To my parents, Jack and Marilyn

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But here’s the point. BUT when it comes to food, they know we can’t live very long without that, can we? And so here’s the point. I believe it’s a power play. If somebody wanted to force you into doing something you didn’t particularly want to do, like the Mark of the Beast, then just control the food supply, right? Down to where every little piece of food you could get on the whole planet is at all times, and hold that over their head! This is what they mean by the term, Farm to the Fork.I’m not making this up folks! This really is their goal with RFID and I really believe it’s part of the overall Mark of the Beast System in the Last Days! And once again, as wild as this is, the way that they’re trying getting us to go along with this nightmare scenario, is a step by step plan, to slowly but surely convince us that this is for our overall good.

And the 1st justification they use is Hey It’ll Keep Your Food Fresh! Folks, believe it or not, these companies say that if all food products on the whole planet is tracked and monitored with RFID, then this will ensure that all our food is always fresh, at all time, and always readily available. And that’s because RFID tags can not only track all food items on the whole planet, but they can sniff food and tell if it’s gone bad. And that’s because RFID tags can not only store and receive information, but monitor things, like chemical smells in food to see if they spoiled. And they say if we put these things on every single piece of food item around the whole planet, why we’ll never have to deal with rotten fruit again! Isn’t that awesome!

In fact, they even say this “sniffing” ability could ensure the safety of our planet! Check this out!

Sensing technology

Nearly 30 years ago, the first barcode machine was born. Now decades later, the technology we usually associate with scanning our groceries, is doing everthing from stocking shelves to keeping our Homeland secure.

John Bruno : RFID is the natural evolution to where barcodes were.

We're talking about Radio Frequency Identification or R.F.I.D.

Bill Nuti

: RFID has been around for a very long time. In fact, today, when you travel through a toll booth and you have an easy pass. That's an R.F.I.D. technology.

Now companies like SYMBOL are providing RFID technologies to revolutionize the way we live once again. Like at the supermarket, creating a 24 hour virtual stock boy or gal.

Bruno: The shelf was empty and the proximity reader knew that the shelf was empty. It sent a signal to the stocking rotation folks to take something from the back room and put it on the shelf.

From stocking shelfs to taking stock at the airport, where RFID is improving baggage tracking and security.

Bruno: What RFID has done is now taken the technology to the next level. Previously, you would actually have to manually pull a trigger or point a laser or point an image or add a barcode to read it. Now, as it passes within a proximity RFID reader-that information that would normally be in a barcode is now transmitted.

And experts say, one of the biggest benefits of the technology is cutting down on human error and while improving  productivity and lowering operating expenses.  What else is in the future for RFID? How about something called sensing technology. Which can do everything from sniffing out rotten fruits and veggies at the grocery store, to sniffing out potential terrorist threats.

Nuti: Sensing technologies would have the ability to sense chemical, radiological, biological weapons in a cargo container. They would also be able to sense the freshness of produce in an aisle in retail.

Now that's smart technology.”

Wow! Did you hear that? We’ve got to do this! This “smart” technology will not only sense our food for us so it’ll never go rotten, but it’ll even protect our planet from potential terrorists! We’ve got to do it now! Folks, I don’t know about you, but no matter how they try to justify it, and try to get us to go along with it, I truly believe when this goes into place, it’s going to open up Pandora’s box. For instance, what if a particular food product was deemed unhealthy by the government for consumption. And if you’re paying attention, we already saw earlier in our study, they’re already doing just that! And so here’s the point. With all these new “tracking” and “sniffing” abilities with RFID on our food supply, you now have a “practical way” to really ensure and monitor people’s food for their own good! And if you don’t think they’re really planning on doing that, then listen to this promotional piece from NCR Corporation. It’s called, “50 Ideas for Revolutionizing the Store through RFID.” One of their ideas states:

“If food were tagged with RFID that could provide ingredients and materials composing the item, shoppers could be warned about items to which they or their family member were allergic to when those items were placed in their shopping carts. A smart system could then suggest alternatives that did not contain the problematic component and tell the shopper where to find them.”

In other words, if you put something wrong that they deem is “unhealthy” for you, in your cart, then you have to put it back! And you might thinking, “Well hey, that’s not too bad. Being told whether or not a food item will trigger an allergy and suggest an alternative with RFID, that’s kind of convenient.” But folks, the only problem is, what if one day it switches from being voluntary to mandatory, and by the way, it’s already started, like this person shares.

“Imagine what would happen if health insurers, public health officials, and even employers could also peer over your shoulder at your food choices and set their own restrictions on what food products you could or couldn’t buy.

Already, police departments have fired officers for smoking cigarettes in their off duty hours, claiming that smoking raises health insurance costs for others. Employees in King County, Washington (the Seattle area), will be charged an extra one thousand dollars in annual healthcare fees if they don’t participate in a snoopy ‘health incentives’ program that monitors their lifestyle choices.
Why wouldn’t these same tactics someday be deployed at the supermarket?
The grocery cart that watches your spychipped food choices, would make it possible for employers and health insurance companies to impose similar conditions on people’s grocery store purchases.
Why stop at tobacco? Cops could lose their jobs for buying red meat or beer. Giving computers the power to prevent shoppers from buying certain products sounds like a Big Brother increment just waiting to happen.”42
And I’d say, it’s Stage One of the Mark of the Beast System about ready to happen. You can’t “buy or sell” or eat “any food item” you “buy or sell” without some form of Governmental approval. Where have I heard that before? That’s the Mark of the Beast system! I don’t care how much you justify it! It’s not good!

But that’s not all. The 2nd justification they use to try to get us to go along with this RFID system in the Food Industry is they say that Hey It’ll Keep Your Food Safe! Once again, please repeat after me…LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! You see folks, they know no normal person is going to roll over and let these companies or governmental institutions control and monitor our food supply. That’s crazy! That’s nuts! Who would let them do that? So therefore, they’ve resorted to that tried and true tactic, that’s worked every time, to get us to go along with it any way. It’s called fear and manipulation! In other words, if you create a crisis, you can manage the outcome. And in my opinion, this is exactly what they’re doing to get us to surrender to a global monitoring of our food supply, with RFID. I mean, haven’t you heard? We don’t just have a food problem, we’ve got a food crisis! AHHH! There’s mercury in our fish, there’s E-Coli in our meat products, there’s chronic wasting disease in our deer, there’s that mad cow disease and that avian bird flu thing? What will we do!!! AHHHH! Right? And with all these global food fears they’ve created like Mad Cow Disease and all the others I just mentioned, they are being used, in my opinion, to create a crisis that will then create a manufactured public outcry, the one they want us to cry out for where people will want to know and demand exactly what’s in their food supply, where it came from, what’s being done to it, all the way from the Farm to the Fork. Hey! Where have I heard that before? And they appear on the scene and announce, “Hey, we just happen to have a reliable tracking system to ensure the safety of our food all the way from the Farm to the Fork. Its called RFID. And if we implement it on every item on the whole planet, we’ll be all safe!” In fact, they’re already conditioning us to think this food tracking and labeling is a good thing. Check it out!


Customer: May I have 3 of these steaks please?

Butcher: Three sirloin?

Customer: Yes

Butcher: Certainly you can. Three sirloin steaks coming up.

Customer: What's Foodprint?

Butcher: Foodprint? Well, to cut a long story short. It means you can now find out exactly where your beef came from. And all the information that's contained in your number, your unique Foodprint number, is on the sticker.

Customer: So if I buy prepacked pork for the chill cabinent I know it's fully traceable. And now if I buy beef over the counter, from the butcher, you can trace it back too.

Butcher: Exactly. So not only do you get all the usually information on weight, price, date and so on; you will be able to find out where it came from too. With Foodprint, you're 100%  assured of it's traceability. For customers like yourself, it's another guarantee of super value quality. Enjoy that!

Customer: I'm feeling I will.

Butcher:  Foodprint is the start of a massive and unique traceability system. It is an excellent incentive and well worth alerting customers to.
Yeah, and I’ll alert you too! It’s the beginning of the Mark of the Beast system on your food supply. You see folks, what they’re not telling you is that in order to pull of this “Farm to the Fork” vision of our food supply is that right now it’s being implemented voluntarily. But here real soon, it’s going to become mandatory! You’re not going to have a choice in this any more. They’re going to monitor all your food. It’s a program called NAIS or National Animal Identification System. It states that, “Every single livestock animal in the United States will be identified, tagged, tracked, logged and reported to the government. And it was started under the guise to help meat producers deal with all these food crisis, these disease scares. And here’s the problem. All animals mean all animals. Not just the big corporate factory farm animals, like you think, but all animals. This includes the half-dozen chickens at grandma's house, where, believe it or not, her “premises” and each chicken must be registered with the government as the program now stands. In fact, a pet parakeet in a cage on the 20th floor of a condo in Miami Beach must also be registered, along with the premises and there are no exceptions. Every small independent farmer, pet owners and homesteaders, everyone will have to tag and track every single animal they have, and there are no exceptions. And lest you think this won’t cover our whole food supply, the stated goal of the RFID industry is have 900 billion food items and 824 million livestock all tagged, all tracked, all monitored with RFID by 2015.

And so the question is, “Why? Why are they pushing this?” Well, I don’t think you get the answer until you understand Bible Prophecy. You see, I think it’s STAGE ONE of an even bigger plan that the Bible talk about. You see, put yourself in the Antichrist’s shoes. I mean, here you are with the ultimate goal of tracking and tagging every single person on the whole planet, and controlling what they “buy and sell.” So how are you going to get people used to the idea of receiving an implant themselves? Well hey! Wouldn’t it make sense to implement a kind of Phase One, if you will, and try it out on animals first? First get all the animals on the planet tagged, and then once people accept that, and get conditioned to that, and then mandate it for those that resist, then maybe Phase Two would kick into gear where people would be more willing to be treated like cattle themselves and get their own implant too, for their safety, of course! In fact, maybe you could manufacture another disease crisis, this time with humans, to get you to go along with it. And lest you think that’s really not the plan, listen to this interview with Digital Angel’s CEO Kevin McGrath, Digital Angel by the way is a former maker of RFID implants for animals AND humans, and you tell me if he not only admits to the existence of both phases, he assures us that their full implementation is coming very soon!

Digital Angel Animal tracking

Tara Murphy

Murphy: Welcome back, I'm Tara Murphy. Chips that contain RFID technology allow you to track everything from humans to pets to airplanes. Digital Angel is one of the companies that manufactures such chips. Joining me now is Kevin McGrath. Mr McGrath is the President and CEO of Digital Angel. Kevin, thanks for being here.

McGrath: Sure. It's my pleasure.

Murphy: So, why don't you start by telling me how these chips exactly work.

McGrath: Well it's an RFID chip and everybody knows about RFID. You think about it in terms of Walmart and pallets and boxes moving around. We have developed an expertise in using RFID in animals and humans. So, we have probably chipped more animals in the world than all the other companies combined. We've chipped cats and dogs in the United States and Europe and Japan. We've chipped, believe it or not, salmon in the upper Northwest. We chip livestock. We put RFID chip into ear tags that go on the side of livestock. In fact, we the 2nd largest livestock tagging company in the United States. We're the oldest livestock tagging company in the United States.  The applications are numerous.

Murphy: So we see so many great uses of RFID technology. When do you think we're going to start to see a greater penetration.

McGrath: Well, on a number of different fronts. First of all our companion pet front, we do a million-we chip a million pets a year in the United States, 2 million pets a year in Europe. that's big. It's going to get much bigger. With regard to livestock; people have heard about the National ID program, the mad cow scare. Making sure all the animals, all the livestock are tagged. I would guess you would start to see major increases in the amount of RFID tags. Our business are tripling in that area but can go up by a factor of 10.  With regard to humans. Humans is an area that is moving the slowest in many respects, simply because it's the area obviously from a privacy perspective we all have most concerns about. But right now, as we speak, we in clinical implementation in 9 hospitals in the Northeast corridor. Our goal is 25 hospitals by the end of the year. Our goal is every single major trauma center in the United States.”43

Your goal is every major Trauma Center in the United States will have the RFID implant technology ready to go. Wow! Aren’t you glad the government is taking over our health care system and making it mandatory for us to have…But hey, I’m sure they’ll never make it mandatory for us to get an RFID implant, will they? They’re doing it with animals, and that guy admitted their business has tripled. Don’t think folks that we’re not next. The Bible says we are! But that’s right! Once again, just to make sure you and I go along with this Mark of the Beast system, Hollywood and the Media are right there encouraging us to do just that. I mean, come on! It’s okay, nothing to be afraid of, everybody’s doing it! I mean, even ABC is promoting the Mark of the Beast!

ABC News: Brave New World

Peter Jennings: Technology on the cutting edge. We were interested to hear the more than 100 law enforcement officials in Mexico are having microchips implanted in their arms. The chips allow someone to be scanned, sort of like a cereal box at the supermarket checkout.  In Mexico, this will be one more tool in the fight against crime. Here's ABC's John McKenzie

McKenzie: You've seen it before, right out of Hollywood. A microchip inside the body. A hidden high tech identification tag. Now Mexico's Attorney General, and 160 of his deputies have had microchips implanted in their arms, to control access to the country's new Criminal Investigation Center.

Rafael Macedo de la Concha -Attorney Genreral : It is to provide access of the Attorney General to the right people in exclusive areas, where there is valuable, sensitive information.

McKenzie: The microchip, the size of a grain of rice, is injected under the skin and gives off a low frequency radio wave. A scanner reads each chip's identification number to verify the official's security clearance. The chip, developed by Applied Digital Solutions is similiar to those used in the U.S. to identify and return runaway dogs. In humans, it can have several uses. The chips can also be programmed to carry medical information. The one in this patient details his blood type, allergies, and the fact he has Alzheimers disease. Some researchers are developing microchips for use in the home so that one can turn on lights and open doors handsfree. The next step, say researchers, is developing an implantable chip with a global positioning system; to track people miles away, whether kidnapped or lost just as cars can be tracked--a kind of lo-jack for the body.”44

In other words, you can be tracked and tagged like an animal anywhere on the planet!

And folks, believe it or not, even with all this amazing evidence pointing to the signs of Christ’s soon return, some people still need to have the truth repeated to them over and over again, like this guy discovered:

“A small guy walks into a diner one day and heads straight for the counter and has a seat on one of the stools. And while he’s deciding on what he’s going to order, he decides to have a little fun and so leans over to the big woman next to him and says, ‘Hey, lady. Do you wanna hear a funny blonde joke?’
Well, immediately the big woman gives him a horrible look and replies, ‘Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something mister. I’m blonde, and six feet tall, 210 lbs. and I’m a professional triathlete and bodybuilder.
Not to mention the blonde woman sitting next to me is 6’2” and 220 lbs. and she’s an ex-professional wrestler.
And if you’ll notice, that waitress over there is also a blonde who’s 6’5”, weighs 250 lbs. and she’s a professional kickboxer.
You see buddy, we’re three big, bad blondes! Now, funny guy, do you still want to tell that blonde joke?’
So the guy blinks and swallows, thinks about it a second and says, ‘No way! Not if I’m going to have to explain it three times.’”32
Now, that guy wasn’t about to keep repeating himself over and over again, was he? But do you know what? Neither will God. You see, many people today think that their lives are going to be filled with untold riches and absolute security through A One World Economy. They think that they have all the time in the world to respond to the gospel after they first go and make all their riches. But the Bible says that God isn’t going to keep repeating His message of salvation over and over again. The offer won’t be there forever. He simply says that if you hear His voice calling you, you need to respond today.

Hebrews 3:7-8,10-11 “That is why the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today you must listen to his voice. Don’t harden your hearts against him as Israel did when they rebelled, when they tested God’s patience in the wilderness. There your ancestors tried my patience, even though they saw my miracles for forty years. So I was angry with them, and I said, Their hearts always turn away from me. They refuse to do what I tell them. So in my anger I made a vow: They will never enter my place of rest.’”
People of God, I hope you’re not one of those who have bought into this lie that man can somehow manifest his own heaven on earth by creating A One World Economy. Why? Because you might wake up one day and discover that you’ve been left behind. And do you know what? God doesn’t want you left behind. Because He loves you and I, He has given us the warning sign of A One World Economy to show us that the Tribulation could be near and that Christ’s 2nd Coming is rapidly approaching. Jesus Himself said this:

Luke 21:28 “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
Like it or not folks, we are headed for The Final Countdown. We don’t know the day or the hour. Only God knows. The point is, if you’re a Christian and you haven’t noticed; there are no U-hauls behind a hearse. Therefore, let’s stop pampering our lusts and let’s start praying for the lost! Folks, it’s high time we Christians speak up and declare the good news of salvation to those who are dying all around us. But please, if you’re not a Christian, give your life to Jesus today, because tomorrow may be too late! Just like the Bible said!

Chapter Ten


The Mark of the Beast


“A man was sitting at home one evening, when the doorbell rang. And when he answered the door, a 6-foot tall cockroach was standing there. But before the man could do anything, the cockroach immediately punched him between the eyes and scampered off.

Well, the next evening, the man was sitting at home when the doorbell rang again. And when he answered the door, there was the cockroach again. And this time it punched him, kicked him and karate chopped him and then scampered away.

And believe it or not, the third evening came and the man was sitting at home when the doorbell rang. And that’s right, when he answered the door the cockroach was there yet again.
This time it leapt at him and stabbed him several times before scampering off. At this the gravely injured man managed to crawl to the telephone and summoned for an ambulance. Soon he was rushed to intensive care, where they were barely able to save his life.

So the next morning, the doctor was doing his rounds and he asked the man what happened. So the man explained about the surprising nightly attacks of the 6-foot cockroach, which culminated in the near fatal stabbing.

But not at all surprised himself, the doctor simply informed the man, ‘Yes, there’s a nasty bug going around.’”1
Now, that doctor wasn’t at all surprised about what happened to that man, was he? And it’s all because he was well informed about the danger that was out there, right? But unfortunately, many people aren’t very well informed about another danger that’s out there. And that’s the danger of God’s wrath, which is one day coming upon this wicked and rebellious planet. And because people refuse to get right with God through Jesus and get saved, they are sadly running the risk of being left behind and will be catapulted into the seven-year Tribulation that is coming upon the whole world. And folks, the reason why it’s going to be such a horrible time is because for those who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their Personal Lord and Savior they’ll be catapulted into the 7-year Tribulation and its not a joke! Again, it’s an outpouring of God’s wrath on a wicked & rebellious planet! In fact Jesus said in Matthew 24 it’s going to be a “time of greater horror than anything the world has ever seen or will ever see again. And that “unless that time of calamity is shortened, the entire human race will be destroyed.” But praise God, God’s not only a God of wrath, He’s a God of love as well. And because He loves you and I, He’s given us many warning signs to show us when the Tribulation was near and when Jesus Christ’s 2nd Coming was rapidly approaching.

Therefore, in order to keep you and I here at Sunrise from experiencing the ultimate bad day of being left behind, even worse than that nasty bug that’s going around here in Vegas, we’re going to continue in our series The Final Countdown. And so far we’ve seen how the Prophet Jon has shared with us how the #10 sign on The Final Countdown was The Jewish People. The #9 sign was Modern Technology. The #8 sign was Worldwide Upheaval. The #7 sign was The Rise of Falsehood. The #6 sign was The Rise of Wickedness. The #5 sign was The Rise of Apostasy. The #4 sign was The Rise of A One World Religion. The #3 sign was The Rise of A One World Government. And the last six times we saw how the #2 sign was The Rise of A One World Economy. And what we saw there was that God lovingly foretold you and I that when we see all the world’s economies on the planet coming together as one, which is happening right now today all over the world. And we saw that with the Chronological proof, the Fear & Manipulation proof, the Quotation proof, the Union proof, the America proof, the Currency proof, and the last three times with the Technology proof. And what we saw folks is, we not only have A One World Economy and a One World Electronic Currency, i.e. we’re going Cashless, but for the first time in man’s history, we have the Technology to pull it all together into a Mark of the Beast System. It’s called R.F.I.D. and it’s being promoted in all sectors of society right now for every product, every pet, every person, everything on the planet, to be tracked and monitored wherever you go, and of course, it can make financial transactions as well, isn’t that nifty!

But that’s not all. The #1 sign on The Final Countdown that God has given to us to lovingly wake us up is none other than The Mark of the Beast. That’s right folks, the Bible is clear. One day the whole planet is not only going to be under the authority of the Antichrist, and economy of the

Antichrist, but it’s also going to be under his Identity or Mark as well. And that is going to be his seal of ownership on them, and it will seal their eternal destruction! But don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to God’s.

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