To my parents, Jack and Marilyn

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Revelation 13:11-17 “Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
Now folks as we saw before, according to our text, there really is coming a day when all the inhabitants of the earth will be under the Universal Economy or monetary system of the antichrist himself, right? He’s literally going to control all the buying and selling. One day, believe it or not, the whole world will be unified into A One World Economy that is actually satanically inspired and as we saw the last two weeks that’s exactly what’s happening right now before our very eyes! BUT, that’s not the only thing he’s going to need to do to pull off this One World Economy and Mark of the Beast System. If you’re paying attention there, if you think about it, he’s not only going to have to combine all Economies into one, but listen, he has to combine all the Currencies into one, right? In other words, he has to, at some point, make the money around the world electronic or cashless, right? Why? Because as we saw, he controls all the buying and selling with a what? A Mark in the right hand or forehead, right? And so this tells us it has to be some form of “electronic” payment, okay? It’s common sense. I mean, you don’t tape a dollar bill to your hand to make a payment here in this passage, or slap 20 bucks on your forehead to pay for your groceries. Obviously you’ve got to have some sort of electronic capability to make a financial transaction with the Mark of the Beast system either in your right hand or forehead, right? It’s common sense! It’s right there! And so, here’s the point. I don’t know about you, but man, I am so glad we see no signs whatsoever of us ever going to some form of Cashless Society around the world, that enables us to make electronic payments, even with our body parts, uh, yeah, the sarcasm reveals the truth! It’s already here!

In fact folks, if you think about it, we have slowly but surely been conditioned to move towards coming cashless society that the Bible predicted would come in the Last Days. And let me give you some examples. In the last century alone we have gone from paper currency to electronic cash. It’s happening very fast! For instance, if we didn’t have any money on us, don’t worry, just write a check. Then if we didn’t have the money to write a check, don’t worry, just charge it to a credit card. But if we didn’t want to pay the interest on a credit card, don’t worry, just take it out of your checking account with a debit card. And as we already saw, it’s so popular now that as of 2010, Debit Card spending overtook Cash as spending. We LOVE already this electronic transaction stuff! In fact, so much so that all these features have now been combined into one called a smart card. So what in the world is a smart card? Well, a smart card is about the size of a regular credit card only this one has a tiny microchip in it that can store and receive information, and make financial transactions as well. And because of this feature, you can use them for all kinds of things.

  1. Personal ATM

  2. Purchases (at stores, restaurants, vending machines, gas, toll roads, etc.)

  3. Telephone calls

  4. Access to cable and satellite programs

  5. Internet purchases

  6. Vehicle and building access

  7. Personal computer access (replace all passwords)

  8. Loyalty programs (airlines, grocery stores, etc.)

  9. Rapid Check-in (hotels, airlines, etc.)

  10. Personal Identification Holder (Soc. Security, Driver's License, Student ID, Health and Insurance ID, voting information, picture, and fingerprints)14

All of that on one card? Isn’t that nifty! And that’s not all. These kind of smart cards are already being called the “new digital cash” or “electronic purse” and they’re expected to become the worlds first truly universal currency. Why? Because it’s all electronic! It’s cashless! Who cares what country you come from or what currency you have, right? It can all now be interchanged electronically anywhere in the world, you can buy and sell anywhere on the planet for the first time in mankind’s history with just one form of payment, an electronic one. Isn’t that swell? In fact folks, believe it or not, pretty soon, you may have to use this card to pay for EVERYTHING! The Government’s going to like this thing.

Tax card

Man bolts upright in his bed as an alarm clock beeps annoyingly loud.  Alarm shuts off only after man swipes his "tax card". Immediately clock displays "Tax PAID"

Man hops in his shower, but water won't turn on. Swipes the tax card and the water begins to come out of the showerhead.

Man is now in his kitchen and puts bread into the toaster, swipes the card again to allow him to toast his bread.

Man, dressed for work, heads to his car in the garage and swipes the tax card to allow him entry to his vehicle.

Man arrives at the Fuel and Tax Collection Station and swipes his Tax Card to get gas. Parks on street and swipes card for the parking meter, flashing "Tax Paid"

Gets to his cubical at work and tosses the Newspaper down which top story is "New Window Tax". Flips open his laptop and swipes the tax card. Window opens up and says TAX PAID Have a nice Day! 

Man is running to the restroom and fumbles for the card again unlocking the stall door.”19
Now, I don’t know about you, but we’re not too far from that already! I mean, won’t it be great when we all convert to this Cashless Society? The Government’s going to love it! They’ll tax us into oblivion. It’s going to be a new form of Economic Slavery, or as the Bible puts it, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything as you saw on that video without it. And as weird as all this new technology sounds folks, these kind of cards are not only the rage in making payments, but billions of these cards are being issued right now and have been for many years! In fact, in Europe, right now, smart cards are not only commonplace but will soon become a necessity. England is expecting to have all governmental services online and will issue citizens with smart cards to access the system. You have to have one, just like in that video! And even here in the U.S. in light of the terrorist attacks, the Pentagon made smart cards mandatory for millions of troops and civilians for opening secure doors, getting cash, buying food, and checking out weapons. Isn’t that convenient!20

But that’s not all. They’re not only using so-called convenience as a selling point, but security as well. I mean, can’t you imagine if we would just get rid of all paper currency? Why, you talk about security! Think about it! We could reduce fear and get rid of all sorts of crimes!

“The immediate benefits would be profound and fundamental. Theft of cash would become impossible. Bank robberies and cash-register robberies would simply cease to occur.
Attacks on shopkeepers, taxi drivers, and cashiers would all end…Urban streets would become safer…Security costs and insurance rates would fall.
Property values would rise…Sales of illegal drugs, along with the violent crimes that follow, should diminish.
Hospital emergency rooms would become less crowded…A change from cash to recorded electronic money would be accompanied by a flow of previously unpaid income-tax revenues running in the tens of billions of dollars.
As a result, income-tax rates could be lowered or the national debt reduced.”21
Wow! Don’t you feel safer already? We’ve got to do this! But that’s still not all. A cashless society they say would not only provide a whole new sense of so-called convenience and security, but they say it’ll provide a whole new sense of flexibility. And who doesn’t need more flexibility in these crazy fast times? You see this electronic cash can be used not just in a smart card, but even in your cell phone. Right now folks, cell phones are doubling as mobile cash machines to make purchases anywhere in the world from street vendors to pizza delivery. And now, with the wave of your phone, which you know, you hold in your hand, you can buy just about anything from a boat to a burger. Another article states this:

“Grabbing a burger is getting easier. Soon you will just have to wave your cell phone as you pass McDonald's drive-through. Immediate gratification is always the best marketing tool.

There is no dialing, no ATM, no fumbling for a wallet or dropped coins – only radio-frequency burgers.”22
Wow! Wouldn’t that be awesome? Just be able to wave my phone in my hand and make a payment of what I buy or sell. But you might be thinking, “Come on, people aren’t really going to do that are they?” Well actually folks, it’s become the latest craze!

Point and Pay

Larry Bell: Well cell phones, as you know have evolved into tools used for more than simple phone calls.

Cheryl Jennings: Yeah, but don't you know you can use the cell phone to pick up a check at a restaurant or pay for a purchase at a store?

Larry Bell: That's incredible that they're doing now. 7 On Your Side's Michael Finney is here to show us how that's done exactly

Michael Finney: Yeah, I think we can all agree cell phones don't do enough.

Bell: Yeah, take pictures, whatever

Finney: Today's cell phone you can check email, play games, take pictures and of course actually talk on one. But soon, they will also let you point and pay for things you want to buy.

Cell phones are intended to help you stay connected. Now they can help you breeze throught the checkout line too.

Dave Archabal: It's great. It's very convenient

Finney: Bill Archibald is using his cell to buy lunch. He simply puts his phone at a special receiver, hits pay and his bill is charged to his credit card.

Archabal: It saved me time and I think it made everybody else in line behind me happy.

Finney: All you have to do is call your credit card company to activate the program. They'll download your personal info right into a special chip that's already in you're phone.

Greg McBride ( This chip contains the same type of information that the magnetic strip on the back of your credit card does.

Finney: George Fernandez is with VioTech, a company developing this technology. He says it's not just your credit cards you'll be able to leave at home.

Fernandez: It can be credit, debit or prepaid or any sort of card.

Finney: Though it's convenient, experts say there may be a downside.

McBride: Well the big risk is in the age of identity theft that if you lose your phone it's tantamount to losing your credit card or debit card.”23

Oooh! That wouldn’t be good. Sounds like there’s a security flaw in it. We’ll get to that in just a second. But you might be thinking, “Well, come on Pastor Billy! This is just some wacky conspiracy theory! There’s no way people today are serious about going to a cashless society across the whole world, this will never catch on! Maybe some isolated places, but not the whole world!” Really? Well believe it or not folks, for the first time in mankind’s history, we’re not only see individuals jumping on the bandwagon to go to a cashless society, be it a card or a cell phone, but we even have whole countries who are promoting it, and converting to it right now! Starting with Sweden. Check this out!

Sweden’s cashless society

Linda Nyberg: Karin Linder stocks up on supplies at the supermarket, but Karin, like most people here in Sweden, won't be paying with cash when she gets to the checkout.

Karin: I personally never use cash. As you see here I'm shopping. I use my scanner. When I check out I'll use my credit card. And my banking, I do on my I-Phone. So that's it. I don't need any cash.

Nyberg: And in Sweden, only about 3% of all transactions are now made with cash. The Swedes have always adapted quickly to  new technology. They've been using internet banking for about 20 years. And mobile phone use is among the highest in the world. Sweden was the first country to use these: bank notes. But every year, less of these are being printed. And it seems like Sweden is on a journey to be completely cashless.

Nyberg: Most public transport is prepaid using a phone or a credit card. And big businesses are adapted these services. By October, this bank in central Stockholm will be entirely cash free.

Daniel Wahlstroem (Danske Bank): It's most definitely consumer driven. We're seeing for quite some time that the need for cash base services has reduced and you look for 2009 to 2012, we actually reduced the number of teller transactions by 40%

Nyberg: It's Sweden's drive to be cashless marches on. And others in Europe is likely to follow.

In other words, the whole world will eventually switch to it. Folks, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’d say people, even whole countries are converting to a cashless society, how about you? And folks, Sweden’s not the only one. I’m telling you, other countries are starting to go down the same route right now! Including Japan, Nigeria, Australia, and other countries in Europe, are saying we too want to convert to a Cashless Society!24

But that’s still not all. Not to be left out, banks are also jumping on the bandwagon. Right now Credit Card Companies are turning their cards into smart cards, which means, you may already have one and not even know it. And that’s not the only sneaky thing they’re doing. Listen to this. Believe it they’re desperately trying to hide from you the fact that these Smart Cards are not secure! In fact, they’re easy to rip off electronically!


Reporter: Sneaky crimes. Stealing credit cards and private information by a process called skimming. California just recently passed a law making it a crime.  But for someone willing to break the law, these high tech cards have a privacy loophole that can make you an easy target. Jason Martinez, live in Hollywood to explain that one. Jason..

Martinez: First let me show you how these new credit cards work. They use the same technology as some of your work I.D. cards, where you hold it up to the reader and it scans and its got the information for the computer to read. But imagine this is the credit card, that's the cash register. It's supposed to make life easier for you and more convenient but doesn't it make life easier for identity thieves too?

Commercial: Now there's a simpler way to pay...

Martinez: The credit card companies love this new technology called radio frequency identification-also known as R.F.I.D. Instead of swiping your card, all you have to do is hold it up to a scanner and you're out the door. Sounds easy and it may be, but could it also make the crime of stealing your identity easy?

Walt Augustinowitz: The idea is that it's alot quicker.

Martinez: Businessman, Walt Augustinowitz, shows us just how simple it could be for a thief to use this new technology to steal some of your personal information.

Augustinowitz: I bought a credit card reader for $9 on ebay. Had it shipped to me, hooked it up to my laptop. Waved my credit card in front of it and there was all my information onscreen.

Martinez: You don't even have to have your credit card out to have your identity stolen. It could be in your wallet, in your back pocket and all it takes is for somebody with a reader to walk by and scan it.  He just got my credit card number.

And it's not just you're credit card number in jeopardy.  Some driver's licences, passports and I.D. cards also have R.F.I.D. technology.

Augustinowitz: Master Card and Visa want you to be using these new cards.

Martinez: We put together a group of about ten business people who volunteered to test their vunerability.

Augustinowitz: What I'm trying to show is, someone with no technological experience can buy something like this off of ebay, hook it up with a laptop and go out and do this in public.

Martinez: Watch what happened when the very first volunteer walked up to see if any of her cards could be detected.  With a $9 reader that anyone can buy off the internet, the credit card number was scanned and after the beep, a computer screen showed her card number and expiration date. And she didn't even know her card had the new technology.

Sapna Sood : This is totally really scary. Yeah, this is really scary. I realize I have these cards in my wallet all this time.

Martinez: Credit card companies say many consumers feel more secure with PayPass because they never have to turn the card over to a cashier and it never leaves their hand.”25

Hmmm. Once again, there’s that hand thing. But again, as you can see, this new technology is not at all secure! And so you might be thinking, “Well hey, this is crazy! This is nuts! Somebody needs to alert the public about this! They not only gave us these new Smart Cards and we might not even know, but they’re not tamper proof! We’ve got to let people know!” Well folks, believe it or not, The Mythbusters, of all people, tried to expose this security flaw, but the Credit card companies immediately shut that down and forbid them from airing their program. Check this out!

Mythbusters censored

Audience member: The one I wish you would revisit more is R.F.I.D. Now I know that...does Kerry still have that tag in her arm?

Adam Savage: Dude. The R.F.I.D. thing I'm sorry. It's just not going to happen

Audience member: Alright

Adam Savage: Here's what happened. I'm not sure how much of the story I'm allowed to tell but I'll tell you what I know.

Adam Savage: We were going to do R.F.I.D. and on several levels-you know-how hackable, how reliable, how trackable, etc., etc. and we, uh, one of our researchers called up Texas Instruments and they arranged a conference call between, I think, Tori and the head producer over there for the other team, Linda Wolkovitch, and one of the technicians at Texas Instruments. We were supposed to have a conference call to talk about the technology on like Tuesday at 10 am and Tuesday at 10 am, Linda and Tori get on the phone and they.. uh.. Texas Instruments comes on, along with the chief legal council for American Express, Visa, Discover, and everybody else. I got chills just as I described it. They were way way out-gunned and they absolutely made it really clear to Discovery they were not going to air this episode talking about how hackable this stuff was and Discovery backed way down, being a large corporation who depends upon the revenue of the advertisers. Uh, and now it’s on Discovery’s radar and they won’t let us go near it. So I’m sorry. It’s just one of those things, but man, that was.. Tory still gets a little white when he describes that phone conversation.”26

Hmmm. Talk about a conspiracy. This leads me to the nagging question, “Well, why? Why would you knowingly release to the public a Cashless Electronic Payment System that’s not secure at all?” Well hey, maybe if you create a crisis. you can manage the outcome! First, let everybody get used to this new payment system, but then later, as you saw, the Smart Card system has a fatal flaw where you can not only lose the card itself or your cell phone, but it can be skimmed by somebody ripping you off of your cash. So maybe you appear on the scene with a new solution. You know, wouldn’t it be great if you had you’re smart card or cell phone technology not just on the outside of you, but on the inside of you? I mean, if you did that, you’d not only never lose it, it would be much more secure. But we aren’t falling for that, are we? Well folks, believe it or not, just to make sure, IBM has already started the propaganda for it! Watch this!


A man dressed in black and a long trenchcoat walks abruptly into a grocery store, looks around and walks right past a security guard who looks and observes him from a distance suspiciously.

Man in trenchcoat walks past a magazine rack. Grabs one and stuffs it into his trenchcoat. He continues to walk briskly down the aisles and grabs random stuff off the shelf and puts it in his trenchcoat. Walks past the meat and grabs two steaks and stuffs them into his coat as a butcher chops meat and looks at him.  Security camera is seen and we view from the security screen man continuing to stuff his coat with things from the shelf.

Man walks past several more people that are staring at him. He turns down the frozen food isle with two  elder people on scooters  passing him as he stuffs frozen goods in his trenchcoat.  He shuts the freezer door and gives them a smirk. 

We see the security guard walking down an isle in the store towards the man.  Man grabs a newspaper and walks toward the door, after passing though a large scanner.  Security guard calls out to him, "Excuse me sir!"   Trenchcoat man slowly turns around.  Security guard, "You forgot your reciept!"  Trenchcoat man snatches receipt, smirks and walks out.

Womans voice: Checkout lines. Who needs them.

Security guard: Have a nice day.

Woman's voice: This is the future of e-business.


And this is the future of the planet. You won’t be able to buy or sell unless you have this form of internal payment. But that’s not all. Listen to this. MasterCard, purchased 51% of a smart card company called MONDEX. And MONDEX just happens to be the only electronic cash system in the world that allows for multiple currencies on one card. And MONDEX was so excited about this backing from MasterCard that they said:

“This is the final stage in becoming a global reality. With MasterCard’s backing, there’s nothing to stop MONDEX now from becoming the global standard.”

And then, if that wasn’t weird enough, the President of Visa has hinted at taking the tiny microchips in their smart cards and putting them into much “handier things” like a watch or even a ring.28 I mean, come on what’s next? Some sort of smart card tattoo or body implant? Exactly folks, that’s where all this is leading to! In fact, we already have people lining up to get this new form of implant to buy and sell!

Wrist implant

Is it the wave of the future or is it just another fad. It seems that some people are considering throwing away keys to the house and car in favor of a computer chip implanted in the wrist. A wave of the hand and the door opens right before their eyes. But as Jennifer Kerby reports, this apparent trend, has its critics.

Jennifer Kirby: Keith Kennedy has always hated fumbling with his keys. Now, he only uses on thing for all the doors he needs to unlock. It's an electronic chip implanted in his wrist.

Keith Kennedy: Basically, it's just convenient but I'm a little bit more comfortable having more security to my house, my car and my business.

Kirby: His business is a body piercing shop, but his passion is this new chip. He worked with a computer expert to develop the software. The chips work like swipe cards. Electronic readers identify people by their codes. Larissa Kraft got a chip to get into her house.

Larissa Kraft: I've had to spend 5-10 minutes going through my bag to find my keys. That's no longer an issue.

Kirby: Right now this kind of technology is used for tracking cattle and identifying lost pets. Retailers also use it for tracking packages through the system. As for chipping people, a night club in Spain is doing it so patrons don't have to carry membership cards. And a few people in the United States have chips for quick access to their medical records.”29

Or, payment accepted! Thank you for using the Antichrist Mark of the Beast System! And as freaky as that is folks, that’s still not all. Listen to this. You see, what most people don’t realize is that MONDEX, the world’s first possible global standard that is being backed by MasterCard, as we saw, it stands for Monetary Dexter. And if you’ll look for yourself in the dictionary you will see that monetary means “pertaining to money” and dexter means “right hand.” Hey, wait a second. Money in the right hand? Where have I heard that before? Folks, maybe it’s just me, but it sure looks to me like were headed for a time where we’re not only going to have a One World Economy across the planet, but we’re going to see people using some form of cashless payment possibly inside their bodies, for buying and selling across on the planet. Where have I heard that before? Folks, we better wake up! It’s high time we get motivated and start living for Jesus Christ because there’s not a lot of time left!

But that’s not all. Speaking of the Antichrist’s Mark of the Beast System, the 7th proof that we know really are headed for a One World Economy is what I call the Technology Proof. That’s right folks, I’m talking about the new technology out there that’s called R.F.I.D. or Radio Frequency Identification. And it just happens to be not only new, but it’s the exact kind of technology the Antichrist needs for his Mark of the Beast system. For the first time in man’s history, we not only have a One World Economy and a One World Electronic Currency, but we even have the Technology to pull it all off. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to God’s.

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