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From: Elnora Van Winkle >

Date: Sun Nov 26, 2000 6:24am

Subject: Getting smart.
Can it be possible for a baby to suffer built up toxins due to the trauma of birth - my brother was a (cant spell this) cesarean section. My parents and others often commented on his increased crying and less sleep compared to other children. This was from the very day he was born.
I know my brother suffered abuse in his youth and without doubt his aggressive behavior and outbursts were due primarily to this but my parents keep explaining to me that they felt something was not right from the very first day he was born - trauma of birth? Paul
Absolutely, the toxicosis can begin even before birth. Any kind of injury, whether prebirth or the trauma of birth, causes damage, and damage means cellular and metabolic breakdown products. These are all toxic, and the body can only get rid of so much at a time, ie during the detox crises, which will go on periodically. The increased crying was a part of the many detox crises. The toxicosis in our brains is a mix of such toxins, plus the toxins that accumulate as a result of suppressing emotions, which most of us had to do early on in childhood. I don't believe your brothers present illness is all due to birth trauma. Remember, his symptoms are signs he is healing, and not just from toxicosis due to birth trauma, but the continued toxicosis due to continued suppression of emotions. It sounds like you parents are in some denial about their own need for recovery. Ellie
I also understand your findings on suppressed anger effecting various parts of the brain which makes lots of sense. Is it possible however that some brain disorders are due to physical abnormalities in the brain - just out of interest. Paul
In the first place, the suppressing of emotions brings about a physical abnormality, ie the toxicosis is physical. Mental disorders are physical disorders. There could be brain disorders that are due solely to damage from exogenous sources, obviously a blow on the head, or an excess of exogneous toxins from food or environment. And there are some genetic disorders too, but Tourette's and most of our diagnosed psychiatric disorders are not genetic. It is just that most human beings have had to suppress their emotions, and I doubt if there are many, if any, persons who have brain disorders that are entirely from these other sources. Ellie
On a different point I want to let you know how my redirecting is getting on - A game I could never get my head around 'Minesweeper' (it comes with Windows) I can now complete quickly and fairly easily. I never could even complete the easy setting before!! People in work have also stated that they have noticed a big and positive difference in me over the last 1.5 months. I have also started eating far more fruit and drinking just plain water. I bought a can of coke the other day and found after a few sips I did not want anymore - I used to love coke (the drink that is).
Not all is cured and I do have dips in mood still along with co-dependency however the co-dependency does not grip me nearly as strong anymore, this no longer bothers me though as I know they are getting fewer and further apart with redirecting. Regards Paul.
Hooray for you, I'll bet your IQ is higher.



From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sun Nov 26, 2000 6:40am

Subject: Post flood achievement
Dear Ellie,

So good to hear from you and that all is going so well with the lists. All is very well with S, (my twin sister) me and the children - we are living together now and very happily - feels like a real family and its great. S and I have come a long way - had a lot of feelings - and now I feel freer Ellie - I look back now and wonder how I ever lived with all that tension in my body. We will move next Spring - and I will be doing some commuting as I'm doing a PhD (D.Phil) at Oxford University - it's going well. I'm also working (research) and lecturing - but I manage to do it all plodding and not getting stressed etc - and when I do I yell it out. We are all on a wheat-free diet, so any suggestions please. S took C to the homeopath as she had an itch rash for some time - turns out to be a wheat allergy - and you know C's body knew - she was never keen on bread etc. Both (the children) have freedom to cry, shout, rage etc. and they are so healthy for it! It's amazing re-the wheat thing eh? Amazing how everything falls into place. We all feel better for giving it up. S and I are also slowly cutting out cigarettes - down to a very few now which was not as difficult as I imagined and I feel so much better. Guess what? I'm coming to NYC in February - staying at the Hilton for the American Association of Geographers conference - I may even be giving a paper on Ethic, values and Justice. The dates are 27th/28th/29th - 30th February...maybe we can meet up??. S finished her degree and got a 2.1 BSc. (hons)..she is so pleased. By the way I didn't go through with the primal therapy - or really start - I've been able to have my feelings alone or with the support of S and that feels right...there were some very, very black moments - but I just went with them and they did pass, lots of love for now, Cathy

I remember you struggled with school before you were post flood, but then polished off a Master's degree. Congratulations. Great to hear about the wheat, yes cooked grains are not what our bodies need or want.



From: Sharrhan Williamson>

Date: Sun Nov 26, 2000 7:39am

Subject: Re: Who is this Ellie
Hi Sandy,

I'm sure Ellie will answer your questions at some point, but I will go ahead and respond now. Yes, I would definitely redirect at your father. Remember, you're redirecting at the sickness that was in him, not at him personally. Ellie likes to say that our deceased parents are "in heaven" cheering us on when we redirect, because they know we're getting healed. (That's not a quote, but I believe she said something to that effect last year.)

Certainly if your husband has abused you, you will want to redirect toward him also. Your core healing will come from redirecting to initial abusers, who are usually parents, but any significant current abusers should be included.

It is time to redirect whenever you feel so inclined, but particularly when panic or sadness are preset-- which are, yes, symptoms of toxicosis. Your mind will feel much sharper when you are post-flood. I became post-flood at age 51, and my mental processes improved significantly.

You'll see! ;-)

Best wishes, and hang in there through the panic and sadness, which are part of your healing journey.

Love & Joy -- Sharrhan
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Subject: Re: Who is this Ellie

Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 10:10:07 EST

Dear Ellie,

I have a couple of questions about redirecting. My parents need some of it and my dad died 6 mnths ago. Should I still be redirecting at him? Also my husb has hurt me many times and should I still redirect at him?

Also when is the time to redirect? When a panic attack is coming on, or

When u just feel sad, or anytime throughout the day? Are these considered toxicosis symptoms? I hope I have been understanding this right. I am going to be 50 nxt month and my mind isn't as sharp as it used to be. LOL. Thank you for your time and this theory and offering it to those of us who need it.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Nov 27, 2000 4:38am

Subject: Screamland
I have been inhibited about strong redirecting. Yet when my dog starts to bark loudly at the sight of animals or anything she deems unusual on the TV, no disabled lung or allergic stomach spasms prevent me from loud and spontaneous shrieks for her to cease and desist. I am quite capable of a healthy vent. I am also worried about complaints from the neighbors.
The solution would be to open "Screamland" a kind of Heartbreak Hotel where people could let loose with their lungs, shout and stamp and pound out to the last shred of toxicosis on a regular basis and I could make a profit while rendering a real service. What think you? Diva
I'd say your dog is a good teacher. I learned from my cat who has his temper tantrum if I abuse him and is purring a few seconds later.
Screamland....go for it. I've often thought when psychiatrists become post flood, they can use the mental hospitals for this purpose, and have people cured in a few weeks.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Nov 27, 2000 5:45am

Subject: What to eat
I know that it's best to eat raw foods, but could you give me some examples of what an ideal diet would be? I have no idea what to eat at this point :)

Thanks, Karen

And ideal diet for anyone is what their bodies need at this time, and only your body will let you know. Much of the toxicosis in our bodies is from past foods and the environment and most of us will get sick, ie have periodic detox crises, like colds, intestinal problems, etc. as our bodies try to rid of us of these. When post flood you are likely to react to any non-nutrients, junk food, etc. and have detox crises.
I would suggest searching the Archives for food and Instinctive Eating. Severan Schaeffers book, Instinctive Nutrition is excellent. This is the way I eat, ie. only raw food in its whole, natural, unmixed state, what is delicious tasting is what my body needs and what is not, I do not eat. But I had to transition to this kind of eating very slowly because our bodies are so toxic from standard American food, that germs can have a ball, and make us pretty sick. The symptoms of course are detox events that help us heal. What I eat is any kind of fruits and veggies that taste good in their whole natural state. I also eat raw animal flesh, the fattier the better, lots of Sushi grade fish, like Artic Char (a wild Salmon, avoid farm raised) and tuna and raw eggs, mostly the yolks are what taste good. I order from jean-claude (you can search for him) some high grade beef and lamb and chicken jerky) If you venture into raw animal food fish is a good start. There are lots of Sushi restaurants. The first time I ate raw Sushi I got sick but it was mild and I knew it was a needed detox crisis. I also eat raw beef, from pastured animals, although Coleman beef, which most Food Emporiums carry, is quite good. I eat raw chicken too, but I don't recommend this for anyone new at this. When I give my cat raw chicken liver from free range chickens, I'm likely to pop one in my mouth before he gets it.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for recommending this diet, especially if you go into it too soon. :-)
The important thing is to get rid of cooked grains, bread, cereals, pasta, dairy, processed sugar (try substituting dates or other dried fruit) and avoid as much processed and cooked food as possible. Try to do some redirecting when you crave these, but you are going to continue to crave these long into the muddy basin period, and should never feel guilty if you eat them. Get mad at your parents whose fault it is you are a food addict.
Since you may not be ready to eat raw meat, you might try rare beef, lots of salads, fruits, etc. Don't have the fruits right after meat. See Fit for Life, by H. and M Diamond about food combining. The diet in Fit for Life might be a good transition, although I think they include cooked grains, which is not good. But they understand about the detox process.
Also go to the links at the end of the long version on:
See the link to Pangaia. There are links to some raw food lists, Instinctive eating, the Paleodiet is quite good although too much cooked meat. I do not recommend vegetarian, even though I did it as a transition. It is highly lacking in B12 and other essential nutrients, and long term is not healthy.
Please reread Archive/Message 406.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Nov 27, 2000 6:05am

Subject: When to redirect
Dear Ellie,

I have a couple of questions about redirecting. My parents need some of it and my dad died 6 mnths ago. Should I still be redirecting at him? Also my husb has hurt me many times and should I still redirect at him?

Also when is the time to redirect? When a panic attack is coming on, or when u just feel sad, or anytime throughout the day? Are these considered toxicosis symptoms? I hope I have been understanding this right. I am going to be 50 nxt mnth and my mind isn't as sharp as it used to be. LOL. Sandy
Yes, do the redirecting to your parents and your husband, although if you are just starting I would try to redirect mostly to your parents. They were the original abusers.
When a panic attack is coming on, or when u just feel sad, or anytime throughout the day? Are these considered toxicosis symptoms?
Yes again. The panic attack is an excitatory nervous symptoms, see the list in the article. These are the most important signals of underlying anger, and the best opportunities to redirect. If you are really sad, and crying, it's important to get those tears out. If you are depressed you can also lift the depression by doing some redirecting, although sometimes you just need to put up with it. All through the day do it mentally if you can't get to pounding on a bed.
You have got the idea, and your mind will be sharp soon. I was close to 70 and was into early Alzheimers, and my mind is sharp as a tack now.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Nov 28, 2000 5:43am

Subject: A Happy Childhood
I remember attending a Stress Management course through work and although the person running the course used a method of attempting to make you feel guilty and bad for your life style to make you listen, she did go on about detoxing.
Not the type we do in redirecting but via foods and eating fruit and veg (untouched - organic) and drinking liters upon liters of water. She did warn that if you do this for a day or more you could experience bad symptoms like colds and flues. When I tried this I just felt really tired, much like after redirecting. Paul
Yes, the bad symptoms are actually good symptoms, healing symptoms. Colds and flu are just detoxification crises. I no longer believe in the germ theory, ie that germs are sole causes, they just feed on the toxicosis, they actually help us clean out our bodies. Ellie
The one thing the toxic mind has taught me is that if you don't properly deal with toxins what ever they might be the effects can and will be bad. Constantly plugging your body with junk foods cannot be good - that's not to say I believe you can never go near them just be thoughtful and know you must give your body goodness as often as possible (If anyone masters this let me know- LOL). Paul
The body can store up the junk food for years without your knowing it. Just think about the first cigarette, how it makes you sick, but later it doesn't bother you. The bad effects of constantly plugging your body with junk food are increased toxicosis, and eventually irreversible organic disease, like cancer. The beautiful thing about being post flood is that the nervous system is cleared out and can do its daily job of detoxification. This means you can have some junk food and it will get detoxed. There's a nice verse in the Bible that says, "No poison will harm them." I try to give my body goodness by eating Garden of Eden style, what tastes delicious is what my body needs, but you are right, I will never master it. Ellie
I still enjoy my pizza and chips (fries if your American or have only ever eaten at McDonalds) and being honest I cant see at the moment that ever changing but I no longer can take just eating these foods alone like I used to. Since redirecting I have found my body wanting, in the form of cravings, fruits and veg. I may find that in time that's all I want but I don't see a problem in eating junk foods in moderation with plenty of goodness to balance it out. Paul
I'm having a visit soon from a post flood friend from Switzerland, and she assured me she will be wanting some beer and pretzels here in NYC. Ellie
I'm off to have and 14inch pizza and some beer. only joking. Paul
No guilt allowed if you do. Enjoy, eventually they may make you sick :-) I'll bet in time your cravings for fruits and veggies will increase, and these foods will taste better than any pizza and beer. Ellie
PS Ellie what's this redirecting club I hear about?? Will there be t-shirts

LOL. Paul

You bet...and hats, and horns, and we'll all sit in Redirector Chairs and have all the good things of life that we deserve. It's never too late to have a happy childhood.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Nov 28, 2000 6:34am

Subject: Other therapies are slower
Hi Ellie
I continue working with redirecting. I read a couple of books written by incest-abuse & ritual-abuse survivors. They had explained how they managed to release those angers & rage with the help of a hypnotherapist. Hypnosis helped to access the early childhood memories of their childhood days when they were 2 - 3 years old (pre-verbal). Once they identified those memories with the help of hypnosis, they screamed & cried and released those emotions (toxicosis). Do you think we will be equally successful in accessing such memories and release them. In other words, does our method have a limitation in its ability to access the deeply-rooted emotions? Reggie
I suggest reading the scientific paper (the Abstract should tell you the story) to understand our method better and not trying to analyze our method in terms of these other therapies. There is no limitation in accessing deeply-rooted emotions using our method. The emotions are not deeply-rooted in the past. Early trauma is stored as memory in the brain, but it is there in the present. There is no time regression in the brain. We do NOT have to access those early memories and will be more successful and recover fully sooner with our method.
The approach via hypnosis is similar to primal therapy in that one attempts to re-experience the childhood trauma. This does help, but it is not necessary to re-experience the childhood trauma, and it is much more emotionally painful and a slower process. It requires supervision, and one can even become psychotic in the process. The beauty of the self help measures based on the toxic mind theory, is that by doing the redirecting during the periodic detox crises, ie the excitatory nervous symptoms, the process is much less emotionally painful and much faster than with those therapies. I have friends who have been in primal therapy for twenty years and are not post primal, whereas people who are post flood (same as post primal) have been reaching this point in a few weeks. Our redirecting method is more successful and brings us to virtually full recovery sooner. Once you are post flood, you may access some of those early memories, but you will find they are WITHOUT any emotional pain. The cause of the emotional pain is the toxicosis and the subsequent detox crises. The toxicosis will be gone, and you will no longer have detox crises or emotional pain with your memories of early childhood trauma. I was able to flash back to my birth and remember some abuse, like being spanked and too tightly wrapped, but there was no emotional pain attached.

I have been facing one more problem in my redirecting. That is, after the initial few weeks, I couldn't do redirecting with real emotions. There was no anger coming out. After a while, I couldn't force myself to do mere action (though I accept your statement that we don't have to be in touch with the anger while redirecting). Where as, those angers were coming out easily when I am interacting with someone in real life. So, they are there but not coming out.

I don't see this as a problem, but that you have successfully released much of the anger and now have less toxicosis and less anger coming out. BTW you should be in touch with anger when redirecting. It sounds like when you tried to redirect and had less anger that you were not doing this during intense detox crises, which you were more likely to be experiencing when interacting with others.
You are making progress, and soon your anger will be mild, and more and more related to current interactions. You will need to continue to redirect to past abusers for a long time, but less and less to past abusers. Be sure to recognize and release anger in current interactions or symptoms may reappear..


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Nov 28, 2000 7:41am

Subject: Signs of being post flood.
Post flood is an arbitrary point at which about 95% of the repressed anger has been released, and mood swings are minimal or gone. It is not a sudden point of cure, and there is a long muddy basin period during which you will need to continue redirecting, less and less to past abusers, and more to people in current interactions. The muddy basin period probably lasts for a year or two or maybe more. No human will ever have perfect emotional health. Depression should be pretty much gone when you are post flood. Becoming post flood has taken from a few weeks to several months, and has come more quickly for person who have already switched to mostly raw food. Cravings for stimulants will slowly subside through the muddy basin period. You may find you relate to the characteristics mentioned in the Questionnaire in the Welcome message and to the description of normalcy in the Archive/Messages no. 74.
You may not recognize when you are post flood and may even feel a bit let down, because there are no longer the 'highs' you may have experienced after some intense redirecting. You may only realize you are post flood when after some time there are no more major detox crises.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu Nov 30, 2000 5:12am

Subject: Redirect to their ignorance
My question concerning redirecting is, "Can I use the word "ignorance in you", instead of "sickness in you" when I am redirecting anger. Many times that is the case. Robin
Yes, of course, use anything that helps, like 'memory of you'. I just want people to understand they are not attacking their parents' soul or harming them by doing the redirecting. Our parents too were innocent children who had to suppress justifiable anger. Ellie
Also, if one has problems with hypoglycemia, possible diabetic type problems concerning sugar, fruits are tricky to eat, as well as anything that doesn't take care of the acidic condition of the stomach. The excess acid that builds up and accumulates eventually causes me to vomit if I haven't put something in my stomach to use it up. Robin
I'm sure hypoglycemia will clear up when you are post flood, and that diabetes is due, not to natural sugar, but to toxins. If you vomit it sounds like a healthy detox crisis that is ridding your body of some toxins.

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