To my parents, Jack and Marilyn

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Matthew 24:3,7,9-10 “As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ‘Tell us,’ they said, ‘when will this happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?’ Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.”
Now folks, according to our text, Jesus clearly says there’s not only going to be a massive rise of wars and rumors of wars and famines and earthquakes in the Last Days but He said what? He said, as we saw before, there’s going to be a massive rise of persecution towards His followers, and we dealt with that for six weeks, and as we saw, it’s happening right now! But here’s the point. What do they do to the followers of Jesus? They not only hate them and want to kill them, but they are going to betray them. Literally “turn them in.” And that’s exactly what the Greek word means! Betray is the Greek word “paradidomi” which means, “to give into the hands of, to give up to the custody of, for judgment, punishment, and/or to be put to death.” And so the Bible says during the 7-year Tribulation, the followers of Jesus will be “turned in for death” or literally “betrayed” on a global scale.

And so here’s the question, “How’s somebody going to do this, on a global scale, because that’s the context? How are you going to know if somebody’s a Christian anywhere on the planet and “turn them in” for death, “betray them” as long as they keep quiet in public and stay out of sight, right?” Well hey, there’s no place to hide if you control the communication! All you got to do is make one little slip up and talk about Jesus and you’re toast! But hey, good thing they we don’t see any signs of anybody have the technology to monitor all our conversations anywhere on the planet…any …time…soon. Yeah, right folks! It’s already here! They’re already monitoring every single conversation on the whole planet, for the first time in the history of mankind! And they started with your cell phone! What? Yeah, that’s right folks! It’s so commonplace now that even old boyfriends are using against their girlfriends! Check it out!

KGTV The News on 6
Cell phone spying

Cell phones are an essential lifeline for most of us, connecting us to work, family and friends.

But could they be used to spy on you? News of 6 reporter Lori Fullbright has an investigation that will change the way you view your cell phone on tonight's 6 On Assignment.

Fullbright: Well Terry, I met a woman last fall who was being stalked by her ex-boyfriend. She was convinced he was using her cell phone to learn things about her that were private. Well it seemed pretty far fetched and police were stumped.

We started digging and started doing research and we actually did find a way to take control of someone else's phone. We can do all the things her ex was doing-listen to conversations, read text messages, even turn the phone into a microphone; and we can do it from anywhere and the victim would never know.

Carla Robinson's ex has stalked her for three years. Nobody could figure out how he was able to track her every move, her every conversation, especially when he was often out of state. We have discovered though, how her could have turned her cell phone into a high tech snooping device.  She allowed us to download the software we found onto her phone. We asked her and a friend to talk over coffee. She's not using the phone, it's just sitting nearby.

Carla: When we first started filing reports on this, the cops told us there was really nothing illegal about what he was doing because the laws were so far behind technology.

Fullbright: I'm a block away in my car listening to every word. I'm hearing it all through the microphone on her cell phone and she has no way of knowing. As long as they talk, I can hear them.

I could be miles away doing this. Even out of state. I can also hear Carla's actual phone calls. We had her call her mom. Those nearby her can only hear Carla's side of the conversation, but me in my listening post, I can hear both sides.

Carla: Did you remember what you were going to ask me? Oh! You said you talked to Lonnie

Carla's mom responding: Yeah, talked to Lonnie and um he didn't have alot to say except he was going back to work and they've been busy with Brittney's baby and I got some pictures..."

Fullbright: And there's pretty much no way to know if someone's put this software on your phone. One red flag though is your phone will light up periodically throughout the day without really no good reason.

Okay, go ahead and check your phone, because I know you want to! Step on it if it has the red light! But seriously folks, is that creepy or what? This isn’t make believe, it’s happening now, even to the average Joe! But hey, maybe it’s just those nasty old disgruntled boyfriends who do that. I’m sure our Government would never do something like that, would they? Unfortunately, yes! Right now folks there is a Global Monitoring Project called Echelon that is a cooperative effort among the United States, England, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. And under the guise of national security and terrorist threats, it simply monitors and intercepts all phone calls, all faxes, all data transfers, all radio transmissions and all emails. Don’t believe me? Even the History Channel has been exposing it. It’s like we either don’t care or we’ve been conditioned to already accept it! Check it out!

U.S. eavesdropping:

In the name of security societies around the world are struggling to redraw the line between surveillance and privacy.

Bush: The bill before me will help law enforcement to identify, to dismantle, to disrupt, and to punish terrorists before they strike.

Just months after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush, secretly ordered the government to listen in on some American's phone calls without getting warrants. Technically, snooping on people's communications is not difficult.  Almost every phone call, fax and email passes through a network of towers and satellites. This digital data can be intercepted with listening dishes or by using spy satellites. The U.S. alone has more than 30,000 eavesdroppers scattered around the world working with at least 100 spy satellites. Every three minutes they collect enough information to fill the library of congress. Governments tell us these technologies make us safer. But where is it all leading?
Ooh! Ooh! I’ll tell you! It’s leading to the Antichrist’s kingdom who’s going to monitor everything on the planet! Where have I heard that before? But the question is, “So how does all this communication surveillance technology work?” Well, as you saw on the video, they simply monitor all transmissions via satellites and other means, at the rate of two million per hour looking for key words like “terrorize,” or “assassination,” or even the word “bomb.” But you might be thinking in your conversation like, “That cheeseburger was the bomb!” But here’s the problem. If you say “bomb” in your conversation or any other “key” words they’re looking for, a hard copy as well as a recording of that conversation is sent to someone’s desk to be analyzed. And you might think, “Come on Pastor Billy. This is just more of that wacko conspiracy stuff. This can’t be true. There’s no way they would allow this I the United States!” Well, don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to Mike Frost who personally worked there for nineteen years, collecting information.

“Communications know no borders. Somebody will pick it up somewhere, and it will end up on somebody’s desk…I guarantee it.’

Case in point…‘a lady was on the phone talking to her friend about a school play that she’d been to the night before; her son was in a school play. And she thought he’d done a lousy job, and she said to her friend, ‘Boy, he really bombed last night.’
That conversation was highlighted and ended up on an analyst’s desk the next morning because the word ‘bomb’ was in there, and all this lady was doing was talking about her son and his play the night before.
Now that conversation of that lady is held…indefinitely, so if two or three or four years later, she talks about somebody else bombing or something, and the computer spits it out again as being the second or third hit on this person’s name, you can graduate from being a possible terrorist to a probable terrorist. It’s that easy.
If they say that you are a probable terrorist and passes that information on to those responsible for that sort of activity, just think about what could happen to your life, and you’d never know why.
All of a sudden, your MasterCard doesn’t work anymore; All a sudden, your phone is down; all of a sudden, things are falling apart in your life; and you have no reason why, and nobody’ll ever tell you.

And he has a warning for anyone who says ‘it can’t happen to me.’

‘If you don’t want anybody to know about what you’re saying, don’t say it. Because if you do say it, somebody will be listening.’”
Right now we have the technology to betray or turn people in anywhere on the planet, for the first time in the history of mankind! And maybe that’s what they’ll be doing during the 7-year Tribulation. They’ll change the key word from “BOMB” to “JESUS.” And you’re a probable terrorist! But you might thinking, “Okay, well that’s it! I’m just turning it off! They ain’t going to get me! They’re not listening to my conversations! I’m just turning my cell phone off right now!” Well, believe it or not, not even that works anymore!

Fox News:

Smith: If you power down your cell phone there's no way the government could ever hear you. Certainly not the F.B.I., it's turned off right? Have we got news for you. Alright, here's that cell phone story you've been waiting for.  Cell phone users beware. Big Brother maybe listening. The Federal Bureau of Investigation can now hear everything you say-even when the cell phone is turned off. I know, it sounds kinda out there, but using your phones tracking device, authorities can now activate the microphone inside the dreaded thing-allowing them to eavesdrop on you and your conversations.”24
Wow! So much for personal privacy and private conversations! Aren’t you glad everybody’s been pushing for everyone on the planet to have cell phones, even kids, and if you can’t afford one the Government will buy you one…for…free.” Hmmm, I wonder why? Great way to monitor everyone, isn’t it? Folks, correct me if I’m wrong, but it sure looks to me like all this communication technology is leading to a total monitoring of our everyday lives, for the first time in the history of mankind, how about you? Anywhere on the planet! You can’t hide! I mean, gee whiz, the next thing you know, somebody’s going to appear on the scene and use all this communication technology against us to FORCE and/or BETRAY us into going along with a One World Government. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, that’s right! That’s the Antichrists kingdom and Big Brother society that the Bible said would appear on the scene when you are living in the Last Days! But if you don’t wasn’t to listen to God’s warning, then maybe you should listen to the warning from the news! They’re already admitting this is what’s coming in the next few years!

Biometrics in 2017:

Brian Williams: More now on our special coverage here tonight. Life in the U.S in ten years time. By that time, there may be all kinds of new ways to safeguard and identify all those things that make each of us unique; our faces, even our fingerprints, even our eyes. Here now with more on the future of technology, NBC's Tom Costello.

Costello: The year is 2017. You're rushed to a hospital, unconscious with no ID or medical history but thanks to a microchip under your skin, it's all there. Science fiction 20 years ago, but a biometric reality today. 

Clark Nelson of Sagem-Morpho Biometrics: The technology is based on answering one simple question: Am I who I say I am?

Costello: Already, fingerprints and iris scans verify passenger identities at airports. Within 10 years, that technology may be even more widespread. Look for more complex facial recognition programs that scan a crowd of thousands looking for a single terrorist. Today's facial recognition software starts with eyes, then it maps out the contours of the face and compares that against a database of millions. A database that's growing by the day.

What's next? At the University of Bath, in England, researchers predict big changes for consumers.

Professor Don Monro: I think it is possible to free us completely of our wallets and keys by using biometric technology if that's what people want in 10 years time.

Costello: In fact, it's already here. The latest home security locks use fingerprints to control deadbolts. And at the Jewel-Osco grocery story in Chicago, some customers pay using their fingerprints. No paper or plastic.

Ayanna Grady: You don't really need anything other than your hand and you already got that with you.

Costello: So will future department stores scan our iris's like in the movie Minority Report, then offer products catered to who we are.

Hello, Mr. Yokamoto! Welcome back to the Gap!

Costello: Experts say that technology is here now. The challenge is to safeguard our privacy in a brave new world.”25

You don’t really need anything but your hand to buy or sell and you already got that with you. Folks, this is not make believe. This is happening right now. Right now we’re already being conditioned to accept the Mark of the Beast in your hand, and if you’re not saved, you better get saved now.

Every single aspect of our lives is going to be monitored with a Big Brother Type of surveillance system to detect any resisters and ensure that we obey! In fact, with all this information and communication that he’s gathering on us, they can even predict not only where we are, but even what “moods” we’re in, all across the United States!” Check this out! This is wild! Remember what the Google Co-founder said, “We want to be like the mind of God.”

Social Media & Smart Phones:

Reporter: Robert Lee Hotz

The smart phone in your pocket, multiplied by millions worldwide, is giving academic researchers a God’s eye view of the world. Almost three quarters of the world’s population has a mobile phone for conversation and internet access. Physicists, urban planners and social scientists are eagerly weaving millions of these electronic threads of data into patterns of people on the move. Through studies that, until now, were all but impossible. That dynamic ebb and flow of data reveals the invisible nervous system of our information age and the internet economy.   Using these, a company called Sense Networks, founded by computer scientists at M.I.T. and Columbia University, used cell phone data to map trends in urban nightlife. They can follow the crowds around fashionable restaurants and trendy bars.  This animation shows how people in San Francisco move from hot spot to hot spot over the course of an evening. And this animation shows 300 million posts via twitter in a day into a dynamic national mood map that shows how our collective emotions change during the day. Moving across the country like a weather front. The green is a measure of our good feeling. Red shows our unhappiness, and by this measure, Americans are happiest in the morning and late evening.  It’s one in a wave of ambitious social network experiments underway in the U.S. and Europe to track our movements, probe our relationships and ultimately affect the individual choices we all make.”26
Hmmm. Looks like Google got their wish! Is that creepy or what? We’re like little ants on the ground as the Big Eye in the Sky watches our every move and even predicts our behavior! A mood map! Can you believe it? For the first time in the history of mankind, we can even predict people’s moods on the planet just like watching a weather front on the weather channel!


But that’s still not all. The 3rd type of big brother surveillance system they’ve already put into place to FORCE US to go along with this One World Government is the Transportation System. You see, you might be out there thinking, “Well, there’s no way they’re going to get me! Okay, so maybe they’re going to control my personal information and build this huge massive database on me and pigeonhole me into doing what they say, and maybe they’re going to grab control of all my communication devices and listen to what I say, especially the word “Jesus,” but hey, I’m out of here! I’m just going to hop in my car and check out of the system. They won’t find me! Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m free!” Really? Not if they control your transportation! Folks, believe it or not, the Bible is clear. Transportation is going to become a huge need during the 7-year Tribulation! You better hope you don’t drive a Yugo! But don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to God’s.

Matthew 24:15-22 “So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel – let the reader understand – then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house. Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now –and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”
Now folks, according to our text, the Bible clearly says that the during the 7-year Tribulation after the Antichrist shows his true colors and goes into the rebuilt Jewish temple to declare himself to be god, the abomination of desolation that was spoken by the Prophet Daniel that Jesus is referring to here, that’s what He’s talking about, what’s going to happen at that time? People are going to be fleeing, right? They’re going to be trying to get out of there in flight, quick flight, right? Why? Because other passages tell us that antichrist is going on a hunting spree at that time! He’s going to be hunting people down and killing them! It’s going to be a horrible slaughter literally, and that’s what Zechariah says!

Zechariah 13:8-9 “In the whole land, declares the LORD, two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it. This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, They are my people, and they will say, The LORD is our God.”
The Jewish people finally turn back to God at this point. But as you saw it comes at a horrible price! Just the Jewish people alone, 2/3rds of them are going to die at the hands of the Antichrist and only 1/3rd are going to be left. And other passages tell us that they are going to be sovereignly protected by God and Lord willing we’ll get to that next week. But the point is this. Notice why Jesus says it going to be such a horrible time, in fact, worse than any other time. The slaughter is apparently going to be so great, that people there better high tail it out of there, right? ASAP! What’d He say? You better make flight, you better run, you better flee and you better do it fast! Don’t go back into your house, don’t go to your work place, don’t get nothing, just get out of there now, right?

Therefore, common sense tells us that at this time during the 7-year Tribulation a source of good reliable transportation is going come in handy, right? Again, you better pray you don’t own a Yugo! Okay, but seriously folks, for those who say, “Well hey, they’re not going to get me! I’m just going to hop in my car and flee like Jesus said! I’m out of here! They can’t get me! Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m free!” Really? Well, all the Antichrist has to do is control your transportation and you ain’t going nowhere! You can’t flee! You can’t run! And you can’t even hide! You’re going to stick around for the slaughter just like the Bible said. And folks, can I tell you something? That’s precisely what they’re already doing! Total control of our Transportation!

And the 1st way they’ve already grabbed control of our Transportation System to prevent us from fleeing from a horrible situation is Our Vehicles. You see folks, believe it or not, right now, Big Brother not only knows everything we do, everything we say, everything we think, but they’ve even developed a system that monitors everywhere we go. Our cell phones, as we saw, are already being used as tracking devices, and just in case you don’t have one, they can still know where you are at anytime anywhere on the planet with satellite technology. In fact, right now, Motorola has launched 66 low-orbiting satellites that can not only pick up signals from certain types of microchips, wouldn’t that be handy if you implanted one, but now it’s common knowledge that this kind of tracking system was already used to monitor the locations of military personnel in Iraq, boat traffic in Florida, and even garbage men in England are being watched right now from the sky on their jobs in order to make sure that they don’t linger in one spot too long! But that’s not all! Every square foot of farming land in Australian is now being watched via satellite to monitor food production and crop yields. And even here in America, satellites are being used by state governments to search for unreported improvements that might increase property taxes, to check for water-use permits, and to find improper tree cutting. In fact, they’re now also using satellites in England to measure the speed of motorists from space! You won’t have a radar detector for that one!

And that’s still not all. Thanks to the backing by Bill Gates, we now have what’s called Internet In The Sky. This is a system of 840 low-altitude satellites in twenty-one orbits with forty satellites in each orbit that creates a virtual electronic blanket around the whole planet, for the first time in the history of mankind! And now you can communicate and monitor any person anywhere on the planet from the top of the Himalayas to the bottom of the Dead Sea.27

And then, just in case you actually did try to hop in your car and flee away on the ground, they’ve got that covered too with satellites! Anybody hear of OnStar? Yeah! You know, that nifty convenient device they implant in your vehicle to give them the ability to make a call, or unlock our doors, or send somebody out in an ambulance if you get in a wreck? Isn’t that great? In fact, what’s really nifty is if someone steals your car, they can still track your car and catch those “mean guys” right? Isn’t that great? Well, here’s the problem. What if you became the “bad guy”? When push comes to shove, if you became a “suspected terrorist” Christian, would they use this technology against you? Would they actually turn you in to the authorities and stop your vehicle? Well, believe it or not folks, it’s already being done! Check it out!


If you’re a cable news watcher, there’s a good chance that you caught one of the 30,000 car chases that take place in the U.S. each year. That amounts to nearly 3 high speed pursuits per hour. The risk is high for everyone involved, including innocent bystanders.On average, nearly 300 people are killed as a result of a car chase every year.

But OnStar, a company that offers 24 hour emergency roadside assistance says it has a solution. It’s called Stolen Vehicle Slowdown Program.

Craig Loper The key is to prevent the pursuit from becoming a high speed chase.

It lets law enforcement to take remote control of a stolen vehicle using satellite technology.

OnStar President Chet Huber: The way that Stolen Vehicle Slowdown  works is our subscriber will report their vehicle stolen. We’ll contact the police and we’ll actually get the location of the vehicle using the OnStar system and the GPS capabilities that’s built into the current technology. When the law enforcement officers have the vehicle in sight and when they determine it’s safe to slow the vehicle down. We’ll send a data message wirelessly into the vehicle. It will actually depower the vehicle in it’s engine control module and take away control of the accelerator from the felon.

Attention driver, this vehicle is being slowed at the request of a law enforcement agency.
Attention driver! This vehicle is being slowed down because you’re a suspected terrorist Christian and you’re trying to flee the Antichrist system! Folks, we already have the technology right now to flip a switch and stop your vehicle wherever you are! So much for “fleeing the scene!” No wonder it’s going to be a blood bath when the Antichrist shows his true colors!

But that’s not all. You might be thinking, “Well hey, that’s it! I’m not going to get that system installed on my vehicle! No siree! I’m just going to skip the whole thing and they still can’t get me! Ha! Ha! Ha!” Well, you’re assuming you’re going to have a choice! You see, believe it or not, right now folks, the Government is working on, “mandating black boxes in all new cars, and this will allow them to “have constant real-time tracking, eavesdropping and surveillance” on any car wherever you go. Don’t believe me? Here’s just one news report sharing it.

Black Boxes for Cars:

These days, as you may know, cars have alot of features that the owners of the Model T back in the day could have never have imagined seat warmers, dvd players, rear-view video cameras, even Wi-Fi. Soon though, there may be a controversial and mandatory new feature-the ability to spy on your every move.

ABC’s Mark Greenblatt  is on the story. Mark, good morning.

Mark: Well good morning to you. Some call this plan sneaky, others say it will improve safety. But now the government wants to make it mandatory for your car to get one of those so-called black boxes, like they have in airplanes that can tell all if you get into a crash.

You’re probably used to hearing about black boxes helping investigators solve airplane crashes. But car manufacturers have quietly placed similar devices in more and more vehicles. Turning our own cars into snitches. And now the Federal Government wants to require every small vehicle made from now on to get one of those black boxes saying this proposal will give us the critical insight and information we need to save more lives.

Really? Or maybe track more lives. Did you notice how car manufacturers are already putting them in there and you may not even know? Did you catch that part? In fact, these new “mandatory” black boxes will also enable them to do another thing they’ve been proposing to do for a while now. Get this. “A tax-by-the-mile system.” That’s right folks! They want to “tax” you for every mile you drive, because after all, it’s good for the environment! You should ride a bike, you know! In fact, speaking of the environment, IBM has a patent out now for a device called the “Intelligent Stop Light” that enables them to turn of your car at a stoplight to “conserve fuel.” Isn’t that nice! Very environmentally friendly! And there’s even a new proposed law out there that would put video cameras in your car to “film the occupants in the vehicle or the vehicle’s surroundings and transmit those images back to a central office for inspection,” just in case you get into an accident, you know. In fact, in San Francisco they’ve already installed “real time video cameras” on a majority of it’s buses and other cities are doing the same thing and they’re even “adding microphones to record passenger conversations.”28 Why didn’t they tell us they were doing that?

But here’s the point. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sure looks to me like all this new transportation technology is leading to a total monitoring of our everyday lives, for the first time in the history of mankind, how about you? I mean, gee whiz, the next thing you know, somebody’s going to appear on the scene and start hunting people down and yet unfortunately nobody’s going to be able flee and it’s going to be a horrible bloodbath. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, that’s right! That’s the Antichrists kingdom and Big Brother Society that the Bible said would appear on the scene when you are living in the Last Days!

But that’s not all. The 2nd way they’ve already grabbed control of our Transportation System to prevent us from being able to flee from a horrible situation is Our Cameras. You see, you might be out there thinking, “Well, there’s no way they’re going to get me! Okay, so maybe they’re going to control my personal information and build this huge massive database on me, and maybe they’re going to be able to monitor all my conversations, and maybe they’re going to track and control my vehicle wherever I go, but hey, I’m just stay on foot! That’s right! I’m just going to ride a bike or walk around, I don’t need a car! Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m still free!” Really? Not if they put cameras wherever you go! And folks, believe it or not, that too is already happening! Thanks in part to Executive Orders, under the guise of “terrorism” and other “bad guy” reasons, the government now has full authority to utilize all kinds of new surveillance technology on us! That’s right! Us! Not a foreign entity…us! And one of the biggest ways they’re doing that is by installing cameras literally wherever we go! In fact, it’s so commonplace now, that even USA Today put out an article on it!

“Whether as motorists or pedestrians; as visitors to convenience stores, banks, ATMs or the post office; as shoppers with credit cards or telephone users; even at leisure, in parks, playgrounds and golf courses, we’re constantly on candid camera. Full-time surveillance is a reality of modern life.”

Yes, even here in America! All in the name of supposedly reducing crime, or terrorism, or traffic concerns, or a whole list of other supposed excuses, millions of cameras right now are not only going up right here in America, but all over the world! And they’re all tied together. Let me demonstrate. Right now you can go to tons of web sites to “monitor” traffic & “monitor” people, “just for fun” not only here in America but around the planet. Which means for the first time in history we can monitor someone anywhere on the planet! And if you don’t believe me, check it out for yourself! Just do a web search for “online traffic cameras” or “live cams” or stuff like that and start monitoring people anywhere. Recently I was on a website called “Earth Cam” and I was watching live footage from Moscow and then hopped over to a resort in Hawaii and began watching people walk by “live” and I was wondering, “Gee, I wonder if those people in Hawaii have any idea that a Pastor from Vegas is watching them in his office!”

And here’s the point. Well surely this is all just for fun, right? I mean, surely they would never use this technology them to keep an eye on us for control purposes, would they?” Well folks, you tell me if that’s not where we’re headed to! Right now in England, there are over 4 million cameras in the government and private sector and it’s been dubbed a virtual “surveillance canopy.” And believe it or not folks, it’s all pretty much common knowledge to the average Britain and one person said this about just how dense this surveillance really is:

“So dense is the network that in many urban areas people may be monitored from the moment they step out of their front door and be kept under observation on their way to work, in the office, and even in a restaurant if they choose to dine out. Over the course of a day they could be filmed by 300 cameras. The latest figures show that, in cities, people are captured on film at least once every five minutes.”
Are you serious? Well folks, don’t take my word for it. Check it out for yourself!

CCTV in London

We’re all being watched. On streets. In subways. Even in our own homes. Invisible eyes are searching for criminals and terrorists. New technologies track them before they strike. Intricate surveillance networks. Advance facial recognition.

“See if he matches anyone in our database.”

Even tracking devices implanted inside the body. Technologies that can make the invisible-visible. Electronic trails that reveal who we are and where we’ve been. Go behind the security doors and discover the secret in the often disturbing world of surveillance.

Morning rush hour in the most heavily surveilled city in the world. Over half a million cameras keep watch over Britian’s capitol. Mechanical eyes loom from every corner. The average Londoner is filmed from over 300 cameras during the course of their day. A ring of cameras surrounds the center of London.  Within seconds, every plate number is fed into a computer that tracks the comings and goings of each vehicle.  This is just one small piece of a massive video surveillance system stretching across the city.

The current figure is roughly 4 million surveillance cameras throughout the U.K. If you’re in London, Westminster’s director, Robert McCallister, can follow nearly every move you make.

McCallister: When you come out of your house in the morning and you get on some form of transport, there’s probably a CCTV camera. If you walk down a pedestrian street. If you go into a store. Anywhere that you are if you are within the city of London, you’re probably at some stage going to be captured on CCTV.

The all-seeing thousand eyes of Big Brother.
Well hey, that’s kind of creepy! But maybe that’s just England. Maybe that’s just those cool people with those cool accents that I couldn’t do last week. That would never happen in the U.S., would it? Actually, it’s already here! Not only folks, do we have the same kind of surveillance in virtually every major city in the U.S. right now but the most watched city in the U.S. right now is Chicago. It’s called “Operation Virtual Shield.” Check it out!

Chicago: Surveillance State

Over the last decade the U.S. government has expanded it’s domestic surveillance network to unprecedented levels. From rows of street cameras to airport pat downs, many say for civil liberties and privacy are at stake.  Here’s the story from U.S.’s most monitored city.

Welcome to Chicago- the most watched city in the U.S. From old school blue light cameras to state of the art technical capabilities- watchful lenses filled the streets.

 In what has been dubbed Operation Virtual Shield, thousands of public and privately owned security cameras have been put in place and linked together, creating a capsule of surveillance over the entire city, more extensive than anywhere else in the United States.

 Officials say it’s worth the price, but privacy concerns are at a peak.

 Over 1,200 security cameras located throughout the city are said to be powerful enough to be able to zoom into a text of a book or even a text message.  To journalist, Salim Muwakkil, the concept of privacy in the U.S. is long gone.

Muwakkil: You become immune to the surveillence attitude that the law enforcement has taken.

Salim says Chicago increasingly resembles the chilling anti-utopia described in George Orwell’s legendary novel 1984, where every word, action and even thought was monitored by Big Brother.

Muwakkil: Surveillence State The only thing that’s missing are the microphones advising us on how to live our lives.
Unfortunately, they already have that as well, we’ll get to that in a second. But folks, believe it or not, that’s still just the tip of the iceberg! Total monitoring of our lives! Believe it or not, they’re even installing cameras in forests!

“US Forest service admits putting surveillance cameras on public lands.

Last month, Herman Jacob took his daughter and her friend camping in the forest and while poking around for some firewood, Jacob noticed a wire. He pulled on it and followed it to a video camera and antenna.
The camera didn’t have any markings identifying its owner, so Jacob took it home and called law enforcement agencies to find out if it was theirs…
All the while wondering why someone would station a video camera in an isolated clearing in the woods. He eventually received a call from the U.S. Forest Service and was ordered to take it back.
Jacob returned the camera but still felt uneasy and said this, “Why would the Forest Service have secret cameras in a relatively remote camping area? And what do they do with photos of bystanders and how many hidden cameras are they using, and for what purposes?”
Yeah, I agree! Why do you gotta put cameras in the forest? Hello! But that’s still not all! It’s a global movement! Right now Japan has also followed suit with tons of it’s own cameras and they’ve even gone so far as to do what that guy said was the only missing piece missing in George Orwell’s 1984. They’ve installed intercoms on their cameras to warn people of inappropriate behavior. “Hey! Stop that! We see you! That is not right! Knock it of!” But hey, that’s just in Japan, right? We wouldn’t do that here, would we? Again, unfortunately, we already are! Right now they’ve already installed “hidden microphones on utility poles and rooftops in Los Angeles to monitor “strange noises” of course, and they’ve even launched a new program here in the U.S. called “Intelli-streets” where our light posts do much more now than just emit light! Check this out!


Diana Lewis: Some critics say this is nothing more than the watchful eye of Big Brother, keeping track of your every moment. 7 Action News reporter, Julie Bonovich gives us a closer look at this high tech system from Farmington Hills.

“Your attention please.”

Julie Bonovich: That voice you just heard came from this street light.

“Please stand by for a public safety announcement.”

Ron Harwood (Inventor): In each lighting fixture or in each lighting pole there’s a processor, very much like an I-Phone and it takes inputs and outputs, it talks back and forth, and the poles actually talk to each other

Bonovich: LED screens and cameras and to the wireless infrastructure that is remotely controlled. It can provide entertainment, save energy, make announcements.

“This is a security alert.”

Bonovich: And it even counts people for police. The system is also capable of recording conversations and by spring of next year, there’s a good chance you can see them popping up in your city.

“This is a security alert. A security alert!”
Danger! Danger Will Robinson! Can you believe that? George Orwell eat your heart out! I wonder if they’ll have a security alert for Christians one day? “Security Alert! Have you seen this person? We heard them mention the Name of Jesus! Security alert!” Not science fiction anymore, is it? But that’s still not all. Just to make sure you get monitored no matter where you go, even if you were to somehow find some spot where they didn’t actually have a camera or light post, they can still monitor you with something called smart dust! And what smart dust is, is it’s a tiny little surveillance device so small, it’s literally the size of a piece of dust, and it can float in the air just like dust and be suspended by air currents for hours sensing and communicating information on you. Don’t believe me? Here’s a new report on it!

Lori Matsukawa: A project first dreamed up by the military to get information from the battlefield.

Dennis Bounds: They call it Smart Dust and the new technology may soon make it possible to keep track of anything, anywhere, including you.

Every square inch of every city will be alive with intelligence because every street and every building will have a network of microcomputers built right into them. Dr. Kristofer Pister calls it smart dust.

Dr. Pister: Smart Dust particle or mote is a wireless sensor with sensing, computation, communication and power in one package.

Tiny specs of computer smart dust will form a vast invisible network that can help manage the infrastructure of even the largest city. Smart Cities in the future will take this low power, inexpensive small technology and basically distribute it everywhere. These tiny computers record information about their surroundings. Information they can send to other computers. Smart dust will also allow buildings and streets to recognize you and respond accordingly.

Guida Jouret (of Emerging Markets Tech Cisco) increasingly the environment will respond to who we are and adapt in consequence.

Dr.Pister: The city will know who you are, where you are if you want it to.

Your workplace will know you. Smart Dust at the entrance will boot up your computer. Smart Dust embedded in the elevator doors will automatically ring your floor.

Smart Dust is going to sense the environment and allow us to improve the way we live our lives.

Smart Dust is a very very small particle, that’s nano sized, that has a specific function. Smart Dust may already be in our atmosphere. This looks like, if you look at certain times of the day-and you see dust but its not dust- it’s like an iridescent glitter there’s a specific difference between regular household dust

I got one of those 10 million watts of spotlights-if you go out at night and point it up to the sky and you can’t believe what’s floating in the air. It’s really disgusting.

Like if you’re seeing this iridescence-it looks just like glitter-that’s a smart dust type material versus regular household dust that does not reflect back.”29
Hmmm. Sure hope you don’t breathe that in! So much for being able to hide or flee! Looks to me like all this new camera technology is leading to a total monitoring of our everyday lives, for the first time in the history of mankind, how about you? I mean, the next thing you know, somebody’s going to appear on the scene and start hunting people down and nobody’s going to be able flee because even the dust will give you away! No wonder it’s going to be a bloodbath!

Folks, what more does God have to do? This is not a game! This is real! God doesn’t want us going into the Antichrist’s kingdom, and He certainly doesn’t want us to go into HELL! And so that’s why, out of love, He’s given us these signs of a One World Government and a Big Brother Society to show us that the Tribulation is near, Christ’s 2nd Coming is rapidly approaching. And that’s why Jesus Himself said:

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