UNECE will organize training workshops in 2010 – 2012
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Pre-treatment practices for Seasonal Adjustment Including Calendar Adjustment
Necmettin Alpay KOÇAK
UNECE Workshop on Short-Term Statistics (STS) and Seasonal Adjustment
14 – 17 March 2011
Astana, Kazakhstan
Seasonal adjustment is a statistical procedure with the target of removing the seasonal (and calendar) component from a time series.
The idea behind is that a series is composed by unobserved components such as trend, cycle, seasonality, irregular
The seasonal component disturbs short-term analysis, so it is removed from the original series to facilitate the monitoring and interpretation of the economy by analysts
The REG-ARIMA model is a convenient way to represent a time series with deterministic and stochastic effects. Given the observed time series zt , it is expressed as,
zt = ytβ+xt
β is a vector of regression coefficients
yt denotes n regression variables
B is the backshift operator (Bkyt = yt-k )
Φ(B), δ(B), and θ(B) are finite polynomials in B
at is assumed a normal independently identically distributed (NIID) (0,σa2) white-noise innovation
The regression variables
The regression variables capture the deterministic components of the series. In TS, these can be of different type:
Calendar effects
Trading day effect
Easter effect
Leap-year effect
Intervention variables generated by the program
Regression variables entered by the user
The ARIMA model
Model-based-pre-adjustment identifies and fits an ARIMA model on the linearized series (cleaned from deterministic effects). The ARIMA model is composed of three components:
the stationary AR component (polynomial Φ(B))
the non-stationary AR component (polynomial δ(B))
the invertible MA component (polynomial θ(B))
For seasonal time series, the polynomials are given by: