Electrıcal Propertıes of Tlse Materıal
In this work, we searched in which frequency interval the electric conductivity is due to which type of charge carriered by examining the responses of TlSe thin films to the external alternating electric fields in a frequency region, 10Hz-20MHz, and in thickness region, such as 300 Å - 3200 Å within 173 K- 433 K temperature region. Moreover, it was observed that the relation between alternative conductivity obeys σ(ω) α equation where .
TlSe thin films were going to be prepared on glass surfaces between metal electrodes using suitable masks which were cleaned by mechanical, ultrasonical and chemical methods upon different thicknesses by thermal evaporation method at the 10-4 Torr vacuum. Tungsten filaments were going to be used to evaporate Aluminum wires which were used as electrodes and molibdenum boots were going to be used to evaporate TlSe samples.
The samples were going to be hold at different temperatures using temperature control unity. Capacity and dissipation values were going to be measured under alternative electric field by using computer controlled empedance analizer. Other parameters such as dielectric constant, dielectric loss and alternative conductivity were going to be derived from obtained capacity and dissipation datas.
By evaluating the obtained and derived results the electrical behaviour of TlSe samples were going to be realized in case of investigated temperature and frequency interval. After these evaluations TlSe's dialectic features were going to be determined which is Based on temprature,frequency And film's thickness by derivatized from dialectic parameter,dialectic lost And alternatic conductivity. So, possible polarization, lost energy mechanisms And conductivity were going to be determined in the inspected stuff. The results that optained were going to be compared with the other materials in the litterateure.
SAĞLIK Sebahat
Tez Adı : Fizik Öğretmen Adayları ve Medyada ki CERN
Danışman : Prof. Dr. K. Gediz AKDENİZ
Anabilim Dalı : Fizik
Programı : Yüksek Enerji ve Plazma Fiziği
Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013
Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof. Dr. K. Gediz AKDENİZ
Prof. Dr. Ramazan SEVER
Doç. Dr. Kubilay BALCI
Doç Dr. Bayram DEMİR
Yard. Doç. Dr. Zeynep ÇİÇEK ÖNEM
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