This book explores the impact of the 1917 Revolution on factory life

part played by young workers, 197

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part played by young workers, 197
June 18 demonstration, 112,123
June offensive, 136,162

Kadets, 126

Kalfeman, delegate from Izhora works at

congress of naval enterprises factory
committees, 182
Kaktyn', A., 191, 214-15,216
Kalinin, Ya.A., 161, 2940.92
Kamkov, member ofVTsIK
commission, 210
Kan paper mill, workers’ takeover, 238
Kan printworks, 130; victimisation of
factory committee, 80
Kapanitskii, shop steward at Pipe works,

Kaplan, F. I., 141,146, 150

Kautsky, K., 263

Kebke factory, 173

Keep,John, 141

Kerensky, A.F., 112, 137, 164

Kerensky government, 127,171,209,

258; anarchists’ policy towards, 144;

and Bolsheviks, 108, 126, 230\ see also

Kerensky government: continued

Coalition Government; Labour,

Ministry of
Kersten knitwear factory: wages, r 17;
women workers, 198, 235-6;
workers’ opposition to re-
instatement of administrative
personnel, 56; youth committee, 198
Kharkov, collective wage contracts in,

Koenig mill: penalties to improve labour

discipline, 90-1; women workers
present list of‘requests’ to director,
Kokhn, M.P.,45
Kollontai, Alexandra, 194-5, 236
Kolokol'nikov, P.N., 170,181
Kolovich, anarchist militant, 235
kompaniya, typesetters working in, 33
Konovalov, A.I., 76,171
Kornilov,GeneralL.G., 112,113, i8o;r«r
also Kornilov rebellion
Kornilov rebellion, 112, 115,162
Kostelovskaya, textile union delegate to
sovnarkhozy congress, 241
Kotlov, 211
Kotov, 235

Kozhevnikov textile mill, political com-

position of factory committee, 160
Kozitskii, V.N., 161,2940.92
Kresty jail raid, 143
Kronstadt sailors, strikes in protest

against threatened execution of, 49,


Kropotkin, Peter, 142,143,255

Kuskova, E. D., 109

Kuznetsov works, resolution on workers’

control, 165

Labour, Ministry of: arbitrates in metal

contract negotiations, 123,125,126;
averts strike by sluzhashchie, 135; and
demands for sequestration, 179, 236;
programme of social reform, 170-1;
refuses loan to Brenner works, 148;
see also Skobelev circulars
Labour and Light group, 97
labour discipline: Bolshevik dilemma
over, 264; breakdown of, 88-90,
246-9; factory committees and, 90-
2, 155, 247-8, 251; Lenin’s attitude
to, 261; trade unions and, 247, 248,
249,250,251; in tsarist factories,

37-8; see also absenteeism;
drunkenness; theft
labour exchanges, 76,244,247
labour movement, Russian, compared
with West, 28-9,59,64-5,103-4,
land-ownership by workers, 17-19
Langenzippen works: extent of workers’
control, 165,166-7,176—7, 231-2;
political composition offactory
committee, 161,162; re-election of
factory committee, 205,251; strikes,
53; workers’ resolution on Skobelev
circulars, 180-1
Larin, Yu., 92,158,184, 248
Latvian workers, 23,96, 191
Law on factory committees (23 Apr
•9|7), 78-9
leather industries: attitude of employers
to workers’ control, 231; size of
workforce, 10; wage differentials,
131; women employed in, 25;
working hours, 44; young workers,
25; see also leatherworkers’ union
leatherworkers’ union, 69, 201, 217;
cooperation with CCFC, 220;
political affiliations of board, 115;
professional sections, 202; size of
membership, 105, 200; women
workers, 133,194
Lebedev, N.I., 111

Lebedev factory: and Skobelev circular,

180; workers’ takeover of, 178, 179
Left Communists, 229
legislation, industrial, 37, 38, 76, 78-9,
Leiberov, I.P., 21,22,23,49,5°

Lenin, V.I.: attitude to factory

committees, 159; and Bolshevik
seizure of power, 144; calls for return
to one-man management, 228, 241,
251,261; and cultural level of
workers, 95,98; and economics/
politics dichotomy, 2—3,140; favours
centralised state regulation of
economy, 150,223,226-7; stance on
workers’control, 153-6, 209-10,

213, 225-6, 227, 228,259; strategy

for transition to socialism, 260-2
Leontiev Mills: political affiliations of
factory committee, 160; strike
activity at, 53
Lepse, 1.1., 161, 2940.92

Lessnerworks, 7; accidentsat, 42; ‘cadre’
workers’ indifference to ‘dilution’,
32; factory committee phases out
female employment to ease
redundancies, 176; political
composition offactory committee,
162; re-election offactory
committee, 205; strikes, 51; see also
New Lessner; Old Lessner
Levin, V.M., 146, 152, 189
Limon, Didier L., 212
Lin'kov, Menshevik delegate to factory
committee conference, 189
literacy of workers, 34-5,96,255
Lithuanian workers, 22, 23, 165
lockouts, 51,52, 116,169,250
Loginov, Ivan, 96
Lopata, 94-5

Lozovskii, A., 112, 158,188, 210, 214,


machine-breaking, 89,246

machine-tool construction industry, 8,9
Maiskii, Menshevik delegate to trade
union congress, 230
Maksimov, G., 142-3,221
management, factory, see administrative
personnel; collegial management;
employers; one-man management;
Mao Zedong, Maoism, 262
Martov, Y.O., 218

Marx, Karl, Marxism, 2,141,255,263

mass-production, 8,9, 24-5, 29,31, 254
masterovye, 28, 29, 31-2,34, 72
maternity pay, 70, 170, 194
Maxwell cotton mill, political make-up of
factory committee, 163
mechanisation, 8, 28,29
medical funds, 43, 58
Medvedev, 247

Menshevik-Internationalists: and

cultural level of workers, 94; on
factory committees, 81, 183;
influence in trade unions, 112, 113,
115,187; position on workers’
control, 187,215—16
Mensheviks, 52, 53, 77,84,97,101, 170,
192; active in cooperative
movement, 87; call for state control
of economy, 151, 153-4, ^7, 258;
conflict with Bolsheviks over trade
unions, 109, 110, 111, 136; favour

independence of trade unions, 218,
222; hostile to factory committees,
81,251; influence in factory
committees, 56,66,67,90, 100, 161,

164, r 79,198,211; influence in trade

unions, 104, 107, in, 113-16, 187,

217,257; and organisations for

unemployed, 246-7; rejection of
workefs’ control, 151,167,182-3,

188; support for subordination of

factory committees to trade unions,

Meshcherinov, Captain V.D., 61

metal industries, 7,9, 12, 27-8,52,243;
absenteeism, 89; accident rates, 42;
size of workforce, 10, 12, 245;
working hours, 44,67; see also
Metal works: activities of works

committee, 72,85,96, 175, 201,260;

attitude of‘new’ workers to trade
union, 196; demand for eight-hour
day, 65; rate of sickness and injury
among workers, 42; stokers form
union, 106-7; strikes and young
workers, 53; wage differentials,

47; workers’ directorate runs

factory, 236; workers’ militia, 98,


metalworkers, 26,27,28-9,32,34,40,

198, 255; attitude to workers’
control, 165, 167,184,216, 219; and
piece-rates, 73,132, 249,250,305
n.97; political composition offactory
committees, 161, 162;
proletarianisation of, 16, 18-20;
wages, 46-7, 71, 130,131; women
workers, 24-5, 34,48,133,176, 194;
unemployed, 168; young workers,

25; see also metal industries;

metalworkers’ union
metalworkers’ union, 31,93, 106-7, io^
201, 202, 217; attitude to evacuation,
174; collective contract, 120, 121-9,
32,133. '96, 254-1 257;
membership, 104-5, 200,280 n. 1;
political influence in, 113-14;
relationship with factory
committees, 167, 186-7, 222; and
women workers, 176, 194
Metallist, 216, 219
Mezhraiontsy, 84, 111, 185
Michels, Robert, 103

militancy: of chemorabochie ^ 121, 124;

conscription as punishment for, 21,

51, 180; of metalworkers, 12; of‘new’
workers, 191-2,199, 255; in West,
103; of women, 195, 255; see also
‘carting-out’; strikes
‘militarisation’ of industry, 48,49,59,171
Military Horseshoe works: far-reaching
workers’ control at, 64; nation-
alisation of, 240
Military-Revolutionary Committee of
the Petrograd Soviet, 232, 234
militias, 85,98-102, 112, 178
Miller, L.G., 193
Milonov, Yu., 31

Milyutin, V.P., 144, 157, 158, 159, 167,


Mint, factory committee at: political

make-up of, 162; re-election of, 205
monopolies, 7,9

morality, labour organisations’ concern

with standards of, 94
Moscow industrial region: effects of
economic crisis in, 168;
entrepreneurs of, 74—5, 77,169;
peasant migration to, 15; political
influence in labour organisations,

113,114,115,165; wage contracts,


Moscow railways, factory committees of,


musicians’ union, excluded from PCTU,


Nabokov, Menshevik delegate at factory

committee conference, 182
Narva district: soviet, 81; workers’ living
conditions, 12, 13
nationalisation: Bolshevik plans for, 154,
157,223, 302 n.56; critiqueof
Bolshevik policy on, 229; factory
committees press for, 225, 227,239;
ofindividual factories, 233, 236, 237,
239-40; make-up ofboards of
nationalised enterprises, 241;
opposition to, 224; Soviet historians’
view of, 304 n .48; of whole of
industry, 260
naval enterprises, 8,41,46-7, 73, 135;
committees discuss workers’ self-
management, 62, 182-3; and factory
committee law, 79
Naval Ministry, 8,64, 182, 183

needleworkers’ union, 112, 194,216
Nevka spinning mill: labour discipline
at, 248; strike activity at, 53; wage
differentials, 71, 72; women
workers complain offactory
committee’s autocratic behaviour,

Nevskaya cotton mill: factory committee

seeks coordination with other
committees, 83; labour discipline,

90,94; wages, 117; women workers

present list of‘requests’ to
management, 69-70
Nevskii footwear factory: factory
committee abolishes overtime
working, 67; management resistance
to workers’control, 181,232; women
workers, 194
Nevskii shipbuilding company: activities
offactory committee, 55—6,85,147,

173, 176; craft consciousness at, 29-

30; nationalised, 233; political make-
up offactory committee, 161; re-
introduction of piece-rates, 305 n.96;
size of workforce, 8; strikes, 53, 136,
250; white collar workers, 135, 136;
workers’ takeover, 232-3;

New Admiralty shipyards: co-existence

of stewards’ and factory committees,
58; extent of workers’ control, 64,

163; technical staff expelled by

workers, 55; triviality of some
factory committee business, 85;
workers demand revolutionary
government, 166
New Cotton-Weaving Mill, factory rules,


New Dawn Club, 96

New Lessner works: Bolshevik workers
call for evacuation of‘yellow labour’
and‘peasants’, 173; demand for
eight-hour day, 65; number of
workers voting in factory committee
elections, 206; political composition
offactory committee, 161; Red
Guard at, 100; strikes, 49,52; swing
to Bolsheviks, 52
New Parviainen works: labour
indiscipline, 90; Menshevik
influence, 52; and metalworkers’
contract, 128; political composition
offactory committee, 161; Red
Guard at, 100

‘new’ workers, 21-3, 190-2, 254-5, 269
n.8o; see also peasant workers;
unskilled workers; women workers;
young workers
Nicholas II, Tsar, 54
night work, 27,44,170
Nobel factory, 7; political composition of
factory committee, 161; re-election
of committee, 251; scope of workers’
control, 163; strike at,5i;swing to
Bolsheviks, 52; theatre group, 97;
workers condemn Skobelev
circulars, 180; workers’ takeover,


Northern Cotton Mill: factory rules, 38;
non-party members offactory
committee, 160
Northern Iron-Construction Company,
factory committee elects directorate
to run factory, 238
Novakovskii, 135, 136
Novaya Zhizn', 94, 215
Novyi Put', 214

Obukhov works: composition of board of

management after nationalisation,
240; factory committee, 62,81, 161,
163; metal union closes factory, 250;
number of workers, 8; picketed by
unemployed, 246; resolution passed
on workers’ control, 165; strikes, 53;
wages, 46,47,117; workers condemn
Skobelev circulars, 181
October Revolution, 1,108,184,197,

209, 230,246

‘off-loading’, see evacuation
Okhrana, 49
Okhta cotton mill, 53
Okhta explosives works: activities of
factory committee, 65,87,173,176,
242-3; conditions of work, 41-2;
drunkenness at, 93; re-election of
factory committee, 205; size of
workforce, 8; woodturners refuse
tariff category, 108; workers’ self-
management, 61,62, 163
Old Lessner works: Menshevik influence
at, 52; Red Guard at, 100; re-election
offactory committee, 251; workers
propose setting up of district council
offactory committees, 83
Old Parviainen works, redundancy
plans, 243

one-man management, 228,241-2, 251,

Optics factory, evacuation plans, 173

orders: checking by workers, 155, 176,
231,240,258; employers refuse new,

Ordzhonikidze, G.K., 159

Organisation Bureau, 61-2

Osipov leather works: strike, 70; workers

complain offactory committee’s
autocratic behaviour, 207
output norms, 125,132,249,250
overtime working: control by factory
committees, 67-8,85; increased
during war, 44,45,191; payment
rates, 43,69,135; reduction in, 68,
70; widespread before war, 43;
workers prepared to accept, to help
war effort, 66; see also eight-hour day
Owen, Robert, 142

Pal' works: political composition of

factory committee, 160, 163; strikes
at, 53
Pal'chinskii, 175,183
paper industry: cooperation between
factory committees and trade
unions, 220; number of workers, 10;
wage rates, 72; working hours, 43,67
paperworkers’ union: engages in strike
action, 118, 121; growth of
membership, 105; paperworkers’
contract, 131,132, 133
Parviainen works: activities offactory
committee, 173,175; conditions of
work, 41; numbers of workers voting
in factory committee elections, 206;
political composition offactory
committee, 146,162; re-election of
factory committee, 205; strikes, 51;
wages, 47, 72,117
Pasternak, director of Triangle rubber-
works, 231
payment in kind, 274 n.53
PCTU, see Petrograd Council ofTrade

peasant workers: behaviour pattern of,

19-20, 191; calls for transfer of land
to, 157,166; conflict with other
workers, 152, 173; conscription of,
86; migration to Petrograd, 5-6, 15,
22,36; militancy of, 191-2, 196, 199;

peasant workers: continued

participation in labour movement,

36,197; status of women, 26; see also
Pechatkin paper mill; number of workers
voting in elections, 205; women
poorly represented on committee,

Pella engineering works, workers’

evacuation plans, 173
People’s Commissariat of Labour
(Narkomtrud), 220,242,249
Peterhof district, 12; district soviet, 100,
175, 177-8; factory committee
district council, 83
Petichev engineering works, workers
condemn evacuation plans, 173
Petrograd, 4,5; economy of, 6-9, 35-6,
145; exodus of workers from, 243-5;
living conditions, 13-14; see also St
Petrograd Council of Trade Unions
(PCTU): formation and powers of,

110—x 1; and labour discipline, 93;
opposes evacuation plans, 174;
opposes Kornilov rebellion, 112-13;
and piece-rates, 249; political
influence within, 111-12, 113;
relations with CCFC, 112-13, 186;
represented on ARCWC, 213; and
strikes, 108,250
Petrograd Soviet, 1,54,93,98,112,115,

174,192, 250; and conciliation

chambers, 66, 77; and factory
committees, 62, 78-9,178,204,248;
and minimum wage, 72-3; and
workers’ militias, 99-100, 101, 102
pharmacy employees’ union, 104; strike,


Phoenix engineering works: political
composition offactory committee,
161, 197; management finances
workers’ club, 96; shop stewards’
committee, 58,65; stokers’ union
formed, 106; swing to Bolsheviks, 52;
workers’ militia, 98
piece-rates, 41,42; attempts to revive,
after October Revolution, 249-50,
251, 261; complex system of, in
tsarist factories, 47; demands for
abolition after February Revolution,
73; as means of raising productivity,
89,90, 132,249; as part of wage

contracts, 128,131-2
Piontovskii, 167,189
Pipe works: administration dismissed by
factory soviet, 55; election offactory
committee, 205, 206,251;
evacuation plans, 173; factory
committee seeks fuel supplies, 147;
finance sub-committee, 176;
indiscipline among workforce, 88-9;
militancy of peasant workers, 196;
and New Dawn Club, 96; number of
workers, 8; and organisation of food
supplies, 87; political composition of
factory committee, 162-3; shop
stewards, 58, 161; strike activity, 53;
women workers, 192, 195; workers’
control, 61
Plekhanov, G.V., 49, 255
police, 98, no
police informers, 276 n.2
Polish workers, 22,56,96
political consciousness, 3,49,97,118,121
Potekhin, M.N., 240
Pouget, Emile, 275 n.88
Pravda, 124

Precision Engineering Company, closure

of, 176

price rises, wartime, 45,51, 116,124; see

print trade, printers, 3-4; ‘autonomous
commissions’, 58; conciliation
chambers, 77; no division between
factory committee and trade union,
201; number of workers, 10,33;
wages, 46,47-8,129-30,131,133;
unemployment, 168; see also
printworkers’ union; typesetters
printworkers’ union, 73,103,104,201—2;
collective contracts, 129-30; firm
stand against overtime, 68;
membership, 105,200; Menshevik
influence in, 115-16; professional
sections, 286 n.24; strike action, 121,

130; supports factory committee at

Kan printworks, 80
private sector, 8,182, 263; abolition of
piece-rates in, 131; factory
committees in, 60,64, 185, 256;
insurance provision in, 42-3;

Lenin’s plans for, 223;

nationalisation, 239-40; wages, 46
Prizhelaev, I., 203
Prodparovoz, 7

productive forces, theories of, 262-4
productivity, 8,12; factory committees
responsible for, 240; labour
indiscipline seen as cause of low,

  1. 90,91-2; Lenin on, 261;
    measures taken to improve, after
    October Revolution, 248-50; and
    piece-rates, 131-2; productivity
    clauses in wage contracts, 125,

  1. 3. 257

Progressive Bloc, 52, 74
Prokopovich, S.N., 14,16,44,45,109
proletarianisation of workers, 14-20,253,
254. 255
Proletkult, 97,98,2840.113
Promet Armaments factory, 52; factory
committee over-ruled by workforce,
67; election offactory committee,

2°5 ...

Provisional Government: industrialists’
initial confidence in, 75; labour
relations policy, 76-7; and law on
factory committees, 78-9; Lenin and
Bolsheviks’ refusal to support, 153;
and organisation of food supplies,

86; setting up of, 54; workers’

dissatisfaction with, 124; see also
Coalition government; Labour,
Ministry of; Kerensky government
Pushkin, Alexander, 5
Putilov factory committee, 81-2,85,88,
146, 198,204, 205; help Brenner
works committee, 148,178; political
composition of, 161; and problem of
‘responsible’ control of production,
183-4; search for fuel supplies, 147,

Putilov works, 12,13; director killed by

workers, 55; high technology of, 8,

31; nationalised, 240; productivity,

  1. 90; redundancies, 175,243;
    strikes, 51,52,53,108,123,250;
    working conditions, 42; see also
    Putilov factory committee; Putilov

Putilov workers, 8, 22,28, 29, 30,65,95;
condemn Skobelev circular, 180;
and evacuation plans, 172, 173; and
labour discipline, 89-90,94, 247-8;
and metal contract, 122-3, I24—5,
126, 127, 128, 129; relations between
workers and sluzhashchie, 136-7, 234;

shop committees, 81—2; survey of
fitters (1918), 190; wages, 47, 72,

122,272 n. 139,305 n.96; workers’

club, 96,97; and workers’ control,
64,146,165,166,172,183-4; seealso
Putilov factory committee; Putilov

Puzanov, chief of Putilov’s Black

Hundreds, 55
Puzyrev works, swing to Bolshevik party,


Radio Telegraph works factory

committee: demands payment for
workers serving in militia, 99;
implements radical form of workers’
control, 163
railway workers’ strike, 118
Rashin, A.G., 40
Rasputin clique, 75

rates commissions, 121,127-8,132, 196,


raw materials: factory committees’

control of, 84,147-8,176,231,240,
258,260; high cost of, 8; shortage of,
Razumov, 111
Red Army, 97,244

Red Guards, 100-2,114, 197,234,285


redundancies, 118,127, 251; conflict

between male and female workers
over, 175-6, 195,254; factory
committees draw up plans for, 242—
3; factory committees fight against,

174-6,259; factory committees

responsible for laying off workers,
240; lay-off terms, 175,247,250
reformism, 109

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