Questions: Cual es la fecha hoy? Que dia es hoy? De que color es esto? !0 countries CA/Carribean-Donde esta _______?
I can..use the days of the week and months of year in conversational context.
I and locate 9 Spanish speaking countries/capitals in South America
BR: Answer 5 questions dealing w/colors.
Review colors/numbers using oral ?/boletos.
Review map de SA. TPS – asking Donde esta Bogota? CL: Round Robin – student ask others using blank maps.
Review days and months . En cual mes es tu cumpleanso? Que dia es hoy? (intro. ayer,manana, anteayer)
Review numbers.
Formative: Observation - students ask each other ? using months/days/dates.
Homework: study for quiz. Culture Entry #1 – What sports are popular in your country?
Unit/Lesson: Basic Vocab. Dates. Numbers.
Vocab: Numbers, colors, months, days of week.
Questions: Cual es la fecha hoy? Que dia es hoy? De que color es esto? 9 Spanish speaking countries/capitals in SA
I can…ask/answer questions having to do with dates, colors,numbers.
I can identify and locate the 9 Spanish speaking countries in SA.
BR: 5questioin board (color,numbers,dates)
Review:countries /capitals SA - game
Time Pair Share: Donde esta _____ ? Map review of SA capitals and countries.