The third pull [ 1956 1962 ] 1956 Vision of the Third pull

“I’ll call back no tapes.”

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9. “I’ll call back no tapes.”

15-4 Then the other night here come a man to tell me that because that I'd preached against such, that a great denomination, about five of them, said, "We'll drop Brother Branham and have nothing else to do with him. You'll either call those tapes back and apologize for them or we'll drop you."

I said, "I'll stand with God's Word though it takes everything that's in my life. I'll remain with the Word and I..."

Said, "Well, shouldn't you not call back such-and-such a tape?"

I said, "I have never preached anything in my life that I was ashamed of. I'll call back no tapes or no records. I'll remain with what the Holy Spirit says; that I'll live by and die by." I'm not trying to say about myself now, but I'm just trying to give you an illustration of what's going on so you will see and understand. It's people wants to be led by man.
10. Calvin was murderer.

152 Why, you say, "Calvin believes something like that." I didn't believe Calvin. Calvin was a murderer. Calvin put a man to death because he baptized in Jesus' Name. He was a rascal, needed to be converted himself. Yes, sir. But what he said about some of the things he said was right. Don't... But what his action, a man would kill a man for something like that, that's horrible; that's sinful. All right.

11. Age of Man. [Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Wesley, etc.]

13-1 The Anglican church, the same thing off of Calvin, when they had a revival it was fine. (Brother Simpson, packing it in his pocket now, from Canada.) The Anglican church now, they've gone in, the ministers and all of them, to drinking. They mix their beer, gin, and stuff together right in the church, have parties and drink. What is it? It can never go back to its original again because it's hybrid with the world. It's lost.

Now, we talk about the Anglican, and the Methodist, and the Baptist, but the Pentecostal's the same.

253-3 Now toward the end of the fourth age which would be the beginning of the fifth age also, the invasion of Constantinople by the Turks sent the learned scholars of the East with their Greek manuscripts to the West. The purity of the Word and the teachings of true believers were thus disseminated. And not only were these fine teachers of great importance but also the invention of what became the basis of our modern printing presses was discovered, facilitating the production of books. Thus we find the great hunger and demand for the Bible could be answered.

God raised up many mighty men of which Luther was but one. Calvin and Zwingli were two other luminaries and besides these were many, many more who are not so well known. However, though all this was not in vain, the mighty work of God was actually hindered by these very men. For one thing, they did NOT oppose the Church-State marriage of the Nicene Council but actually fostered that union.

The defense of the Gospel by the state was welcomed though there was no Word for it. And though we can see "the wrath of man praising God," in such events as Henry the Eighth taking up for the reformation and the rejection of papal authority, it was a far cry from the truth of Pentecost and protection of an omnipotent God.

In spite of Luther's constant teaching against outside interference in local church matters he was not able to clear men's minds of the "Bishop, Archbishop" concept of church government. Thus the church took one step in the right direction but still remained shackled, so in short order she was again imprisoned in the same dungeon whence she had attempted to escape.

Still the cup of the abominable works was not yet full. Not only did Luther through poor judgment incite to battle and thereby cause the death of multitudes; but Zwingli's party persecuted unto prison the godly Dr. Hubmeyer, and though it did not commit him to the stake, it was actually responsible in great measure for his eventual death by fire. And Calvin did no less, for he demanded the arrest of Servetus who had seen and taught the oneness of the Godhead. The State then tried this brother, and to Calvin's dismay he was burned at the stake.

254-3 If there was ever a time of denominational zeal it was at this tragic time. The words of Comenius describe much of this era. Comenius wrote the "ONE THING NEEDFUL." He compares the world to the labyrinth, and shows that the way out is by leaving what is needless, and choosing the one thing needful--Christ. The great number of teachers, he says is the reason of the multitudes of sects, for which we shall soon have no names left. Each church reckons itself as the true one, or at least as the purest, truest part of it, while among themselves they persecute each other with the bitterest hatred. No reconciliation is to be hoped for between them; they meet enmity with irreconcilable enmity.

Out of the Bible they forge their different creeds; these are their fortresses and bulwarks behind which they entrench themselves and resist all attacks. I will not say that these confessions of faith--for we can admit in most cases that they are so--are bad in themselves. They become so, however, in that they feed the fire of enmity; only by putting them away altogether would it be possible to set to work on healing the wounds of the Church. "To this labyrinth of sects and various confessions another belongs; the love of disputation... What is attained by it? Has a single learned strife ever been settled? Never. Their number has only been increased.

Satan is the greatest sophist; he has never been overcome in a strife of words... In Divine service the words of men are usually heard more than the Word of God. Each one chatters as he pleases, or kills time by learned disquisitions and disproving the views of others. Of the new birth and how a man must be changed into the likeness of Christ to become partaker of the Divine Nature (II Peter 1:4), scarcely anything is said. Of the power of the keys, the Church has almost lost the power of binding, only the power of loosing remains... The sacraments, given as symbols of unity, of love, and of our life in Christ, have been made the occasion of bitterest conflict, a cause of mutual hatred, a centre of sectarianism...

12. Armenians do works to be saved. [Holiness groups]

35 Now, to see a people like that, and see how that a human being then with an immortal soul now that can't die, can't perish, can't do nothing but have Everlasting Life, that God sovereignly in His Own will gave it to you. And now, then... now I...

Oh, let me correct this just a little bit, or say something. Somebody's going to go away and say, "Brother Branham is a Calvinist." No, I'm not. I'm a Calvinist as long as Calvinist is in the Bible. But when Calvinist gets out of the Bible, then I'm an Armenian. See? I believe in holiness and I believe in Calvinist too; but both of them, one run out on a limb and went this way, and one run out on a limb and went that way. If it wasn't for the Book of Ephesians to bring it back and put it in the right place where God did, we'd all be all mixed up. But they both got a doctrine, but they go to seed on it, each one; that's the holiness and the Calvinists too, the Arminian.

E-21 Now, you say, "That has an awful Calvinistic swing to it, Brother Branham."

That's right. It does, and Calvinism is all right as long as it stays true to the Bible; but when it gets off on the wrong limb, then it's no good. Arminianism, holiness is correct as long as it stays in Bible holiness, not your holiness but His Holiness. See? Then it's not my holiness. It's... I'm not depending on my holiness. I have none, but I'm wholly trusting in His holiness. See? It's He's the One Who did it. Not my works, but His finished works that I rest assured that I was received into the Beloved and when the Beloved was received by God, God received me in Christ; that settles it. See? No negatives, no ifs and ands. It's a finished work.

40 Now, then, when you were... By one Spirit we are baptized into that Body, one Body which is Christ, and we are safe forever.

Now, there's where it seems to strangely strike, especially the--the--the Arminian believers, that they are--have to do something that to merit theirself, or some meritorial something. How can it be by two things at the same time? It's either by grace or by works, one. It can't be by the same thing, it's by two different things, it's got to be by the one.
Q. & A. ON GENESIS. JEFF. IN 53-0729

253 Now, if I say this to--and hurt a little bit, I don't mean it in the way I do. Now, you excuse me, and don't stay away from church. I'm only in the pulpit here to try to help you. See? Now, look, let me show you.

There's not a church on earth could live any more pure than the Nazarene in their teachings, Pilgrim Holiness and them. Is that right? They absolutely believe in the purity of sanctification, not even to their women wearing rings, and anything. Purity and sanctification, every way, they believe it. The Holiness organizations, all the legalists, that's their teaching; they believe it. Holy, women wear long hair and a long skirts; men ain't even supposed to roll his sleeves up, many of them. Everything, not even touch, smoke, drink, any... Nothing of it. See? Holy, you couldn't live any cleaner.

But that same Nazarene church, if a man would speak in tongues in the church, he'd be shot out the door. And they said they wouldn't even set with one. Now, that's true. If you don't believe it, try it once, find out. Find out once. They hate the very thoughts of it. They said, "It's the devil."

Five of them... Ten of them were virgins. Five was wise that had Oil in their lamps, and the other five was just as pure and holy but they had no Oil. They were sanctified, without the Holy Ghost.

E-65 First think you know these people set around there, and most of the members... I'm--I'm preaching... Listen, brother, I got to answer before God someday. That's right.

Not long ago, you holiness people, how you used to do your... take your women out here, how they would dress.

Here not long ago a fellow. I had a man driving a truck. He smoked cigarettes, and a man said to me, said, "Well, you can't have that around us holiness people."

I said, "The man's a good man. He don't claim to be a Christian, and I'm just letting him drive one of them trucks out there."

Said, "Well, brother, you can't do that." Said, "That man smokes cigarettes."

And the very same day in California, in my meeting, they brought a... He says, "I want you to meet our District Presbyter."

I said, "How do you do, sir. I'm glad to meet you, brother."

He said, "Here's my wife. I want you to meet..."

E-66 And brother... Now, women, don't let this hurt you. See? But she was painted like I don't know what, two big earrings hanging way down like, like the devil was using her neck for a saddle and them for stirrups and setting up there with her clothes on that looked like everything.

And I said, "Do you mean that's that preacher's wife?"

He said, "Yes."

And I said, "Is--is she a saint?"

Said, "Yes."

I said, "She looks like a hain't to me, instead of a saint," setting there like that.

E-67 It's a shame. You've let down the bars, brother and sister. That's exactly what you got. You got starch in the church. You ought to come back to the old fashion Gospel again that cleans men up. Amen.


141 Now look, one more little thing, if you'll excuse me for making that remark a few moments ago, about--about the men. But, looky here, "Deceive the very elect..."

Now, we've been hitting Lutheran, Baptist, and so forth, and the Catholics, now let me get down to you holiness people just a minute. See? I believe in holiness. You must be holy. "Without holiness no man shall see God," not my holiness, His holiness. And nothing I can do about; it's what He's done for me. Don't stand in my own, 'cause I have none, don't ever try to have any. I don't try to--to be.

"Are you trying to hold on, Brother Branham?" No, sir. I just turn loose and let Him hold on. That's right. He's the One that's holding on. Just stay dead. That's all you have to do. Just keep yourself dead. He will hold on. He's already held on. He held there till He said, "It's finished." That settled it. Oh, God is fixing to do the same. It's finished.

144 But holiness people, you Nazarenes and Pilgrim Holiness now, remember, under the power and the come out of the Wesley church, or the Methodist church, when they organized, you dear holiness people come out, said, "We'll continue holiness." That was wonderful. You just kept up that age, that Philadelphian age, till it come to the Laodicean. But when the baptism of the Holy Ghost come, and the signs turned back to the church, you called it the devil. Because they spoke with tongues and believed in these things, you said, "It was of the devil." And when you did that, you blasphemed the Holy Ghost.

How can I say to my hand, "I have no need of you"? If there is teachers, there's speaking in tongues. If there is evangelists, there's also gifts of healing. How can the foot say to the eye, "I have no need of you"? See? You, if you're a born child of God, you walk and accept everything God says is right. You'll walk right in the Light.

13. Pentecost is an experience.

65 I want you Pentecostal people to get this out of your heart. Pentecost is not a denomination. Pentecost is an experience. It's the Holy Ghost. It's not a organization. You couldn't organize the Holy Ghost. He won't stand for it. Now, you've got an organization that you call that, but the Holy Ghost moves right out and makes you set right where you're at, and just keeps on going. See, see? Pentecost is not an organization. Pentecost is an experience.


15 Like a certain great teacher, president of the Sudan Missions, my little wife over there was present when he came to my place, Paris Reedhead. And he said, "Brother Branham, I understand that you was a Baptist."

I said, "Yes, sir, that's right."

And he said, "Well," said, "I want to ask you something." He said, "When I was a little boy," said, "I had an experience. And my mother washed and everything to send me to school. And I thought, surely, that when I got my B.A., that I would find Christ." He said, "That, when that was given to me, I didn't find It. When I got my Doctor's Degree, I thought I would find It. When I got my LL.D., I thought I would find It." He said, "Brother Branham, I got enough degrees, both literal and--literal and also honorary, that I could plaster your walls with them. But where is the God of the Bible?" He said, "Was the teachers wrong?"

I said, "Who am I to say that the teachers was wrong?"

17 He said, "Well, here's what I understand, that you turned Pentecostal."

And I said, "Well, I don't say I... I believe, when I was born in the Kingdom of God, I automatically was Pentecostal," I said, "because Pentecost is not an organization. They've tried to make it, but it isn't. God will fill a Presbyterian, Lutheran, or whoever you are. See? So it's an--an experience and not a organization. You can't organize it. It's an experience."
14. Discernment. [Prophet’s vindication he’s interpreter of Divine Word.] [Gift of Discernment came in July of 1949.]

E-27 Someone said some time ago, said, "Brother Branham, the only thing the matter with your meetings," said, "when the Holy Ghost is anointing you and you see visions, we believe you then. But oh, that old cold formal preaching you have..." Well, if the Holy Ghost can show visions, It's the same Holy Spirit that speaks otherwise.


E-41 Somebody wrote me here not long ago. And said, "Brother Branham," said, "I'll tell you; we all believe you to be a prophet." Said, "As long as the Spirit of the Lord's upon you, and you're discerning people and things like that (that discernment), we know that's a prophet. But," said, "your teaching is horrible. No."

Why, brother, you don't even know what a prophet means. What did the Word of the Lord come to? The prophet. What does the prophet mean? It doesn't altogether mean a--a foreseer, or foreteller, or forthteller. A prophet means this, that that is given to him to a vindicate that he is an interpreter of the Divine Word. Absolutely. Glory. How can you be so dogmatic? It shows you're carnal, when people do that.

E-61 Now, you say, "Now, Brother Branham, you--you--you... If you'd tell us our diseases and so forth, you'd be a prophet, but now you're..." Well, I'm--I'm still the same person. That's right. That's right. I still got what the Scripture said. It's exactly right. Amen.


E-71 (…) I'll tell you, the Spirit of God is here. And the Sp--if the Spirit of God can tell me in the secret of your heart, the Spirit of God can recognize His Word, and come right back, and preach the Word. I've never preached nothing else yet, but what was in this Bible. I stayed right with it.

I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. You said, "You was a Baptist." I'm a Baptist that received the Holy Ghost. I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I believe in the second coming of Christ. I believe every Word that's wrote in that Bible and preach it just the way it's wrote. I don't turn one thing or spiritualize anything. I just say it is wrote. That's the way I believe it. I hear It, recognized it to be God, and act upon it. Amen.

The Holy Ghost is just as real today as it ever was. We don't have to have any counterfeit make-belief; the real Holy Ghost is here. The real Jesus, He's not dead. He's alive. He is not dead. He told the disciples, "A little while, and the world won't see Me no more, yet you shall see Me; for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." I believe that.

I believe that He said, "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name, I'll be in their midst." You believe that? That's what He said. I believe that.

I believe He's here right now, don't you? He said, "The works that I do, shall you do also." Do you believe that?

There's a woman, one time, pressed through and touched the hem of His garment. He turned around and said, "Who touched Me?" And when He did, though all of them looked around--didn't know what to say. He found the woman and told her what her trouble was. And she was healed. Said her blood issue had stopped. I believe that same Jesus is a High Priest tonight. That same One, He just hasn't failed.

We're going to have a healing service one of these nights and bring the people up. I got a new ministry that's been given to me. That was my old ministry.

Say... No, there isn't any prayer cards, is there? No one's got a prayer card, 'cause we don't--haven't give out pray cards. All right. If you believe this message come from the Holy Ghost, how many sick people's in here, raise up your hands, that you know that I don't know you? All right. You have faith and believe. You believe with all your heart. We'll see whether the same Holy Ghost that preaches the sermon, is the same Holy Ghost that knows the secret of the heart. We'll see whether the Word comes, the Word of God comes to the prophet or not. And I'm not the prophet; He is. He's the One. You believe; have faith. May the Lord God of heaven grant it for His glory.

E-74 Will you believe this is the Word of God that I've preached if He will do it? See? Just keep praying. Be a real reverent a minute. Just quieten a minute. Find the Holy Spirit moving on someone. Just keep praying, saying, "Lord God, I'm sick. I have need. I--I--I really need, Lord. I--I must have You. If I don't have You I'll--I'll--I'll perish.

This man sets here, you raise your hand a few minutes ago, sir? You raise your hand? You believe God knows you? I'm a stranger to you, is that right? I don't know you, but God does know you. Do you believe that God can heal you? If I tell you what's wrong with you, you believe it? It'll have to be the truth if it is. You believe if--if God will tell me, that you'll accept your healing? You will? You think the ulcers will be gone? Think you'd get well of them? All right. Got bleeding ulcers. That's right. You've been lot of places for them. You went to Mayo Brothers: I see you going to Mayo brothers. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's right. That's right. And they turned you down, but God don't turn you down. Do you hear it? Do you recognize it? Will you act on it? Then in the Name of Jesus Christ, go home and be well.

You believe God? Now, the same Holy Spirit speak--preaching the Word is doing the Divine--divining of it, making the Word real. Telling to you what? That's the truth.

There's another ulcer case setting right out there, man with no shirt on: black mustache, or the mustache, out there, no shirt. Collar open, I mean, here at the top, no necktie on his shirt. You believe me to be God's prophet? We're strangers to one another, but you have ulcers. That's right. And you want to be healed don't you? You're not from this city. No, you're from Cleveland. That's right. Let me tell you something else. You got two handkerchiefs in your pocket that you're wanting to get a hold of me, for me to prayer for that for two loved ones at home. If that's right, wave your hand like that. Take it and put it on them. They'll be well, too. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Do you believe?

What kind of a Spirit preaches? The same kind of a Spirit that discerns.

E-76 Here, there sets an elderly lady, sitting right back there. She's praying for her son-in-law that was hurt in a automobile accident (setting right out from that post, there). You believe, sister, with all your heart, that he'd be healed? If you believe it with all your heart, you may receive it. (…)

You love him? Way back in the back of the building, a man back there, you're praying for your--your daughter. I mentioned a accident awhile ago. She was in a accident, too. She hurt her spine. That's right. You got a sister-in-law has got trouble with her neck and head also. You believe that God will heal them? Mr. Golden, will you as--will you recognize God being His voice speaking to you? All right, sir. Stand up on your feet, then. All right. Go home and find them well in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. The same Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever... Can't you get that soaked through you, that it's Jesus Christ the Son of God? Can you hear? Can you recognize? Then, act on it. Every sick person that's in here, God's already healed you when He sent Jesus to die for you. You believe that? Then stand to your feet and accept Him as your Healer and as your Saviour. Raise up your hands. Go into action. Get out of the wheelchairs, whatever it may be. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, raise up your hands, and praise Him, and believe with all your heart.


91 On a few nights ago someone said, "Under discernment, Brother Branham's all right. But when it comes to his theology, he is all out." Any person that would only know that the Bible teaches the very word "prophet" means, "a diviner of the Word." Those signs are only an--an increase. Teachers, and so forth, can teach the Word. But when you see something coming that's supernatural and divining like that, only proves that that's the thing. That's God's Word.


E-97 (…) Moses performed that miracle one time and all Israel believed him.

I'm your brother that Jesus Christ sent, witnessed by a Light hanging over me years ago. Even when I was born, as a little boy, at the age of twenty-one when I was to become a minister, He vindicated down on the river before ten thousand people. It went on the Associated press. "I come to you and told you about laying hands on the people and seeing the gift operate, told you that it would come to pass you'd know the secret of the heart." Everything exactly the way He said, it and has been prophesied has come to pass. Is that right? All that was in my first ministry, raise up your hands if that was prophesied would come to pass?

The Bible said, "If there be one among you who claims to be a prophet or spiritual, and what he says comes to pass, hear him for I'm with him." Is that right? That's the sign of it.

Some of them says, "Well, Brother Branham..." Here not long ago, someone said, "Brother Branham--Brother Branham's all right when he's discerning, but his theology's wrong."

That just shows you how much you know about what a prophet means. I don't call myself a prophet, you do. The Word of the Lord came to a prophet. What is a prophet? Is a witness to foretell, to show a vindication that he is a diviner of the Divine Word. The Word of God came to the prophets. Look that down and find out that's not right.


E-89 Here not long ago there was a man in a certain meeting just didn't believe in my teaching on the Bible. And he goes to a meeting, a certain fellow did, and not knowing that I'd know about it, 'cause he's no more than saying it, and I seen it in a vision in my hotel room. I don't see how some people can do that, and come up, and say these things, when you know you know better. See?

So he said, "Now, Brother Branham is a prophet of the Lord," he said, "but don't listen to his teaching, because he's wrong."

The same Holy Spirit that preached the service tonight, the same Holy Spirit preaches all these things is the same Holy Spirit that discerns the thoughts of the heart. Certainly.

What is the mark of a prophet? He's a divine interpreter of the Divine Word. That's exactly. The Word of the Lord came to the prophet. That's who it came to, not the theologian, the prophet. Do you know what "prophet" means? Take the dictionary, and look, and see what it means: "An interpreter of the Divine Word."

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