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Bes=do; 4/4

HAI MALAIKAT dari sorga, sayapmu bentangkanlah;

Nyanyi di seluruh dunia : Lahir Kristus, Rajanya!

Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah
Hai gembala yang menjaga dombamu di Efrata,

Allah beserta manusia; mari menyaksikannya!

Hai Majus dari timur, karyamu tinggalkanlah;

Carilah harapan dunia, ikut sinar bintangNya!

Langit, bumi, mari ikut muliakanlah terus

Khalik, Penebus, Pembaru: Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!

Angels from the realms of glory,

Wing your flight over the earth

Ye who sang creation’s story

Now proclaim Messiah’s birth

Come and worship, come and worship,

Worship Christ the newborn King
Shepherds in the field abiding,

Watching o’er the flocks by night

God with man is now residing,

Yonder sights the Infant Light

Sages, leave your contemplations,

Brighter visions beam afar

Seek the great Desire of nations,

Ye have seen His natal star

Saints before the altar bending,

Watching long in hope and fear

Suddenly the Lord, descending

In His temple shall appear

Tho’ an infant now we view Him,

He will share His Father’s throne

Gather all the nations to Him,

Every knee shall then bow down

Syair: James Montgomery 1816

Lagu: Henry Smart 1867

  1. G=do; 4/4

HAI, MARI BERHIMPUN dan bersukaria!

Hai mari semua ke Betlehem!

Lihat yang lahir Raja Bala Sorga!
Sembah dan puji Dia 3x Tuhanmu!
Terang yang illahi, Allah yang sejati

T’lah turun menjadi manusia.

Allah sendiri dalam rupa insan
Gembala dipanggil dari padang raya

Menuju palunganNya yang rendah

Kita pun turut bergegas ke sana
Melihat bintangNya, datang orang Majus

Menghantar emas, kemenyan dan mur.

Marilah kita persembahkan hati.
Cahaya abadi dari Allah Bapa

Kentara terwujud di dunia

Anak ilahi berbalutkan lampin
Demi kita ini Ia sudah lahir

Peluk Dia dalam iman teguh

Cinta kasihNya patut kita balas
Hai para malaikat angkatlah suaramu

Biduan sorgawi bernyanyilah

Muliakan Allah, Bapa dalam sorga
Ya Tuhan yang lahir pada hari ini

Ya Yesus terpujilah namaMu

Firman abadi yang menjadi langit
O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant

O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem

Come and behold Him, born the King of angels
O come let us adore Him 3x Christ the Lord
Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation

O sing all ye bright hosts of heav’n above

Glory to God, all glory in the highest
Yea Lord we greet Thee, born this happy morning

Jesus to Thee be all glory giv’n

Word of the Father now in flesh appearing

Syair & lagu: John Francis Wade 1751

  1. F=do; 4/4

HAI ORANG yang penuh dosa inginkah kau lepas

T’rimalah sabda rahmatNya hidupmu kan bebas

Pada Yesus, pada Yesus taruh hidupmu

Pada Yesus sumber s’lamat, s’rahkan hidupmu
Cucuran darah Almasih memb’ri berkat penuh

Membasuh hati yang keji, jiwa jadi sembuh

Marilah umat yang setia menuju surga t’rang

Tempat yang mulia bahagia sejaht’ra dan senang

Musik & Syair : Only Trust Him, John Hart Stockton (1813-1877)

  1. C= do; 4/4

HALLELUJAH ANYHOW (hallelujah anyhow….)

Never, never ever let your trouble makes you down

(make you down…)

When your hard times come your way

Just raise your hands up high and say “Hi!”

Hallelujah anyhow


For the Lord God Almighty reign) 2x


Holy…holy…are You Lord God Almighty

Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb

You are holy…holy…amen……


TubuhMu terluka sengsara Kau t’rima

Hina dipikulNya dosa ditanggungNya

DarahNya tercurah ‘tuk s’lamatkan manusia

BilurNya, bilurNya sembuhkanku s’lamatkanku 2x

  1. E=do; 4/4


Yang sungguh ku cari untuk diam dalam rumah Tuhan

Sepanjang hidupku
{Ku rindu memandang keindahan Tuhan

S’lalu menikmati kehadiran Tuhan } 2x

  1. E=do; 4/4


Tak paling ke b’lakang hanya Dialah Tuhanku

Dia bayar semua hutangku

Hanya Yesus yang ku pandang,

Tak paling ke b’lakang

O.….. besar cintanya, anug’rahNya heran

Di kayu salibNya dosa dikalahkan

  1. G= do; 4/4

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, happy in the Lord

Praise God I’m born again and trust in His word

I want you to know His promise is true

For I am happy, happy in the Lord

  1. A= do; 4/4 & 2/4

HARI BAHAGIA dalam hidupku

Berjalan bersamaMu Yesus Tuhanku

S’bab Kau sertaku s’lalu sertaku

Sepanjang hidupku bahagia selalu sertaku

Today I will walk with my hands in God

Today I will trust in Him and not be afraid

For He will be there 2x

Every moment to share on this wonderful day

He has made

Syair & lagu: Ir. Welyar Kauntu

HARI INI hari yang telah dijadikan Tuhan

Mari kita bersuka di dalam Tuhan

Bersuka di dalam Tuhan
Bersuka, bersuka dalam Tuhan

Mari bersuka, bersukacitalah

Bersuka, bersuka dalam Tuhan

S’karang bersuka, bersukacitalah

  1. B=do; 4/4


Berkumpul bersama saudara seiman

Tuhan Yesus t’lah satukan kita

Tanpa memandang di antara kita

Bergandengan tangan dalam kasih, dalam satu hati

Berjalan dalam terang kasih Tuhan

Kau sahabatku, kau saudaraku,

Tiada yang dapat memisahkan kita

Kau sahabatku, kau saudaraku,

Tiada yang dapat memisahkan kita


Bertambah satu usiamu

Ucap syukur buat hari yang Tuhan b’ri

Terasa indah berkesan dihati

Selamat ulangtahun sahabatku

Selamat ulangtahun saudaraku

Semoga kasih Tuhan besertamu

BerkatNya melimpah dalam hidupmu

  1. D=do; 4/4

HARI TELAH BERLALU dalam hidup ini

Kau mencari artinya namun tak mendapat

Tak ada yang berarti dalam hidup ini

Kecuali Yesus Kristus jadi pilihanmu

Esok ‘kan terlambat putuskanlah s’karang

Esok kan terlambat janganlah kau tunda
Ambillah keputusan dalam hidup ini

Agar kau tak kecewa hanyut dalam dosa

  1. F= do; 6/8

HARI YANG AJAIB hari yang ajaib

Hari yang tak terlupakan

Ku berada pada jalan g’lap berjumpa Tuhan Yesus

Ialah Sobatku yang lemah lembut ku dapat yang kurindu

Ku beritakan bahwa awan g’lap Ia jadikannya sukacita
Surga turun penuhi hatiku

Di atas salib Ia sempurnakanku

Dosaku dibasuh malam kan jadi terang

Sorga turun penuhi hatiku
Kudapatkan pengharapan pasti saat ajalku tiba

Ia menyediakan tempat bagiku bersama Dia di sorga

Hari yang tak mudah kulupakan, kupercaya padaNya

Anugrah kekalNya berkat limpahNya padaku Tuhan berikan

O what a wonderful day, wonderful day

Day I will never forget

After I’d wandered in darkness away

Jesus my Savior I met

O what a tender, compassionate friend

He met the need of my heart

Shadows dispelling with joy I am telling

He made all the darkness depart

Heaven came down and glory filled my soul

When at the cross the Savior made me whole

My sins were washed away

And my night was turned to day

Heaven came down and glory filled my soul
Born of the Spirit with life from above

Into God’s fam’ly divine

Justified fully thro’ Calvary’s love

O what a standing is mine

And the transaction so quickly was made

When as a sinner I came

Took of the offer of grace He did proffer

He saved me o praise His dear name!

Now I’ve a hope that will surely endure

After the passing of time

I have afuture in heaven for sure

There in the mansions sublime

And it’s because of that wonderful day

When at the cross I believe

Riches eternal and blessings supernal

From His precious hand I received

Syair & lagu: John W Peterson

HARI YANG TERINDAH ketika ‘ku jumpa

Dengan Yesus yang menjadi kekasih hatiku

Walau banyak rintangan, jalan yang dihadapan

KasihNya kini jadi kuatku

Di hatiku ada cintaNya, di hatiku ‘ku cinta padaNya

Ku ingin selalu mendengar suaraNya

Bertumbuh dalam imanku padaNya

  1. G=do; 3/2

HARUSKAH YESUS saja yang memikul salib b’rat

Oh, tidak kita pun tak luput berpenat

Ku pikul salibku terus hingga akhirnya

Ku dapat dari Penebus mahkota yang baka

Kelak dipinggir laut kristal mahkota itu pun

Kus’rahkan sambil bersyukur di kaki penebus

  1. C=do; 4/4

HATIKU SIAP YA, ALLAH, hatiku siap

Aku mau bernyanyi, aku mau bermazmur

Bangunlah wahai jiwaku, bangunlah hai gambus dan kecapi

Aku mau membangunkan fajar

  1. F=do; 4/4

HATI YANG GEMBIRA adalah obat;

S’perti obat hati yang senang

Tapi semangat yang patah keringkan tulang

Hati yang gembira Tuhan senang

A merry heart doeth good, like a medicine

Like a medicine is a merry heart

A broken spirit drieth the bones

But a merry heart is the joy of the Lord

HE GAVE US THE WIND, the sun and the snow

The sand and the seashore, the flowers that grow

Morning and evening, winter and spring

Come join all creation and sing

Our God is great!” 4x
The gift that He bring, our new everyday

From glorios sunset to soft falling gray

The mist and the hills, the light and the shadow

Come join all creation and sing

Our God is great!” 4x

  1. C= do; 4/4

HE IS ABLE more than able

To accomplish what concern me today

He is able more than able

To handle anything that comes my way

He is able more than able

To do much more than I could ever dream

He is able more than able

To make me what He wamts me to be

HEAR OUR PRAY, we are Your children

And we’ve gatheres here today,

We’ve gathered here to pray

Hear our cry, we need Your mercy

And we need Your grace today, hear us as we pray
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name

Our Father, hear us from heaven, forgive our sins we pray
Hear our song, as it rises to heaven

May Your glory fill the earth,

As the waters cover the sea

See our hearts and remove anything

That is satnding in the way of coming to You today
Though we are few, we’re surrounded by many

Who have crossed that river before

And this is the song we’ll be singing forever,

Holy is the Lord

  1. C=do; 4/4


Jangan takut dan gelisah ikut Tuhan

Pikullah salibmu serta pandang terus

Hingga dapatkan mahkota sukar lenyap
Tuhan tuntut kerendahan pikul salib

Kalau rasa kelemahan ikut Yesus

Apapun juga menggoyahkan tinggal tetap

Tuhan Yesus mau teguhkan hingga menang

Buku: Sekarang bersyukur nomor 228

  1. D=do; 4/4

HENDAK KEMANAKAH jalanmu kawan

Tanpa tujuan dan segera berakhir

Mengejar impian yang tampak indah,

Setelah dekat tiada

‘Ku kan mengerti kau mengeluh lelah

Tetapi dalam kasih Tuhan cerah

B’rilah hidupmu dipimpin olehNya,

Berjalanlah dengan Dia

Tanpa kasihNya hidupmu binasa

Dan jika engkau tiada bersamaNya

Impian itu tiada gunanya, berjalanlah dengan Dia

HE’S THE LORD of the sunshine,

The Lord of the rain

He’s the Lord of the good time,

The Lord of the pain

He’s the Lord of the mountain,

The Lord of the sea

He’s the Lord of the music,

The Lord of the children

The Lord of you and me


Tiada yang berkenan dihadapanNya

Dia cuptakan kau s’turut gambarNya

Sungguh terlalu indah kau bagi Dia

Dia berikan kasihNya bagi kita

Dia t’lah relakan segala-galanya

Kar’na hidupmu sangatlah berharga
Buluh yang terkulai takkan dipatahkanNya

Dia ‘kan jadikan indah sungguh lenih berharga

Sumbu yang t’lah pudar takkan dipadamkanNya

Dia ‘kan jadikan terang untuk kemuliaanNya

  1. G=do; 4/4


Tapi Yesus dalamku} 2x

Yesus hidup, Yesus hidup dalamku

Hidupku bukannya aku lagi tapi Yesus dalamku

  1. G=do; 4/4

HIDUPKU TERIMALAH, bagiMu kuduskanlah

Tuhan pakai waktuku untuk memuliakanMu

Tanganku gerakkanlah, kasihMu pendorongnya

Dan jadikan langkahku berkenan kepadaMu

Buat suaraku hanya mengaungkanMu

Dan sertakan lidahku berkenan saksi InjilMu

Harta kekayaan jadi alat bagimu

Akal budi dan kerja Tuhan pergunakanlah

Limpah ruah kasihku ‘ku serahkan padaMu

Diriku seutuhnya milikMu selamanya

  1. As=do; 4/4

HIDUPKU TUHAN kini mlikMu,

Hidup dalam kasihMu

‘Ku terbang dengan sayap imanku,

Makin rapat padaMu

Makin rapat, angkatlah Tuhan aku pada salibMu

Makin rapat, angkatlah Tuhan aku pada sisiMu
Sucikanlah aku dalam kerjaMu oleh kuasa rahmatMu

Kau harapanku s’lama hidupku yang dis’rahkan padaMu

Nikmatku yang tak ada taranya saat di hadiratMu

PadaMu ‘ku dapat berkatalah bagai pada kawanku

  1. A=do; 3/4


Jalan dengan tanpa harapan

Lalu tangan yang berlubang paku

Menjamah jadi hidup baru

Dan kayu yang kasar mengubahku

Jalan hidup yang penuh kegagalan

Kupuji Dia selama-lamanya

Sebab Salib mengubah hidupku

Dan ‘ku yakin darah Yesus yang suci

Ssudah mengalir di Kalvari

Bila zaman berlalu dunia mendebu

Ku tetap pegang Salib itu

Ku yakin korban Kristus di atas Salib,

Itu sangat agung dan ajaib

Hidupku sungguh-sungguh menjadi baru,

Ku tetap pegang salib itu
Twas a life fill with aimless desperation,

Without hope walk’d the shell of a man

Then a hand with a nailpraint stretch’d downward

Just one touch then a new life began

And the old rugged cross made the difference

In a life bound for heartache and defeat

I will praise Him forever and ever,

For the cross made the difference for me

Now I believe The hill of cross called Golgotha

There my Jesus shedding precious blood

Even all changed away gone

But I still holding fast to that the old rugged cross

I believe Jesus who’s nailed has greatest power

Just one touch then a new life began

I believe Jesus for us to die on the cross,

And the old rugged cross made difference

Syair: Twas a Life William J. (1936-) & Gloria Gaither (1942-)

Lagu: William J. Gaither (1936-)

  1. D= do; 4/4

HIS NAME IS HIGHER than any other

His name is Jesus, His name is Lord

His name is Wonderful, His name is Counsellor

His name is Prince of Peace, the Mighty God

His name is higher than any other

His name is Jesus, His name is Lord

  1. D=do; 4/4

HORMATI YESUS, puji Immanuel

Rajaku, Tuhanku, Bintang Fajar

Di dalam kekekalan kupuji Dia

Ku bersama Dia mem’rintah s’lamanya

All hail King Jesus, all hail Emmanuel

King of kings, Lord of lords, Bright Morning Star

All throughout eternity I’ll sing Your praises

And I’ll reign with You throughout eternity

Syair: Dave Moody, Wahyu 5:9-10


How vast beond all measure

That He should give His only Son

To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss

The Father turns His face away

As wounds which mar the Chosen One

Bring many sons to glory

Behold the man upon a cross

My sin upon His shoulders

Ashamed I hear my mocking voice

Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that held Him there

Until it was accomplished

His dying breathe has brought me life

I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything

No gifts, no power, no wisdom

But I will boast in Jesus Christ

His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from from His reward

I cannot give answer

But this I know with all my heart

His wounds have paid my ransom

  1. D= do; 4/4

HOW MANY WAYS can I get back to God

To God the Father above?

How many doors can I enter through

To God the Father of love

How many light can I see on the way

To God the Father above

The answer my friend is written in God’s word

The answer is written in God’s word
Jesus alone is the way back to God

To God the Father above

Jesus alone is the door that will lead

To God the Father above

Jesus alone is the light that will shine

To God the Father above

  1. D=do; 4/4


Kasihi sesamamu seperti Aku t’lah mengasihi kamu

Sabda Tuhanmu
DenganNya s’kalian ‘kan tahu kamu muridKu }

Kalau kau cinta sesamamu } 2x
A new commandment I gave unto you

That you love another as I have loved you

That you loved one another as I have loved you
By this shall all men know that you are My disciples

If you have love one to another

  1. E= do; 4/4

I AM THE EYE, I go blink-blink

I am the eye and I can wink

I am the eye but I can’t think

That belongs to my friend the brain

I’m fritter fratter pit, fritter fratter pit,

I’m the brain with electric current pit

I’m the brain and fritter learning bit by bit

Yes I’m fritter fratter fritter all the time

I go lub dub lub dub, I go,

I am the heart I pump like so

I’m bringing life to all the part,

I am consisten, am the heart

I’m swinging, I’m swinging,

Swinging on life’s merry way

I’m the arm, I,’m the arm,

I’m bringing grace to all

Hearing, hearing, small ears, hearing

We don’t miss much, hearing all the time

We are the body of Christ, we are the body of Christ

Together bringing His love to the world

  1. Bes= do; 4/4

I AM THE BREAD of life

He who comes to me shall not hunger

He who believes in me shall not thirst

No one can come to Me

Unless the Father draw him
And I will raise him up 2x

And I wil raise him upon the last day

Lord we believe that You are the Christ the Son of God

Who has come in the world

I CAN SEE that you love Jesus first, it’s plain to me

And you sit close to hear His heart beat

For in your eyes I see shining love, that speaks so clear

And I can hear them say so sweetly

You are lovely, You are holy

Gaze supremely that all men might see

You are gentle tender hearted, Risen Savior You are God
Master-maker, sweet life

Creator Come indwelling me

Come shine through me that all may see

Your love so full and free

And I declare Your grace through endless ages


And there’s just one thing that I want to say

Thank You Lord, thank You Lord

For all You’ve done in my life

For all the blessing that I cannot see

Thank You Lord, thank You Lord

With a greatful heart, with asong of praise

With an outstretch arm, I will bless Your name

Thank You Lord, thank You Lord

I just want to thank You Lord

Thank You Lord
For all You’ve done in my life

You took my darkness and give me Yor life

Thank You Lord, thank You Lord

You took my sin and my shame

You took my sickness and heal all my pain

Thank You Lord, thank You Lord

I CRY OUT for Your hand of mercy to heal me

I am weak I need Your love to free me

O Lord my Rock, my strength in weakness

Come rescue me o Lord

You are my hope, Your promise never fails me

And my desire is to follow You forever

For You are good 3x to me

  1. A= do; 4/4

I DON’T KNOW WHY Jesus loves me

I don’t know why He cares

I don’t why He sacrified His life

O but am glad, so glad He did

Where would I be if Jesus didn’t love me?

Where would I be if Jesus didn’t care?

Where would I be if He hadn’t sacrified His life?

O but I’m glad, so glad He did

He left His mighty throne in glory

To bring to us redemption’s story

Then He died but He rose again just for you and me

O but I’m glad, so glad He did

Syair & lagu: Andrea Crouch

  1. As= do; 6/8

IF YOU BELIEVE and I believe

And we together strive

The Holy Spirit will work through

Indonesia will revive

Indonesia will revive, Indonesia will revive

The Holy Spirit will work through

Indonesia will revive

If you believe and I believe and we together strive

The Holy Spirit must come down

And set God’s people free

And set God’s people free 2x

The Holy Spirit must come down

And set God’s people free

Syair: Zimbabwean Traditional

  1. D=do; 4/4


I thank You Lord for giving me wings

And if I were a robin in a tree

I’d thank You Lord that I can sing

And if I were a fish in the sea

I’d wiggle my tail and I’d giggle with glee

But I just thank You Father for making me ‘me’
For You gave me a heart and You gave me a smile

You gave me Jesus and You make me Your child

And I just thank You Father for making me ‘me’

  1. F= do; 4/4

IF YOUR HEART is right with my heart

Give me your hand 2x

The right hand of fellowship

The right hand of covenant

If your heart is right with my heart give me your hand

IF WE CALL TO HIM, he will answer us

If we run to Him, he will run to us

If we lift our hands, he will lift us up

Come now praise His name all you saints of God

Draw near to Him. He’s here with us

Give Him your love, He’s in love with us

He will heal our hearts, He will cleanse our hands

If we rent our heart, He will heal our land

O sing for joy to God our strength 2x our strength

  1. D= do; 4/4

I’M YOUR CHILD Lord Jesus, I’m Your child 2x

Everyday, everyday when I see the mighty power

I’m Your child Lord Jesus, I’m Your child
Keep me true, Lord Jesus….
I’ll be true, Lord Jesus….
Hold my hand, Lord Jesus…..

  1. D= do; 2/4


By His cool water lie

Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I

All the sheep of His pasture

Fare so wondrously fine, His sheep am I

Water cool….. in the valley

Pasture green… on the mountain

In the eve…..in the evening walk my Lord and I

Dark the night…. In the valley

Rough the way…. On the mountain

Step by step…. Step by step my Lord and I

  1. D= do; ¾

IN MOMENTS LIKE THIS I sing out a song

I sing out a love song to Jesus

In moment like this I lift up my hands to the Lord

Singing I love You Lord 3x

I love You

Syair & lagu: David Graham

  1. Es=do; 4/4

IKUT DIKAU SAJA, TUHAN, jalan damai bagiku

Aku s’lamat dan sentosa hanya oleh darahMu

Aku ingin ikut Dikau dan mengabdi padaMu:

Dalam Dikau Jurus’lamat ‘ku bahagia penuh!
Ikut Dikau di sengsara kar’na janjiMu teguh:

Atas kuasa kegelapan ‘ku menang bersamamu

Ikut dan menyangkal diri, aku buang yang fana,

Hanya turut kehendakMu dan padaMu berserah

Ikut dalam kesucian, lahir, batin yang bersih;

Aku rindu mengikuti suri yang Engkau beri

Syair &Lagu: Heiland, U alleen to volgen, dari Zangbundel Johan de Hear 1936, terj. Yamuger 1982. © Joh. De Heer & Zn. B. V.


Kala Yesus hadir di tengah kita

Indahnya tali persahabatan

Kala Yesus hadir di tengah kita

O ‘ku ‘kan menari bersukacita puji Hu

Haleluya, Yesusku buat s’galanya menjadi indah


  1. As= do; 4/4

INDAH MULIA bahagia penuh

Bersandarkan lengan yang kekal

Damai dan berkat sungguh milikku

Bersandarkan lengan yang kekal

Aman, aman dari bencana dan sesal

Aman, aman bersandarkan lengan yang kekal
O indah benar ikut jalanNya

Bersandarkan lengan yang kekal

Langkahku teguh jalanku cerah

Bersandarkan lengan yang kekal

Tiada ku cemas takut pun enyah

Bersandarkan lengan yang kekal

Hatiku tenang, ku dihantarNya

Bersandarkan lengan yang kekal

What a fellowship what a joy devine

Leaning on the everlasting arms

What a blessedness what a peace in mind

Leaning on the everlasting arms

Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms

Lening, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms
O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way

Leaning on the everlasting arms

O how bright the path grows from day to day

Leaning on the everlasting arms

What have I to dread what have I to fear

Leaning on the everlasting arms

I have blessed peace with my Lord so near

Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Syair: Elisha A Hoffman

Lagu: Anthony J Showalter

  1. E=do; 4/4


Matahariku, benteng hidupku, harapan di kalbu

Tiada lagi bimbang, ragu, s’lama Kau dekatku

BersamaMu, Tuhan indahnya hidup ini

Indahnya hidup ini bersamaMu Tuhan

Melebihi s’galanya didunia, Tuhan yang kupuja

Walau temaran dunia sinarMu t’rus bercahaya

BersamaMu, Tuhan indahnya hidup ini

Bersama Tuhan kuayunkan langkah-langkah pasti

Bersama Tuhan ‘kujalin nada-nada kasih

Melewati gunung dan lembah tangan yang perkasa menjaga
S’makin dekat aku padaNya s’makin kurasakan kasihNya

S’makin nyata ‘ku milikNya pribadi

BersamaMu Tuhan, indahnya hidup ini

  1. D= do; 6/8

INDAHNYA SAAT yang teduh

Menghadap takhta Bapaku

Kunaikkan doa padaNya sehingga hatiku lega

Di waktu bimbang dan gentar, jiwaku aman dan segar

Kubebas dari seteru di dalam saat yang teduh
Indahnya saat yang teduh dengan bahagia penuh

Betapa rindu hatiku kepada saat doaku

Bersama orang yang kudus, kucari wajah Penebus

Dengan gembira dan teguh, kunanti saat yang teduh

Indahnya saat yang teduh penampung permohonanku

Kepada yang Maha Besar yang bersedia mendengar

Sejak kulihat wajahNya ku yakin pada firmanNya

Dan menyerahkan bimbangku

Di dalam saat yang teduh
Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer

That calls me from a world of care

And bids at my Father’s throne

Make all my wants and wishes known

In seasons of distress and grief

My soul has often found relief

And oft escaped the tempter’s snare

By thy return, sweet hour of prayer

Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer

Thy wings shall my petition bear

To Him whose truth and faithfulness

Engage the waiting soul to bless

And since He bids me seek His face

Believe His word and trust His grace

I’ll cast on Him my every care

And wait for Thee, sweet hour of prayer

Syair: William Walford

Lagu: William Bradbury


Seg’nap hatiku menyembahMu

Seluruh jiwaku memujiMu,

Ku memujaMu ya Allahku

Kubrikan hatiku dan jiwaku, semuanya bagiMu

Didalam hidupku di setiap waktu, nyatakan jalanMu
This is my desire to honour You

Lord with all my heart I worship You

All I have within me I give You praise

All that I adore is in You

Lord I give You my heart, I give You my soul

I live for You alone

Ev’ry breath that I take ev’ry moment I’m awake

Lord have Your way in me

  1. Es= do; 4/4

INI DUNIA BAPA, anak dengarkanlah!

Langit, bumi, memuji Dia, bintang pun menggema

Ini dunia Bapa, hatiku tenanglah

Pohon, bunga, langit dan laut, nyatakan kuasaNya

Ini dunia Bapa, burung menyanyilah!

Terang fajar, mekar bunga, nyatakan ciptaNya

Ini dunia Bapa, kasihNya besarlah

Dan semua yang bernafas, nyatakan hadirNya

Ini dunia Bapa, s’lalu kuingatlah!

Kuasa dosa tak berjaya, hanya ia berkuasa

Ini dunia Bapa, hatiku tak susahlah

Umat semua memuji Dia, nyatakan tahtaNya

This is my Father’s world and to my list’ning ears

All nature sings and round me rings

The music of the spheres

This is my Father’s wolrd I rest me the thought

Of rocks and trees of skies and seas,

His hand of wonders wrought

This is my Father’s world the birds their carols raise

The morning light, the lily white

Declare their Maker’s praise

This is my Father’s world He shines in all that’s fair;

In the rustling grass I hear Him pass

He speak to me ev’rywhere

This is my Father’s world o let me ne’er forget

That though the wrong seems oft so strong

God is the Ruler yet

This is my Father’s world the battle is not done

Jesus who died shall be satisfie

And earth and heaven be one

Syair : Maltbie D. Babcock,

Lagu : Franklin L. Sheppard

  1. Bes=do; 4/4

INGAT AKAN nama Yesus,

Kau yang susah dan sedih

Nama itu menghiburmu kemana saja kau pergi
Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!

Indahlah namaNya suka sorga yang baka!
Bawa nama Tuhan Yesus, itulah perisaimu

Bila datang pencobaan, itu yang menolongmu

Sungguh agung nama Yesus, hati kita bergemar

Bila kita dirangkulNya, sukacita pun besar

Bila mendengar namaNya, baiklah kita menyembah

Dan mengaku Dia Raja kini dan selamanya

Take the name of Jesus with you,

Child of sorrow and of woe

It will joy and comfort give you,

Take it then where’er you go

Precious name o how sweet hope of earth and joy of heav’n 2x
Take the name of Jesus ever

As a shield from every snare

If temptations round you gather

Breathe that holy name in prayer

O the precious name of Jesus,

How it thrills our souls with joy

When His loving arms receive us

And His songs our tongues employ

At the name of Jesus bowing,

Falling prostate at His feet

King of kings in heav’n we’ll crown Him

When our journey is complete

Syair: Lydia Baxter 1870

Lagu: William Howard Doane 1871

  1. D= do; 3/4


There’s a work for all to do

Hark the voice of God is calling

To the harvest calling you

Little is much when God is in it,

Labor not for wealth or fame

There’s a crown and you can win it

If you go in Jesus Name
Does the place you’re called to labor

Seem too small and little known

It is great when God is in it

And He’ll not forget His own

Are you laid aside from service

Body worn from toil and care

You can still be in the battle

In the sacres place of prayer

When the conflict here is ended

And our race on earth is run

He will say if we are faithful

“Welcome home, my child well done!”

Syair & lagu: Kittle L Suffield

  1. G=do; 4/4


Puaskan dahaga jiwaku

Roti K’hidupan b’riku makan sepuasnya,

Isilah hingga s’lamat sempurna

Fill my cup Lord I lift it up Lord;

Come and quench this thirsting of my soul

Bread of heaven feed me fill I want no more

Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole

Richard Eugene Balnchard (1925-), Arr. By Eugene Clark; Terj. Pdt. Ben Soriton

  1. D= do; 4/4

ISILAH MATAKU dengan citra salibMu

Dengan kasihMu penuhi hatiku

Isilah mulutku dengan syukur padaMu

Hidupku seluruhnya milikMu

Fill my eyes o my God with the vision of the cross

Fill my heart with love for Jesus the Nazarene

Fill my mouth with Thy praise

Let me sing through endless days

Take my will let my life be wholly Thine

Syair & lagu: Ken Chant

IT’S GOOD to see you here with me

I’m so glad that you came )2x

The Lord love you, so do I 2x

IT IS GOOD to praise the Lord

It is good to gaze upon His majesty

* To proclaim His love in the morning

And His righteousness at night

O it is good to worship and praise the Lord
It is good….(it is good) 2x


It is to worship and praise the Lord 2x

  1. Es= do; 4/4

I TRAVELLED DOWN a lonely road

And no one seem to care

The burden on my weary back

Had bowed me to despair

I oft complain to Jesus how folks are treating me

And then I heard Him say so tenderly:

“My feet were also weary upon the Calv’ry road

The cross became so heavy I fell beneath the load

Be faithful weary plgrim the morning I can see

Just lift your cross and follow close to Me”

“I work so hard for Jesus” I often boast and say

“I’ve sacrificed a lot of things to walk the narrow way

I gave up fame and fortune, I’m worth a lot to Thee”

And then I hear Him gently say to me

“I left the throne of glory and counted it but lost

My hands were nailed in anger upon a cruel cross

But now we’ll take the journey

With your hand safe in Me

So lift your cross and follow close to Me”
O Jesus if I die upon a foreign field someday

‘Twould be no more than love demands,

No less could I repay

No greater love hath mortalman

Than for a friend to die

These are the words He gently spoke to me:

“If just a cup of water I place within your hand

Then just a cup of water is all I demand”

But if by death to living they can Thy glory see

I’ll take my cross and follow close to Thee

  1. E= do; 4/4


Much more than I do 2x

Learn to seek Your face

And the knowledge of Your grace

I want to praise you
Birds I the sky sing their songsto You

Trees in the fields lift their arms to You

I want to sing I want to praise

I want to praise You

Syair & lagu: Sam Scott & Randy Thomas

I WANT to serve the purpose of God

In my generation

I want to serve the purpose of God

While I am alive

I want to give my life for something

That’ll last forever

O I delight I delight to do Your will
What is on Your heart, show me what to do

Let me know Your will and I will follow You
I want to build with silver and gold

In my generation

I want to build with silver and gold while I am alive

I want to give my life for something

That’ll last forever

O I delight I delight to do Your will

I want to see the Kingdom of God

In my generation

I want to see the Kingdom of God while I am alive

I want to give my life for something

That’ll last forever

O I delight I delight to do Your will

I want to see the Lord come again in my generation

I want to see the Lord come again while I am alive

I want to give my life for something

That’ll last forever

O I delight I delight to do Your will

I WAS MADE to (will always) praise You

I was made to (will always) glorify Your name

In every circumstance

To (I’ll) find the chance to thank You

I was made to (will always) love You

I was made to (will always) worship at Your feet

And to (I’ll) obey You Lord, I was made for You


Who is worthy to be praise

So shall I be saved from my enemies

The Lord living and blessed be the Rock

And let the God of my salvation be exalted 2x

  1. D= do; 4/4

I WILL SING of the mercies of the Lord forever

I will sing 2x

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord

With my mouth I make known

Thy faithfulness 2x

With my mouth will I make known

Thy faithfulness to all generations

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord

  1. D= do; 4/4

I WILL SERVE THEE because I love Thee

You have given life to me

I was nothing before You found me

You have given life to me

Heartache, broken pieces

Ruined lives are why You died on Calv’ry

Your touch was what I longed for

You have given life to me

Syair: William J Gaither & Gloria Gaither

Lagu: William J Gaither

I’M INSIDE, outside, upright )

Down right, happy all the time )2x

Since Jesus comes to me, He saves my spirit free

I’m inside, outside, downright and happy all the time

I’VE GOT JOY there is down in my heart

Deep, deep down in my heart

J..o..y..there is down in my heart

Deep, deep down in my heart

Jesus give it to me and no one can

Destroy, destroy, destroy, u…
I’ve got joy there is down in my heart

Deep, deep down in my heart

  1. F=do; 4/4


Yang merindukan rumput hijau,

Yang merindukan sungai air kehidupan

Jadikan kami umat yang kudus

Satu di dalam kasih, satu pengajaran,

Satu iman, satu pengharapan

Betapa kami rindu ‘tuk digembalakan

Masuk dalam hadiratMu Tuhan

  1. C=do; 4/4


Diterangi oleh cah’ya Firman Tuhan

Jalan hidup orang benar

Semakin terang hingga rembang tengah hari

Apabila ia jatuh tidaklah dibiarkan sampai terg’letak

S’bab tangan Tuhan jua yang menopangnya,

Dan membangunkan dia kembali

Amzal 4:18; Musik dan Syair : Robert & Lea

  1. D=do; 3/4

JALAN HIDUP tak selalu tanpa kabut yang pekat

Namun kasih Tuhan nyata pada waktu yang tepat

Mungkin langit tak terlihat oleh awan yang tebal

Diatasnyalah membusur p’langi kasih yang kekal

Habis hujan tampak p’langi bagai janji yang teguh

Dibalik duka menanti p’langi kasih Tuhanmu
Jika badai menyerangmu, awan turun menggelap

Carilah diatas awan p’langi kasih yang tetap

Lihatlah warna-warninya, lambing cinta yang besar

Tuhan sudah b’ri janjiNya, jangan lagi kau gentar

Jauhkan takut putus asa, walau jalanmu gelap

Perteguh kepercayaan dan langkahmu pertegap

“Tuhan itu ada kasih”, itulah penghiburmu

Di atas duka bercahaya p’langi kasih Tuhanmu

Syair: Flora Kirkland

Lagu: I. H. Meredith


RencanaNya bukan rencanaku }

Tapi aku tahu Dia memb’ri yang terbaik }

indah pada waktunya } 2x

Aku mengucap syukur pada Tuhan

Aku mengucap syukur pada Tuhan

Atas s’gala yang dib’rikan olehNya, kumengucap syukur
Walau hidup ini penuh dengan tantangan

Dalam hidup manusia

Tapi aku tahu Dia memb’ri yang terbaik

Indah pada waktunya

Efrata Singer’s

  1. B=do; 4/4


Burung di udara Dia b’ri makan

Jangan kamu kuatir, bunga di padang Dia hiasi

Jangan kamu kuatir, apa yang kau makan, minum, pakai

Jangan kamu kuatir, Bapa di Sorga mem’lihara
Aku tidak kuatir…….

Musik & Syair: Pdt. J E Awondatu

  1. Bes=do; 6/8


FirmanNya berkata ‘tuk kita semua

Tuhan memb’ri hibur bila kau susah

Dan memb’rikan kuat bila kau sedang lemah

Jangan kamu takut Aku besertamu

Takkan tinggalkanmu di setiap kau perlu

Jangan kamu takut Aku besertamu

Takkan tinggalkan kamu Aku tetap sertamu
Keindahan dunia akan lenyaplah

Hari Tuhan tiba, Yesus berkuasa

Mawar Saron Tuhan seg’ra berkembang

Tak pernah kuat Dia luruh tinggal tetap selamanya

Awan g’lap berlalu susah pun hilang

Hari Tuhan mulai p’nuh kesukaan

Kar’na kasih Kristus kutinggal tetap

Bermazmur dan nyanyi puji Yesus Penebus

I’ve seen the lightning flashing

And heard the thunder roll

I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing

Which tried to conquer my soul

I’ve heard the voice of my Savior,

He bid me still fight on

He promised never to leave me,

Never to leave me alone

(No, never alone…no never alone

He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone) 2x
The world’s fierce winds are blowing,

Temptation’s sharp and keen

I have a peace in knowing

My Savior stands between

He stands to shield me from danger

When all my friend are gone

He promised never to leave me,

Never to leave me alone

When in affliction’s valley

I’m tread the road of care

My Savior helps me carry the cross

So heavy to bear

Tho all around is darkness

And earthy joys are flown

My Savior whispers His promised

Never to leave me alone

Source unknown, 19th century

Arr by Eldon Burkwall 1928

  1. As=do; 6/8

JANJI YANG MANIS “Kau tak Kulupakan”

Tak terombang-ambing lagi jiwaku;

Walau lembah hidupku penuh awan,

Nanti ‘kan cerahlah langit di atasku

Kau tidak ‘kan Aku lupakan,

Aku memimpinmu, Aku membimbingmu

Kau tidak ‘kan Aku lupakan

Aku Penolongmu, yakinlah teguh”
Yakin ‘kan janji : “Kau tak Kulupakan,”

Dengan sukacita aku jalan t’rus

Dunia dan kawan tiada kuharapkan,

Satu yang setia: Yesus, penebus

Dan bila pintu sorga dibukakan

Selesailah sudah susah dan lelah;

‘Kan kudengarlah suara mengatakan

“Hamba yang setiawan, mari masuklah.”

Sweet is the promise, “I will not forget Thee”;

Nothing can molest or turn my soul away;

E’en tho’ the night be dark within the valley,

Just beyond in shining an eternal day

I will not forget thee or leave thee,

In My hands I’ll hold thee, in My arms I’ll fold thee

I will not forget thee or leave thee,

I am thy Redeemer, I will care for thee
Trusting the promise “I will not forget thee”

Onward will I go with songs of joy and love

Tho earth despise me, tho my friends forsake me

I shall be remembered in my home above

When at the golden portals I am standing

All my tribulations all my sorrow past

How sweet to hear the blessed proclamation

“Enter, faithful servant, welcome at last”

Syair dan lagu: Charles H. Gabriel

  1. C= do; 4/4


Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord

Emmanuel, God is with us

Blessed Redeemer, Living Word


We proclaim You are king

Standing here in the midts of us

We raise You up with our praise

And as we worship build a throne ) 3x

Come lord Jeus and take Your place


I know I can stand secure

Jesus You’re my firm foundation

I put my hope in Your holy word 2x

I have a future, I have a living hope

God has a plan for me

Of this I’m sure 2x

  1. F= do; 4/4


That I’ve been caught in the mire of self

Just the time I feel

My minds been bought by worldly wealth

But when the breeze begin to blow I know the Spirit called

And all my worldly wondering just melt into His love

Lord I want to know You more deep within my soul

I want to know You, Lord I want to know You

To feel Your heart and know Your mind

Looking in Your eyes tears up within me

Lord I want to know You more

Lrd I want to know You
When my daily deeds ordinarily loose life

And shore my heart begin

To bleed sensitivity to Him is gone

I’ve take the race that set my face

And face a shattered soul but the gentle arms of Jesus

Warm my hungering to be old

Lord I want to know You more deep within my soul

I want to know You Lord I want to know You

And I will give my final breath to know You

In the death and resurrection Christ

That say I want to know You

Lord, I want to know You more

  1. F=do; 4/4

JIKA JIWAKU BERDOA kepadaMu, Tuhanku,

Ajar aku t’rima saja pemberian tanganMu

Dan mengaku, s’perti Yesus di depan sengsaraNya:

Jangan kehendakku, Bapa, kehendakMu jadilah.

Apa juga yang Kautimbang baik untuk hidupku,

Biar aku pun setuju dengan maksud hikmatMu,

Menghayati dan percaya, waktu hatiku lemah:

Jangan kehendakku, Bapa, kehendakMu jadilah.

Aku cari penghiburan hanya dalam kasihMu

Dalam susah Dikau saja perlindungan hidupku

‘Ku mengaku, s’perti Yesus didepan sengsaraNya:

Jangan kehendakku, Bapa, kehendakMu jadilah.

Syair : P.I. Moston, Terj. I. S. Kijne (1899-1970)

Lagu: Annie F. Harrison (abad ke-19)

  1. F=do; 4/4


Ada kuasanya darah Tuhan

Jika kau berhasrat disucikan, darah ada kuasa heran
Ada kuasa, kuasaNya, Yesus, hilangkan dosaku

Ada kuasa, kuasa Tuhanku hilangkan segala dosa
Bersaksi dengan iman yang b’rani

Ada kuasanya, darah Tuhan

B’rilah kabar itu dengan bukti, darah Almasih s’lamatkan

  1. As=do; 4/4


Dan jika ‘ku mati untuk Tuhan

Hidup dan mati hanyalah bagi Tuhan

Karena kita ini milik Tuhan

Oh Tuhan, tolonglah akan daku yang menjadi anakMu

Pimpinku dalam kelemahanku..u..

Agar daku ‘kan setia s’lamanya


Serta tubuhku menari-nari

Menunjukkan sukacita ‘tas kasih Tuhan kepadaku
Haleluya ‘ku kan memuji Tuhanku

Kan ‘kunyanyikan selamanya

Gendang ceracap atau gong serta rebab

Akan ‘ku tabuh membesarkan namaNya ooo…
Pantun, syair dan seloka, akan kucipta, akan kugubah

Jadi nyanyian yang indah, memuji Tuhan mukhalisku

  1. E=do; 3/4

JIWAKU TERBUKA untukMu, Tuhan,

S’lidiki, nyatakan s’gala perkara

Singkapkan semua yang terselubung

Supaya ku layak dihadapanMu, Tuhan

  1. C=do; 4/4


Kalau bukan anugrahMu, Tuhan,

‘Ku tak dapat hidup seperti s’karang ini

Penuh sukacita dan damai dihati

Hosanna, ‘kutinggikan namaMu,

Haleluya, ‘kuagungkan Rajaku

Hidupku tak berarti tanpa Yesus dalamku,

Semua hanya anugrahMu Tuhan

  1. As=do; 4/4

KALAU BUKAN KAU milikku Tuhan

Dan tak darahMu membela jiwaku

Akan kemana aku yang berdosa cari lindungan

Maka senantiasa Kau kupuji Tuhan kar’na kujuga turut

Kau masukkan dalam kumpulan umat

Dikuduskan dengan darahMu

Aut unang Ho jambarhu ale Jesus,

Aut so mudarMu mangondihon au, tung na tudia

Tung na tudia nama au pardosa, marhaporusan?
Ai dang adong be songon Ho, Tuhanku,

Na mamuati arsak ni rohangku;

Sasada Ho do sipasonang ahu, hangoluanku
Dibahen i, hupuji ma goarMu,

Ai dohot au ditaiti Ho, Tuhanku,

Tu parpunguan ni nahinophopMu, dohot mudarMu.

Lagu : Christian Gregor 1778

  1. F=do; 3/4

KALAU TAK KASIHMU menolong jiwaku

‘Ku binasa, tapi Kau rahman Hu

Dan demi kasihMu, ‘ku sentosa
Semogalah teguh, kasih setiaku kepadaMu

Dengan Kau beserta aku sejahtera selamanya

Aut so asi rohaM, aut so godang basaM, tudia au?

Alai dibaen basaM dohot asi rohaM, tu surgo au

Mauliate ma di Ho, o Debata ala basam!

Sibahen dalan i, marhite AnakMi, tu banuaM

  1. E=do; 4/4

KAMI BAWA korban pujian,

Ke rumahMu oh Tuhan,

Juga korban kegirangan kerumahMu oh Tuhan

Korban ucapan syukur kami persembahkan bagiMu

Dan korban kegirangan itu juga bagiMu
We bring the sacrifice of praise

Into the house of the Lord

We bring the sacrifice of joy

Into the house of the Lord

And we offer unto You

The sacrifices of thanksgiving

And we offer unto You the sacrifices of joy

Ibrani 13:15; Maz 107:22

Kirk Dearman, Terj. Pdt. Ben Soriton

  1. C=do; 4/4


MenyembahMu yang kudus 2x

Pujilah Bapa, pujilah Anak, pujilah Roh Kudus,

Ketiga yang Esa }2x

Haleluya, haleluya, ha, ha, ha, haleluya, haleluya!

  1. G=do; 4/4

KAMI BERKUMPUL TUHAN, di hadapan tahtaMu;

Sujud menyembah dalam indahnya hadiratMu

Kami rindu curahan kuasa Roh Kudus

Genapi FirmanMu, jadikan ‘ku alatMu

Biar belas kasihanMu Bapa, penuhi hati kami

Curahkan kuasa Roh Kudus, api kemuliaanMu

Membakar hati yang rindu untuk melayaniMu

Sampai seluruh neg’ri ini, sampai seluruh bumi ini

Dipenuhi api kemuliaanMu

  1. G=do; 2/4

KAMI DATANG dengan hati yang rindu

Diisi oleh FirmanMu Tuhan,

Bentuk kami yang masih muda ini,

Menjadi laskarMu yang berguna

Pakailah kami sesukaMu dalam tangan kemurahanMu

Masyurkan kasihMu di dalam dunia,

Haleluya terpujilah Tuhan
Perlengkapi kami dengan kuat kuasaMu,

Kobarkanlah lagi hati kami yang lesu

Tuhan, bangkitkan generasi ini

Untuk membangun kerajaanMu

Ya Tuhan, bangkit hai kaum mudaku
Jadikan semua bangsa murid Tuhan

Dan ajar m’reka ‘kan kebenaran

Itulah Firman yang dititahkanNya

Bergema dalam kuasa Illahi

  1. G=do; 4/4

KAMI DATANG PENUHI panggilanMu Tuhan

Dengan apa yang dapat kami b’rikan

Kami penuhi amanat agungMu

Menyelamatkan jiwa yang tersesat

Kami datang penuhi panggilanMu Tuhan

Dengan apa yang dapat kami b’rikan

Kami penuhi amanat agungMu

Melayani yang lelah dan berbeban

Urapi kami Tuhan dengan kuasa Roh Suci

Berikan hati yang terbeban dan penuh kasih Illahi

Penuhi kami dengan kuasa dari tempat yang tertinggi

Dan teguhkan semua kesaksian

Syair: Simon Irianto

  1. D=do; 4/4

KAMI NAIKKAN syukur padaMu 2x

Syukur ‘kan kasihMu yang mulai

Kami naikkan syukur padaMu
Let our worship ascend unto Thee

Let our worship ascend unto Thee

Giving thanks for Your love and Your glory

Let our worship ascend unto Thee

Composer unknown

  1. G= do; 4/4

KAMI PUJI dengan riang Dikau Allah yang besar

Bagai bunga t’rima siang hati kami pun mekar

Kabut dosa dan derita kebimbangan t’lah lenyap

Sumber suka yang abadi b’ri terangMu menyerap

Kau memb’ri, Kau mengampuni,

Kau limpahkan rahmatMu

Sumber air hidup ria lautan kasih dan restu

Yang mau hidup dalam kasih Kau jadikan milikMu

Agar kami menyayangi meneladan kasihMu
Semuanya yang Kaucipta memantulkan sinarMu

Para malak tata surya naikkan puji bagiMu

Padang hutan dan samud’ra,

Bukit gunung dan lembah

Margasatwa bergembira ‘ngajak kami pun serta
Mari kita pun memuji dengan suara menggegap

Menyanyikan kuasa kasih yang teguh serta tetap

Kita maju dan bernyanyi jaya walau diserang

Ikut mengagungkan kasih dalam lagu pemenang

Joyful joyful we adore Thee

God of glory, Lord of love

Hearts unfold like flow’rs before Thee

Opening to the sun above

Melt the cloud of sin and sadness

Drive the dark of doubt away

Giver of immortal gladness

Fill us with the light of day

All Thy works with joy surround Thee

Earth and heav’n reflect Thy rays

Stars and angels sing around Thee

Center of unbroken praise

Field and forest, vale and mountain

Flowery meadow, flashing sea

Thou art giving and forgiving ever blessing ever blest

Wellspring of the joy of living

Ocean depths of happy rest

Thou or Father, Christ our Brother

All who live in love are Thine

Teach us how to love each other

Lift us to the joy divine
Mortals join the mighty chorus

Which the morning stars begun

Father love is reigning o’er us

Brother love binds man to man

Ever singing march me onward

Victors in the midst of strife

Joyful music leads us sunward

In the triumph song of life

Syair: Henry Van Dyke

Lagu: Ludwig Van Beethoven


Membawa hancur hati saat berseru

Agar kami saling melengkapi tubuhMu

Seperti Kau dan Yesus adalah satu

Jadikan kami satu s’perti kerinduanMu

Agar dunia tahu bukti nyata dari kasihMu

Sebelum kami pergi memb’ritakan kasihMu

Mulailah dari kami lebih dulu jadikan kami satu

  1. D=do; 4/4

KAMI SIAP TUHAN mengambil bagian

Dalam rencana agungMu

Kami rindu Tuhan bawa persembahan

Banyak jiwa yang terhilang

Di dunia ini yang Kau kasihi pakailah kami di sini

Jadikan kami murid sejati

Yang berbuah banyak dan mengasihi

Berpegang tangan kami semua,

Ambil bagian dalam pekerjaan kes’lamatan
Oh Tuhan jadikanlah dunia ini dunia baru

Yang memandang kepada salib Kristus s’panjang masa

Amsa Sitanggang;

KAMI UMATMU rendahkan diri sujud dan berdoa

Mencari wajahMu berpaling dari jalan kami yang jahat

Oleh anugrahMu ampunilah,

Oleh anugrahMu pulihkanlah

Bapa pulihkan, Bapa pulihkan

Kembalikan bangsa kami kepadaMu

Bapa pulihkan,ampunilah bangsa kami

Dan pulihkan kembali neg’ri kami
If my people will humble themselves

Humble themselves and pray

If they seek my face and humble themselves

And turned from their wicked ways

I will hear from heaven forgive their sin

I will hear from heaven and heal their land

Lord heal our land, Father heal our land

Hear our cry and turn our nation back to You

Lord heal our land

Hear us o Lord and heal our land

Forgive our sin and heal our broken land

(Hear our cry and heal our broken land)
Lord we bow our knee, we humble ourselves

Humble ourselves and pray,

Lord we seek Your face

We humble ourselves and turned from our wicked ways

Father in Your mercy forgive our sin

Father in Your mercy come heal our land

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