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Douglas C. Daly

New York Botanical Garden

Bronx, NY 10458

tel.: 718 817 8660; fax: 718-817-8649

City University of New York Ph.D., Biology/Botany 1987

Harvard University B.A., Botany 1977

Scientific Appointments
B. A. Krukoff Curator of

Amazonian botany N.Y. Botanical Garden 1987 

Adjunct Professor Yale School of Forestry and

Environmental Sciences 2001-

Visiting Professor New York University 1995 

Adjunct Professor City University of New York 1992 

Graduate Fellow N.Y. Botanical Garden 1979 86
Principal Investigator, current and recent research support (selected)

2002 Beneficia Foundation, $8,112. Additional funds for project (see below).

2000-2 W. Alton Jones Foundation, $200,000. Support for project entitled “Harnessing botanical data to conservation policy in the Peru-Brazil border region of southwestern Amazonia”

2000-2 Tinker Foundation, $120,000. “Botanical Data as the Foundation for Regional Zoning Policy in Amazonian Brazil.”

2001 Beneficia Foundation, $7,350. Additional funds for project (see below).

2000 Beneficia Foundation, $9,000. Start-up funds for project entitled "Mobilizing taxonomic specialists: The state of Acre State, Brazil."

1999 Texaco Foundation, $10,000. General support for Amazonian research.

1998 National Science Foundation, $38,000. Supplemental funds for 1993-1998 grant (see below). Project ID no. DEB-9843271.

1998 American Philosophical Society, $2,400. Travel to Belém and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for archival work for four manuscripts in progress.

1997 Garden Club of Allegheny County, $16,000. Support for a collaborator to teach a year-long course in ethnobotany at the Universidade Federal do Acre for 1998.

1996 National Geographic Society Committee for Research and Exploration, $5,035. "Rescuing two long-lost collections of Amazonian plants."

1995 Center for Environmental Research and Conservation-CERC Research Planning Grant, $5,000. "The bamboo-dominated forests of southwestern Amazonia - integrative biology."

1993-98 National Science Foundation, $400,000. "Floristics and Economic Botany of Acre, Brazil." Project I.D. no. DEB 9300787.

Current projects (see separate overview)

  • developing with graduate student Nat Bletter a new ArcView-based base map for Flora Neotropica that will be accompanied by a package of overlays for climate, elevation, etc., and that will accept and plot files of exsiccatae

  • developing with collaborator Marcos Silveira a checklist of the flora of SW Amazonia, and with post-doc John Janovec and grad student Nat Bletter a GIS package for mapping and analyzing species distributions for an overall phytogeographical study of the region

  • investigating leaf architecture as a tool for advancing the systematics of Burseraceae and Anacardiaceae

  • editing a volume for submission to Advances in Economic Botany devoted to economic botany research in Acre, Brazil (co-editors Lin Chau Ming, Marcos Silveira); review process under way

  • further developing the Web site for the Floristics and Economic Botany of Acre project: 16 products posted to date, including a preliminary checklist of the flora of the state, index to common names, and first analysis of floristic affinities; now linking images of species to checklist

  • preparing treatments of the Burseraceae for the Flora of the Reserva Ducke; Flora of the Guianas; Manual of the Flora of Costa Rica; Flora of Antioquia, Colombia

  • writing descriptions of new species of Burseraceae for flora treatments

  • collaborations with John Mitchell on Anacardiaceae systematics: 1) revision of Spondias; 2) Poupartiopsis, a new genus from Madagascar; 3) a new species of Cyrtocarpa from Mexico.

Proposals in preparation to support the following projects:

  • survey, management, and marketing of non-timber forest products by communities in the zone of impact of the new highway to the Pacific through Acre, Brazil

  • associated flora and diversity patterns in the bamboo-dominated forests of southwestern Amazonia (also economic botany aspects of these forests) (with M. J. Stern)

  • identification, toxicology, and propagation of species to be included in a network of medicinal plant "green pharmacies" in Acre (with Lin Chau Ming, UNESP-Botucatu)

  • the use of palms as a tool for guiding conservation policy in southwestern Amazonia (with M. J. Stern, E. Ferreira, & D. P. G. da Silva)

Teaching experience (recent)

  • numerous individual classes in courses on economic botany, systematics, and phytogeography at City University of New York, Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, and New York University

  • organized and taught a 40-hour course in floristics at the Universidade Federal do Acre in Rio Branco, Brazil, Oct 1997

Scientific Advisory Activities (selected)

  • Consultant to Warner-Lambert on sustainable production of an extract from an Amazonian medicinal plant (2000).

  • Botanical consultant (pro bono) to the bioprospecting group based at the Universidade Paulista in São Paulo, Brazil: recruited a systematist; revised their collecting techniques; aided negotiations with NCI and São Paulo state environmental agencies (1997-).

  • Consultant to the World Bank: participated in a mission to evaluate the performance of two Brazilian institutions in the Science Centers of Excellence program (1996).

  • Consultant to U.N. Development Program: led team to evaluate biodiversity aspects of Bolivia's plan for lowland forest development, and to propose uses of GEF funds (1994).

  • Advisor to Columbia University Press, Perspectives in Biological Diversity Series and Methods and Cases in Conservation Science Series (1994-).

  • Advisor or co-advisor of 6 graduate students.

  • Member of planning group for BRIDGES (joint graduate program among NYBG, New York University, and the American Museum of Natural History)(1998-).

Recent invited lectures and interviews (selected, since 1998)

  • Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science, New Haven, CT, 4 Dec 2001. Lecture given on legal and ethical aspects of bioprospecting to course entitled "Social Dimensions of Biotechnology", taught by Kathleen McAfee.

  • Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável [Center for Sustainable Development], Universidade de Brasília, Brazil, 3 Oct 2001. "Sustainable Cooperation": Research, Conservation, and Training in Acre State through the UFAC-NYBG Convênio, seminar presented (in Portuguese) with M. Silveira

  • Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science, New Haven, CT, 25 Oct. Lecture given with John D. Mitchell: Lowland vegetation of northern South America.

  • Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, 15 Jun 2000. Interviewed by the university's nationally syndicated television station for two programs, segments entitled Biodiversidade na Amazônia [Biodiversity in Amazonia]

  • Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, 17 Mar 1999. Interviewed by the university's nationally syndicated television station for two programs, on technology and on conservation in Amazonia and on Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira.

  • Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science, 25 Oct. 2000 Lecture given together with John D. Mitchell on lowland vegetation of northern South America.

  • New York University, 30 Nov 1998. Invited lecture in the "Five Brazils" course, Draper Interdisciplinary Program in Humanities and Social Thought: "Forests and forest communities in Acre: Historical and current connections with the rest of Brazil and beyond."

  • VI International Bamboo Workshop, San José, Costa Rica, 5 Nov 1998. Talk entitled "The Guadua phenomenon in southwestern Amazonia: Its effect on forest dynamics and speculations about its origin" (presented by 1st author M. J. Stern).

Recent invited lectures and interviews (contd.)

  • Torrey Botanical Society, 3 Nov 1998. Invited lecture: "Explorers of the Amazon."

  • Orto Botanico, Università degli Studi da Napoli, Naples, Italy, 8 May 1998. "Botanical research in Amazonia" (in Italian).

  • Board of Directors of Texaco, 23 Sep 1998. All-day lecturer/guide on boat trip in vicinity of Manaus, Brazil.

  • American Irish Heritage Association, New York, 31 January 1998. Invited lecture: "'The visitation of God?' Late blight and the Great Famine in Ireland."

  • IDEA Conference Center, Caracas, Venezuela, 7 January 1998. Invited speaker at the Second Monroe Wall Symposium. Title: "Designing synergistic and intellectually equitable collaborations between biodiversity research and drug discovery investigations."

Spanish, Portuguese fluent reading, writing, speaking

French good reading, writing; fair speaking

Italian fair reading, writing, speaking

German some reading knowledge

Latin some reading/writing of botanical Latin
Field experience
Between 1978 2003, leader or co leader of 46 botanical expeditions in the tropics:

Australia North Queensland (1 expedition)

Bolivia: Beni, Santa Cruz, La Paz (4)

Brazil: Acre (23); other states (7)

Colombia: Antioquia, Valle (2)

Ecuador: Pichincha, Esmeraldas, El Oro (2)

Jamaica: various localities (1)

Martinique: various localities (2)

Peru: Loreto (3)
Awards and honors
1998 Metropolitan Life Fellow (since 1989)

1993 General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Journalism Award (Periodicals Category); for the article "Tree of Life", Audubon 94(2): 76 85 (1992).

1989 Charles A. Lindbergh Fund Lindbergh Guggenheim Award, Biomedical Sciences: "Investigation of a novel plasminogen activator discovered in an Amazonian caterpillar" (with Sidney A. Strickland, SUNY).

1. Daly, D. C. 1980. Families of Spermatophytes in the Flora of Peru. Brittonia 32: 548 550.
2. Prance, G. T., B. W. Nelson, M. F. da Silva, & D. C. Daly 1984. Projeto Flora Amazônica: eight years of binational botanical expeditions. Acta Amazônica (Manaus) 14(1 2), Supl.: 5 30.
3. Campbell, D. G., D. C. Daly, G. T. Prance, & U. N. Maciel 1986. Quantitative ecological inventory of terra firme and várzea tropical forest on the Rio Xingu, Pará, Brazil. Brittonia 38: 369 393.
4. Daly, D. C. 1987. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae I. A synopsis of the genus Crepidospermum Hook. f. Brittonia 39: 51 58.
5. Daly, D. C. & G. T. Prance 1989. Brazilian Amazon. Pages 401 426. In: D. G. Campbell & H. D. Hammond, eds. Floristic inventory of tropical countries. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx.
6. Daly, D. C. 1989. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae II. Generic limits in Neotropical Protieae and Canarieae. Brittonia 41: 17 27.
7. Daly, D. C. 1989. Pressing plants, monographing, and networking: tropical systematic botany in the 1990s. Endangered Species Update 6(7): 1 4.
8. Mori, S. A., B. V. Rabelo, C. H. Tsou, & D. C. Daly 1989. Composition and structure of an eastern Amazonian forest at Camaipi, Amapá, Brazil. Bol. Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat., sér. Bot. 5: 3 18.
9. Balée, W. & D. C. Daly 1990. Ka'apor resin classification. Advances in Economic Botany 8: 24 34.
10. Daly, D. C. 1990. The genus Tetragastris and the forests of Eastern Brazil   Studies in neotropical Burseraceae III. Kew Bull. 45: 179 194.
11. Daly, D. C. 1990. Extractive reserves: a new great hope. Garden J. 14(6): 14 15, 17 18, 20 21, 32.
12. Mitchell, J. & D. C. Daly 1991. Cyrtocarpa (Anacardiaceae) in South America. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 78(1): 184 189.
13. Daly, D. C. 1992. Tree of life [about taxol and the yew tree]. Audubon 94(2): 76 85.

Publications (contd.)
14. Daly, D. C. 1992. The National Cancer Institute Plant Collections Program: Update and implications for tropical forests. Pages 224 230. In: M. Plotkin & L. Famolare, eds. Sustainable Harvest and Marketing of Rain Forest Products. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
15. Daly, D. C. 1992. Two new taxa of Protium from eastern Brazil. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae V. Kew Bull. 47: 713 719.
16. Daly, D. C. 1992. New taxa and combinations in Protium Burm.f. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae VI. Brittonia 44: 280 299.
17. Daly, D. C. 1991 [1993]. The unifoliolate species of Protium. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae IV. In: Lisboa, P. L. B. & D. C. Daly, eds. Trinta anos de cooperaçao entre o MG e o NYBG [Thirty Years of Cooperation between the MG and the NYBG.] Bol. Mus. Paraense, sec. Bot. 7(2): 249 262.
18. Lisboa, P. L. B. & D. C. Daly, eds. 1991 [1993]. Trinta anos de cooperação entre o MG e o NYBG [Thirty Years of Cooperation between the MG and the NYBG.]. Bol. Mus. Paraense, sec. Bot. 7(2) (450 pp.).
19. Daly, D. C. & Lisboa, P. L. B. 1991 [1993]. The Amazon, the Museu Goeldi and The New York Botanical Garden. In: P. L. B. Lisboa & D. C. Daly, eds., Trinta anos de cooperação entre o MG e o NYBG. Bol. Mus. Paraense, sec. Bot. 7(2): 191 198.
20. Lisboa, P. L. B. & D. C. Daly 1991 [1993]. A Amazônia, o Museu Goeldi e o New York Botanical Garden. In: P. L. B. Lisboa & D. C. Daly, eds., Trinta anos de cooperação entre o MG e o NYBG [Thirty Years of Cooperation between the MG and the NYBG]. Bol. Mus. Paraense, sec. Bot. 7(2): 183 190.
21. Mitchell, J. D. & D. C. Daly 1993. A revision of the genus Thyrsodium (Anacardiaceae). Brittonia 45: 115 129.
22. Daly, D. C. 1993. Notes on Bursera in South America, including a new species. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae VII. Brittonia 45: 240 246.
23. Ricker, M., G. Veen, D. C. Daly L. Witte, M. Sinat Velasco, & F. C. Czygan 1994. Alkaloid diversity in eleven species of Ormosia and in Clathrotropis macrocarpa (Leguminosae  Papilionoideae). Brittonia 46: 355-371.
24. Daly, D. C. 1995. The perils of collecting [botanical history of Amazonia]. Audubon 97(1): 78-86.

Publications (contd.)
25. Daly, D. C. & C. A. Limbach 1996. The role of the physician in medicinal plant research. In: M. J. Balick, E. Elisabetsky, & S. Laird, eds., Medicinal Resources of the Tropical Forest: Biodiversity and its Importance to Human Health. Pages 48-64. Columbia University Press, New York.
26. Daly, D. C. 1996. The leaf that launched a thousand ships [about the Late Blight of potato, particularly in Ireland]. Natural History 105(1): 6, 24-32.
27. Daly, D. C. & H. T. Beck 1996. Collecting bulk samples of plants    methods and environmental precautions. Pages 147-166. In: M. N. Alexiades, ed. 1996. Selected Guidelines for Ethnobotanical Research: A Field Manual. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx.
28. Harley, M. M. & D. C. Daly 1996. Burseraceae-Protieae. World Pollen and Spore Flora 20: 1-44.
29. Daly, D. C. 1996. Subregion of southwestern Amazon moist forest -- Upper Rio Purus in Acre and contiguous Bolivia -- Brazil, Bolivia. pp. II-14-15 in D. Olson, E. Dinerstein, G. Castro, and E. Maraví, eds. Identifying Gaps in Botanical Information for Biodiversity Conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean. World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D. C.
30. Daly, D. C., R. Foster, and B. León 1996. Southwestern Amazon moist forest-Southwest, Juruá, Purus-Madeira -- Peru, Brazil, Bolivia. pp. II-13-14 in D. Olson, E. Dinerstein, G. Castro, and E. Maraví, eds. loc. cit.
31. Ricker, M., J. H. Jessen, & D. C. Daly 1997. The case for Borojoa patinoi in the Chocó region, Colombia. Economic Botany 51(1): 39-48.
32. Daly, D. C. 1997. Burseraceae. Pages 688-728. In: J. Steyermark, P. E. Berry, & B. Holst, eds. Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana. Vol. 3. Timber Press, Portland.
33. Silveira, M., N. M. C. de Paula, I. F. Brown, H. B. N. Borges, D. Daly & L. A. Ferreira 1997. Os "buracos negros" da diversidade - Estudos no Acre revelam precariedade do conhecimento sobre a flora amazônica [The "black holes" of diversity -- Studies in Acre reveal the precariousness of our knowledge of the Amazonian flora]. Ciência Hoje 22(128): 64-65.
34. Daly, D. C. 1993 (1997). Systematics and ethnobotany: What's in a name? Delpinoa, n.s. 35-36: 3-14.
35. Ricker, M. & D. C. Daly 1998. Botánica económica en bosques tropicales   principios y métodos para su estudio y aprovechamiento ["Economic Botany in Tropical Forests -- Principles and Methods for their Study and Utilization"]. Editorial Diana, México, D.F.

Publications (contd.)
36. Daly, D. C. 1998. Two new species of Protium from French Guiana. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae VIII. Brittonia 50: 517-523.
37. Mitchell, J. D. & D. C. Daly 1998. The "tortoise's cajá" -- a new species of Spondias (Anacardiaceae) from southwestern Amazonia. Brittonia 50: 447-451.

38. Daly, D. C. 1999. Burseraceae. Pages 363-365. In: P. M. Jorgensen and S. León-Yánez, eds., Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.

  1. Daly, D. C. 1999. Notes on Trattinnickia, including a synopsis in eastern Brazil's Atlantic forest complex. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae IX. Kew Bulletin 54 (1): 129-137.

40. Ricker, M., D. C. Daly, G. Veen, E. F. Robbins, M. Sinta V., J. Chota I., F.-C. Czygan, & A. D. Kinghorn 1999. Distribution of quinolizidine alkaloid types in nine Ormosia species (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae). Brittonia 51(1): 34-43.

41. Oliveira, A. A. de & D. C. Daly 1999. Geographic distribution of tree species occurring in the region of Manaus, Brazil: Implications for regional diversity and conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 8: 1245-1259.
42. Ricker, M., R. O. Mendelsohn, D. C. Daly, and G. Ángeles 1999. Enriching the rainforest with native fruit trees: An ecological and economic analysis in Los Tuxtlas (Veracruz, Mexico). Ecological Economics 31: 439-448.
43. Daly, D. C. & J. D. Mitchell 2000. Lowland vegetation of tropical South America -- an overview. Pages 391-454. In: D. Lentz, ed. Imperfect Balance: Landscape Transformations in the pre-Columbian Americas. Columbia University Press.
44. Oliveira, A. A. de and D. C. Daly, eds. 2001. Florestas do Rio Negro ["Forests of the Rio Negro"]. Companhia das Letras, São Paulo. 337 pp.
45. Daly, D. C. 2001. Trilhas botânicas no Rio Negro ["Botanical footsteps in the Rio Negro"]. Pages 25-59. In: Oliveira, A. de and D. C. Daly, eds. Florestas do Rio Negro. [loc. cit.]
46. Suffredini, I. B. and D. C. Daly 2001. O Rio Negro como cenário na busca de novos medicamentos ["The Rio Negro as a platform in the search for new medicines"]. Pages 255-281. In: Oliveira, A. A. de and D. C. Daly, eds. Florestas do Rio Negro. [loc. cit.]
47. Oliveira, A. A., D. C. Daly and A. Vicentini 2001. Florestas sobre areia: campinaranas e igapós ["Forests on sand: campinaranas and igapós"]. Pages 179-219. In: Oliveira, A. A. de and D. C. Daly, eds. Florestas do Rio Negro. [loc. cit.]

Publications (contd.)
48. Daly, D. C., K. M. Cameron and D. W. Stevenson 2001. Plant systematics in the age of genomics. Plant Phys. 127: 1328-1333.

  1. Silveira, M., J. M. Torezan & D. C. Daly 2002. Caracterização ambiental e diversidade arbórea na bacia do Alto Juruá ["Habitat characterization and tree diversity in the Rio Juruá basin"]. Pages 65-75. In: M. Carneiro da Cunha & M. B. Almeida, eds. Enciclopédia da Floresta ["Encyclopedia of the Forest"]. Companhia das Letras, São Paulo.

50. Daly, D. C. & M. Silveira 2002. Aspectos florísticos da bacia do Alto Juruá: História botânica, peculiaridades, similaridades e importância para conservação ["Floristic aspects of the Rio Juruá basin: Botanical history, peculiarities, similarities, and importance for conservation"]. Pages 53-63. In: M. Carneiro da Cunha & M. B. Almeida, eds. Enciclopédia da Floresta ["Encyclopedia of the Forest"]. Companhia das Letras, São Paulo.

  1. Daly, D. C. 2002. Crepidospermum atlanticum sp. nov., a genus new to eastern Brazil's Atlantic forest complex. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae X. Kew Bulletin 57: 471-477.

  1. Daly, D. C. 2002. Burseraceae. In: S. A. Mori, G. Cremers, C. Gracie, J.-J. de Granville, M. Hoff, and J. D. Mitchell, eds. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Central French Guiana. Part 2. Dicotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76(2): 151-165.

  1. Daly, D. C. and M. C. Martínez H. 2002 (2003). Notes on Dacryodes Vahl, including a new species from the Rio Negro basin. Studies in neotropical Burseraceae XI. Brittonia 54: 266-274.

  1. Ter Steege, H., N. Pitman, D. Sabatier, H. Castellanos, P. van der Hout, D. C. Daly, M. Silveira, O. Phillips, R. Vásquez, T. van Andel, J. Duivenvoorden, A. A. Oliveira, R. Ek, R. Lilwah, R. Thomas, J. van Essen, C. Baider, P. Maas, S. Mori, J. Terborgh, P. Nuñez V., H. Mogollón and W. Morawetz 2003. A spatial model of tree α-diversity and -density for the Amazon. Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 2255-2276.

  1. Daly, D. C. (in press) Espécies promissoras/Outros bacuris/Piquiarana ["Promising species"/"Other bacuris"/Piquiarana]. In: Shanley, P. and G. Medina, eds. Frutas e Plantas Úteis na Vida Amazônica. CIFOR, Bogor.

  1. Daly, D. C. (in press) Burseraceae; Flacourtiaceae; Peridiscaceae; Lacistemataceae; Erythroxylaceae. In: Smith, N. P., S. A. Mori, A. Henderson, D. W. Stevenson, & S. V. Heald, editors. Flowering Plant Families of the American Tropics. Princeton University Press/New York Botanical Garden.

  1. Daly, D. C. and A. M. Roberts (in press). Nyctaginaceae. In: Smith et al. (loc. cit.)

Publications (contd.)

  1. Daly, D. C. (in press). Burseraceae. In: Duno de Stefano, R. & G. Aymard, compilers. Catálogo Anotado e Ilustrado de la Flora Vascular de los Llanos. FUDENA and Fundación Polar.

  2. Daly, D.C. (in press). Burseraceae. In: Gamarra Rojas, C. F. L., A. C. Mesquita, S. J. Mayo, and M. R. V. Barbosa, eds. Checklist das Plantas do Nordeste. Centro Nordestino de Informações sobre Plantas (CNIP), Recife. (see also

  3. Bletter, N., J. Janovec, B. Brosi, and D. C. Daly (accepted for publication). A digital base map for studying the Neotropical flora. Taxon.

  4. Fine, P. V. A., D. C. Daly, F. G. Villa M., Y. Mesones A., and K. M. Cameron (in review). The evolution of white sand specialization in Protium (Burseraceae) in Amazonian Forests. submitted to Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

  5. Zoghbi, M. G. B., D. C. Daly, J. B. G. Siqueira, and E. L. A. Wolter (in review). Chemistry and uses of Burseraceae. Submitted to Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

  1. Wallace, R., D. C. Daly, and M. Silveira (in review). Developing regional markets for non-timber forest products in southwestern Amazonia. submitted to Economic Botany.

Graduate Students

advisor or co-advisor to the following graduate students:

  • César Marin (City University of New York-NYBG via LASPAU), Master's completed 2001: Economic botany of essential oil plants with potential for enhancing forest-community economies in Amazonian Colombia.

  • Bronson Griscom (Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Sciences-NYBG), defended 2003: Mechanisms by which Guadua bamboo dominates forests in southwestern Amazonia.

  • Lauren Raz (New York University-NYBG), 5th year Ph.D. student: Systematics of Rajania (Dioscoreaceae).

  • Karen Crawley (City University of New York-NYBG), 5th year Ph.D student: Ethnobotany of women's health issues among the Huichol of Mexico.

  • Christiane Ehringhaus (Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Sciences-NYBG), 4th year Ph.D. student: Integrative factors determining resource management decisions by traditional communities in southwestern Amazonia.

  • Marina Campos (Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Sciences-NYBG), 3rd year Ph.D. student: Forest resource management by colônos in southwestern Amazonia.

  • Nat Bletter (City University of New York-NYBG), 3rd year Ph.D. student: Developing and testing new analytical and statistical methods for assisting the search for new drugs from plants.

  • María Cristina Habibe-Martínez (City University of New York-NYBG), 1st year Master's student: Systematics of Dacryodes (Burseraceae).

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