To my parents, Jack and Marilyn

Prime Minister Gordon Brown

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Prime Minister Gordon Brown: The international financial crisis has given world leaders a unique opportunity to create a truly global society. Britain, the United States and Europe are key to forging a New World Order. Uniquely in this global age, it is now in our power to come together so that 2008 is remembered not just for the failure of a financial crash that engulfed the world. We can together seize this moment of change in our world to create a truly global society.”
President George W. Bush: “It is essential that we work together because we are in this crisis together. Together we will work to modernize and strengthen our nations’ financial systems so we can help ensure this crisis doesn't happen again.”
European Commission President Manuel Barroso: “We need a new global financial order.”
German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “It was time to rethink the world's financial system and prevent any repetition of the current crisis.”
Morgan Stanley Chief Executive John Mack: “We need a new global body to oversee the financial crisis, warning that it is like nothing he's ever seen before.”
Timothy Geithner president of the Federal Reserve: “We need a new global monetary authority, a de-facto global financial dictatorship, operating across borders and forcing nations and corporations to register and adhere to strict monitoring and regulations.”
China: “They are calling for a new global currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund, stepping up pressure to global leaders, for changes to the financial system.”
Russia: “Is calling for a new international currency system and wants to overhaul the entire global financial order and even introduce a new supra-national currency to avoid future global financial crisis.” (SEE VIDEO)
United Nations: “They are proposing the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system since WWII by calling for a new global currency.”
Banks: “The Institute of International Finance, a group that represents 420 of the world’s largest banks and finance houses, has issued yet another call for a one-world global currency. They are encouraging a return to a commitment to utilize International Monetary Fund special drawing rights to create an international one-world currency.
Single Global Currency Association: “Are calling for the world to embrace a Single Global Currency to be managed by a Global Central Bank within a Global Monetary Union. If the European Monetary Union can successfully provide stable currency to countries, why not a Global Monetary Union for all countries? We shall achieve this goal through education and persuasion.”5

Or as Revelation 13 puts it “We’re going to force, order, & make you do it!” But folks, here’s the point. I’m not making this up! They admit it! They’re using this latest Global Crisis to create a One World Economy and a One World Currency. In fact, they’re not only calling for a One World Economy and a One World Currency, but they’re even calling for a Global Tax on all the countries on the whole planet! Just when you thought you paid enough, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

UN wants Global Tax

Neil Cavuto: Have ya heard about this doozy, because before Iran apparently blows up the world, the United Nations wants to hit up the world with a tax, actually lots of taxes. To cover everything from fighting climate change to fighting poverty. There's talk of a billionaires tax, a global carbon emissions tax, even plans for a world bank transaction tax. I have no idea what that ones for. But the fact that the White House apparently isn't saying BOO about it-any of it. Makes some wonder whether we, in the United States should be worried about it. Former U.K. parliament member, John Brown, says we should. He's with me now. This is weird but can the U.N. actually do this? 

John Brown: Well only if it's supported by the members and of course it's a most open, surprisingly open and aggressive bid for world government. But of course it fits exactly with Obama's strategy which he openly declares his redistribution of wealth from the successful to the less successful from within the United States. But this goes on a whole long step further. This is redistribution of American and European wealth to the Third World. I mean it's nasty enough to pay taxes for a huge government that you think interferes with your life. But to pay and throw it around the whole world?

Cavuto: But, then there will be no place to escape

Brown: Absolutely! And that's what they want. World Government. No place to escape.
As well as an Economy that will force you into it. And folks, believe it or not, you may not even hear the news of this taking place before it’s too late. One man states:

“The jury is still out on which way the United States will go on the issue of global economic control by the UN. Most Americans will never know the issue is on the table until after the decisions are made. The media is not likely to address the issue, nor is it likely to be a topic of congressional debate. These events are taking place in other parts of the world, with decisions being made by officials who are not elected by anyone. No elected official in the United States has any authority to alter or veto these decisions. The world is moving swiftly toward global governance.”6

And a Global Economy. Gee, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, that’s right! That’s what the Bible said would happen when you are living in the Last Days! And lest there be any misunderstanding that this One World Economy is truly generated by the Antichrist and his satanic buddies, let’s remind ourselves where it’s all heading and why the Bible calls it satanic. It’s not just about forming a One World Economy, but a Cashless Economic System, that leads to total economic slavery!

Revelation 13:16-17 “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, o that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
And so folks, the Bible clearly tells us that the Antichrist’s economic system is not only going to be over the whole world, but in order to be a part of that system, you have to have some sort of a Mark into your right hand or forehead, to buy or sell, right? But hey, good thing we don’t see any signs of people taking a Mark into their bodies to make payments for anything…they…buy…or…sell…right? Yeah, right folks! It’s already here! For the first time in the history of mankind, we not only have the technology to pull of this Mark of the Beast or Antichrist system, but we even have people who are already doing it! This is how close we are! Check it out! How are these night clubbers in Europe making payments? How do they buy and sell? Let’s take a look!

Baja Beach Club

At the Baja Beach Club in Rotterdam, Holland. This may look like a regular party but it's no normal club. The Baja has an elite group of special VIP's who are different from other clients. They need no identification and no cash to buy drinks or food. To enter the club, all they have to do is offer up an arm to a scanner. And tonight, 21 year old Ryoni Schoutin, is joining the "in" crowd. He's getting an electronic chip implanted in his arm. It's called Radio Frequency Identification. An RFID chip is a small device that transmits a radio signal that's read by a scanner. In 2003, the Attorney General of Mexico and some of his staff, received RFID implants inside their bodies to allow them access to sensitive areas.

Each tiny chip has a number. A scanner connected to a database can instantly reveal who the person is and much more. Technically, there's no limit to the information the database can hold.

The chip itself is a little larger than a grain of rice. It will remain inside Ryoni's body for the rest of his life. The chip is implanted just millimeters below the skin. If it goes in too close to the muscle, the muscle could be damaged and Ryoni will feel the chip when he moves. If all goes well, he won't even know it's there. The procedure is over in seconds and now it's time to party. Although others have to pay cash at the entrance, when Ryoni arrives, his name and number instantly identify him as a member of the club. He makes his way to the VIP deck and uses his implant to buy a drink. The Baja is a glimpse of a not so distant future. Already, some people have chips with critical health information. Something that soon everyone will have chip that will identify them and allow a new form of surveillence.”7
And total economic slavery! You won’t be able to buy or sell without it! Is that Revelation 13 before our very eyes or what? So much for a wacky conspiracy theory! Hello! Folks, this is all happening right now, it’s not make believe, it’s real, and we better get motivated. It’s exactly what the Bible said would happen, when you are living in the Last Days! It just happens to be happening now!

But that’s still not all. The 4th proof that we know really are headed for a One World Economy is what I call, the Union Proof. That’s right folks, I’m not talking about the teamsters, believe it or not it’s something way worse than that! I’m talking about Economic Unions that the Bible said would come in the Last Days! But don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to God’s.

Revelation 17:5-13 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.”
Now folks, according to the Bible, we see how the Antichrist’s kingdom is going to be split up into ten different parts ruled by ten different kings or leaders, right? And then, at one point, they surrender their power and authority over to him, right? It says it right there, okay? Use your mind of wisdom! But here’s the point. It’s a good thing we see no signs of that happening today! The planet being split up into…10 different…kingdoms… Yeah, right! It’s happening right now! We already saw they’re already creating 10 World Regions to ensure proper Economic control or the whole world! And it’s not just 5, not 19, not even 122, but exactly 10! Gee, where have I heard that before?

And folks, I’m telling you, we have been slowly and methodically prepared for this. For instance, in our lifetime we saw the birth of the European Union one of the 10 chunks right? Hello! And what is that? Isn’t that a region of countries coming together economically with their own currency called the Euro? And that seemed to be the kick-off event because we now have the formation of the African Union which is a region of countries coming together in Africa economically with their own currency. And then, there’s even plans for a South American Union, an Asian Union, a Mediterranean Union, a Central Asian Union, a Pacific Union, and even a North American Union between Canada, United States, and Mexico, and we’ll get to that in a little bit.8 But here’s the point. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the world’s being split up into different economic regions right now right before our very eyes, and I’m thinking they’re going to end up with…ten, how about you?

And then if that wasn’t scary enough, we not only see the world being split up into 10 different economic unions that the Bible said would happen in the Last Days, but we even have the birth of the Revived Roman Empire that the prophet Daniel said would come in the Last Days! It happened with the signing of the Lisbon Treaty that hardly anybody has even heard of! Check this out! This recently happened folks!

Jimmy DeYoung on the Revived Roman Empire

Mrs. Clinton, when she met with Katherine Ashton said that this was unbelievable what had happened. It was historic. You know most people in America never even heard what was going on in the European Union, with the Lisbon Treaty being ratified on November the 3rd. And on the 19th of November. These two elected leaders taking charge of the European Union. In fact, Mrs. Clinton made this statement "That decades from now we'll look back on this historic event" the treaty being ratified, the election of the leaders.

She called it a major milestone in the world's history and I think it is. I remember back when the treaty was finally ratified. We made the statement-

Watch in January. Things are going to move quickly- And that's where the E.U. is going. It's going together as Europe as a single unified country instead of 27 nation states. It is, I believe, a major milestone and we're starting to see it open before our eyes. The nationalities of the individual countries are disappearing. The sovereignty-they're giving up sovereign rights over their citizens. So what you have is a move from 27 states of the world that is sort of like a Federation, although it's not a true Federation. Moving to a single country, which now encompasses land area almost all of the former Roman Empire. And if we add the neighborhood policy relationships if you will, between the E.U. and the Meditteranean states, we are starting to see a Roman Empire forming.

Daniel chapter 7:7 talks about 10 horns on the awesome beast known as the Roman Empire. Those 10 horns according to Daniel 7:24 will be the revived Roman Empire who will come to power soon after the rapture of the church. The revived Roman Empire will play a key role in the geo-political communities of this world. But the Bible says prophetically in Daniel 2:44, in the days of these kings and the dates of the revival of the old Roman Empire, look up, Jesus Christ is about to come and set up His Kingdom that will be for a thousand years and then into eternity future. I believe we are living in that time period. But before the revived Roman Empire can come back on the scene, the rapture of the church must take place. And I think that that could happen at any time-even today! Hope you're ready to see Jesus Christ face to face at the rapture of the church.”9

And I hope you’re not left behind! Folks, this is all happening, it’s not make believe, it’s all happening right before our very eyes, for the first time in 2,000 years! A Revived Roman Empire is being put into place right now, just like the Bible said would happen in the Last Days! In fact, speaking of a Revived Roman Empire, we are now also seeing how Europe is wanting to elect a President to oversee all this Revived Roman Empire! And it’s not just any President but listen a “New Super President that would be the overall powerful leader of Europe, with responsibility over Europe’s economic matters, all foreign policy, and any European military operation. You know, absolute total control of a newly Revived Roman Empire! That’s what they want right now! Isn’t that wild! But that’s still not all. You talk about being ripe for the Antichrist who’s going to take charge of this Revived Roman Empire, as we just saw, but we are also seeing the planet readily admitting that they are totally willing to follow an actual Antichrist even I he’s the devil in disguise!

“This chilling quote is from Paul-Henri Spaak, former Belgian Prime Minister and the President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe. Here’s what he said:

‘We do not want another committee. We have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass in which we are sinking. Send us such a man and, be he God or the devil, we will receive him.’”10
Isn’t that wild? Folks, you put all this together, it sure looks to me like the planet is being split up into ten different economic kingdoms, there’s a Revived Roman Empire coming, and people right now across the planet are ready to follow some man, any man, who will lead this empire just as long as he brings peace and prosperity, even if he’s the devil in disguise…Gee, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, that’s what the Bible said would happen when you’re living in the last days.

But that’s not all. The 5th proof that we know really are headed for a One World Economy is what I call, the American Proof. You see folks, what many people do unfortunately is they assume that America “should” be in Bible prophecy because after all, we’re one of the world’s leading powers today, right? I mean, we’ve got to be in there, right? Not necessarily. In fact, I’d say no, not in a positive sense anyway, and we’ll get to that in a second. But what people unfortunately do is they is try to “squeeze” America into several Prophecy texts, when in reality is has nothing to do with us. Let me show you what I mean.

The 1st passage they try to squeeze America in is Isaiah 18 and the Tall Smooth Skinned People.

Isaiah 18:7 “At that time gifts will be brought to the LORD Almighty from a people tall and smooth-skinned, from a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers – the gifts will be brought to Mount Zion, the place of the Name of the LORD Almighty.”
Well folks, there you have it! Isaiah 18 is clearly talking about a tall and smooth people who are feared far and wide that live in a nation that is divided by a river. It’s got to be America! We’re separated by the Mississippi River and we’re powerful and we’re filled with people who are tall, except Pastor Billy, it was a dry year when they plucked him, but this has got to be speaking of us, right? Eeench! Wrong answer! I know that’s what people want it to mean, I know that’s what they hope it means, but that’s not at all what the context means! First of all, the context is talking about the land of Cush, which if you do your homework is modern-day Ethiopia, which means the river dividing this nation is the river Nile. So, hello, no, as much as you’d like to think so, it has nothing to do with America.

The 2nd passage they try to squeeze America into is Ezekiel 38 and the Village of Tarshish.

Ezekiel 38:13 “Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages will say to you, ‘Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?’”
Well folks, believe it or not, there you have it! Some people would actually say, this passage here in the context about the Gog and Magog Battle, is talking about the United States of America. I mean, Tarshish they say has got to be England and the villages mentioned here must be speaking of England’s colonies, you know, like the United States, right? It’s got to be us! Eeench! Wrong answer! That’s what people want it to mean, but that’s not at all what the context means! First of all, the people in Ezekiel’s time considered Tarshish to be Spain, and so that would make the villages or colonies spoken here the nations of South and Central America, even if you wanted to look at it that way. And so either way, no, as much as you’d like to think so, it has nothing to do with America.

The 3rd passage they try to squeeze America into is Revelation 12 and the Great Eagle.

Revelation 12:13-14 “When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach.”
Well folks, there you have it! Revelation 12 and the Great Eagle, it’s got to be America! I mean, after all, one of our prominent national symbols is the Eagle…it’s got to be us who rescues Israel, right? Eeench! Wrong answer! That’s what people want it to mean, but that’s not at all what the context means! First of all, all you have to do is do your homework and go back to Exodus 19 where it says, “God carried Israel on ‘eagles’ wings,” which means God rescued them in the first Exodus, so He’s going to do it again in this next one. So, no, as much as you’d like to think so, the Great Eagle has nothing to do with America.

The 4th passage they try to squeeze America into is Revelation 17 and the Great Prostitute.

Revelation 17:1-2 “One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, ‘Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters. With her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.’”
So folks, there you have it! The Great Prostitute spoken here is clearly speaking of America. I mean after all, we rule over many waters, and we export all kinds of rotten adulterous material to the whole world, right? It’s got to be us! Eeench! Wrong answer! Yes, we do, do that unfortunately, but that’s not what this passage is talking about. First of all, the context is speaking of Babylon the Great, the one-world religious harlot system that comes against Israel and is also in conjunction with the political system of the Antichrist. And yes, maybe America has unfortunately been showing signs of turning their backs on Israel, and we’ll get to that in a second, but we’re not the Antichrist’s empire that controls the entire world. As we just saw earlier, it’s clear the Antichrist does NOT rise out of the United States. He comes out of the Revived Roman Empire, which is being formed right before our very eyes in Europe, not here. So, no, as much as you’d like to think so, Revelation 17 has nothing to do with America.11

And so the question is, “Does America appear in Bible Prophecy at all?” I would say maybe, only in Judgment. I you look at Isaiah 34 he declares that all the nations that come against Israel in the Last Days will be judged. And so if we fall anywhere in Bible prophecy, I’d say it’s this. Unfortunately 1 day, the United States will no longer be a friend to Israel and will actually become an enemy instead and will be judged by God or this behavior! But hey, good thing we see no signs…of…that…happening…any…time soon. Yeah right! What’s our current administration doing! They’re turning their back on Israel like never before! We’re in a heap o trouble! But, speaking of Judgment, I not only see America heading towards unfortunate destruction like Isaiah 34 warns, but I also see us disappearing from Bible Prophecy through a process of integration In other words, we’re going to be “swallowed up” or “integrated” into one of the 10 Economic Unions that Revelation 17 talked about. And for those of you who don’t believe me, I got proof.

The 1st proof we know America is going to be swallowed up by an Economic Union is the Currency Proof. Folks, believe it or not, right now there has been talks and plans for many years now, for the United States to be merged into what’s called the North American Union. And this proposed be a “union” would be made up of the United States, Canada and Mexico and have a new currency called the Amero. And believe it or not, it was leaked out several years ago on a financial news broadcast. Check it out! You tell me if somebody’s not serious about this.

CNBC interview on the Amero

Steve, we also just heard from Paul Chuck, although he does expect the dollar to weaken into Christmas from against the Euro. Do you that momentum will impact any other asset classes?

Steve Previs: Well, I'll tell you, take a look at the precious metals that taken off on the upside on the back of this dollar drop. We're coming into an encyclical bottom for gold and it rises going into December/January. So,  that might be the reverse of the dollar fall. Apart from that, I think people who are dollar bases need to focus on is the Amero. That's the one thing that nobody is talking about but I think is going to have a big impact on everybody's life in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. If you Google it, you will find out all about it.

Well you can tell us a bit more about it right now.

Previs: You always hear it on CNBC The Amero is the proposed new currency for the North American community which is being developed right now between Canada, U.S. and Mexico to make a borderless community much like the E.U. and the dollar-the Canadian dollar, the U.S. dollar and the Mexican peso replaced by the Amero.

Do you really think that will get any leeway?

Previs: Ah, you may want to visit a couple websites and see how far along it is. The Canadians are pretty upset about it, where as the Americans apart from the Texans who know anything about it, the rest of the public is really with their head in the sand on this one.”12

Hmmm. You mean to tell me that the United States, Canada, and Mexico is going to have a new currency called the Amero, and we’re going to be pushed into an Economic Union the Bible said would come in the Last Days. But come on! That’s just some wacky conspiracy stuff! Really? Makes you start to wonder why the two main language taught in schools or many years have been either French (you know Canadian) and Spanish (for Mexico). Maybe they’ve been working on this for a long time.

But that’s not all. The 2nd proof we know we’re headed for an Economic Union in the Last Days is the Highway Proof. You see folks, right after that video came out on the Amero, there was tons of people scoffing about it saying this is all just a bunch of baloney, this is some wacky conspiracy theory stuff. And that guy just happen to make a mistake, live TV, and just got caught up in the hype on the Internet that you can’t trust in the first place. Really? Well, it’s one thing to scoff at a news broadcast talking about the Amero, but what do you do with all the other news broadcasts that talk about a new highway that connects all three countries? How do you “splain” that one Lucy? Check it out.

NAFTA Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs: Open border advocates are refusing to acknowledge rising evidence of a NAFTA Superhighway. Many in the Mainstream Media absolutely refuse to acknowledge the reality. The plans could be a major step towards that North American Union of the United States, Canada and Mexico. President Bush said that opponents of a NAFTA Superhighway in his view are laying out a conspiracy. Senator Obama says he sees no evidence of a North American Union. Even some news organizations are criticizing me for raising the issue. Time Magazine journals Joe Klein accused me of quote "spewing false and inflammatory nonsense." So we asked Bill Tucker to report on the issue. He found that there's plenty of evidence for plans for new transportation links between Mexico and Canada and only in my opinion, a fool would refuse to see those links.

Bill Tucker: There is no NAFTA Superhighway. Not officially. Some even call it the invention of the far right wing. But some politicians find the denials almost laughable.

Rep. Ted Poe: The folks in Washington are in denial about the NAFTA Superhighway or whatever you want to call it. It's the concept that there will be a highway-freetrade-from Mexico through the central part of the United States, all the way to Canada.

Tucker:  In Texas, planning and development is underway for what are officially called "Transportation Corridors". The Trans Texas Corridor. I-69, a combination of railines, utility lines, car and truck lanes, plan to be as wide as three football fields laid end to end. It will be financed by a private foreign company, most likely Spain Centra, who will then own the lease on the road and the revenue generated by the tolls. Texas may use Eminent Domain to lay claim to some of the land needed to build it. For an imaginary road, there is a lot of money and effort involved and some very real opposition.

Large group of protesters marching and shouting: WE DON'T WANT THIS CORRIDOR!”13

But we all know those people are marching against something totally non-existent and is nothing but a wacky conspiracy…theory…yeah, right! And did you notice a company in Europe in Spain will control the whole thing?

But that’s still not all. The 3rd proof we know America is headed for an Economic Union in the Last Days and that is the Political Proof. You see folks, believe it or not, I know it might it a tough cookie to swallow, but we’ve got to deal with the facts. There is treason in high places in our country today! And for those of you who still want to scoff at this Amero talk and NAFTA Super Highway and combining all three countries into a North American Union, all you need to do is look at the political proof. If they weren’t serious about doing this, then why have all of the Presidents from all three different countries been meeting together for years and talking about it? I mean, if you’re not serious about it, why do you keep meeting together making plans for it, as far as Bush administration!14 But hey, maybe that was just the Bush administration. I mean, after all, the media clearly thought he was kind of loopy anyway. I’m sure the President of Mexico had no plans for this…really? You might want to check this out. Meximericanada.


Beck: Now four years ago, I bet I was alot like you. I started paying attention to the border crisis and I thought to myself-why is this happening? I mean it doesn't even make sense. I thought we thought about security. Well since I couldn't apply logic in understanding what was happening on the border. I started looking for alternative theories and it took me down lanes I didn't want to go. But honestly, I mean who's watching the border? Who would benefit from these things screwed up. I hate to break it to you but after 2 years of denying it and saying this can't be. It's the only reason I have found that explains everything that's going on in our country with the border. Our country has been sold out in the name of global profits and votes at the ballot box. This is where the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America or SPP comes in. This little agreement, international agreement, cooked up by President Bush, the former President of Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada. Their mission is to blur or completely erase the borders between Canada, U.S. and Mexico to get goods and services freely flowing between all three countries in the dream of one big happy MexAmeriCanada and that would finally become a reality. Sound great? Not so much.

On Larry King live, where everybody like you, like me who've been saying now wait a minute I don't want to believe this, but it looks like it's happening. We've all been called crazy. This is what Vicente Fox said on Larry King live.  Roll the tape.

Vicente Fox: What we propose together, President Bush and myself, it's ALCA which is trade union for all of the Americans.

Larry King: You mean like the Euro dollar, you mean?

Fox: Well that would be long, long term. I think that the processes to go first step in trading agreement. And then further on, a new vision like we're trying to do with NAFTA

Beck: He says in this interview that he's asked, "So it would be like the Euro dollar?" "Well long, long term".  I was with one of the country's leading economists, having dinner the other night and I said what point do you start-and this guy's an optimist- I said at what point do you start worrying about the dollar. And he said, "Glenn, about six months ago"  He said its "almost like we're intentionally destroying the dollar.”15
Hmmm. Maybe because we’re being prepared to receive a new currency combined with all three countries. But hey, maybe that’s just Mexico and the united States. I’m sure Canada would never go along…with…this…really? Well actually, they’re leadership is saying “surrendering your National Sovereignty is the right thing to do to secure a new future! Check it out!

Global Governance Ottawa: Prime Minister Paul Martin

Paul Martin: Let me close with just one more thing on this question of sovereignty. It's very difficult for a large country to accept that somebody is going to come in, like the United States or like the Europeans and is basically going to come in and say, "You're not doing your regulation in a proper way."  Fair game. But what's going to happen when China and India, are economies as powerful as the United States or Europe. And what's going to happen when there's a mortgage meltdown in India. What's going to happen when a Chinese hedgefund goes under and the results of that tsunami don't stop at the Chinese or Indian border. But that in fact you find them in Idaho or Iowa and California. Who's going to deal with that? Unless we're prepared to understand that in fact we're all going to have to give up a little bit of our sovereignty in order to make the world work.”16
In order to form a New Economic Union between Canada, United States, and Mexico that will be one of the 10 Economic Unions the Bible said would come in the Last Days. Okay, but maybe that was just the Bush administration and era. I mean, we’ve got a new President now who’s promised all kinds of change but I’m sure this is not the kind of change he’s talking about…is he? Well folks, he’s carrying the torch even further. Shocker! Check it out!

North American Union

Lou Dobbs: Well another announcement today by President-elect Obama, giving new life to the North America Union. A plan by business and political elites to tear down the trade barriers among the United States, Canada and Mexico and to create a NAFTA Superhighway. All of which to be done without the approval of Congress or the American people. President-elect Obama named a diehard free trader and a NAFTA supporter to be his U.S Trade Representative. Bill Tucker has our report.

Bill Tucker: Ron Kirk is President-elect Obama's pick to be frontman on trade. Kirk made his name in politics serving as Mayor in Dallas, where he was known as a staunch supporter of free trade agreements, NAFTA in particular. He was a big proponent of a trade corridor from Mexico up through Texas. A road he once referred to as a NAFTA freeway.

His nomination was welcomed by the U.S Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers. Advocates for a change in trade policy are not so happy.

Now the apparent contradiction in Obamas words and actions has activists on another front worried.  Last February, Obama pledged that he would resume the Security and Prosperity Partnership talks between Mexico and Canada that President Bush initiated. He also said that the talks will be 'transparent'.  Those opposed to the North American Union say that now whether he will or will not deliver on that promise becomes something they doubt, Lou.

Dobbs: Well this is, this is..early on,  the President-elect is starting to look like when it comes to trade, as Lori Wallach, a public citizen pointed out, Global Trade Watch, I mean the old boss is starting to look a lot alike the new boss.”17
In other words, it doesn’t matter what President we have or what party gets elected, they’re all in it together and they’re all working at destroying our Great Country The United States of America. It’s not only treasonous, but it’s fulfilling Bible Prophecy before our very eyes. It’s allowing us to be swallowed up into one of these 10 Economic Unions that the Bible said would appear on the scene when you’re living in the Last Days! No wonder we’re not found in Bible Prophecy, other than Judgment! We got integrated! Folks, this is all happening right now before our very eyes.

But that’s still not all. The 6th proof that we know really are headed for a One World Economy is the Currency Proof. That’s right folks, I’m not talking about a Cashless Society and folks, believe it or not, that’s exactly what the Antichrist is going to need to pull off his Last Days Society and Mark of the Beast! But don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to God’s.

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