Teadus- ja arendustegevuse aastaaruanne

Populaarteaduslikud ja publitsistlikud artiklid

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Populaarteaduslikud ja publitsistlikud artiklid

  1. A4 Engelbrecht, J. Chancen einer wissenbasierten Gesellschaft. In: Wissenschaft und wissenbasierte Gesellschaft. Universität Tartu. Academica, 2005, 47-55 (Eesti keeles – Teadmistepõhise ühiskonna võimalustest, 323-329).

  2. A4 Universität Tartu. Academica Kommentare. In: Wissenschaft und wissenbasierte Gesellschaft. Universität Tartu. Academica, 2005, 152-154 (Eesti keeles – 412-414).

  3. A4 Engelbrecht, J. Fractals for the European reserach area.RDT info. Magazine on European Reserach, 2005, 46, 14-15.

  4. A4 Engelbrecht, J. Süda ja matemaatika. Eesti Teadusfondi Aastaraamat 2004, Tallinn, Sihtasutus Eesti Teadusfond, 2005, 17.

  5. A4 Engelbrecht, J. Intervjuu R.Veskimäega: Miks ma mõtlen nii, nagu ma mõtlen. Horisont, 2005, 5, 20-26.

  6. A4 Engelbrecht, J. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia 2003.a. aruanne. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Aastaraamat X(37), 2005, 68-77

  7. A4 Engelbrecht, J. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia tegevusest aastatel 1994-2004. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Aastaraamat X837), 2005, 91-101

  8. A4 Engelbrecht, J. Arvamusi akadeemikutelt. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Aastaraamat X(37), 2005, 205-206.

  9. A4 Kotta, Ü. Kahe doktorikraadi omanik Sven Nõmm. - In: Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Aastaraamat 2004, 2005, 123-124.

  10. A4 Meister. E., Õim, H. Balti keeletehnoloogia konverents Tallinnas. Keel ja Kirjandus, 2005, 8, 677-681

  11. A4 Soomere, T. Estonia got storm warning from newspaper. The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette, No 4, 25.02.2005, 26-29.

  12. A4 Soomere, T. Läänemere hiidlainete tekkepõhjused. Eesti Teadusfondi Aastaraamat 2004, Tallinn, Sihtasutus Eesti Teadusfond, 2005, 16.

  13. A4 Soomere T. Märatsev meri:Kagu-Aasia tsunami õppetunnid. Horisont, 2005, 2, 10-17

  14. A4 Soomere, T. Märatsev meri II: Kui vesi peale tungib. Horisont, 2005, 3, 32-38.

  15. A4 Soomere, T., Mere(ilma)prognoosi võimalustest ja vajadusestest. Meremees, 2005, 1(274), 4-8.

  16. A4 Soomere, T. Üleujutus – mere valuline reaktsioon tormidele. In: Universum valguses ja vihmas, U.Veismaan, R,Veskimäe (Eds), Tallinn, OÜ Reves Grupp, 2005, 243-255

  17. A5 Soomere, T. Meri ei käitu ettearvamatult. Postimees, 2005, 7 (4281), 10. jaanuar

  18. A5 Soomere, T Mereprognoos olgu asjatundjate teha, Postimees, 2005,266 (4540), 16. november

  19. A5 Saabas, A. Arvutiteadus sulle, TTÜ kraadiõppur! - Mente et Manu, 2005, 18(1699), 3, 16.november

  20. A5 Uustalu, T. MOBIUS: mobiilsus, ubikviteet, turvalisus. - Mente et Manu, 2005, 19(1700, )4, 30.november.

  21. A5 Uustalu, T. Eesti arvutiteadus Viinistul. - IT ja Side (Äripäeva infoleht), 2005, 6, 15.november

  22. A5 Uustalu, T. Rahvusvaheline Eesti arvutiteadus. - Mente et Manu, 2005, 7(1688) 8, 10. 6.aprill

  23. A5 Uustalu, T. Tipptaseme arvutiteaduse konverents Tallinnas. - Mente et Manu, 2005, 15(1696), 3, 5.oktoober.

  24. A5 .Uustalu, T. Viikingisõit läbi. - Mente et Manu, 2005, 3.

  25. A5 Uustalu, T. Programmeerijad jäid rahule. - Mente et Manu, 2005, 16(1697),2, 19.oktoober

  26. A5 Uustalu, T. Arvutiteaduse suurkonverents Tallinnas. – teadus.ee, nr. 23, 23. september.

  27. A5 Uustalu, T. Programmeerijad jäid rahule. – teadus.ee, 2005, nr. 25, 6. oktoober.

  28. A5 Uustalu, T. Viikingisõit jõudis lõppjaama. – teadus.ee, 2005, nr. 29, 4. november.

Konverentsidel, messidel, näitustel osalemine 2005. aastal

Teema 0321769s01

  1. Hele.Mai Haav, International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis ICFCA’05, 14.-21.02, Lens, Universite d’Artois, Prantsusmaa.

  2. Tarmo Uustalu, Meeting Mathematic Logic: Proof Theory, Type Theory and Constructive Mathematics, Oberwolfach (Saksamaa), 20.-26.3.2005, ettekanne Partiality via coinductive types (kaasautorid T. Altenkirch,V. Capretta)

  3. Ando Saabas, Pavel Grigorenko, 8th European Joint Conf. on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS'05, Edinburgh, 2.-10.4.2005, sh. 5th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, LDTA'05, Edinburgh, 3.4.2005, ühine ettekanne LDTA-l COCOVILA -compiler-compiler for visual languages (kaasautor E. Tõugu)

  4. Tanel Alumäe, The Second Baltic Conference on Human Language technologies, 4.-5.04, Tallinn, ettekanne “Phonological and morphological modeling in large vocabulary continuous Estonian speech recognition system”

  5. Lya Meister, IV Rakenduslingvistika konverents, 7.-8.04., Tallinn, ettekanne “Vene aktsendi akustika”

  6. Lya Meister, Eesti keele kevadseminar, 19.-20.04 Helsingis, ettekanne “Vene aktsendist eesti keeles”

  7. Vahur Kotkas, kevadkool 5th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Mobile Computing SFM-05:Moby, 26.-30.04., Bertinoro, Itaalia

  8. 15th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases: Tallinn, Estonia, May 16-20, 2005,

      1. Enn Tõugult tellitud ettekanne “Describing knowledge architectures”

      2. Hele-Mai Haavalt ettekanne:  "An Ontology Learning and Reasoning Framework"

  9. Gunnar Grossscmidt, konverents Hydraulic and Pneumatics 2005, 17.-19.05, Wroclaw , ettekanne “Modelling and simulation of steady-state conditions of a hydraulic load-sensing system (kaasutorid M.Harf ja M.Djurovic)

  10. Einar Meister, Lya Meister 15th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA 2005 ja suvekooli VISPP 2005 programmkomitee komitee koosolek, 20.-21.05, Joensuu, Soome,

  11. Varmo Vene, 9th Brazilian Symp. on Programming Languages, SBLP'05, Recife, PE (Brasiilia) 23.-25.5.2005, ettekanne “Signals and comonads” (kaasautor T. Uustalu)

  12. Vello Kadarpik, European Semantic WEB Conference, 27.05.-3.06., Heraklion. Kreeka.

  13. Tarmo Uustalu, Summer School on Topos Theory, Haute Bodeux (Belgia), 29.5.-5.6.2005

  14. Varmo Vene, Workshop on Found Methods in Computer Science, FMCS'05, Vancouver, BC (Canada), 2.-5.6.2005, ettekanne “Signals and comonads” (ühistöö T. Uustalu)

  15. Einar Meister, Lya Meister, Puheteknologian uudet menetelmät ja sovellukset (PUMS) Workshop, 31.05.-1.06., Turu, Einar Meister ettekanded “Computer-aided pronounciation training” and “Ideas for future development of Estonian TTS”

  16. Mait Harf, 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation  ECMS 2005, 1.-4.06, Riia, ettekanne “Modelling and Simulation of Hydraulic Load-Sensing Systems Using Object-Oriented Programming Environment” (kaasutor Gunnar Grossschmidt)

  17. Jelena Sanko, 11th International Congress on Soft Computing MENDEL 2005, 15.-17.06., Brno, ettekanne “Evolutionary program construction”

  18. Einar Meister, IST projektikonsortsiumi koosolek 19.-21.06, München

  19. Enn Tõugu, International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice SERP’05 ja International Symposium on Web Services and Applications, 27.-30.06, Las Vegas, ettekanded: “Metainterfaces Support Structural and Object-Oriented Software Composition” ja “Logical Instruments for Dynamic Service composition” (kaasautor M.Matskin)

  20. Ando Saabas, Tarmo Uustalu, 32nd Int. Coll. on Languages, Automata and Programming, ICALP 2005 / 7th ACM SIGPLAN Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP 2005, Lissabon, 10.-17.7.2005, sh. 2nd Wksh. on Structured Operational Semantics, SOS 2005, 10.7.2005, A. Saabaselt SOSil ettekanne A compositional natural semantics and Hoare logic for low-level languages (kaasautor T. Uustalu)

  21. V. Vene, Central-European Functional Programming School, Budapest, 4.-16.7.2005, kursus Signals and comonads (kaasautor T. Uustalu)

  22. Adam Eppendahl, Riina Maigre , IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation CIRA 2005, 28.-30.06. Helsingi ettekanne “Mobile camera parameter recovery in an unknown environment without point features”

  23. Jekaterina Beloussova, nõupidamine “Writing Succesful Proposal”,9.-10.06, Riia

  24. Ando Saabas, 3rd Intern. Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security and Trust FAST 2005”, 18.-19.07, Newcastle, Inglismaa ettekanne “Proof obligations preserving compilation” (kaasautorid G. Barthe, T. Rezk)

  25. Jaan Penjam, Tarmo Uustalu, 9th Symposium on programming Languages and Software Tools SPLST’05” 13.-14.08., Tartu, Vahur Kotkas, ettekanne “Structural synthesis of programs with preconditions”.

  26. Ando Saabas, suvekool TYPES 2005, 14.-16.08, Göteborg,

  27. IFIP workgroup WG 2.2 nõupidamine, 30.08-3.09., Skagen, Taani, ettekanded:

      1. Jaan Penjam “Deductive and Inductive Methods for Program Synthesis” (kaasautor Jelena Sanko)

      2. Tarmo Uustalu “Compositional natural semantics, Hoare logics and type systems for low-level languages” (kaasautor Ando Saabas)

  28. Olha Shkaravska, Tarmo Uustalu, Varmo Vene, 6th Symp. on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2005, Tallinn, 23.-24.9.2005, O. Shkaravskalt ettekanne “Amortized heap-space analysis for first-order functional programs”, T. Uustalult ettekanne “Comonadic functional attribute evaluation” (kaasautor V. Vene)

  29. Tarmo Uustalu, Varmo Vene, 10th ACM SIGPLAN Int. Conf. on Functional Programming, ICFP 2005, Tallinn, 26.-28.9.2005, N. Ghanilt ettekanne Monadic augment and generalized short cut fusion (kaasautorid P. Johann, T. Uustalu, V. Vene)

  30. Olha Shkaravska, 3rd ACM SIGPLAN Wksh. on Mechanized Reasoning about Languages with Variable Binding, MERLIN'05, Tallinn, 30.9.2005, ettekanne Types with semantics

  31. Olha Shkaravska, Tarmo Uustalu, Varmo Vene, IFIP WG 2.2 Meeting #22, Kalvi, 1.-4.10.2005, O. Shkaravskalt ettekanne “Amortization for heap consumption”, T. Uustalult ettekanne “Partiality is an effect” (kaasautorid T. Altenkirch, V. Capretta), V. Venelt ettekanne “The essence of dataflow programming” (kaasautor T. Uustalu)

  32. Jevgeni Kabanov, APPSEM II Summer School, Frauenchiemsee (Saksamaa),8.-12.9.2005

  33. Pavel Grigorenko , Enn Tõugu, Joint Meeting of the10th European Software Engineering Conference and the 13th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering ESEC/FSE’05, 6.-10.09, Lissabon, ettekanne “Visual Tool for Generative Programming” (kaasautor A.Saabas).

  34. Hele-Mai Haav, Ninth East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems ADBIS 2005, 12.-15.09., 2005, Tallinn,

  35. 3rd APPSEM II Workshop, 12.-16.09, Frauenchiemsee, Saksamaa , ettekanded:

      1. Peeter Laud “Type Systems Equivalent to Data-Flow Analyses of Imperative Languages” (kaasutorid Tarmo Uustalu, Varmo Vene)

      2. Tarmo Uustalu “Compositional type systems for stack-based low-level languages”(kaasautor Ando Saabas)

  36. Jekaterina Beloussova, konverents “Financing European Innovation, 28.-30.09, Oulu

  37. Tarmo Uustalu, Ando Saabas, Olha Shkaravska, EU FP6 IST projekti MOBIUS kick-off nõupidamine, Sophia Antipolis, 6.-8.10.2005, T. Uustalult ettekanne “Compositional natural semantics, Hoare logics and typeystems for low-level languages” (kaasautor A. Saabas).

  38. 10th International Conference on Speech an Computer SPECOM 2005, 17.-19.10, Patras. Kreeka, ettekanded

      1. Tanel Alumäe “Using adaptive stochastic morphosyntactic language model for two-pass large vocabulary Estonian speech recognition”

      2. Lya Meister, Einar Meister “Acoustic correlates of Russian accent in Estonian”

  39. Varmo Vene, 3rd Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems APLAS 2005, 2.-5.11, Tsukubal, (Jaapan), ettekanne “The essence of dataflow programming” (kaasautor T. Uustalu)

  40. Tarmo Uustalu, 12th Synchronous Workshop SYNCHRON’05, 21.-25.11, Qawra, Malta, ettekanne “Comonadic dataflow programming”

  41. Einar Meister, Lya Meister , Konverents “Teoreetiline keeleteadus Eestis” 1.-4.12, Tartu, Einar Meister - ettekanne “Teooria ja praktika vahekord kõnetehnoloogias: täiuslikuma tehnoloogia suunas”

Teema 0322519s03

  1. Otu Vaarmann, "61st Meeting of the European Working Group ""Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding", 09.12.03, Luxemburg, ettekanne ”Search for the Pareto point with max-min approach” kaasautorid A.Tauts, L.Krumm)

  2. Sergei Tupailo, Annual ASL meeting 05, special session in proof theory, 19.-22. 03, Stanford,

  3. Tiit Riismaa, 18. Euroopa kombinatoorse optimeerimise konverents ECCO XVIII, 24-29.05, Minsk, ettekanne “Optimization of multi-level structures” .

  4. Otu Vaarmann, "Metaheuristics and Large Scale Optimization", 17-22.05, Vilnius, ettekanne “High order iterative methods for decomposition-coordination problems”

  5. Sergei Tupailo, CAMELEON Set Theory conference, 26.05, Cambridge

  6. Otu Vaarmann, 10th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, 31.05-6.06, Trakai, Leedu ettekanne “Approximate solution of ill-posed optimization problems.”

  7. J.Janno, Inverse and Direct Problems, 20.- 24.06. - Cortona, ettekanne “On a generalized method of Lavrent'ev regularization”.

  8. J.Janno 5-th International Conference on Inverse problems in Engineering, 11.-15.07., Cambridge, ettekanne “Determining properties of nonlinear microstructured materials by means of solitary waves (kaasautor: J. Engelbrecht).

  9. Tiit Riismaa 21st International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, 16-23.07, Krakow, Poola.

  10. Sergei Tupailo, Logic Colloquium (European Summer meeting of the ASL) 05, 28.07-3.08, Athens, Greece, ettekanne “Monotone inductive definitions and consistancy of New Foundations”

  11. Tiit Riismaa, The Fifth IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, 25.08-04.09, Oranjestad, Aruba, ettekanne ” Mathematical modelling of continuous optimal multi-level paralleling”

  12. Sergei Tupailo, Set Theory in the third Millenium, 1.2.12, Brüssel, ettekanne “Monotone inductive definitions and consistancy of New Foundations”

Teema 0322520s03

    1. Ülo Nurges, American Control Conference, 05-14.06, Portland, USA, ettekanne “New stability conditions for discrete polynomials” (kaasautor E.Rüstern)

    2. Sven Nõmm, Konverents 4th JEM Optimisation and Control, 10-15.09, Bialystok, Poola.

    3. Jüri Vain, Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, 19-23.10, Kopenhagen.

    4. Ülle Kotta, 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and, European Control Conference 12.-15.12, Sevilla, Hispania, ettekanne “Equivalence to a (strict) feedforward form of nonlinear discrete-time single-input control systems” (kaasautor C.H.Moog).

    5. Heli Rennik, MSD-IE konverents Manufacturing Systems Development, 22.-23.09, Wroclaw, Poola.

    6. 16th IFAC World Congress, 3.-8.07, Praha, ettekanded:

Tanel Mullari “Equivalence of different realizability conditions for nonlinear MIMO differential equations” (kaaasautor Ü.Kotta).

Sven Nõmm “Realization of nonlinear discrete-time composite systems: computational aspects” (kaasautorid Ü. Kotta, M. Tõnso,)

Ülo Nurges “On the robust output control via reflection vectors”. (kaasautor E.Rüstern)

Jüri Vain, “Two phase technique for assembly line balancing”. (kaasautorid I. Randvee, T.Riismaa,)

Teema 0322521s03

  1. Arvi Ravasoo, NATEMISe juhtkomitee koosolek, 08.01-11.01, Torino, Itaalia

  2. Mihkel Kree, Füüsikaaasta avakonverents Pariisis, 12-16.01, Pariis.

  3. Pearu Peterson, SIAM Conference on Compuational Science&Engineering, 10.-17.02, Orlando, Florida, USA, ettekanne “ High-Performance Computing with Python”

  4. Arkadi Berezovski, 11th International Congress of Fracture, 19.-26. 03, Torino, Itaalia, ettekanne “Thermomechanics of moving phase boundaries in solids”(kaasautor G.A.Maugin).

  5. Tarmo Soomere, General Assembly of European Geosciences Union (EGU), 24.-29.05,Viin, Austria, ettekanded “Weakly two-diensional interaction of solitons in shallow water (kaasautor Jüri Engelbrecht), “Fast ferry traffic as a qualitatively new forcing factor of environmental processes in non-tidal areas”, “the shape of wake waves from high-speed ferries and their influence in the coastal area” (kaasutorid K.Rannat, R.Põder, A.Erm)

  6. Intensiivnädal ISASUT (Intense Seminar on Nonlinear Waves, Generalised Continua and Complex Structures),04.- 06.05, Torino, Itaalia. Tellitud loengud:

    Jüri Engelbrecht “Microstructure and inverse problems”ja “Waves in microstructured solids and dispersion”

    Tarmo Soomere “Fast ferries as wake-makers in a natural laboratory of rouge waves”

  1. CENS-CMA seminar, 24.-26.05, Oslo, ettekanded:

    Tarmo Soomere ““Fast ferries as wake-makers in a natural laboratory of rouge waves”,

    Arvi Ravasoo “Relaxation in Nonlinear Viscoelasticity”

    Jüri Engelbrecht “CENS and Complexity”,

    Jaan Kalda “Intermittent Geometry of Turbulent Diffusion”

  1. Finno-Ugric International Conference of Mechanics, 29.05.-5.06. Rackeve, Ungari, ettekanded:

    Jüri Engelbrecht “Dispersive waves in microstructures solids” (kaasautorid Franco Pastrone, Manfred Braun, Arkadi Berezovski)

    Arvi Ravasoo “Counterpropagating waves and prestress characterization”

    Mati Kutser “Integration of Estonian mechanics into European Networking”

    Andrus Salupere “Propagation of solitary waves in microstructured media” (kaasautorid Olari Ilison, Lauri Ilison, Jüri Engelbrecht)

    Anatoli Stulov “A spectral approach to the problem of the grand piano string scvale optimization”

  1. The Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, 10.-14.04, Athens, USA, Georgia Ülikool, ettekanded:

    Olari Ilison, “On the Propagation of Solitary Pulses in Microstructured Media”.(kaasautor Andrus Salupere)

    Andrus Salupere “On Solitary Waves and Solitons in Hierarchical Systems” (kaasautorid: Jüri Engelbrecht, Olari Ilison, Lauri Ilison)

  1. 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibaration, 11-14.07, Lissabon, Portugal,

    Anatoli Stulov,“Piano string scale optimization on the basis of dynamic modeling of process of the sound formation”.

    Andres Braunbrück “Influence of material inhomogeneity on nonlinear wave interaction”.

  1. Hillar Aben, Glass Processing Days, 15-21.06, Tampere, Soome, “Measurement of complete residual stress fields in tempered glass plates” (kaasautorid: A.Errapart, J.Anton)

  2. Andrus Salupere, FPU+50: Nonlinear waves 50 years after FERMI-PASTA-ULAM, 19-26.06, Rouen, Prantsusmaa, ettekanne “Solitary Waves Governed by Complicated Nonlinearity and Dispersion”

  3. Tarmo Soomere, Fifth Baltic Sea Science Congress, 19-24.06, Sopot, Poola, “Geometry of soliton interactions in shallow water” (kaasautor Jüri Engelbrecht), “A simple model of wind wave climate in semi-enclosed sea areals”, Unusual wave conditions in the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Finland during windstorm Gudrun” (kaasautorid A.Behrens, L.Tuomi, J.W.Nielsen),”The shape of wake waves from high-speed ferries in the coastal area” (kaasutorid K.Rannat, A.Kask,R.Põder), “The impact of fast ferry traffic on the underwater optics and sedimant resuspension” (kaasautor A.Erm).

  4. Jüri Engelbrecht, XII International Conference on Waves and Stability in Contikuous Media WASCOM 05, 19.-25. 06. Acireale, ettekanne “Deformation waves in microstructured solids and dispersion”

  5. Arkadi Berezovski, 6th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, 15-24.07, Santiago de Compostela, Hispaania, ettekanne “Numerical simulations of phase-transition front propagation in thermoelastic solids” (kaasautor G.A.Maugin)

  6. Mihhail Berezovski, Euromech Colloquium 466, 19-22.07., Loughborouh, Inglismaa ettekanne “Numerical simulation of nonlinear elastic wave propagation in piecewise homogeneous media” (kaasautorid Mihhail Berezovski, Jüri Engelbrecht).

  7. Robert Kitt. News, Expectations and Trends in Statistical Physics (NEXT-SigmaPhi), 13.-18.08. Kolymbari, Kreeka, ettekanne “Leptokurtic Portfolio Theory”

  8. Andrus Salupere, Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics RANM 2005, 30.08-1.09, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, “On solitary waves and solitons in microstructured media (kaasautorid J.Engelbrecht, O.Ilison. L.Ilison)

  9. Andrei Errapart, International Congress on Experimental Mechanics 2005, 8.-16.09. New Delhi, India, “On data processing in photoelstic residual stress measurement in glass” (kaasutorid Johan Anton, Hillar Aben)

  10. XII Eesti mehaanikapäevad 12.–13. 09. Tallinn

    Pearu Peterson “Ekstreemseste lainete modelleerimine”

    Tarmo Soomere “Hiidlained madalas vees”

    Jüri Engelbrecht “Keerukus, terviklus ja füüsika”

    Jaan Kalda “Richardsoni seadusest kokkusurutavas turbulentses voolus”

    Arkadi Berezovski “Thermomechanics of moving interfaces in solids”

    Andrus Salupere “Solitonidest ja üksiklainetest mikrostruktuurses keskkonnas

    Arvi Ravasoo “Ultrahelilainete interaktsioon eelpingega materjalides”

    Andres Braunbrück “Materjali mittehomogeensuse mõju lainete interaktsioonile”

    Liis Rebane ja Mervi Sepp “Optiliste lainete levi kihilises mittelineaarses keskkonnas”

  1. Ewald Quak, COMPASS II Workshop, 14.-16.09. Oslo, Norra

  2. Arkadi Berezovski, International Conference Termocon'05, 24.09.-01.10. Messina, Itaalia ettekanne “Moving fronts in solids: a non-equilibrium description” (kaasautor G.A.Maugin).

  3. Tarmo Soomere, Nordic Neighbour Plus projekt, 9.-11.10., Bergen, projekti stardikoosolek, ettekanne “Partial ice cover: influence on boundary-layer processes trough changes in wind and wave fields”

  4. Kalev Rannat, I3M International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference, 20.-22.10. Marseille, France, “Simulation of the tropospheric water vapor distribution monitoring” (kaasautorid P.Miidla, P.Uba)

  5. Tarmo Soomere, 18th NordicSeminar on Computational Mechanics, 27.-29.10. Helsinki/Stockholm, tellitud loeng “Lessons in wave theory from Indian Ocean Tsunami of Millenium and from the Baltic Sea Storm Surge of Century”

  6. Triin Lapimaa, GKSS 4th School of Environmental Research, 1.-11.11. Helgoland, Saksamaa.

  7. METOBS140 - Estonian Geophysics 2005, 10.-11.11. Tartu/Tõravere, ettekanded

    Tarmo Soomere “Unic wave conditions on the Baltic Sea on 8-9January 2005”,

    Reio Põder, “Kiirlaevalainete spetsiifika Tallinna lahe rannavööndis knoidaalsete lainete teooria raames”

  1. Tarmo Soomere, Kick-off meeting of Marie Curie Research and Training Network SEAMOCS, 22.-23.11. Lund, “On extreme wave conditiond on the Baltic Sea”.

  2. Ewald Quak, CMA Annual & Planning Seminar, 23.-26. 11., Oslo, Norra,

  3. Tarmo Soomere, Workshop Rough Waves, 12.-15.12. Edinburgh “Interaction of shallow-water solitons as possible model for freak waves” (kaasutor Jüri Engelbrecht).

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