The second barrier, for inhaled substances (dust, pollen, molds, dander) is mucus that covers the sinus membranes and respiratory tract. This mucus is in place to trap any irritants so they do not reach the membranes and can be removed.

The third barrier is the skin, and any break in it (cut, scrape, laceration, rash) compromises the barrier and sensitivities can occur.

Leaky gut, or excessive permeability in the digestive tract, is a major cause of allergies as the immune system reacts to undigested food particles that leak into the bloodstream and are seen as foreign invaders.

Toxic overload

As our environment becomes increasingly contaminated with various pollutants and chemicals, our detoxification system can't keep up with the onslaught. This overload on our allergy barrier systems (intestines, skin, respiratory tract) weakens the barrier function and can lead to sensitization.

According to William Rea, M.D., an environmental physician, when key detoxification organs are unable to properly detoxify the body, a pattern of chronic allergies can develop in which the immune system attacks its own unprocessed toxic load. An overburdened immune system ultimately becomes overly sensitive, and allergies to food, airborne agents, and chemicals develop.

Common allergy triggers

With allergies becoming more severe, the list of allergy triggers is growing. However, these still remain the most common:

Foods such as sugar, milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, pork, soy, tree nuts, corn, fish, and shellfish.

Medications such as antibiotics, birth control pills, and anti-inflammatory drugs (ie. aspirin).

Inhalants like plant pollen, animal dander, dust mites, mold spores, tobacco smoke, car exhaust, and chemical products.

Contactants like poison ivy, sumac, oak, jewelry, latex gloves, and beauty products.

Injectants like insect stings and some medications (i.e. vaccines).

Also check out Treat Allergies Naturally With These 4 Methods and Allergy Free in Five Days.

Learn more:

The Thyroid

Gluten is a major trigger for thyroid problems and must be removed before the thyroid can be restored. Gluten is a toxic trigger to the thyroid because it has a very similar structure to the thyroid gland molecule. To put it simply, when gluten sneaks through a leaky gut into the body, the immune system attacks the gluten and also mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland too.

The thyroid gland primarily produces T4 (inactive thyroid hormone) and some T3 (active thyroid hormone). The vast majority of T3 production comes from converting T4 into T3. This happens in the liver, digestive tract, skeletal muscle, brain, and the thyroid gland itself. Just remember that thyroid problems aren’t just about the thyroid! The liver and gut play a big role in having enough active thyroid hormone as well. Likewise, a rise in insulin keeps T4 from converting to T3. You’ll find that your body’s systems are interconnected and one impacts the other. To treat the thyroid, you have to get to the root of the problem.

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