This book explores the impact of the 1917 Revolution on factory life

Stepanov, Rabochie Petrograda, p.62

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Stepanov, Rabochie Petrograda, p.62.

  • A.F. Vovchik, Politika tsarzisma po rabochemu voprosu v predrevolyutsionnyi
    period, 1895-1904
    (L'vov, 1964); S.V. Murzyntseva, ‘Iz istorii ekono-
    micheskogo polozheniya rabochikh na predpriyatiyakh voennogo i
    morskogo vedomstv v igo7-i4gg. v Peterburge’,
    Uchenye zapiski Len. gos.
    universiteta, seriya ist. nauk,
    issue 32, 270 (1959).

  • Trudy pervogo vserossiiskogo fezda delegatov rabochikh zavodov, portov i uchrezh-
    denii Morskogo vedomstva
    (Petrograd, 1917), protocol 2, p.2.

  • Stepanov, Rabochie Petrograda, p.62.

  • I.P. Leiberov, Na shturm samoderzhaviya (Moscow, 1979), pp.52-60.

  • Rabochee dvizhenie v Petrograde v 1912-iygg. (Leningrad, 1958), pp.425-6.

  • Leiberov, Na shturm, p.58. In 1917 there were 17 hospitals run by the
    Petrograd City Duma and about 40 free doctors. In addition, there were
    seven factory hospitals. I .A. Baklanova,
    Rabochie Petrograda v period mimogo
    razvitiya revolyutsii (mart-iyun' 1917
    g.) (Leningrad, 1978), p.53.

  • S. Milligan, ‘The Petrograd Bolsheviks and Social Insurance, 1914-17’,
    Soviet Studies, 20, no.3 (1969), 372.

  • S.G. Strumilin, Problemy ekonomiki truda (Moscow, 1964), p.479.

  • ibid.; Materialy po statistike truda Severnoi oblasti, issue 2 (Petrograd, 1919),
    p. 14.

  • M. Balabanov, Ot igo^g. k igiyg. (Moscow, 1927), p.14.

  • Materialy ob ekonomicheskom polozhenii i professional'noi organizatsii peter-
    burgskikh rabochikh po metallu
    (St Petersburg, 1909), p.i 19; Timofeev, Chem

  • S.G. Strumilin, Zarabotnaya plata i proizvoditel'nost' truda v promyshlennosti
    (Moscow, 1923), p.44.

  • ibid., p.49, Materialy po statistike truda, issue 2 (1919), pp.14—15.

  • ibid.

  • A. P. Serebrovskii, Revolyutsiya i zarabotnaya plata rabochikh metallicheskoi
    (Petrograd, 1917) p.8.

  • M. Gordon, Workers before and after Lenin (New York, 1941), p.71 cites a
    study by the British Board of Trade which reckoned that in 1905-8 the
    family income of Russian workers was half that of German workers, 37%
    that of English workers and 27% that of American workers.

  • Strumilin, Problemy, pp.453, 474.

  • Materialy po statistike truda, issue 6 (Petrograd, 1919), p.54. Payment in
    kind was far less widespread in St Petersburg than in Russia as a whole;
    far less was spent on accommodation by employers, and the truck system
    was less prevalent. S. Bernshtein-Kogan,
    Chislennost', sostav i polozhenie
    peterburgskikh rabochikh
    (St Petersburg, 1910), pp.120-2.

  • S.N. Prokopovich, Byudzhety peterburgskikh rabochikh (St Petersburg, 1909),

  • ibid.; M. Davidovich, Peterburgskii tekstil'nyi rabochii v ego byudzhetakh (St
    Petersburg, 1912), p.14.

    1. Prokopovich, Byudzhety, p.9.

    2. Davidovich, Peterburgskii tekstil'nyi rabochii, p. 10.

    3. Rabochaya gazeta, 59, 18 May 1917, p.3.

    4. Gordon, Workers before and after Lenin, pp.217-18.

    5. Prokopovich, Byudzhety, p.g.

    6. Davidovich, Peterburgskii tekstil'nyi rabochii, pp.11, 13.

    7. Rabochaya gazeta 59, 18 May 1917, p.3.

    8. M.P. Kokhn, Russkie indeksy tsen (Moscow, 1926), p. 18.

    9. Statisticheskie dannye Petrograda (Petrograd, 1916), p.38; K. Sidorov,
      ‘Rabochee dvizhenie v Rossii v gody imperialisticheskoi voiny, 1914-
      17gg.’ in
      Ocherkipo istorii oktyabr'skoi revolyutsii, ed. M.N. Pokrovskii, vol. 1
      (Moscow, 1927), p.233.

    10. ibid.

    11. Strumilin, Problemy, p.334.

    12. 1st. rab. Len., p.477.

    13. ibid., p.471.

    14. ibid., p.470.

    15. Strumilin, Zarabotnaya plata, p.7.

    16. For a fuller discussion of wages during the war, see my Ph.D. thesis

    17. Professional'noe dvizhenie v Petrograde v igfjg. ed. A. Anskii (Leningrad,
      1928), p. 13.

    18. Stepanov, Rabochie Petrograda, p.52.

    19. Payalin, Zavod imeni Lenina, p.322.

    20. Serebrovskii, Revolyutsiya i zarabotnaya plata, pp.24-5.

    21. Strumilin, Problemy, pp.337, 340; Strumilin, Zarabotnaya plata, pp.n-12.

    22. Vestnik metallista, 1 (1917), 13; Strumilin, Problemy, pp.337, 340.

    23. Strumilin, Problemy, pp.337, 340.

    24. Baklanova, Rabochie Petrograda, p.23.

    25. ibid.

    26. Materialy po statistike truda, issue 3 (Petrograd, 1919), p.28.

    27. Baklanova, Rabochie Petrograda, p.23.

    28. Laverychev, Tsarizm i rabochii vopros, Ch.6.

    29. I.P. Leiberov, ‘Stachechnaya bor'ba petrogradskogo proletariata v
      period mirovoi voiny’,
      Istoriya rabochego klassa Leningrada, issue 2 (Lenin-
      grad, 1963), pp.166, 177, 183. This supersedes M.G. Fleer,
      komitet bol'shevikov v gody imperialisticheskoi voiny, I9i4~i7gg.

    30. and 1.1. Krylova, ‘K voprosu o statistike stachek petrogradskikh
      rabochikh v gody pervoi mirovoi voiny’, in
      Iz istorii imperializma v Rossii
      (Moscow, 1959).

    31. 1st. rab. Len., p.476.

    32. ibid., pp.483-5.

    33. ibid., pp.502-4.

    34. Go-slows’, working-to-rule and other forms of restricting output became
      very common in Petrograd after 1905. Such practices originated in Britain
      in 1889, when Glasgow dockers systematically practised ca’ canny. They
      were popularised by the French anarcho-syndicalist, Emile Pouget, in the
      1890s and widely applied by the French C.G.T. In Russia these practices

    O <£>

    were known as ‘Italian strikes’ {itaiyanskie zabastovkr), probably after the
    dramatic work-to-rule by Italian railworkers in February 1905. See G.
    Sabotage: a study in industrial conflict (Nottingham, Spokesman,

    1. , Ch.1 and C. Seton-Watson, Italy: from Liberalism to Fascism,
      (London, Methuen, 1967), p. 256.

    1. 1st. rab. Len., p.511.

    2. It was decided to leave out tables showing the participation of different
      factories in the wartime strike movement, since similar tables have
      recently been published in T. Hasegawa,
      The February Revolution -
      Petrograd igiy (Seattle, Washington University Press, 1981), appendix 2.
      My analysis of these data differs significantly from that of Hasegawa,
      pp. 101-2. Sources for the generalisations on the size and composition of
      the workforces of different factories and on their political complexion in
      1917 are not cited, in order to avoid burdening the text with footnotes.
      The data came from my personal factory file which is based on Soviet
      secondary works, contemporary newspapers and Soviet archival sources.

    3. D. Koenker, ‘Urban Families, Working-Class Youth Groups and the
      1917 Revolution in Moscow’, in
      The Family in Imperial Russia, ed. D.L.
      Ransel (Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1978).


    1. T. Hasegawa, The February Revolution: Petrograd, igiy (Seattle, University
      of Washington Press, 1981; G. Katkov,
      Russia igiy: The February
      (New York, Harper and Row, 1967); M. Ferro, The Russian
      Revolution of February igiy
      (London, Routledge, 1972).

    2. Lists of police agents were published in early March in the working-class
      press, after police stations had been ransacked. See, for example,
      7, 12 March 1917, p.4. As late as May, police spies were still being
      uncovered, cf. the exposure of Roman Berthold, editor of the anarchist
      Kommuna. Rabochaya Gazeta, 49, 6 May 1917, p.2.

    3. Krasnaya Letopis', 3 (1932), 172.

    4. M.O. Mitel'man, lgiy godna Putilovskom zavode (Leningrad, 1939), P-33;
      Rabochii kontrol' v promyshlennykh predpriyatiyakh Petrograda, igiy—i8gg.,
      vol.1 (Leningrad, 1947) p.45.

    5. Leningrad State Historical Archive, (LGIA), f.416, op.5, d.30, 1.24.

    6. Professional'noe dvizhenie v Petrograde v igiyg., ed. A. Anskii (Leningrad,

    1. , p.82.

    1. ibid. p.81.

    2. Rab. Kontrol’, p.50.

    V. Perazich, Tekstili Leningrada v igiyg. (Leningrad, 1927), p. 19.
    Krasnaya Letopis', 5-6 (1932), 189-90.

    1. Prof. dvizh., p.93.

    2. V.M. Freidlin, Ocherki istorii rabochego dvizheniya v Rossii v igiyg.,
      (Moscow, 1967), p.129.

    3. N.P. Payalin, Zavod imeni Lenina, i8yy—/gi8 (Moscow, 1933), pp.363,

    4. LGIA, f.1278, op. 1, d.84, I.6-21.

    1. Torgovo-Promyshlennaya Gazeta, 124, 14 June 1917, p.i.

    2. P. Timofeev, Chem zhivet zavodskii rabochii (St Petersburg, 1906), pp.80-1.
      This tradition was still very much alive. After the death of Ya. Sverdlov
      in March 1919, M.I. Kalinin was made Chairman of the Central
      Executive Committee of the Soviets and was projected in the press as
      ‘All-Russian Starosta’ in an effort to win the confidence of the peasantry.
      T.H. Rigby,
      Lenin’s Government: Sovnarkom, igiy-22 (Cambridge Uni-
      versity Press, 1979), p-174-

    3. For the text of the law on starosty, see A.M. Pankratova, Fabzavkomy Rossii
      v bor'be za sotsialisticheskuyu fabriku
      (Moscow, 1925), pp-343-5-

    4. P.A. Berlin, Russkaya burzhuaziya v staroe i novoe vremya (Moscow, 1922),

    5. Istoriya Leningradskogo soyuza rabochego poligraficheskogo proizvodstva, vol.i
      (Leningrad, 1925), pp.255, 273.

    6. G. Borisov, S. Vasil'ev, Stankostroitel'nyi zavod im. Sverdlova (Leningrad,
      1962), p.98;
      Sestroretskii instrumental'nyi zavod im. Voskova, Ij2i-ig6y
      (Leningrad, 1968), p. 124.

    7. Fabrichno-zavodskie komitety Petrograda v igiyg., ed. I.I. Mints (Moscow,

    I979)> PP.H2-13.

    1. B. Shabalin, Krasnyi TreugoVnik, 1860—iggg (Leningrad, 1938), pp. 158,
      Trudorezina, 1, 22 April 1917, p.4.

    2. J. Hinton, The First Shop Stewards’ Movement (London, Allen and Unwin,
      1973); B. Pribicevic,
      The Shop Stewards’ Movement and Workers’ Control
      (Oxford, Blackwell, 1959).

    3. D. Geary, ‘Radicalism and the Worker: metalworkers and revolution,
      Society and Politics in Wilhelmine Germany, ed. R. Evans (London,

    1. ; D.W. Morgan, The Socialist Left and the German Revolution (Ithaca,
      Cornell University Press, 1975); R. Comfort,
      Revolutionary Hamburg
      (Stanford, 1966).

    1. G.A. Williams, Proletarian Order (London, Pluto, 1975); P. Spriano, The
      Occupation of the Factories
      (London, Pluto, 1975); M. Clark, Antonio
      Gramsci and the Revolution that Failed
      (New Haven, Yale University Press,

    2. See the insightful article by C. Goodey, ‘Factory Committees and the
      Dictatorship of the Proletariat’,
      Critique, 3 (1974), p.32.

    3. D.A. Kovalenko, ‘Bor'ba fabrichno-zavodskikh komitetov Petrograda
      za rabochii kontrol' nad proizvodstvom’,
      Istoricheskie Zapiski, 61 (1957),

    4. Sestroretskii zavod, pp. 150-1.

    5. Rab. Kontrol', p.44.

    6. ibid., pp. 178-9.

    7. In Russian, the word ‘kontrol'’ has the sense of ‘supervision’ or
      ‘inspection’. See Chapter 6.

    8. Oktyabr'skaya revolyutsiya i fabzavkomy, ed. P.N. Amosov, vol. 1 (Moscow,
      1927), p.29.

    9. ibid., p.42.

    10. ibid.

    11. LGIA, f.1304, op. 1, d.3669, 11.51-2.

    1. ibid.

    2. Rab. kontrol', p.48.

    3. Okt. rev. i fabzavkomy, vol.i, pp.30-1.

    4. ^id., p.32.

    5. ibid., p.40.

    6. Trudy pervogo vserossiiskogo s"ezda delegatov rabochikh zavodov, portov i
      uchrezhdenii Morskogo vedomstva
      (Petrograd, 1917), protocol 1, p.3.

    7. ibid., protocol 10, p.4.

    8. Okt. rev. ifabzavkomy, vol.I, p.34.

    9. Rab. kontrol', pp.58-9.

    10. ibid., p. 180.

    11. Revolyutsionnoe dvizhenie v iyule: iyul'skii krizis (Moscow, 1959), 9.383.

    12. Fab. zav. kom. passim.

    13. L.S. Gaponenko, Rabochii klass Rossii v igiyg. (Moscow, 1970), p.345.

    14. V.P. Volobuev, Proletariat i burzhuaziya Rossii 0 igiyg. (Moscow, 1964),

    15. Rabochaya Gazeta, 2, 8 March 1917, p.4.

    16. Payalin, Zavod imeni Lenina, p.349.

    17. Volobuev, Proletariat i burzhuaziya, pp. 105-8.

    18. LGIA, f.1278, op. 1, d.183, 1.29.

    19. S.G. Strumilin, Problemy ekonomiki truda (Moscow, 1964), p.365.

    20. Materialy po statistike truda Sevemoi oblasti, issue 1 (Petrograd, 1918), 56.

    21. Z.V. Stepanov, Rabochie Petrograda v period podgotovki i provedeniya
      oktyabr'skogo vooruzhennogo vosstaniya
      (Moscow, 1965), p.75. Znamya truda,
      1, 23 August 1917, p.3; ibid., 8, 31 August 1917, p.2.

    22. Rab. Kontrol', pp.52-3; LGIA f.1477, op.3, d.i, 1.4.

    23. LGIA, f.1182, op. 1, d.96, 1.1.

    24. Pravda, 11, i7March 1917, p.4; Rabochaya Gazeta, 10, i7March igi 7, p.2.

    25. Revolyutsionnoe dvizhenie posle sverzheniya samoderzhaviya (Moscow, 1957),
      Pravda, 17, 25 March 1917, p.4.

    26. Materialy po statistike truda Sevemoi oblasti, issue 3 (Petrograd, 1919), p.20.

    27. Delo Naroda, 82, 23 June 1917, p.4.

    28. Ekho derevoobdelochnika, 3, 12 December 1917, p.14.

    29. A. Tikhanov, ‘Rabochie-pechatniki v igi7g.’, Materialy po istorii
      professional'nogo dvizheniya v Rossii,
      4 (1925), p. 180.

    30. G.L. Sobolev, Revolyutsionnoe soznanie rabochikh i soldat Petrograda v igijg.
      (Leningrad, 1973), p.58.

    31. Prof. dvizh., p. 136.

    32. Rab. Kontrol', pp.73-4.

    33. Istoriya leningradskogo obuvnoi fabriki, Skorokhod, im. Ya. Kalinina (Lenin-
      grad, 1969), pp.136-7. The size of these concessions caused great
      consternation among members of the SFWO, who felt that a dangerous
      precedent had been set.

    34. Pravda, 66, 26 May 1917, p.4.

    35. G. Linko, ‘Rabochee dvizhenie na fabrike Kenig v igi7g.’, Krasnyi
      58 (1933), 136-7-
      71 I.A. Baklanova,
      Rabochie Petrograda v period mirnogo razvitiya v Petrograde

    (Leningrad, 1978), p.21.

    72 ibid., p.20.

    1. S.G. Strumilin, Zarabotnaya plata i proizvoditel'nost' truda v promyshlennosti
      (Moscow, 1923), pp.13-14.

    2. A.P. Serebrovskii, Revolyutsiya i zarabotnaya plata rabochikh metallicheskoi
      (Petrograd, 1917), p.6.

    3. Strumilin, Zarabotnaya plata, pp.13-14.

    4. Pischebumazhnik, 1, 16 September 1917, p.12.

    5. Materialy po statistike truda, issue 3 (Petrograd, 1919) pp.7, 14.

    6. Sobolev, Revolyutsionnoe soznanie, p.67.

    7. Pravda, 15, 22 March 1917, p.4.

    8. Rabochaya Gazeta, 13, 21 March 1917, p.2; Sobolev, Revolyutsionnoe

    9. A. Pankratova, Fabzavkomy i profsoyuzy v igiyg. (Moscow, 1927), p.39;
      Rabochie Petrograda, p. 25.

    10. Baklanova, Rabochie Petrograda, p.25.

    11. Rabochaya Gazeta, 39, 25 April 1917, p.3. It compared badly with the
      minimum rates achieved by militant action at Skorokhod (10 r.) and the
      Triangle works (7 r. for men and 5 r. for women). Baklanova,

    12. 1st. len. soyuza rab.polig. proizvodstva, p.345; F. Bulkin, Na zare profdvizhen-
      (Leningrad, 1924), p. 127.

    13. Serebrovskii, Zarabotnaya plata, pp. 10, 16.

    14. Trudy s"ezda rabochikh Morskogo ved., protocol 1, p.6.

    15. Pechatnoe Delo, 4, 10 July 1917, p. 14.

    16. I.F. Gindin, ‘Russkaya burzhuaziya v period kapitalizm - ee razvitiye i
      Istoriya SSSR, 2 (1963) 60-5 and 3 (1963), 57;J.D. White,
      ‘Moscow, Petersburg and the Russian Industrialists: a reply to Ruth
      Amende Roosa’,
      Soviet Studies 24, no.3 (1973), 414—20.

    17. G. Hosking, The Russian Constitutional Experiment, igoj—14 (Cambridge,


    1. Volobuev, Proletariat i burzhuaziya, pp.45—6.

    2. R.Sh. Ganelin and L.E. Shepelev, ‘Predprinimatel'skie organizatsii v
      Petrograde v I9i7g.’ in
      Oktyabr'skoe vooruzhennoe vosstanie v Petrograde
      (Moscow, 1965), p.265.

    3. Vestnik obshchestva Zavodchikov i fabrikantov, 1, 1 June 1917.

    4. Prof. dvizh., p. 102.

    5. Volobuev, Proletariat i burzhuaziya, pp.83-4.

    6. ibid., p.175.

    7. The Russian Provisional Government, eds. R.P. Browder and A.F. Kerensky,
      vol.1 (Stanford, 1971), p.710.

    8. A. Kats, ‘K istorii primiritel'nykh kamer v Rossii’, Vestnik truda, 10
      (1923), 186-7.

    9. This distinguished ‘conciliation chambers’ (primiritel’nye kamery) from
      ‘arbitration courts’ (
      treteiskie sudy), in which an independent chairman
      had a casting vote.

    10. Izvestiya, 33, 6 April 1917, p.2.

    11. By the summer of 1917 conciliation chambers existed in most state
      enterprises and in ninety private factories of Petrograd. Baklanova,
      Rabochie Petrograda, p. 74.

    12. The success rate of the conciliation chambers can be judged by the

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