Constructıon and Characterısatıon of a Hybrıd Detector
System for Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
The segmented HPGe detectors recently used, the most powerful tool for gamma spectroscopy, must posses certain position sensitivity in order to enhance their own capability of Doppler shift correction, background reduction and eventually tracking, thus improving the efficiency and sensitivity. Due to the enormous complexity of such a system, the search for alternatives has lead to the idea of hibrid detector made of unsegmented HPGe detector and position sensitive detector together. Position sensitive detector can be either another small and planar segmented HPGe detector or position sensitive scintillation detector. Thus, required high efficiency and sensibility is obtained using large volume HPGe and knowledge of first interaction at the detector system and at the same time being simple and slim. This hybrid detector system, which is more reliable and less complex than today's detectors will be used for a variety of experiments, ie relativistic Coulomb excitation, decay spectroscopy of exotic nuclei, aimed at FAIR experiments NUSTAR.
Tez Adı : TlSe Malzemesinin Elektriksel Özellikleri
Danışman : Doç. Dr.Deniz DEĞER ULUTAŞ
Anabilim Dalı : Fizik
Programı : Genel Fizik
Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013
Tez Savunma Jürisi : Doç. Dr.Deniz DEĞER ULUTAŞ
Prof. Dr.Nurten ÖNCAN
Prof. Dr.Kubilay KUTLU
Doç. Dr.Nevin KALKAN
Yrd. Doç. Dr.Saffettin YILDIRIM
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