Tikkun Leil Shavuot: Betzelem Elokim Creativity and Responsibility

Sheva Brachot (Babylonian Talmud, Ketubot 8a)

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Sheva Brachot (Babylonian Talmud, Ketubot 8a)

Sheva brachot: When I explain the sheva brachot, just as I did with Lara the other night, go through the glory of the world-(shehakol bara lichvodo, asher yatzar et ha’adam) like kaddish at death- everything is around the glory of the Divine

Before we get to the blessing- significance of 3rd term- highlights significance of the human relationship. What I say to people is that it is not about if God created the world or humans It is about what we learn about humans from the idea that God fashioned them, not only that but in God’s image.

We hold out that perspective on humans and their intimate intimate relationship with the divine- that is how close we are with God, hand-made, that connected. Not only that but also in God’s image.

Different teachers have taken our being in the image to mean different things. Tomer devorah- R. Moshe Cordevero-loving, compassion, midot of rahamim. Others have used it to attribute the beauty and wonder of our capacity for reproduction.

I want to talk about freedom and responsibility- what it gives us and what it demands of us

Rav Soloveitchik was of the opinion that humanity reaches the fullness of the divine image with which we are endowed through the realisation of our creativity.

The most fundamental principle of all is that man must create himself”

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