Relations Between Tilt Angles of Sunspot Groups and Cycle Properties
The purpose of this thesis is to measure selected parameters of sunspot groups that show regularity and to examine their relations with the general properties of the solar cycle. With this goal, solar photospheric white-light drawings of Kandilli Observatory of Boğaziçi University were analysed for the period [1986-2012]. The observations are based on a technique which involves drawings of sunspots over solar images projected onto scaled white papers. The positions and areas of umbral regions in sunspot groups, and therefore quantities such as group latitude and tilt angle were sensitively measured, using a computer code developed for this study. Statistical analyses were carried out, to explore the interrelationships and time variations of the measured quantities. In this way, properties such as cycle strength, mean tilt angle, mean latitude, butterfly diagram, and hemispheric asymmetry were investigated for the 22nd and 23rd cycles of solar activity, using the sunspot databases of Kandilli Observatory and Royal Greenwich Observatory / NOAA. The similarities and differences between the solar cycles considered and the previous cycles were revealed, such that a contribution to the existing literature has been provided.
Tez Adı : Kataklismik Değişenlerin Galaktik Model Parametreleri
Danışman : Tansel AK
Anabilim Dalı : Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri
Programı : -
Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013
Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof. Dr. Tansel AK
Prof. Dr. Türker ÖZKAN
Doç. Dr. Selçuk Bilir
Doç. Dr. Ömür Çakırlı
Yard. Doç. Esma Yaz
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