Tez özetleri Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı

Desıgn of Magnets Used ın Lınear Proton Accelerators

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Desıgn of Magnets Used ın Lınear Proton Accelerators
One of the aims of physics to answer questions about the structure of the universe.The best answer to these questions need to be able to understand the structure of matter. Because of this, we need to divide matter into least pieces or go inside th dephts of the matter. This can be possible with colliding something to another. For this proccess, we use particle accelerators. This accelerators are machines that are using to increase the total energy of elementary charged particles and let them reach the destination energy values.
Iron dominated magnets used in linear proton accelerators which are need for both analytical, electrical, mechanical, computer-based and experimental design are very important and should be considered. Mostly for understanding of these stages and specify the parameters that will be used at design phase some kind of computer codes are being used. These computer programs are used to calculate the parameters of magnets or provide two or three dimensional design of the magnets and three dimensional simulations of these magnets according to operation type.
In this thesis study, one can find detailed informations about an example of a quadrupole magnets that are used for focusing the proton beam in low energy beam accelerators


Tez Adı : Gama Işını Spektroskopisi İçin Bir Hibrid Dedektör Sisteminin Kurulumu ve Karakterizasyonu

Danışman : Yard. Doç. Dr. Mehtap YALÇINKAYA


Anabilim Dalı : Fizik

Programı : Nükleer Fizik

Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013

Tez Savunma Jürisi : Yard. Doç. Dr. Mehtap YALÇINKAYA

Prof. Dr. Cenap Ş. ÖZBEN

Prof. Dr. Ali TUTAY

Prof. Dr. Melih BOSTAN

Prof. Dr. Baki AKKUŞ

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