The Sino-French it lab Stéphane Grumbach
tarix | 29.10.2017 | ölçüsü | 445 b. | | #20526 |
The Sino-French IT Lab Stéphane Grumbach Laboratoire Franco-Chinois d’Informatique, d’Automatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées http://liama.ia.ac.cn
What is LIAMA? A Joint Lab - a team of around 40 researchers and students
- working on half a dozen research projects
- initiated in France by INRIA
- hosted by the Institute of Automation
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS - located in the heart of Zhongguancun in Beijing
- The Chinese silicon valley
INRIA, the founding partner French National Institute for Computer Science and Control - 2700 scientists including 950 PhD students
- Budget of 135 MEuros
A major European actor of research in IT - More than 100 projects in FP6
- Coordination of 3 projects on grid
- CoreGrid (NoE); GridComp (STREP); XtreemOS (IP)
120 project-teams divided into 5 scientific areas - Communicating systems
- Cognitive systems
- Symbolic systems
- Numerical systems
- Biological systems
Leader in technology transfer - 80 spin-off companies (Ilog)
CASIA, the host partner The institute of Automation - One of the IT institutes of CAS in Beijing
- Created in 1956
National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition - image processing and graphics, machine vision, pattern recognition,
- speech recognition and understanding, natural language processing,
Key Laboratory of Complex systems - advanced robotic control, artificial intelligence,
- intelligent sensing technology, human-machine interfaces,
- advanced manufacturing systems, cognitive science,
A famous spin-off: Hanwang
A history of almost a decade LIAMA was established in January 1997 by - The Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS, and
- The French Institute for Computer Science and Control, INRIA
To promote cooperation in the areas of computer science, automation and applied mathematics Following an annual call for proposals - small research projects
- funded by both parties
- have been selected each year
- by a joint scientific committee
A hub for the cooperation in IT Joint research projects Exchange of students - LIAMA hosts an increasing number of French students
- LIAMA sends Chinese students to Europe
Promotion of open source software - Scientific computing software, Scilab
Development projects with French industry - Alcatel Space, France Telecom, etc.
Promotion of Sino-European cooperation - 1st FP5 IST EU-China project, ANFAS, 1999
- 1st OIF Marie Curie fellowship for China, 2005
Why are we working in China ?
A very dynamic environment Zhongguancun, the Chinese silicon valley About 1/3 of the institutes of the Academy of Science Institute of software, Institute of computing technology Famous universities, 350% increase of students in China 1998->2003 Tsinghua, Peking U., Beihang, etc. Active hitech park Lenovo, etc. Research labs of most industrial IT players, Motorola, Intel, Microsoft, HP, Google, etc. A strong French network Industrial labs: France Telecom, Thomson, French engineering university: Ecole Centrale de Pékin
Boom of IT in China Rapidly increasing IT penetration - 380 millions mobile phones (1st rank)
- 120 millions people online (2nd rank)
- 2nd linguistic group online
- 30% computer equipped urban home
Rapidly expanding IT industry - 3rd rank (behind USA and Japan)
- 2nd for manufactured products (PC, etc.)
- 1st for export since 2004 (ahead of the USA)
Priorities of IT research in China Hardware: High performance computing - 1er DOE, USA, BlueGene
- IBM, 131072 processors, 2005
- 42e Shanghai, China Dawning 4000A,
- Dawning, 2560 processors, 2004
Software - Only 33% of software used in China is homemade
- Increase of outsourcing activities
- Asianux: linux with Japan and Korea
- Desktop chinese office
Standards Theoretical Computer Science - Process calculi for real time systems
- Andrew Yao, Turing award 2000, back in Tsinghua
Applications - Emphasis on environmental issues (hazard prediction, agronomy, etc.)
What are we working on at LIAMA?
Current projects in LIAMA Research projects - GreenLab, Plant Growth modeling and Applications
- Remote Sensing Data Fusion and Image Understanding
- CAD - Computer Graphics
- Pervasive data processing
- Biometry
Development project - Scilab, Promotion of the scientific computing software
The GreenLab project Stochastic, functional and interactive models for Plant Growth and Architecture simulation Cooperation with INRA, CIRAD, INRIA Philippe de Reffye, CIRAD, Marc Jaeger, CIRAD, Alexia Stokes, INRA Thierry Fourcaud, CIRAD HU Baogang, CASIA, ZHENG Xiaopeng, CASIA Two main directions : 1) plant growth modeling 2) eco-engineering
The GreenLab project (2) Research Axis 1 Plant growth modeling, botany ecophysiology and landscape visualization
Research objectives Development of structural-functional models of plant growth based on architectural knowledge;
Development of visualization techniques for application at large scales Supported by MOST 863, NSFC
The GreenLab project (3) Research Axis 2: Eco-engineering ecological management of slopes and forest against natural hazards
Research objectives Physical based models for soil fixation by vegetation trees and forest wind firmness - (tree biomechanics, aerodynamic turbulence)
Development of a Slope Decision Support System for eco-engineering
The Remote Sensing project Remote sensing, data fusion and understanding Cooperation with INRIA, ESA Véronique PRINET, CASIA PAN Chunhong, CASIA Main objective: change detection from data fusion
The Remote Sensing project (2) Research objectives - Image understanding
- Knowledge representation, object modeling
- Incomplete or inaccurate sources of information
- Pattern/object recognition
- Geometric / Probabilistic modeling
- Deformable models, harmonic decomposition
- Bayesian modeling, Markov Random Fields
- Computer vision
- Interferometry processing
The Remote Sensing project (3) Application domains - Flood monitoring
- Urban planning
ANFAS, Data Fusion For Flood Analysis and Decision Support - EU-China FP5 IST project with MOST , WorldBank
Urban, Multi-source data fusion and urban development planning decision support - MOST863 project with Alcatel-space
Dragon project, earth observation program (2004-2007)
The computational geometry project New project 2004 Cooperation with INRIA, CNRS Jean-Claude Paul, CNRS Sun Jiaguang, Yong Yun Hai, Tsinghua University - Curves and Surfaces
- Geometry Processing - Multi resolution Geometry and Simulation
- Multi-scale Modeling of Light
The biometry project New project 2005 - Bernadette Dorizzi, INT
- TAN Tieniu, CASIA
European Network of Excellence BIOSECURE CASIA Biometry Lab Research objectives iris and face recognition
The pervasive data processing project New project 2005 Research objectives Adaptive algorithms for query evaluation in dynamic networks of communicating devices Applications: Social networking, France Telecom Sensor networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems,
The Scilab project Scilab - An open source scientific software package for numerical computations (linear algebra, control, signal processing, simulation, etc.)
- An alternative to Matlab
Scilab consortium (created in June 2003) - 20 companies
Development team at INRIA Rocquencourt
The Scilab project (2) Promotion of Scilab in China - HU Baogang, CASIA
- Software distribution: 23 000 downloads (in China)
- Annual seminar with scilab contest since 2002
- Several toolboxes developed
- Two books in Chinese
- High school mathematics Textbook using Scilab
LIAMA team in December 2005 CASIA Researchers: - Baogang HU, Veronique PRINET,
- Xiaopeng ZHANG, Chunhong PAN, Shi LI,
French researchers: - Marc Jaeger, Thierry FOURCAUD, CIRAD
- Jean-Claude PAUL, Stéphane Grumbach, CNRS
- Alexia STOKES, Luc Jouneau, INRA
Students - 1 Postdoc, 14 Ph.D. Students, 12 Master/Internship students
Secretary Bizhen HONG
The partners in Zhongguancun Tsinghua University Beijing university Beihang University Chinese Agriculture University Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences France Telecom R&D etc.
The partners in France Research Institutes - INRIA, CNRS, CIRAD, INRA, BRGM
Universities - Ecole Centrale Paris & Lyon, Ecole Polytechnique, INSA, INPT,
- ParisTech, etc.
Industries - France Telecom, Alcatel Space,
Agencies and in Europe ERCIM Wageningen University, etc.
Perspectives 2007: 10th anniversary of LIAMA Objectives - Increased European participation
- International Research Unit
- New projects
- Medical imaging ?
- Intelligent Transportation systems ?
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