To my parents, Jack and Marilyn

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Luke 21:28 “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
People, like it or not, we are headed for The Final Countdown. And so the point is this. If you’re here today as a Christian, it’s time to get busy! We’ve got to lay aside our differences and start getting busy working together saving souls by the Spirit of God! Amen?

But if you’re here today and you’re not a Christian, then I beg you, please, heed the signs…heed the warnings…give your life to Jesus today…because the last place you ever want to be is in the Antichrist’s Kingdom and he’s going to monitor everything! And I mean everything, like this guy found out!

Pizza Palace
Mary: Pizza Palace where you have it in 30 minutes or its free. This is Mary. Can I take your order?

Customer: Hi, uh Mary, yes I’d like to order.

Mary: Is this Mr. Kelly?

Customer: Uh, Yes.

Mary: Thank you for calling again sir. I see your national identification number is 610204998-45-54610 is that correct?

Customer: Uh, yes?

Mary: Thank you, Mr. Kelly. I see you live at 736 Montrose Court but you’re calling from your cell phone. Are you home?

Mr. Kelly: I’m just leaving work but I’m..

Mary: OH! But we can deliver to Bob’s Auto Supply! That’s at 175 Lincoln Avenue, yes?

Mr. Kelly: NO! I’m on my way home. How do you know all this stuff?

Mary: We just got wired into The System, sir.

Mr. Kelly: Oh...well...I’d like to order a couple of your Double Meat Special pizzas.

Mary: Sure thing. There will be a new $20 charge for those, sir.

Mr. Kelly: What do you mean.

Mary: Sir, The System shows your medical records indicate that you have high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol. Luckily we have a new agreement with your national health care provider that allows us to sell you Double Meat Pies as long as you agree to waive all future claims of liability.

Mr. Kelly: What!?

Mary: Do you agree, sir? You can sign the form when we deliver but there is a charge for processing. The total is $67 even.

Mr. Kelly: $67?!

Mary: That includes the delivery surcharge of $15 to cover the added risk to our driver traveling through an orange zone.

Mr. Kelly: I live in an orange zone?

Mary: Now you do. Looks like there was another robbery on Montrose yesterday. Hmmm. You could save $48 dollars if you ordered our special Sprout Submarine Combo and pick it up yourself. Comes with tofu sticks, they’re very tasty sir. Good value too.

Mr. Kelly: But I want double meat.

Mary: Well I’m sure you can afford the $67 then. You just bought those tickets to Hawaii-they weren’t cheap, eh?  Ohhhh, I see you checked out the Budget Beach Bum at the Library last week. Hmmmm. Up to you sir.

Mr. Kelly: Alright, aright. I’ll get the Sprout Subs.

Mary: Good choice, sir! Gotta watch that waist if you’re hitting the beach, eh? 42” inch waist, wow. I’d say tofu and sprouts is like required.

Mr.Kelly: That’s HOW MUCH?

Mary: Just between you and me-there’s a $3 dollar off coupon in this month’s Total Men’s Fitness magazine. Your wife Betty subscribes to that right? Anyhow, clip that and it’s $19.99 even. WHOA! Looks like you maxed out on all your credit cards.”30
But wait a second. Do they really have secret databases on us? Uh, yeah! Maxine Waters spilled the beans. Check this out!

TV One’s Washington Watch

Maxine Waters on Obama’s database

Roland Martin: Look the inauguration represented the beginning of his 2nd term.

Maxine Waters: Yes

Martin: But it also represented the countdown of the end of his presidency

Waters: That’s right

Martin: And the reality is, like anything else, you better get what you can while Obama’s there because look, come 2016, that’s it.

Waters: Well you know, I don’t know. And I think some people are missing something here. The President has put in place an organization that contains the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful. That database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before.”31
Well gee, that’s not nice! You secretly put in a huge database on everyone that’s bigger than anything we’ve ever seen! Why didn’t you tell us about that? But that’s not all! They not only monitor our Information System as you just saw, but our Communication System and last time we saw how they even monitor our Transportation System and our Camera System. You’re not going to be able to run, or flee, or do anything like Jesus said because they’re not only monitoring your vehicle anywhere on the planet, but they’ve got cameras watching you anywhere on the planet! You’re not going to be able to hide!

But that’s still not all. The 4th type of big brother surveillance system they’ve already put into place to FORCE US to go along with this One World Government is the Location System. You see, you might be out there thinking, “Well, there’s no way they’re going to get me! Okay, so maybe they’re going to control my personal information and build this huge massive database on me and pigeonhole me into doing what they say, and maybe they’re going to grab control of all my communication devices and listen to what I say, especially that word “Jesus.” And maybe they’re going to track and control my vehicle wherever I go, and if I try to escape on foot they’ll still see me with one of these cameras they’ve got installed everywhere! A light post could give me away! But hey, forget that man! I’m just going to stay in my house. Yeah, that’s right! I mean, after all, a man’s castle is his own domain, right? Safe and secure! They won’t get me! Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m free!” Really? Not if they control your location! Folks, believe it or not, the Bible warns us that not even your home is going to be a safe place during the 7-year Tribulation! But don’t take my word for it. Let’s listen to God’s.

Matthew 24:15-22 “So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel – let the reader understand – then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house. Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak. How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now –and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”
Now folks, as we saw last week, in this passage, the Bible clearly says that the during the 7-year Tribulation after the Antichrist shows his true colors and goes into the rebuilt Jewish temple to declare himself to be god, that’s the abomination of desolation spoken of by the Prophet Daniel that Jesus is referring to here, people are going to be fleeing, right? Jesus says you need to get out of there now in quick flight, right? Why? Because again as we saw last week, Zechariah says that it’s going to be a time of horrible slaughter. Just the Jewish people alone, 2/3rds of them are going to be annihilated! That’s why Jesus says “Get out of there and FLEE!”

But that’s not all. What did He say you shouldn’t do? He said the last thing you want to do is “FLEE” to you house, right? In fact, I’d say any dwelling because the Greek word here for “house” is “oikia” and it means, “yes, a house, but it’s also means “an inhabited edifice or dwelling.” And so maybe the reason why Jesus says specifically to “get out of town” and “flee to the mountains” is because maybe any building whatsoever won’t be safe at this time! And that means, not just your house, but your workplace, your favorite pad, or even your Church Sanctuary, no inhabited edifice or dwelling is going to be safe! You just need to get out of there! Run, flee, and head to the hills, like Jesus said! Why? Because has it ever occurred to you that not even your “home” is going to escape Big Brother’s Eye? And for those who think this is still science fiction, believe it or not, they’re already doing it! Believe it or not, these same people who are pushing for a One World Government are already grabbing control of our Private Locations!

And the 1st way they’re doing that is Through Our Computers. That’s right folks! Believe it or not, for those of you who think that you’re just going to stay safe and out of sight in at your home or work when the hammer comes down, after the Antichrist shows his true colors and goes on that manhunt, you’re wrong! He’s going to use your computer to keep an eye on you! Believe it or not folks, they right now not only have radar guns that can peer through concrete walls and see you if you try to hide in any building, including your home, but they even have satellites in orbit with the same capability on the way.32 And Government officials right now can actually aim an antenna at your computer monitor screen, and from the radiation emitted from it, they can reconstruct the images on their screen…and monitor you! In fact, it’s so commonplace now, you don’t even need one of these devices! Anyone can tap into somebody else’s computer and spy on them literally through their webcam! Check it out…they’re called Ratters!

Yahoo News/Upgrade Your Life:

Becky Worley: There’s a new type of computer spying on the rise and its, ugh, really creepy.  It’s called “ratting” using remote access tools for rats. To gain control of a victims computer. Once a hacker has access, they can completely control the device. What’s on the rise is an online community of voyeurs, who turn on the web cams of these ratted computers. They record these videos and some even post them in forums or on YouTube to share with others. When a computer is controlled, it is called a slave. Ratters like to scare slaves, by displaying graphic image files on their computers or opening the DVD drive remotely. They can even make the computer read aloud using text to speech applications just to startle or annoy victims.”33
You are my slave, the Antichrist owns your machine! Not that far away, is it? Kind of creepy, isn’t it? But hey, maybe that’s just those computer geeks or those disgruntled boyfriends we saw on the cell phones, but I’m sure that’s as far as it’ll ever go. Well, actually, believe it or not, it’s going much farther than that! Believe it or not, there’s already an international movement going on right now for the Governments around the world to grab total control of your computer and take anything they want from it under the guise of copyright violations. It’s called ACTA or the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. Check it out!

RT News: Not so private computers

Personal computer may soon be not so private with the U.S. and some European nations are working on laws allowing them access to search the contents held on a persons hard drive. President Obama’s administration is keeping unusually tight lipped about the details which was raising concerns among computer users and liberty activists.

Almost everyone owns a music player and a laptop. But what if the government decided to allow itself to get into these personal devices and for no specific reason whatsoever. And extreme secrecy from the public, the United States is hammering out an international copyright treaty with several other countries and the European Union. Under the Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement or ACTA, governments will get sweeping new powers to search and seize material thought to be in breach of copyright. But why all the secrecy? But what it will do on a larger scale is let Big Brother watch you however this time on a completely different level.

Leaks from the text suggest that border guards will get unprecedented powers to search travelers without warning. They will be able to go through, copy and confiscate any digital material a person has on their laptop.”34
Create a crisis and you can manage the outcome. We have a copyright crisis! Let us control your computer and keep everything safe. Any Government around the world can have access to my computer and take anything they want, under the guise of copyright! Well, that’s convenient!

And for those of you who think that’s not fair, believe it or not, you may have already given them the permission to do so? How many of you guys remember that program “Cash for Clunkers?” You know, they came out with right after the Economy crashed to get us to buy cars? Wasn’t that a great program? Wasn’t that wonderful? Well, you may not think so after this! Believe it or not, what they didn’t tell you was that once you signed up to that program, you just gave all your rights of your computer up to the Government! Check it out!

Beck: This is frightening

Guest: It really is. People shouldn’t go on it right now. While you’re doing this.

Beck: Do not do this at home. Trust me you’ll understand why. Okay, can you take a shot of this right here Oscar? Um, here’s Let’s say you go in-if I understand this right-I go in and I say, ‘I want to turn in my clunker’. The dealer goes to and then they hit submit transaction. Here it says privacy act and security statement. And your like, ‘oh its a privacy act from 74, oh whatever, i agree’ Let me show you what it DOES say when you pull it up. Can you pull up the full screen on what it says. A warning box comes up and it says:

“This application provides access to the DoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the U.S. Government. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DoT, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign.” 35

Wow! What a lie! So much for personal privacy in your own home! Looks to me like we’ve been snookered! And it also looks to me like for the first time in man’s history, put all this together, even if we try to stay at home during some horrible time frame instead of fleeing, it looks like our computer will turn us in! They’ll know exactly where we are and what we’re doing! No wonder it’s going to be a bloodbath!

But that’s not all. The 2nd way they’ve already grabbed control of our Private Locations so we can’t flee from a horrible situation is Through Our TV’s. Ahhh. Are you serious? Yeah, they’ve already thought of everything! You see, you might be thinking, that when this time of calamity hits in the 7-year Tribulation and the Antichrist goes on his hunting spree that you’re just still going to try to stay home and keep safe, but you won’t have any of these “new fangled” computers! No siree! You’ll just going to stick to your good ol’ fashioned Television Set! They can’t monitor me with that! Really? Well, you’re assuming folks that with all these “new fangled” TV’s that they keep getting us to buy every single year, that they don’t have some sort of special capability. You know, being able to watch you back! But that would never happen, would it? Well, all I got to say is George Orwell 1984 eat your heart out! Check this out!

Laura Warren: Big screens, flat screens but there’s no screen  --it’s kinda like going to the movies--like this screen.

April Ramos: There’s like Netflix on it, you can Skype, I think you can play some games on it.

When you think of the mac daddy of television, Samsung’s Smart TV is it.

Ramos: It has all kinds of cool things. You can download APPS like you would on an I-Phone.

Warren: April Ramos bought the Samsung Smart TV last summer and so far it’s lived up to it’s expectations. From Skype, to Netflix, banking to social media the TV does it all. But with the good...

Samsung has said they are aware of the problem and that they are going to fix it.

Warren: ...comes some bad.

If it’s connected to the internet, including your phone, there’s the possibility of a security breach.

Warren: Just last month a security firm demonstrated in this video how they were able to hack into the Samsung Smart TV. The “hole” in the Smart TV could potentially allow hackers to gain access to sensitive information through your TV. And perhaps the scariest possibility-the new TVs have built in cameras, which means your TV could be watching your every move.

And they can pretty much view the camera 24/7 if they wanted to.”36

Gee, sounds like these new fangled “Smart TV’s” really should be called “Big Brother TV’s, how about you? Is there anything left on George Orwells vision 1984 that’s not already in place? Folks, correct me if I’m wrong but it sure looks to me like if we try to stay home during some horrible time frame instead of fleeing like Jesus said, our TV’s are going to turn us in! We’re not going to make it, they’ll be watching our every step! No wonder it’s going to be a bloodbath!

But that’s still not all. The 3rd way they’ve already grabbed control of our Private Locations is Through Our Weapons. What? Are you serious? Yeah folks, it’s getting pretty crazy! You see, you might be out there thinking, “Well alright, when this time of calamity hits in the 7-year Tribulation and the Antichrist goes on his hunting spree, I’m still just going to stay home but I’m going to get rid of all my computers and all my TV’s and I’m going to stockpile weapons just in case they try to barge in my home!” Really? You don’t think they’ve thought of that too? What do you think’s behind all the news lately and this push for a ban on all our weapons? You really think that’s by chance? This is precisely why our Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment in the Constitution….to protect from evil dictatorships. They knew if a Government went evil, the people had to have the right to bear arms to protect themselves! Why? Because gun control is the first step to True Tyranny! Just ask these guys!


And folks, this is why the Founding Fathers put the 2nd Amendment in there. We need to have the right to “bear arms” to protect ourselves! But not anymore! They’ve convinced us to give up this right with all these school crisis, AHHH, these shootings, and other shootings in public, to let them control our weapons. Yet in reality when you look at the facts, weapons are actually safer than doctors.38

Doctor Related Deaths Per Year
Surgery-Related 32,000

Unnecessary Procedures 37,136

Infection 88,000

Medical Error  98,000

Malnutrition 108,800

Bedsores 115,000

Outpatients 199,000

Adverse Drug Reactions 322,000

TOTAL: 999,936
Weapons Related Deaths Per Year
TOTAL Weapons Deaths 13,636
Now folks, maybe it’s just me, and maybe I’m not the best at math, but I’m kind of thinking we need to start a ban on doctors, how about you? Isn’t that the same logic? Isn’t that the greater need? But that’s not all. Folks, I’m telling you, they’ve thought of everything! Even if these laws don’t ever passed on gun control, they’re actually working on a way to keep you from being able to fire your gun in the first place! Believe it or not, they’re working right now on a new technology that restricts your ability to even fire a gun, unless of course you had a chip in your hand! Check this out!

CNN report: Smart Guns

All eyes on Washington this week as your political leaders are working on a gun control bill to expand background checks. Behind the scenes, inventors and entrepreneurs are coming up with their own solutions to try and curb gun violence. They’re called “Smart Guns”. Makers say they’re childproof and could prevent future tragedies.

What if you’re gun could only be fired by your hand? The New Jersey Institute of Technology has spend the last 13 years developing a gun that analyzes a person’s grip and only fires for it’s owner. The goal here is using science technology to make sure that someone, who’s not supposed to fire this gun does not fire this gun. A child. A criminal. Someone who’s taken the gun and tries to use it against you.

Michael Reece (Assoc .Professor, NJIT) Right, or stolen the gun or actually had someone else buy it

ArmaTix, a German company, takes a different approach. It’s guns are activated by a watch and a unique pin number.

It says it’s good. You’re now able to shoot. Ready to fire.

Ready only if you’re wearing the watch. If at any point an unauthorized user takes the gun and I try to shoot, it will not fire.

TriggerSmart uses similar wireless technology like what’s in electronic toll readers to unlock it’s guns.

Robert McNamara Now I’ll introduce the rfid tag, and now the gun is ready to fire. The chip can be worn in the form of a ring on you’re finger or a bracelet. Now they’re starting to imbed chips in humans in the fatty part of the hand.”39

So now I won’t be able to fire my gun, unless I have a microchip in my hand. Smart guns, smart TV’s, smart phones, smart computers, doesn’t sound too smart to me? Sounds pretty dumb! Sounds like for the first time in mankind’s history, if you try to hide out in your house during some horrible time frame, and even try to defend yourself, you’re toast! It ain’t going to happen! No wonder Jesus said get out of there and flee, it’s going to be a blood bath.

But that’s still not all. The 4th way they’ve already grabbed control of our Private Locations so we can’t flee a horrible situation is Through Our Drones. That’s right folks, you talk about the ultimate Big Eye and the Sky! We got them! They’re called Drones and for the first time in the history of mankind, we now have armed machines that can not only fly in the sky monitoring anyone anywhere on the planet, but they can take you out as well! They’re called UAV’s or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. And they’re not only being used to monitor and “take out targets” from the air around the globe, but for the first time our history, they’re being used on American Citizens.

RT Game of Drones

Liz Wahl: Well we begin this afternoon with signs of the U.S. maybe moving in the direction in becoming a police state. Now we’ve heard about drones being used in the Middle East. Most recently Iran seized a U.S. drone accused of spying on the country. But now reports that Predator Drones are being used on American citizens on U.S. soil. This video pretty much sums it all up.

Nelson County North Dakota sheriff, Kelly Janke was looking for 6 missing cow on the Broussart family farm. But three armed Broussart brothers chased them away. Janke called the Highway Patrol, the SWAT Team, the Bomb Squad and a Predator Drone operated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.  The Drone was used to surveil the property until the Broussart brothers were observed to be unarmed.  Then the S.W.A.T. Team moved in to make the arrests.

Liz Wahl: Yep, that really happened an unmanned multi-million dollar drone was reportedly used to help local police to track down stolen cows and their owners. So what is happening here in the U.S. and is this a sign of things to come?”40

Unfortunately, I think it is, but let’s back up a little bit. Granted, stealing someone’s cows is a serious offense, I totally agree, but come on! Using a Predator Drone on an American Citizen period, let alone just for stealing cows? What else is being done that we don’t know about with these drones? I thought they were just for those terrorist people in foreign countries? And again, what if we the Christian became a terrorist? Will they use it on us? And by the way, this was kind of creepy. How many of you guys realize that at the last U.S. Census Bureau they did, when they came to your house, do you know what else they were recording on us? They used machines to take our precise GPS location of our house!41 Hmmm. I wonder why? GPS coordinates come in handy for a Drone Strike! But hey, that’s just crazy thinking….but I wish I could just stop there. What’s even crazier is how this Drone technology is advancing so fast that they’ve also come out with what’s now called MAV’s or Micro Aerial Vehicles. And what these thing are, are miniature tiny drones that look like a fly or a bird, but it’s not! It’s a drone that can not only monitor you, but take you out! Don’t believe me? Check this out!

Micro Air Vehicles

Micro Air Vehicles, or M.A.V.’s will play an important role in future warfare. The urban battlefield calls for tools to increase the war fighters situational awareness. The capacity to engage rapidly, precisely, and with minimal collateral damage. M.A.V.’s will be integrated in the future Air Force layered sensing systems. These systems may be airdropped  or hand launched, depending on the mission requirements.

The small size of MAVs allows them to be hidden in plain sight.  Once in place, an MAV can enter a low powered, extended surveillance mode for missions lasting days or weeks. This may require the MAV to harvest energy from environmental sources, such as sunlight and wind, or from man made sources such as power lines or vibrating machinery. It will blend in with its surroundings and operate undetected. MAVs will use microsensors and microprocessor technology to navigate and track targets through complicated terrain such as urban areas.

 Small size and agile flight will enable MAVs to covertly enter locations inaccessible by traditional means of aerial surveillance. MAVs will use new forms of navigation, such as a vision based technique called ‘opticflow’. This system remains robust when traditional methods such as GPS  are unavailable.

Individual MAVs may perform direct attack missions, and can be equipped with incapacitating chemicals, combustible payloads or even explosives for precision targeting capability.”42

Okay, I’m getting rid of my birdbath and I’m stocking up on fly swatters. Wow! Can you believe that? Folks, this isn’t make believe, this is reality now! The Antichrist has got it worked out that there’s no safe place to hide! You better run like Jesus said! But folks, the Bible is clear. Even with all this technology, God is the One Who’s in Charge, not the Antichrist! And He demonstrates that by sovereignly protecting 1/3rd of the Jewish people! 1/3rd are going to make it out alive as we saw last week.

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