Spatial positioning of sidewall stations in a narrow tunnel environment: a safe alternative to traditional mine survey practice

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In 1904 Young observed that “Numerous problems will arise upon which will depend the reputation of the surveyor…” [6] Current developments in surveying technology have increased the scope of work that can be performed by Mine Surveyors in the execution of their duties. It must always be remembered that regardless of the technology that will be available to the Mine Surveyor in the future, adherence to fundamental survey theory and observation protocol remain as important now as it was during the early years of mine surveying.

The method of installing sidewall survey stations and using these survey stations as reference points to orientate and align excavations is a an accurate, safe and effiecient alternative to the current South African Mine Survey practice of hangingwall survey networks. The placement of survey stations in the sidewall of a tunnel has the advantage of reducing the risk exposure of the survey crew both from working-at-heights as well as moving machinery as it allows the surveyor to move the instrument setup to a safer and less exposed position while still maintaining the accuracy of the network. Sidewall station networks can meet the accuracy requirements of the curent Mine Health and Safety Act if the fundamentals of good survey practice are followed.



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